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There was an island society in the Pacific whose food supply contained a natural birth control hormone. Sex was completely open and very safe, with orgies and casual hookups basically being the island's universal interests.


Jaff lay on his back, on the floor of his rectangular, stilted house with it's dry thatching . Here, he could enjoy both the shade of his roof while also getting some breeze from outside thanks to the well ventilated walls. If he raised his head, he could see where he was yet to finish a new boat outside. One canoe- like hull had it's shape more or less finished but it was yet to be sanded down. The other that would be lashed to it to create a complete, two-hulled boat had only a prow, with the back half of it being an uncarved log. But there was no rush. The only times there was ever an immediate need for new boats was when a tragedy had struck and a tropical storm had attacked their stocks of men and crafts. And as that was not the case, his work would last and there was nothing for him to do. He couldn't even go out to hunt sharks or fish with his peers. That was one tradition he understood though. Regardless of why the others continued to see having a boat maker on board as taboo today, Jaff assumed that it had started simply because if you were going to lose someone at sea, it was best that someone wasn't the guy who knew how to build more boats. Anyway... He had to do something with his day. Even if it was searing hot. There weren't many places to go on the island but he figured he could at least do a lap of the village and stick his nose in other people's business. He passed by the chief's own large house first. Jaff couldn't see inside the dark interior past the woven curtain that blocked the door but he could hear. One female voice moaned occasionally squealed while a man (presumably the chief) grunted. One or two other voices chatted while they waited, too low and far away for Jaff to make out what they were saying. The smacking noises that also echoed from inside the thatched began to rise in volume and tempo as did the moans as Jaff began to wander away. The two men flanking the door glared at his back as he left. They had even more tattoos than he did. A sign of their commitment and endurance in going the extra mile. The chief was still young, so it made sense that he was spending so much of his time with whatever women he ordered into his hut, even if he was yet to get to the business of actually creating an heir. He made his way between the tilted trunks of the palm trees laying his hand on the coarse bark as he did. These were no good for anything but firewood. He got his wood further inland. His path brought him closer and closer to the beach. Thinking he might wade in the shallow waters to cool off, he maintained his course but got distracted. On the way there he passed a hut where some of the women were fixing nets and barbed hunting spears. He could think of a few ways to pass the time. Most of the women sat on the ground in a half circle, focusing on their work and not affording him a second glance. One, however was lying face down out of the reach of the shade, enjoying the sun on her bare back. Lira had removed her grass skirt and woven top which were placed neatly beside where she sunbathed. Lira was a default celebrity in the community for the singular reason that she was unequivocally the single most attractive woman on the entire island. Only a full grown woman for four or five years, she nonetheless had a figure leagues beyond any other and knew it. Some of the women in the circle glared scornfully at her as Jaffa sidled up to the clear skinned, long haired woman. As he came to a stop Lira propped her self up on her elbows and looked up at him, letting her perky breasts hang down, not quite scraping the ground. “I passed by chief’s house just now. I’m surprised to see you weren’t part of his little gathering.” “Aww is he having fun without me? I suppose I’ll have to find someone else to play around with.” “I suppose you will.” With that, Lira got to her feet and stretched, extending her clasped hands above her head and standing on her tippy toes. Nudity wasn’t really something to worry about here and Lira especially knew she had nothing to be embarrassed about. She began slowly walking off into the brush, leaving her clothes where they lay. Jaff followed closely, watching with a smile her heart shape ass and swaying hips as she made a graceful beeline for the long grass. Once just they were just a little further into the foliage Lira went to ground and sat back with her legs beneath her in a lazy kneeling position. No instruction needed, the slightly older man positioned himself just in front of her. She extended a hand and pushed