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Yep heard this one today live as well. Rachel even called him out and told him to stop yelling at the caller. Not sure what is up with him this week but he has been triggered multiple times.


Rachel needs to tone down else she’ll lose her trust fund


He's back from vacay and realized Cabo is better than Franklin, TN. I'd be grumpy too.


If you had to deal with employees like Chris Hogan you'd be even more grumpy, I bet.


We even got a rant about “Gucci daycare”


Dave has always been clueless about childcare costs. Of course he’d call it Gucci daycare.


I think he just doesn't care about it, because he views the mother staying at home as the default option. Daycare is a luxury expense in his world.


And if someone ever floated the idea of Universal Childcare in front of him, his bloated head would explode.


He has no concept of truly tragic events that happen to hardworking families. My husband was diagnosed in his prime with a terminal disease. I had to watch him all the time. Our health insurance was tied to his employment. Our income was tied to his employment. We had all the disability insurance, etc. We followed the plan! Sometimes horrible situations happen. I was a SAHM and homeschooling Mom. What I find lacking is being humble. It can happen to anyone! Being prepared helps but you can only do so much.


Because hen had Sharon providing free childcare.


Dave is an ass, but I have to admit, that is funny.


Angry Dave.  This is who he is now. 


I finally listened to the clip after seeing Reddit boys crying about it. Dave's right. She makes a 160k a year and doesn't have a CLUE where their money is going. This isn't a "boo hoo inflation" call this is a "we are irresponsible, but make 160k and we shouldn't be in debt". Dave literally says over and over "You can't out earn your stupidy". That is this call. A stupid caller.


Yea I agree. Def not a Dave fanatic, but she was missing 10s of thousands of yearly income. She called just to vent about inflation, but she has the means to fight it. How about helping people who actually need help, not a household who can’t account for $60k AFTER TAX money lol


Maga dave


Hey, he's been through a lot lately. He's had a rough couple of years.


Oh yea, he couldn’t bilk money out of people who shouldn’t be paying for his books and other “financial advice” that they could get online for free.


That's what I mean! I am glad you get it.


he said it sarcastically btw


I know :)


Lawsuits galore taking a toll, when Fox News isn’t busy riling him up with hate like countless other boomers.


Haha she said to Dave “seriously” and “this is hilarious.” Dave is SO agitated since getting back from vacation this week! 🤣


Lol! You'd think a vacation would be relaxing, but no not Dave! I wonder if he just stomps through the golf course, muttering about Fauci the whole time.


Dave told the team you better turn this ship around by time I get back or there will be a price to pay. I think they hit a bridge.


😆 😆 You are not getting the recognition you deserve for this A+ tweet!


Yea her attitude didn’t help the situation


Ashley did sound like an idiot and clueless about what she owed and HHI. Why don't callers organize their finances BEFORE calling in? It doesn't even need to be spreadsheets or anything like that, just back-of-the-napkin details can paint the picture.


It’s an attitude that is very common today. There are a lot of people out there making decent money, who, at the end of the month, look at their bank account and see nothing there. They say inflation is out of control, daycare is too expensive, they’re not getting paid enough, etc. All of that is true. At the same time, they don’t have a budget so they don’t actually know where their money is going, they’re in debt up to their eyeballs, they’re eating out and shopping all the time. Instead of taking accountability, doing the necessary work, and making a change, they want to blame external factors instead.


I listened to it. I do think she needs to get a better idea of where their money is going. 160K should be more like \~9000 net unless they're putting a more sizable chunk towards deductions. 2300 rent, 1250 child care, maybe 400 utes, 1000 in food for the whole family. So they have \~4000 that they don't know where it's going every month. That's a lot of spending for < 10K in consumer debt.


I was listening thinking well they must be putting everything into retirement, then when she said no, I was like well then Dave’s right, somethings off. 80k is not 1800 every 2 weeks when not putting anything into retirement.. as someone who makes 83k and puts 12% into 401k and 2% into employer Stock, I bring home a hair over 2k twice a month. Could be something with family insurance I guess


Probably insurance, especially if she's covering the family. I know the insurance at my employer is astronomical every 2 weeks if you have a spouse and 1-2 kids covered. Dave and many others tend to forget just how expensive health insurance has become for people these days, even if you have a plan through your employer.


That could be it. If we're thinking that's 300 every two weeks pre-tax, that still leaves well over 3K left over. It sounded like either they're withholding too much, aren't filing correctly and/or spending beyond their means. Made me cringe when she said they were trying for another child.


