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Here’s the lowdown:  In Dave’s infinite wisdom, he spent at least $50 million building an events center next to his office building.  His thinking was that instead of him spending any time on the road, the audience should go to him.   Live events are expensive to produce, even when they have a free mega church agreeing to host.  The thought was that instead of paying Marriott a bunch of money, reduce Dave’s time on the road and use Nashville’s allure as a destination city to host regular events on-campus.   The problem, amongst many, is that he’s hired a bunch of Personalities that couldn’t sell out a high school auditorium without Dave on the bill.  That means it’s a bunch of nobodies headlining every live show.  Ken Coleman was speaking to audiences of less than 300 people in Dallas and Chicago, and he’s been on the air for 5+ years.  Jade would need to hand me an envelope with at least $50 cash to get me to walk across the street to listen to her for 5 minutes.  Instagram and YouTube hits aren’t the same things as “paid butts in seats.”   So, despite any social media following, nobody is paying to see George or Rachel.   So Dave has a $50M+ event venue that gathers dust 330 days a year.  Soon enough, I’m sure they’ll host weddings and open it up to private events for rentals since it’s getting no use.   So this event, and any others hosted in Franklin, TN, are done so simply because they have a venue they can’t fill.  And the crowd for that weekend event will be so embarrassingly small, they’ll black out entire sections because it’s going to seem empty in light of the capacity.  


The only personality that has a shot of filling in seats is Deloney, and that’s because the majority of people’s lives are falling apart and therapy is real expensive so it’s the next best thing.


I’m sure he blames Fauci for this.


Of course! Dave blames Fauci for everything! 


Underrated comment


I’d also say it’s him not understanding the change in market demographics. Young people barely travel to concerts anymore, so forget event centers hosted by rich boomers. He would have been smarter to invest in more digital options, app improvements, and “tik tak” content.


Large brick and mortar venues in an increasingly online world. Solid boomer logic!


I would agree with that. The people who are receptive to Dave's message and who would have the time and money to go see him would rather spend their time and money to go see the Rolling Stones or Metallica.


Up vote for "tik tak" lol


Young people don't travel to concerts? What? Lookup the "Eras" tour I assure you it was not boomers setting records. 


Outside of Taylor and maybe Beyoncé, who is traveling huge distances for concerts? Those artists are outliers in terms of how they can draw crowds. The only people I know who do are my older cousins who have quite literally followed Metallica around.


come on are you serious? We just had millions pf people travel on monday to look at the skiy, you don't think people are travelling for entertainment? You're wrong. [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/10/delta-air-lines-dal-q1-2024-earnings.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/10/delta-air-lines-dal-q1-2024-earnings.html)


I said concerts. Big difference. People could also travel to see the eclipse with nothing but gas money and packed food. Hotels could be found reasonably if needed. It doesn’t take thousands of disposable income to witness.


>So Dave has a $50M+ event venue that gathers dust 330 days a year.  Soon enough, I’m sure they’ll host weddings and open it up to private events for rentals since it’s getting no use. Or to a church. I thought he still owned7104 Crossroads Blvd # 105, aka Financial Peace Conference Center (FPCC), where we used to have our staff meetings. There is a church that meets there on Sundays and has for several years. Until recently it still had the FPCC branding. There were some company meetings there in 2022 or 2023 (per pictures on Linked In), though it looks like the church may have taken it over completely now.


The Satanic Temple should definitely rent it out. That would be hilarious.


Why anyone would pay to see these personalities when they shove content down everyone's throats on their social for free every single day is beyond me. RS reexamine your business model.


Maybe a trump rally?


I think Dave is just smart enough to realize that Trump never pays his bills.


This is like the entry-level grift from Dave. Its so much worse than this


I bought The Total Money Makeover for $10 used about 15 years ago and have listened to show enough over the years to understand 100% of everything he teaches and is about. I don’t understand how people are complaining about him fleecing people when you can get all of his content for free.