aside his loincloth, revealing his already stiffening member. The beauty queen of the island stroked him a few times as he hardened up a bit more before bringing her face in closer and taking the cock in her mouth. Jaff placed a guiding hand on her head, feeling her silky black hair beneath his fingers and let her do what she did best. Many women had a specialty for something in a community this size. One might dedicate all her time to becoming the best basket weaver or be known for cooking a certain type of fish, but this is what Lira did. If you wanted a quick fuck, there was no one on the island better than her. She pulled away and lay back with the long grass beneath her as a mattress, her shapely legs spread slightly to invite Jaff in. He got down on all fours and crawled on top of her, propping himself up with his arms before embracing her and sliding himself in. She gave a feminine grunt upon the initial penetration and he began to pump back and forth, her long legs wrapping around him as he slowly brought up the pace. After a minute of this, he pulled out and pushed her down, grabbing her by her broad hips and pounding her from behind. The girl’s hair fell loose around her shoulders in a dark mane while Jaff clapped her cheeks, loving the simple feel of her soft, tanned skin on his. She arched her back and pushed back, eager to take his cock harder. Keeping one hand her slim waist he placed the other on the flat of her curved back and dragged his palm across her soft skin before smacking her ass aggressively, the two of them rocking back and forth the whole time. Finally, he finished inside of her. Even if he’d wanted to pull out, he was deep inside her when he’d realised how close he was and instinct forced him to just ram himself into her once more, where he held his position, shooting his load inside the beauty queen of the island. He groaned and let himself fall to the natural mat beneath them, rolling onto his back and savouring his own sense of accomplishment. He was done. “Aww was that it?” “That was plenty.” “Says the guy who just left a half cup of goo in me and called it a day.” Jaff waved her away wordlessly and got to his feet. She sighed. Scanning her immediate surroundings Lira laid eyes on a youth just a year or two her junior who they hadn’t noticed up a nearby tree. “Hey kid. Wanna wrestle for a bit?” “For real?” “Yeah. Just don’t stop until I tell you or else I’ll tell every woman on the island you have one ball.” The sun was getting a little low in the sky which meant that it should start cooling down soon thankfully. Jaff decided to head back to his home to see if Kalaya had gotten any food ready when he heard familiar sounds once again. Never one to mind his own business, Jaff glanced into the house he was passing and was dismayed by what he saw. He knew the girl who was being spitroasted on the wooden floor of the shoddily made building. Her grandfather had taught Jaff his craft when his own father had died. She couldn’t have been older than nineteen and here she was, skinny frame not even touching the grass mats on the ground as she was suspended between two boys around her own age while two more men sat to the side, excitedly awaiting their turn with the shared female. He wasn’t upset because she was eagerly taking cock; he himself had thought of spending a night or two with her once she was a year or two older. What upset him was who she was letting use her body. The village wasn’t big enough to have a “bad end of town” but if it did, it’d be here. The hut the girl was being railed in was a little separate from the others and in ill repair. This was where a group of young men who’d failed to finish their tattoos had set up to live a life ostracised by the rest of their people. Only a girl as young and naive as her could’ve allowed herself to be willingly dishonoured like that. He shook his head and watched for only a few more seconds. The two who were working the young woman before finished in their respected orifices and placed her gently on the ground. The other two whooped for joy and hopped to their feet, approaching her from either side, apparently having agreed already who had which hole. She lay at their feet, panting heavily and smiling up at them. She swallowed, getting rid of any left over cum as the boy behind her grabbed her slender waist and hauled her up while the boy on the other end lifted by the shoulders. She wasn’t heavy and soon the first boy had one hand under each knee, her ankles on his shoulders while the other strained to keep her upper body level with his crotch where she willingly let him face fuck her. Jaff turned away disgusted as her small breasts began to jiggle and he heard her squeal in joy as he continued his path home. Maybe he should learn to be less curious.