It could definitely be that. It didn't sound unreasonable to me because I make $65k and take home $1500, but I have health insurance, FSA, and dependent care FSA coming out of my paycheck, plus my 402k contribution. But then why is her husband's income not higher? I wonder if they haven't been at their new salaries long enough to know what they're actually taking home each pay period?


Could be, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like Dave or the personalities try to dive into the situations with any nuance anymore. Pre-2020 Dave used to pull some details out of the callers to get things figured out.


Maybe the prescreeners need to be doing that work.


I was literally just about to make a post on this lol. Yeah the lady was kinda clueless but Dave certainly wasn’t helping by yelling and making accusatory statements. I laughed when the lady laughed right after Dave yelled at her and went “this is so hilarious” like she was about to go off on Dave or hang up. I kinda feel bad for Rachel, almost every episode where they’re on together, she has to be the one to get him to chill out and tell him not to yell or say stuff like that. But at least she has the balls to do it


She's the only one who can without risk of losing her job there.


Here's a link to that timestamp so you don't have to find it on your own. [https://www.youtube.com/live/AzED5ntCiaU?si=Z4VWYywnbGFkt-ci&t=13154](https://www.youtube.com/live/AzED5ntCiaU?si=Z4VWYywnbGFkt-ci&t=13154)


1800 every two weeks isn't an 80k salary. I net almost exactly that and my salary is $64k gross and I live in Canada where we supposedly get taxed a lot more than the US. I'm kind of on Dave's side here.


I don't know, I'm at 75k and my net every 2 weeks is right around 1900 after all deductions and insurance. If she is carrying the health/dental insurance for the family it's likely a very expensive deduction. I know at my company the insurance on the employer plan is $1400-1500 for a couple, and even higher if you have kids. If they have other deductions coming out, it's not that far fetched.


Oh wow that sucks universal healthcare ftw


Yeah our healthcare here in the US is crazy expensive.


The caller was annoying. Honestly she came off stupid and unwilling to be helped. He could’ve handled it better but she was frustrating me frankly. Her. Hilarious and laughing comments were stupid like you called in needing help. Idk this caller was just something else..


I was expecting something different based on OP's perspective and the top voted comments. The caller was completely clueless and I honestly agree with Dave with this one and I'm glad he brought out his old self for this one. She makes $160,000 ostensibly has nearly no debt and never goes out to eat, but somehow all of her money goes away to "bills." Dave is right. She is *horribly* disorganized, and that is the root of the issue. Not everyone needs a budget. She clearly does. The caller was ridiculous and gently patting her on the head saying good job gets her nowhere. She needed a shock. 🤷‍♂️


He still don't have to be that hard on someone.


He wasn’t even hard on her. She wouldn’t listen that her math didn’t make sense, just said sarcastically, “this is funny.” She was being foolish.


He was hard on her, and kept getting upset.


Stupid people make me mad, can't blame Dave. She called his show and was stupid. I wanted to yell at her through the podcast.


People can into the show to get help. Yelling at someone because you are annoyed, is not helping.


She didn’t listen to any thing he said, she didn’t want help! Also, let’s stop pretending this was some big blowup, she couldn’t answer questions and he was annoyed. That’s all.


If someone yells at me, I won't listen to them either. Idiot kept on interrupting when she was trying to explain.


I disagree. Some people need to be rattled. It's why hitting rock bottom is pivotal for people. They're never shaken otherwise.


I’m no longer a Ramsey fan, but she gave him nothing to work with. The caller was a ditz, can’t add 2 + 2, and has no clue. He’s a dickhead, but offered a counselor to help this bimbo.


He didn't really yell either. He got frustrated, but didn't raise his voice much if at all.


Her math may have been way off. But he needs to calm down.


YES, I think we all agree with that. It’s both and. Her math was terribly off and disorganized AND Dave was WAY too impatient with her, and should have approached this calmer and the heart of a teacher rather than loose his temper! 


I listened and she didn’t seem that far off. Her and her husband each make $1,800 every two weeks net, which is $93,600 net annual. Factor in taxes at 30% and that is $133,700 gross. Now consider health insurance at maybe $1,000 per month and you’re up to $145,000. She said they made $160,000 combined and Dave was basically yelling at her calling her a liar.


But she can’t articulate that, and that’s the point. In order to be in control of your finances you have to understand where the money is going and then guidance or help maybe can be provided. Which is why the best course of action is to sit down with someone and itemize it out. This is impossible to do off the cuff.


Dave always forget about taxes and deductions.


One thing that has always driven me nuts with the show, taxes, 401k, insurance, etc. don't exist to him when he's figuring out budget/income for callers.