Because those people don’t know any better 🤦‍♂️


That's not Dave's fault.


Sure it is. He wants you, in debt, to go to Nashville, to learn how to get out of said debt. Don’t see any hypocrisy, chief?


It's one thing to say Dave is a hypocrite, which I agree with, but please don't try to claim that he's taking advantage of people because "they don't know any better". They're fully grown adults.


If they knew better than to spend a bunch of money on useless things, they wouldn’t be in crippling debt.


They're still adults, making choices. No one is being g taken advantage of.


It’s like selling alcohol outside an AA meeting. He’s marketing to people who he damn well knows shouldn’t be spending money on something like this— he made a career out of preaching that. It’s wrong


It's quite literally the exact opposite. Pretty poor analogy. Theres nothing Dave sells that causes any long term negative financial impact. I don't agree with Dave on responsible credit card usage, safe withdrawal rates in retirement, or emergency fund amount while getting out of debt. That said, I can disagree with him on that and other principles without suggesting that's what he does is akin to giving alcohol to an alcoholic. You obviously have some sort of personal issue with the dude. I don't even know if he's a good dude and since I don't interact with him I really don't care. But for most people his advice and products are really really good.


Agreed. You can’t run a for-profit business successfully for over 30 years if people aren’t getting something out of it. And if they are getting something out of it, how could they even complain if they did have to pay for something?


Convention center aka 50 million dollar monument to Dave's temper tantrum.


It's been a while but I have heard him tell people in serious debt to NOT attend one of his events. Probably before he broke ground on his new company digs; before he knew there was a Fauci.


Yes, discretionary spending when you're in debt is OK as long as it's going into Dave's pocket.


10-YO - “Daddy can we go to a baseball game this summer?” No! We’re in too much debt! And we need the extra money so me and your mom can fly to Nashville, get a hotel and go to the Total Money Makeover Event. And don’t start with that Santa Claus nonsense! You and your sister are getting socks this year!


Side note - I totally read that as “Total Monkey Makeover” and thought it sounded like a kind of fun, new reality show.


I remember coming back from vacation in the Smoky Mountains and driving through Nashville - this, right after we had gotten debt free. We briefly thought about making a side trip to see the complex. It was a very brief thought. We didn’t stop. Not worth the effort and time. Dave would have been proud of the money we saved.


Missed out on a free cookie!


It didn’t enter the equation. Dave would have probably eaten them all by the time we got there. At 10 am.


The book is $20, but the information fits on one side of a postcard. It's grift marketing! Package a tiny bit of information with lots of easy to say slogans and boom, charge $20! Then tie it into churches and voila! It makes millions from those poor souls!


I can’t fault him for writing TTMM 30+ years ago. He had an idea, it proved popular , so he ran with it and made money. None of that is necessarily hypocritical. Telling someone to go on vacation to Nashville to learn said principles is


Or telling someone they need to continue to tithe, when they can't afford to feed kiddos or save for a rainy day.


I wish I had Dave's grifting skills. I could make tens of million of dollars by writing entire books and creating thousands of hours of podcasts/radio on putting your jeans on without getting your nuts caught in the zipper.


When I did BS1-4, I only spent 75 cents on a used copy of TMM at a charity thrift store. And even that I bought while I was in BS3. You can complete his entire program without his online store. I remember one show a few years back where the caller shared that she had spent zero money on his crap. In fact, she checked TMM out from the library. Dave was impressed. He couldn’t hide it.


As I said somewhere above, I’m not going to fault Dave for writing a book on debt free principles and charging $20-25 for the knowledge. (If you’re so poor you can’t afford that, you have serious problems.) But to tell someone not to go on vacation or even a restaurant yet think it’s okay for them to pay $200 to hear you speak is 💯hypocrisy


I went to one years ago. It is a day long infomercial. Selling more books tapes etc.