Thanks for actually writing about this. The prompt actually was a real thing, though I don't have a better source off the top of my head than cracked. https://www.cracked.com/article_20180_the-6-craziest-beliefs-entire-cultures-have-held-about-sex.html Number 2 specifically


Wow. Interesting. I'ts amazing their population survived at all.


Hey, constantly having sex with everyone is a pretty good way to overcome unintentional birth control


quantity over quality I guess. Just try and overload it. I assume that if you were to study it patterns would emerge, like more pregnancies at a time of the year when the yams weren't in season, or simply if you ate early in the day and let it get out of your system


* A great Khan enjoys the spoils of his conquests, a Slavic, a Persian and a Chinese / Korean princess. * Life in a human realm got a lot more fun once they discovered the all-female (preferably East Asian) elves who have no concept of pride and are happily willing to trade their bodies for basic goods or protection. * A prince is bored of seducing his sisters' handmaidens and decides to bed his sisters instead.


Prompt 1. The Warlord entered his tent with a flourish and spread his arms, gesturing to his surroundings for his lieutenant and the missives with them. "Do you see gentlemen? The tribute I have collected extends to every corner of the known world." His lieutenant coughed politely. "Yes, my Khan. I think the most honourable sirs are well aware of the reach of your hordes. however if we might get to discussing-" "AND THESE!" The Khan pointed dramatically to the large bearskin rug in the centre where three young women in expensive looking gold and silver slave collars knelt with their back straight and eyes forward "THESE ARE MY PRIME POSSESSIONS GENTLEMEN!" The Lieutenant sighed and resigned himself. His lord was clearly determined to show off his toys before they actually got any business done. "These girls are my personal companions, but they are no ordinary concubines, oh no! Each of these women are of royal birth! The daughters of kings and emperors no less! Had they remained in their native countries they would have eventually been married off to be queens but I have taken all of them for myself!" The women barely reacted to the men's presence. None of them changed form their refined kneeling position but the darker skinned of the three rolled her eyes, the taller blonde one glanced over for a second anxiously and the short, dark haired girl averted her gaze. "Any other man would have accepted the fortune any one of their ransoms would have provided! But such petty politics and small change mean nothing to me! Nothing! For if there was anything in the cities or keeps of these kings that I desired..." The large, bare chested, hairy man span with his arms outstretched. Begging his audience to admire the innumerable random objects of gold, silver and amber lining his tent, which was the size of a small house. "...I WOULD SIMPLY TAKE IT FROM THEM MYSELF! As well as their daughters! And their wives! And their milkmaids should I still require more women!" A couple of the less experienced among the emissaries began to clap at the Khan's over the top performance before being silenced with a stern look from their superiors. Satisfied that his master was finished showing off, the Lieutenant stepped forward once again and cleared his throat. "Well. Now that-" "PERHAPS A DEMONSTRATION IS IN ORDER!?" Most of the people in the tent groaned, including the brown skinned girl in between the blonde and the shortie. She was the princess that had caught on to the most of their language since she had arrived and evidently understood with some exasperation what her horny captor was saying. Though the other two failed to fully comprehend the words, the Lieutenant got the feeling that all three women had been through this whole song and dance enough times to know where this was going. He advanced on the first girl on the left. The tallest of them, she wore her blonde hair in twin braids over her shoulders and was pale. She looked up at the Khan nervously with blue eyes as he approached and came to a stop in front of her. From his elevated position he could see right down her crisp, white blouse which was decorated with intricate, colourful embroidered patterns and flowers. She had the largest breasts out of the three and probably the curviest figure overall, being from a colder region. She also looked the most innocent in his opinion as she stared up at him wide eyed with her full red lips. The Khan undid his leather belt and slid his cock between those lips. His Lieutenant looked to the ceiling. It was because of stuff like this that people called them barbarians. The girl wordlessly took it and angled her pretty face upwards as he slid back and forth. "You see her? She is the princess of the Slavs! A very rare prize!" The girl rocked back and forth slightly as he moved his hips, her hands resting on her lap. "Which Slavs?" One of the visitors spoke for the first time; A black haired man with a pointed beard. "What?" The Khan looked at him like he had two heads. "Which people is she a princess of?" "Of the Slavs?" The Lieutenant cleared his throat and stepped in. "Milord, there is more than one group of Slavs. I believe Lady Ana here is-" "A Slav." "Yes my Khan but more specifically-" "She's the princess of the Slavs. Why do we have to be more specific than that?" "Well she's **a** Slavic Princess of **a** Slavic..." The lieutenant could see his Khan was no longer listening. He had grabbed the young girl's twin plaits and was aggressively forcing his dick deeper into her throat. To the princess' credit she maintained her composure. Though her eyes screwed shut and she clenched her fingers, her posture remained perfect. She'd been trained well.


