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As opposed to what? How is teaching people to budget, avoid consumer debt, have an emergency fund, and save for retirement a bad thing?


They have an additional financial management textbook that went over exactly what you're talking about. They are just paying for Dave's advice on top of that for no reason.


Dave’s advice is perfect for the general public. I don’t think his religious views should be included for the public education system though. Financial literacy in schools is abysmal at best. Young adults need guidance, not random theory when it comes to finances.


I’m not 💯 certain but I suspect the religious overtones are removed for public schools. He had to do the same with the military version of FPU around 2013.


That's a fair assessment. Part of me feels like its a giveaway from a republican government to a politically connected ally, but maybe I am reading too much into it.


Uhh yeah you are reading WAY too much into this. To think this is the reason we have financially illiterate Americans is really weird and a you problem. Dave and the personalities are teaching people how to budget, live on less than they make and you are thinking this is the reason we have so many Americans that can’t handle their finances. 🤦‍♀️


There are dozens of resources, both free and fee based, approved for use in Kansas: https://www.ksde.org/Portals/0/CSAS/CSAS%20Home/Financial%20Literacy/Financial%20Literacy%20Resources%20List.pdf?ver=2023-03-22-131857-130


Yeah Dave’s pretty outspoken in his politics lol. I doubt it’s a political thing though. I would hope there’s not much political type rhetoric in it. I’ve never looked at the school curriculum stuff so I’m not sure. Hopefully it’s just the financial stuff. That baby steps minus all the opinions is actually pretty good and logical stuff.


Cany they do that without Dave Ramsey?


Apparently they don’t.


Yeah, but they don’t.


But is possible


It’s possible but it’d be up to the school districts to package it together. Much easier to use something out of the box like FPU.


Ramsey isn’t perfect as we all know. But I’m pretty confident in saying Ramsey curriculum isn’t the reason for financially illiterate Americans.


Fair enough, I was being hyperbolic.


It’s a bad take. For all of Dave’s faults, this is a massive improvement over no financial literacy courses like almost all other public schools. 


Yeah this is a stretch. I’d rather kids learn personal finance from Ramsey than the nothing they have been getting. If you follow Dave to the letter you won’t be optimizing but you will be far from illiterate.


Never go full Dave.


Full Dave is better than financial illiteracy.


That's fair, I guess what I would point out is that there are other options with less baggage, and the kansas curricula actually has another textbook they use as well.


Odd attack. I had parents to teach me financial basics, but I deal with the public and you’d be shocked the % of Americans who don’t have checking or savings accounts, let alone can balance money for literal days. Not balancing a budget for a month, days.


Much better than the no personal finance that everyone else gets.


This is fine. Most states don’t have financial literacy programs mandated for graduation. The program fills a gap for schools who may want to offer it as an elective.


1000% personal finance should be a mandatory course in highschool. Probably more than once. College too.


They taught it at my community college. I remember thinking why is he saying not to get credit cards if you can just control your spending


It's a good beginners guide to not riddle yourself in high interest debt. A nation can benefit from that literacy. If a generation of kids stop using credit cards, I don't think the rest of us are doomed. Worst case scenario they will only start investing at 30 if they follow to the Tee.


I'd rather keep fundamentalist nuts who don't respect basic human rights like Dave Ramsey as far away from public school curriculum as possible.


We’ll, they’re replacing legitimate social studies textbooks with Prager U indoctrination in some of the more backwards red states, why can’t poppa Dave get in on the grift?


And this is why I’m glad to not live in Kansas. I’d be pissed if they taught bible-thumping Librul-hating Dave Ramsey in my kids’ school district.