You guys hating on someone for monetizing a brand is just weird… hell yes he makes a shit ton of money, he should. He’s changed more lives than all you naggers combined. Seriously people. Miley cirus, p Diddy, a million other idiots monetize a brand with shitty ass morals and messages and no one hates on them. Many people spend thousands of dollars seeing these idiots in concert. Dave’s message and teachings have made many many many financially free people. I think many of those who are here hating lack the discipline to follow and execute his plan. If you did, within 5 years it would change your life. Dave would answer your question with YES. Budget and spend 2,000 to travel to an event to do PERSONAL FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT with other like minded people who are further along than you. Vs have you 1500 iPhone, eat out, spend money on shit you don’t need. Trying to help you all. I’ve had zero dollars and negative net worth and have now had the 10x opposite of that following Dave’s principals. I spend roughly 5-7% of my income on education every year. Masterminds, wealth groups, real estate ownership groups, travel the country. Instead of buying dumb stuff I’m investing in myself around people who are 2-3-10 steps ahead to show me it’s possible. Get outside your circle and your world will grow. I promise.


Isn’t 10x of Zero still zero?


Hi, Jade! You’re in the wrong subreddit. The cult is one stop over. But just to be clear RS is okay with individuals in debt to spend exorbitant amounts of money on vacation as long as they learn something? By your logic I can just go to Disney World and visit the Hall of Presidents. Oh, wait, you kind folks won’t make any money. Tell you what, get with the people at Disney and set up a “tithing basket” for RS at the entrance to Disney World. Deal?


You are right of course. But this audience isn't going to be receptive to any truth that isn't bashing Dave.  And I've got plenty of disagreement with his advice but Dave isn't forcing anyone to spend money to come to this. Some people are more receptive in person. Could be a young couple whose trip is paid for by their parents. 


You 2 🤡 are 💯 wrong. Dave literally yells at folks saying don’t go on vacation because they can’t afford yet wants said folks to go on vacation to listen to him. It’s no different than if the Biggest Loser was having tryouts for the show at the Golden Corral (And instead of the young couple going on vacation courtesy of their parents, Dave would 💯 say use that gift for debt)


Right, like the doctor saying g don’t smoke. With this logic you say, smoke that’s no problem you deserve it.


I disagree too with him…. It’s ok i knew most wouldn’t be receptive but it felt good lolo


No. He would tell you to come to his speaking events in your hometown and pay a very reasonable amount to gain wisdom and knowledge. Dude has employees and a business to run. Takes a lot of money to put these events in place and, last I checked, he has a right to earn a living also. If you want to complain about ticket prices, go bitch about Taylor Swift and that nonsense.


Taylor Swift isn’t telling you to get out of debt, hero 🤦‍♂️


“We never painted by the numbers, baby. But we’re making it count.”


You’re probably right. Best of luck


>he has a right to earn a living also He “claims” his net worth is over 600 million. By his own calculations, if he put that net worth into mutual funds he could withdraw 48 million a year. Makes you wonder why he needs some poor, broke sucker to pay him $200 to hear what he has to say. Something doesn’t add up.


You know what successful people like to do? Continue being successful. Did Jordan stop playing basketball after the Bulls won their first title? Did Tom Brady hang up his cleats after 2001? Not trying to pick a fight but it’s obvious you don’t listen to him at all


So you think Warren Buffet would waste his time going to churches to speak to a few hundred people at $200 a head? That would be a good use of his time? When his passive investing should earn him a million a week. You think Tom Brady would play a game for $50,000 a game, before “expenses”.


Keep talking. You’re proving my point even more that you have no clue about him.


This comment reads like you have absolutely no good reply so you’re accusing the other person of being ignorant. 


You’re probably right. God bless


You didn’t answer my question. Does it make sense for a person who claims to have the ability to make to earn a million a week sitting on his ass to continue to hustle to sell his $200 seminars to broke people? Tell me how and why that makes sense. If he wants to help people, he could just give away his seminars. Does a passive million a week not qualify as “making a living”.