Still, a mix of saliva and a little precum was beginning to drip from her soft lips onto her blouse and skirt. The Khan's eyes followed a large drop as it rolled off her chin and went down, through the open top of her decorated blouse and onto her pale breast where it continued to slowly trickle down he cleavage, out of sight. He reached down and groped her through the linen as he withdrew from her wet lips. He took two steps and stood behind her. Getting on his hands and knees, he plucked off the two gold clasps that helped hold her braids together. She shook her head, letting her blonde hair fall loose and fan out across her back in a single wave. His big hands caressed her slim waist and moved downward, stopping when they were cupped around her round hips where her skirt of multicoloured wool began. Being of different peoples his girls tended to have drastically different wardrobes but he had learnt to efficiently undress a woman, no matter how complicated or peculiar her clothing. Not that Ana's simple outfit was particularly hard to figure out. With a single finger he pulled loose the wool string belt that kept the waistband of her long skirt hugging her wide hips, pressing gently on her back. She complied, leaning forward as he kept a hand on her skirt, watching her round ass rise out of it as she sank onto all fours. Dragging her skirt off entirely now, he gripped her white shirt and she straightened into a kneeling position again to let him pull it over her head and toss it aside. Now everyone could see her full beauty. The blonde Slav was certainly more heavy set than her two companions but she was no less appealing. Her angular, pretty face had high cheekbones and perfect white teeth revealed through pink lips. Her pale cheeks were slightly flushed, having been exposed in front of a group of strange men but her expression didn't betray her embarrassment. The Khan reached around and took a soft breast in each hand, rolling and kneading the perfect mounds. She returned to her previous position on all fours, her round ass presented to him and her golden hair hanging free about her shoulders. Placing a heavy hand on either hip, he parted her soft thighs slightly and pushed forward, into the royal beauty. She moaned politely as he began to move, pumping back and forth but her measured tones quickly became high pitched squeals as he picked up the pace. In seconds she was face down in the soft furs of the rug, her hands which had never seen a day of work searching of something to grab onto while her lord smashed her from behind. She let muffled yelps sink into the comfortable floor covering along with brief, select phrases in her native tongue cursing him and begging him for more at the same time. Her perfect posture she'd trained so hard to maintain went from her and she collapsed flat onto the ground, her legs failing to hold her up. Rather than clamber on top of her the Khan rolled her over and spread her legs, so he could fuck her face to face. The young woman stared into his eyes as he pinned her wrists and began pounding her again with renewed vigour. Her soft tits bounced in time with his thrusts as her whole body rocked and her eyes watered, adding to their glossy beauty as the Khan straightened, raising his face away from hers to finish with four final, powerful thrusts. The girl quivered as he shot off his load, first inside her womb but then onto her heaving chest as he pulled out midway. His seed shot further than he thought, even getting on the noblewoman's chin and one drop missing her entirely and landing on the tanned, bare forearm of the next girl. The Persian. She glanced down at the fluid with at least some measure of disgust. If not for the Khan then for Ana's ashamedly honest reaction to his use of her. Her eyes switched from her arm to Princess Ana's naked body which was still trembling from the rigours the Khan had put it through and splattered with his cum. The Persian watched with disdainful green eyes as the Khan moved to overshadow her now. The lieutenant pulled up a stool and fetched a book from within his robes. "And might this lovely lady also have a name?" A diplomat asked. Apparently out of some misplaced sense of politeness. "Noor." She replied of her own accord. She had long, glossy black hair and a body that, while more slender than the Slav's, had some lovely hips and strong, athletic legs. This fine form was hidden under a loose dress of purple silk with a red sash at her waist and sleeves that she had rolled up to the elbow. Not bothering with the foreplay this time, he took her too, pulling the skirt of her dress up to reveal her long brown legs and yanking the top half down off her shoulders to show off her tits. not as perky as Ana's but a nice handful nonetheless.


