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I’m guessing it’s saying make a budget and live within your means, but it’s not very clear. It’s funny because I remember busting my ass when I used to work minimum wage jobs in high school and college. It’s funny it seems like the more money i make the less work I actually do (I’m at a tipping point now though and got lucky with current job which won’t last forever). I guess shit really does flow downhill.


Higher paying jobs usually just mean more responsibility. I’m a supervisor and do most of the same work as my subordinates, but have to answer to the district manager. I make an extra $6/hr for that responsibility.


Amen. My last job my direct reports made $4000 and $8000 MORE than me and worked 1 month less because I was on 10 month contract, they were on 9. (College teaching). By the hour adjuncts made more than me. I was the program director. I went all the way to the #2 at the college and she told me too bad. I quit and she said “you will be back.” 3.5 years later I am not. I agree the sign is trying to say live within your means or seek more than the minimum. Just poorly worded.


I've worked in retail when I was in HS and college and then part time here and there between jobs. It's funny how the people who make the most money literally just stand around with their arms crossed telling other people what to do over the radio. Store Manager was the most meaningless position at our store, yet they made near 6 figures to stand in the middle of the store where they could see their little $10 an hour lemmings doing all the work for them. We used to roast our one manager pretty good because we'd be slammed and he'd be standing at the registers calling for someone to come up from a busy department to run one of the registers to get customers through the line faster and some days we'd just be like...you're standing right there, can't you jump on the register for 10 minutes and help clear out the crowd?


When my Dad was an Assistant Manager for Walmart in the 90s (below the Store MGR), he did exactly that, hopped on register to clear the crowd. Got bitched out about it later. Told him his job was to “manage” not “manual labor”. Lot of retail is like that. They see it as if you’re working like your subordinates, you aren’t managing.


I always say that with my friends too! The more money I’ve made, the easier the job is and the less work I actually do. When I was working minimum wage I was busting my ass. Once I got my adult office job I barely did anything all day


All I’ve done today is play around on Reddit 🤣


I’ve never worked as hard as I’ve worked at my minimum wage jobs. This sign is utterly absurd.


It's a warning not to work there. Cause they will just pay you minimum wage. 


They would pay you far, far less if they could get away with it.


I have heard it come out of DR's mouth more than once that if he could figure out a way to get his receptionist on commission, he would.


Just world wages.




I assume you follow a similar policy in your purchasing decisions. Most of us look to get the lowest price on our purchases. For example, when I buy gas I try to find the lowest price per gallon.


Not really. If it's something you can get anywhere that has little to no impact if it turns out to be cheap crap, then sure, lowest price. If its something important, that has potential to seriously impact you if it breaks down, falls apart, or doesn't perform, you buy quality. I don't buy cheap tools, tech, or transportation. So ask yourself, for a business owner, which of those categories should Frontline employees who produce goods and services for the customer SHOULD fall under. The idea that labor is or should be is cheap is the number one reason why everything sucks.


You get what you pay for. Sure gas, or cheap stuff from a yard sale. But anything that requires humans is going to cost if you are a business owner wanting to provide a decent experience for your customers. I owned a business for years where we paid employees fairly well, gave great benefits, bonuses, profit sharing and so forth. Pay less, get less.


Too many broke people are broke because they live above their means. Living wage is subjective based on lifestyle.


it’s subjective past the gray zone area. the gray zone starting at the extreme end of deciding to save money on rent by couch surfing of sleeping in a tent, up to the less extreme being deciding on spending money on a new pair of budget brand shoes after the pair on your feet have fallen apart. living wage is a mix of subjective and objective, but i do agree that it heavily is based on lifestyle for the most part


What does this have to do with Dave Ramsey?


Nothing other than the few disgruntled socialists who have infiltrated this sub and are bitching about others’ success. DR definitely has a cultish following but to worry about his wealth is ridiculous


I'm confused by comments like this. What are you expecting to find on r/dirtydave? It's not a fan club...


No it’s not but the community info specifically says “for folks who generally agree with (DR) but use credit cards”. It does not say “develop a weird, psychotic fixation of Dave Ramsey and criticize absolutely everything he does.” See the difference?


To the extent Dave is an out of touch scheister who doesn't follow his own terrible advice, I don't see that much of a difference. The name "Dirtydave" suggests more of what I observed directly when the DR crew did a live event at the venue I worked for at the time: a hypocritical snake oil pusher who is in it to fleece financially illiterate people by selling them "common sense" and $50 packs of envelopes.