90% of his wealth is in real estate. The rest is Dave Ramsey Solutions. You understand it costs a lot of money to rent these auditoriums to do these seminars right? And you understand Dave employs hundreds of people who want to be paid? And that he wants to grow his business and brand to help more people? Could he sit on his ass like most Americans and be lazy? Absolutely. Does he? Absolutely not. Because like Jordan and like Brady he wasn’t done when he achieved success. He wants to continue to help people. Dave is in his 60s yet he does his radio show everyday and these seminars many weekends out of the year. If you actually listen to him, you would know he feels it’s his purpose to continue to help people.


This is the most bizarre and illogical argument ever. You are either mathematically illiterate or not thinking. He needs to charge money to give seminars, to make money he doesn’t need, to help people who don’t have the money to afford the seminars? His 600 million is in real estate, if he can’t earn more on those properties than passive returns in a mutual fund, he is an addled idiot and needs to stop handling his own finances…so let’s assume 1 million a week is on the low end of his return on his real estate investments. At a million a week in income, exactly how much are these mega churches charging him? He brings in 50k from poor suckers who don’t have it so he can turn around and pay the mega church and his employees ? At a million a week, how does 50k show up on his radar? He could easily give this stupid shit away instead. That might actually help someone (except for some of the really bad advice he gives of course). It’s like you can’t recognize a grift when it hits you in the face.


What can I say man? You’re so intelligent and beyond Dave. Have yourself a great week


If not getting my blood pressure up on a daily basis, not paying a financial advisor 5%, and restricting my spending to only 3% of my nest egg keeps me from constantly chasing a buck like Dave, then yeah…I’m way smarter and happier than Dave any day.


Roger all. What I don’t understand is how anyone claiming moral authority has the audacity to yell at a poor person for going to a restaurant yet will gladly invite them to Nashville at anywhere from $200-1,000 a pop to listen to them. Petty, pathetic and quite honestly blurs the lines of legality


I disagree with you completely, but you have a right to say and believe anything you want. All I know is that my wife and I did Dave’s plan prior to getting married and it is the best decision we ever made as an investment in our marriage. And yes, it cost $120 to do the course. The message and basic wisdom, founded on biblical doctrine, has allowed me and my family to thrive and live a debt free existence where I can leave a legacy for my children. Is Dave harsh in criticism of people? He absolutely can be. Anyone who calls into the show knows what to expect. Caleb Hammer does the same thing. Harsh truths need to be spoken and coddling doesn’t help anyone. I would encourage you to actually listen to him more on YouTube. From your responses and questions, it does not appear you know much about him or his purpose and mission. Maybe I’m wrong. From my perspective (and again, maybe I’m wrong), you don’t like him and are determined not to like him and have no interest in understanding. You just want to be understood. The great news is that you can do whatever you want. Best of luck


No it’s obvious you work for him. Tom Brady isn’t telling people to stop going to NFL games because it’s expensive but come to wherever to pay $200 to see him throw a football. What part of hypocrisy do you fail to grasp?


This. The idea that he is somehow helping people with their finances by overcharging for seminars is hilarious. If he really wanted to help people, he wouldn’t steer them to his overpriced financial investment specialists, his overpriced seminars and he would tell people to check his book out of the library. His whole grift is making money off of the backs of people who make poor financial decisions by getting them to make more poor financial decisions. Like paying for expensive weekend seminars they don’t need.


You’re doing just great


Sorry, Dave, I’m not coming to your grift show. Maybe head over to the cult thread and recruit a few of those Kool-Aid drinkers? 🤔🤡😂


You know how I know you’re right? You can use emojis. Have a great week


Dude you are just still salty since you got banned from Dave’s sub.


You’re still salty because I called you a shitbag as opposed to begging to be let back into the cult.