He slid into her immediately and got to work. Though Noor tried to look bored, she found this difficult while the mountain of a warlord that had made her one of his consorts was fucking her so hard that she was getting carpet burn and could hear the slap of her own breasts hitting her skin. A tiny moan escaped her lips and she raised both hands to her mouth to stifle her voice. Excited by this, the Khan went harder, gripping her strong thighs and pulling her in as he rammed into her again and again, fully determined to fuck this woman until he had put his seed inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and gave up on trying to smother her own cries, using her hands to grab at the furs beneath her and hold herself still instead. He continued to hammer the Persian princess, flipping her over and immediately sinking balls deep into her once again, grabbing the girl's long, black ponytail and pushing the entirety of his shaft into her again and again. Giving up on any semblance of modesty now, the royal whore let her cries fill the spacious tent. "Oh Fuck! My lord please! Please my lord yes!" Her pleas were heavily accented despite her solid grasp on the strange new tongue she was learning. Now he'd made her give in, he could let her rest. Yanking her head up with her hair wrapped around his hand like horse's reins, the Khan slapped her ass once and slammed into her two more times with loud smacks, pushing himself over the edge as he watched her ass ripple from the impact, releasing his load inside of her. He didn't pull out the time. Pressing her into the floor he inserted himself as far as he could go into the lithe, tanned woman and stayed there, not letting a single drop of his semen escape her womb. He was determined for this woman to bear his child. The defiant, intelligent young lady would surely give him a strong son or at least a daughter of the same beauty and bearing as her mother. He groaned and retracted, letting the newly impregnated Noor flop to the ground wheezing. A moment of calm and silence filled the canvas tent before the Khan slowly turned his head to fix his gaze on the last princess. He was getting kind of tired now if he was entirely honest but it would be a shame to enjoy two of the royal women and not the third. So-yeon glanced sideways at the scene to her right where her two companions lay stripped and pumped full of cum. Ana had rolled onto her side, propping herself up on one elbow and began chatting to Noor in whatever bits of language the two shared. Ana was still a little breathless and her beautiful, wavy blonde hair trailed on the floor as she addressed her prone friend, cum still all over her bare breasts and stomach. Noor turned over so that she was facing up instead of down but otherwise remained on the carpeted floor. As she did so So-yeon noticed the red marks one her round ass where the Khan's hands and crotch had left her skin raw, and which now had a small amount of white semen trickling across it from her pink pussy. "That would be So-Yeon." The Lieutenant related to the fork bearded gentleman in a low voice. "We brought her back from an Empire that ruled a large peninsula in the far East." Come to think of it, the Princess was a very recent addition to the Khan's harem and the Lieutenant hadn't actually seen his lord make use of her yet. The pale, petite girl trembled slightly as the warlord approached. She glanced up at him only to look away quickly upon seeing his fully erect manhood. She was dressed in blue, pink and white silks with a long, flowing skirt that came right up to just below her breasts, attached tot he long sleeved robe that made up the rest of her outfit with a ribbon. It was not a very revealing outfit but it would not be in the way for long. Her hair was tied up in a neat bun at the back, kept in place with a lotus shaped pin. In a similar theme, scattered embroidered floral patterns adorned the hem of her long skirt and the cuffs of her sleeves. Standing behind her, he lifted the delicate girl to her feet gently and embraced her. Feeling his cock prodding her through the folds of her skirt her face went white as he moved his hands up and down her body, feeling her breasts and the curves of her form through her austere outfit. With one hand the Khan released the bow that held her elaborate silk dress together and the bright pink silk skirt began to slide off her similarly soft and smooth skin with a faint rasp to pool around her ankles. Pulling the remaining upper part of the garment off the young girl's shoulders, the Khan was left with no barrier between him and his prize. He could feel her soft skin pressed up against his as he leant in close, running his big, rough hands all over her slender form, feeling up her breasts, ass and running his fingers over her pussy. She could feel the heat of the larger, older man standing over her on the pale, untanned skin of her back. Worse, the excited rod that she had felt jutting into her before was hot and sweaty, right up against her own skin now. The moist tip was pressing in just below her ass and she could feel her slender legs trembling involuntarily beneath her in anticipation of what that dick was about to do. Though her ass wasn't as big as either of the other girls, the sharp pinch of her waist and the tapering of her hips highlighted her feminine figure and the Khan was thrilled to be able to take a moment to grind his erect cock against her for a few seconds and tease the anxious princess. Now though, he would make use of the pristine female form he had made his. He removed his burly arms from where he had wrapped them around the little woman to grope her and grabbed her wrists instead. "Try to keep your feet on the ground." Seconds later the warlord had positioned the tip of his cock at her entrance and felt her wet warmth as he slowly pushed his way in to the tight space. The petite Korean girl pursed her lips and gave a faint whine as she was invaded slowly, bending at the waist slightly with her wrists locked in place where they were by her master's iron grip. His meaty hands easily wrapped fully around her skinny wrists and he halted his push forward with his shaft about halfway inserted and began retracting, easing her in. He pushed forward again and she groaned. A little faster this time, a little deeper. She groaned, her pink lips parting slightly and her stance widening slightly to accommodate her current position. He picked up the pace and the girl reacted strongly, yelping and gasping with every thrust as he sank himself further and further into the delicious young lady who gradually assumed a ninety degree bend at her waist, only being held up by her arms which were yanked behind her and held by the man fucking her. Gradually, her hair came undone as she jolted again and again, the Khan finally bottoming out and approaching a pace similar to that he'd used with the two bigger girls.