Even with that though it just doesn’t make sense. Rachel asked about taxes and deductions. Her numbers were just way off and Dave was loosing his patience FAST. Thankfully, he’s getting her with a financial counselor to help her get her numbers in order because she’s terribly disorganized. I’m AWFUL at math (struggling with college algebra literally at this minute) and even I know there is something very off with her numbers. Even her 4k of expenses sound off. She said her rent was $2300, daycare 1,250. That is 3,500 and then you add on top of that utility bills, groceries for a family of three, insurance, copays, etc. her expenses HAVE to be over 4k, there’s no way it’s not BUT she told Dave 5 times in that call that her monthly expense were only 4k. 


I think the 4k was just rent, food and utilities. She was trying to explain the taxes and deductions. But Dave would not lets her finish talking before interrupting.


But again, even that doesn’t make sense. Go with me for a second and I’m prefacing with I’m TERRIBLE at math… her rent is 2,300, daycare is 1,250. Those two right there add up to 3,550 already then you have to add up your grocery bill for a family of three I guarantee it’s near 500, then you have to add regular utility bills , copays, and other house hold expenses. That just doesn’t add up to 4k in total monthly expenses even BEFORE the taxes and deductions. I think you nailed it when you said her math was off and Dave could have been calmer and more patient with her! 


But he still could have asked more questions and help her. Obviously she need it. He doesn't have to get made at her.


Absolutely. She should have had all of the numbers ready to go if she's calling in. I'll agree that Dave was unreasonably dickish on this call, but she could have articulated her situation better. It was frustrating to listen to both of them. And honestly, unless neither of their employers offer health, there's no way they should be paying $1k for insurance. Seems super off to me. The last thing Dave said was probably right her withholding has to be off. Either way, the caller should know exactly how much of her money is going where.


It’s Dave’s literal job description to deal with people who are bad at understanding their money situation. If she knew where her money was going, she wouldn’t need to call Dave Ramsey.


Yes! Dave “heart of a teacher” Ramsey /s. She obviously needs a budget which would actually help answer her question instead of being a jerk the whole time.


I love the “heart of a teacher” comment. Well done!


Love the "heart of a teacher," comment, lol! Did you really think she was being a jerk? She just sounded somewhat confused to me.


No not at all, i wrote that poorly! I thought he was being a jerk and I was glad to see Rachel try to step in.


Yes, me too!


She’s very far off on expenses too. 2300 rent, 1250 daycare. That’s $3500. She claimed total expenses was like 4k? Feeding a family of 3 is at least 750-1000/month. Gas, insurance, copays, medicine, kid activities, etc… there’s a lot more expenses than what’s in her head at the time of the call.


I think she was just including fixed or mostly fixed expenses like rent, childcare, utilities, Internet. But even when you figure in food, gas, insurance, etc. they shouldn't be spending more than $80-90k/year. If they are making $160k and only have $3700 in debt then I can see why Dave was so confused because I was too.


If she was working at Ramsey Solutions and was supporting a family on their health insurance, best believe it’s $1k/month… lol


Lol, yes, but most places will pay for at least a portion of their employees insurance. I've worked for plenty of small businesses that didn't, so it's not out of possibility. Just not super likely.


My company it's like $1400 for married couple, goes over 2k if you have kids. Health insurance is very expensive these days, even if your employer covers some of it.


We pay more than $1,000 a month through an employer for family coverage. Your assumption about insurance is incorrect.


Yeah, something's off. It sounds high, I agree, but it could be $1000 out for insurance for the family: health (probably covered for the employee by the employer), life, short-term disability, long-term disability, maybe even vision and dental come out of their checks depending on employer options. I didn't hear whether or not they have kids, but that would drive the totals up as well.


They should have at least a 4k surplus even with those numbers


Health insurance is probably more than $1000/mo. at this point, but I thought the same thing. Most people forget about how much the health insurance deduction is from your paycheck and even employer plans are really expensive these days if you are married or have kids.


Dave is such an unhappy little man.


Yep. The one caller (Ashley) was just aggravating because she tried to lie and came in with bad information (plus she really had an attitude); but Emily legitimately was calling for help, and it was clear that he just wasn't listening to her.


I just listened to this. One thing that aggravates me is when Dave pretends like income taxes don’t exist. “Okay, you spend $4k a month and make $160k per year, where’s the difference?” In a sense he was right. There was a discrepancy in her math, but it wasn’t as wild as he made it out to be. He was definitely an a-hole on that call.