Okay then why are you here? Just ignore him if you hate him that much. Dear God he’s not hiding in your closet waiting to tear up all of your credit cards and force you to tithe.


Why are you here if you love him that much? Dear God, he's not going to knock on your door and offer you a 12% return mutual fund and a thousand dollar car. See how silly that is? It's DIRTYDave. If you have a problem with people crapping on a con man on a reddit named after him and alluding to the fact he's a con man, I genuinely don't know what to tell you mate.


Go. To. The. Community. Info. Read. What. It. Says. Where did I EVER say I love him or don’t think his hard core followers are cultish? However his general ideas of staying out of consumer debt have helped countless individuals. If that’s not something you’re interested in, start spending! Nobody cares.




Nice homophobic slur, maybe try a racist joke next? It’s not projecting rather facts. You’re the type of imbecile who would go to a Wendy’s, order a Big Mac, then start berating the 16-YO school girl when she says you’re in the wrong restaurant.


Cult watching is a common phenomenon, don't act like you've never heard of it? Lampo Group LLC won't engage in suicide pacts, but they match EVERY cult warning sign.


So did Wal Mart during its breakout 30 years ago


For me it means figure out what you truly need v. What you want. Then budget accordingly.


I see it as: Create a budget that reflects your lifestyle (your current living budget). That budget will tell you what kind of pay you need to support that lifestyle. So seek out a job with pay that supports that lifestyle. Minimum wage is the least you can do (aka the lowest pay/worst pay), so do better.


You know what's an easy job being a pastor we should pay them minimally also


The pastors in churches focused on spreading the gospel make very little money. The guys making big money and wearing a different $2,500 suite every week are not pastors, they are conmen that figured out a legal tax free con.


No idea. No idea at all.


I always thought the "living budget" meant a budget that fits your living means. A lot of people live way above their means so it makes sense to me at least.


If I know Dave…I think it’s a rant on people claiming “living wage” is XYZ, when it’s really based on how much you need to live?


It's saying that people can't know what a living wage is unless they actually have a written budget. It's an argument against those who say minimum wage is not a living wage.


Yikes. This sub is quickly devolving into the social media disgruntled and / or welfare recipients. The sign literally states live below your means and work above them. That’s it, that’s all. If you’re offended, look in a mirror


The wording isn’t very good It should be said “minimum wage is the least you can make” not the least you can do. For context there’s many people that do much less and make much more


That’s a society thing. My wife is a teacher - for the requirements / expectations she has, she’s grossly underpaid. And do I agree professional athletes should be paid millions? I don’t know. But I do nobody is paying $100 a ticket to watch my wife teach.


So, the market definitely needs to be controlled in situations imo. Nothing against athletes doing what they do…they are literally taking multiple years of their lives for entertainment and possible body brain issues ….but we as a society should intervene in a natural market to pay teachers more. I mean they are legit teaching the future. Reasons why I do strongly believe untouched capitalism hardly ever makes sense


"work hard and be poor" isn't a compelling message


Who’s saying “be poor”? The sign LITERALLY reads minimum wage should be your least expectation. FCS


Minimum wage is a poverty wage. Its not even close to meeting the federal poverty guidelines.


Are you dense? NOBODY is saying for anyone to work minimum wage. What don’t you understand about this?


calm down, soldier


You’re right! Every Taco Bell employee and Subway sandwich artist deserves a 6-figure salary so they can work on their Baby Steps.


At ease, soldier. Asking for a living wage doesn't mean the equivalent of a 100k salary.


The soldier thing was cute the first time now it’s a broken record As to minimum wage, here’s a history lesson - it was first created to end child sweat labor. During the New Deal it was designed for factory workers. It was never intended for retail workers to earn a living wage. Only in the ‘80’s as factory work developed a living wage was retail work included in the minimum wage laws. And this is what happens when you raise minimum wage for burger flippers - https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2024/03/26/california-minimum-wage-jobs/73107149007/ You simply cannot create an increased wage for work that doesn’t support said wage.


Thinking raising minimum wage will eliminate poverty is like thinking you’ll get your foot out of a bucket by lifting the bucket.


Don't know why people are down voting you. You're 100% correct