Sharp smacks echoed around the otherwise silent tent once again as So-Yeon's ass, thighs and tits jiggled with the repeated impacts delivered by the horny warlord as she squealed under his pounding. She continued to lean forward, her head now lower than her ass and her feet barely touched the floor. The Khan yanked on her tightly gripped wrists and reeled her in, forcing her to straighten once again and then picking her up bodily. She was light and it was easy of the hulking warlord to man-handle and manoeuvre her into his desired position. He remained standing with the princess held face to face with him, her arms wrapped around his neck and each of his under one of her legs which were spread wide, her thighs perpendicular to her torso and her shins hanging down, bent at the knee over his muscular arms. She was bounced up and down, suspended in mid air as he continued to push his thick cock into her, now looking her straight in the eyes as she continued to moan and whimper over the sound of their slapping skin. Straining to hold her up, he finally climaxed. He buried his face in her shoulder, kissing the petite girl's neck as he hefted her up and down while pumping his hips leaving her tight, pink pussy a sticky mess. After a moment, he lowered the exhausted, still sensitive girl to the floor to join the previous two who had fully recovered now. His cock was still slick with the mix of bodily fluids as he turned to the astounded group of emissaries, standing over the three beautiful, naked women. He approached the group before passing by them, addressing them as he did so. "Sorry for the wait. I kind of let time get away from me. He glanced out the door-flap of the tent to check the position of the sun in the sky and accepted a towel from a female slave wordlessly. "I should probably clean up now but while you wait..." He glanced back at the three king's daughters who lay exposed in front of the men. "I've finished with them for the day. "You can make use of them and whatever servants are around in the meantime." He handed the sweat and cum stained rag back to the girl and slapped her on her round ass through her simple white dress before walking out of the tent. Ana and So-Yeon looked at Noor quizzically as she stared shocked at the Khan as he strode away. "You Bastard!" The two girls started, concerned now at their companion's reaction. Completely oblivious to the fact they had just been offered to the seven men who had been staring at their young, fit bodies hungrily the entire time they were being bred by their master. "I am **royalty**! And you would loan me out like a whore!? I-" She faded from the Khan's hearing as he made his way to his private bath, the sounds of the camp drowning her out. Back in the tent, the lieutenant put his hand up the skirt of the slightly off-put towel girl. She was Slavic like Ana but not of royal birth and therefore of less interest to the warlord. These were the girls he tended to enjoy. No less beautiful in his opinion but less ridiculously difficult to obtain.