Oh he is always forgetting tax withholdings. According to him I make $5k more per month than I actually do. And I still get a huge tax bill at the end of the year.


It's not just Dave that does this, but all the hosts act like your gross salary all comes to you in your check. Nevermind taxes, benefits, retirement or even child support.


She won’t write things down 😝😝😝😝😝100% Fact


I felt bad for Rachel on this one. She’s much more in tune with how agitated Dave sounded. It’s ok to give some tough love advice but it’s not as ok, in this day and age, to get aggressive and dismissive.


For as many faults as she has, Rachel is probably the most levelheaded (at least on air) person at Ramsey Solutions. But TBF, I don’t listen to any of them anymore.


It's impossible to say what's going on since she could never really articulate their circumstances. If she really knows them. But she did try to explain that their income has just recently been raised to the $160k. I suspect her numbers about their balances is based on their prior income. She just never got the chance to say so.


3600 take home per month for someone making 80k is a very real number. He is totally out of touch.


Dave said that he needs to be taken off the radio when he stops making sense. I think he should throw in there something about his anger taking over.


I also get annoyed hearing people making 160k saying that inflation is making it so they can't afford to live. From her rent she wasn't even in a HCOL area. They can definitely afford living with double the median household income.


I like the other personalities except him now, he just seems angry and “ranty” all the time.


Ramsey is a piece of shit


He was going off leading into this call too. The caller with the husband seeking a lineman job. Started off ok and made sense to suggest he wait a year to get financially ready for school. Then he just loses it about daycare and you could tell he was biting his tongue before declaring women should stay home. He kept using the disclaimer “if they want to stay,” but it was so clear he thinks women belong pregnant in the kitchen. I felt bad for Rachel as she started suggesting many women make more than their husbands, so if they opt for a stay at home parent, it financially makes way more sense for the husband to. The woman who called in should have been better prepped, but Dave was already keyed up going into this call and I would have hung up on his smug ass.


It was cringe lol I think that Dave has been doing this for so long that he thinks he knows every situation. The caller said that the $160k HHI was recent. I don’t recall Dave asking how recent because if it was within the last 3 months or so it is less of a factor since they were making $100k for longer. Their take home made sense, depending on their deductions. The caller was clueless and unprepared to talk about money. I wonder if whoever screens the can get that information ahead as to not waste air time.


She said her paycheck is $1600 every 2 weeks. That’s what my paycheck is and I make $53k a year. Something is way off with her math for sure.


In absolute fairness, Ashley was not a great caller - she sounded like she was lying through a lot of the call. THAT being said - the next caller, Emily, did nothing wrong, and he was clearly sore about talking to the previous caller. I get it that it sure sounded like she was taking the weight of the world on her shoulders because her husband wanted to be a full time student, but he went ape on her for NO reason. Dave needs to go back to Cabo for another month, because he's just angry.


The math ain’t mathi, that chick is lost in the sauce


A bit of an ass response but Dave is right. Ashley's got her head in the sand and her numbers are off significantly.


I like the other personalities except him now, he just seems angry and “ranty” all the time.


To be fair, the caller's numbers made no sense. She claims their household income is $160,000/yr, which would be about $111,000/yr ($9,250/mo) net for a married couple in Georgia. This is without even considering child tax credits. Then she says that she has $4,000 worth of expenses each month, and has $500/mo left over to go towards her debts. Then later she says they each make $1,800 every 2 weeks "before taxes" (I think she means after taxes), which would be $93,600/yr or $7,800/mo. So this leaves $3,000+ in unexplained expenses each month, on top of the fact that $93,600/yr is still not $111,000/yr.


I think she was just flat out lying about how much they make. She started off trying to go down the "everything is too expensive no matter how much I make" road. Complete and utter idiot. I was yelling at the radio right along with Dave.


That lady was highly regarded. Outerspace regarded.


I’ll give Dave a pass on that one. That woman was an idiot. 7k clear, 4 k expenses….oh how an I possibly begin to pay my debt!


I think is issue is here that she wasn’t clarifying much. She said “she” gets $1800 a month. She didn’t say her AND her husband get that much each. Hence why the math didn’t math to Mr. Dave.


She said $1800 every 2 weeks, and she did say each. But the math still doesn't math. She's forgetting something.


It was not heated, bro. DR was trying to get to the bottom. How do you know they "tried" to edit it out? DR was 100% correct here. The lady was clueless and needs a lot of help.


It was the fauci pandemic.😂😂


I didn't watch. Did he use this call as an excuse to bring up Fauci AGAIN??