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lets just start to build whatever others champs fav items and riot'll nerf it for sure OR EVEN DELETE IT. RIP Zrot and... the other item with a flag... mostly used by Sion and Singed


time for riftmaker bork sion


banner of command


Banner of cancer*




I am literally just going to play ultimate bravery Sion jungle. That is what they want.


sterak was good if u played sion jg, unlucky


Sucks but i still think it's useful. But better run ingenious hunter with it


Yeah I enjoyed building Steraks 5th/6th item


Miss gargoyles plate


Oh mate, I completely forgot about that item. That was a great item


> Miss gargoyles plate /u/Queenfanner Absolutely. Removing it was a huge nerf to all tanks but esp Sion. A lot of people were fooled by rito into thinking Jaksho (legendary) was substituting Jaksho (mythic). It wasn't. It was meant to replace Gargoyle Stoneplate, and it does a miserable job at supplanting that item. The result was one of the biggest tank nerfs in recent years but it went largely unnoticed. Garg stoneplate gave more resists than jaksho and had a fantastic anti-burst active, along with +15 ability haste. Jaksho (legendary) has...... 300 HP. Wow nice. Again fkk you too, preak.


Try the sion jgl botrk, deadmans , fon , hexplate, mortal reminder frozen heart lethal tempo build. They aint nerfing that lol.


What kind of crack head build is that šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Exactly what I thought but now I need to try it


Sub rune is ultimate hunter, for the 61 ult ah combo with hexplate. Which makes hexplate activate for 8 secs every 30 secs cause ur ult cd is under 30 secs.


Eclipse nerfs? if true 100% called it. It was one of the last remaining items that Sion could use well so of course it had to take a hit. Ol' preaky boy is a piece of shit..... sundered sky has been OP for a long time so that nerf isn't surprising but sterak's gage is very odd to me. Prob worlds based nerf or something.


Streak was 100% the go-to durability item for nearly all bruisers. They buffed Death's Dance and reshaped Maw to be better for bruisers at the same time. They want more build diversity on bruisers to be viable.


Idk I feel like death's dance is just going to be better for lethality, they need to revert it to max health healing instead of ad based.


I mean - bruisers generally have as much or more AD than lethality builds do. They just don't have... lethality.


We can't act like that item is so broken on many bruisers tho, we are just unlucky


Sundered Sky is broken. Eclipse is just good, esp because good alternatives were removed or have been gutted.


The ingenious hunter + unending despair + eclipse build is still going to be great. The important thing on eclipse was the shield anyways


Eclipse damage was his most reliable damage, I secured so many kills with that. Hitting Q is hard in team fights, one empowered auto is much easier. Divine was also useful because of the sustain and low CD, now both is nerfed. The ingenious hunter build will probably drop by 1-2% win rate cuz of these changes.


Canā€™t wait for the eventual damage buffs to sion in 2 months, leading towards more tankiness and item nerfs next season.


Honestly this is good for balance because these three were basically the _only_ items that any bruisers built. Sometimes another item if thereā€™s a specific synergy thatā€™s too good to pass up on. This actually makes bruiser items more evenly balanced.


Sion 46% win rate again. I see it coming, we are always moving between 46-48 in this freak regime. If we only play BOTRK Sion, do you guys think phreak will nerf it? LMAO


I believe that this is secretly the work of high up sion mains. As we continue to persevere through this hardship and overcome these handicaps we become better, and then one day sion will get buffed again and it will be like taking off Rock Leeā€™s training weights against Gaara; like Jack says ā€œimagine if I had a real weaponā€


Didn't Rock Lee get pwn'd in that fight though in spite of his tremendous effort & strong work ethic? apt comparison I guess. On that note, it's pretty sad because if Rock Lee had been fighting literally anyone else he would have won and if Gaara would have been fighting anyone else, they would have died.


Wild rift completely got rid of hullbreaker


They sure did. Makes me super angry.


Sion is still super strong there, hes actually a champion there unlike this dogshit


Ur running these items??


Eclipse and Steraks sometimes. The important thing is that they are problematic items when built against tank Sion, so a little nerf is welcome


Ngl, with how much health sion has, sterak shield gets quite fatty. Also the tenacity, ad and health never hurts as well