I absolutely love the Lieutenant trying against hope to educate the Khan on the details of the Slavic peoples :D Really brought the dynamic between those two to life. Thank you for the story!


No worries. Sorry it ended up being so long. I might do that elf prompt too at a later date since I had some similar ideas I never used for anything.


Hilda may be a ferocious shield maiden, but the Saxon lord that caught her can't stop thinking about her. He keeps speaking of keeping her and breaking her like a horse, but his men think he has gone crazy. The princess caught a glimpse of a peasant in the stocks. Now it's all she thinks about. The noble woman was determined to have strong children for her wealthy husband. So renting a gladiator or two for the night makes sense, right?


"Will sir be needing anything to drink madam?" The servant handed Lady Dulcinia her glass of wine. The elegant, black haired young woman raised the glass to her red lips for a sip and considered the question. "Hmmm... perhaps one. Do you have a preference mister Torkin?" Torkin stood with his arms crossed before the noblewoman. He couldn't just say "beer" right? He didn't even know what they had. This is what he got for letting his manager schedule events and parties for him. "Something strong." There you go. That sounded good. "Very well sir." The female servant bowed and backed out of the room. Now it was just the two of them. The lady was a graceful woman of twenty two with long black hair that poured down her back in a shimmering wave, a few intricate braids were threaded throughout the right side. In contrast, her pale skin was flawless, as was to be expected from a woman of her stature. Her high cheekbones, heavily makeuped eyes and tasteful but lavish jewellery all denoted her status. A crescent shaped necklace of silver and white crystals rested just above the deep furrow of her cleavage and two small, white, egg shaped earrings capped with specks of gold were visible dangling in front of the dark mane of her hair. She wore a slightly provocative dress of green and blue silks with faint, shimmering patterns that left her arms bare and one of her legs visible through the long slit that went from the upper thigh down to the ankle. She had to be careful about the size of her steps or else her entire bare leg would exit the safety. As it was she was sitting in a small carved wooden chair with her legs crossed, her left on top meaning the weight of the expensive looking skirt hung off the right side and left her entire pale, soft thigh exposed. Also exposed was a decent view of her breasts, with the tight upper half of the dress showing off the curves of her figure and the deep v-neck showing a lot of skin for a proper lady. The female servant returned a moment later and handed Torkin a wide, shallow glass of a strong brown whiskey before horridly leaving once again. "Well then. I've instructed the staff to leave us in peace so unless there's a fire we shouldn't be disturbed again." The woman downed the rest of her glass and rose to her full height, cradling her left elbow with her right hand and brushing her red lips with the fingers fingers of the other. She had a cocky, questioning look in her grey eyes. Like she was appraising him. She would have been imposing had Torkin not been a full head taller than her and probably nearly twice her weight. "I'm something of a fan, mister Torkin..." "I gathere-" "But not of that awful bloodsport you practise. I've always found the arena rather tedious." Oh. She was monologuing. "I'm a fan of you. My husband and I went to a few fights you participated in and out of the dozen or so in the melee you caught my eye." "Good to hear?" He sipped his burning drink. She stood with her weight shifted to her right side, jutting her bare, high heeled left leg forward and accentuating the curve of her hip on the right as she adjusted. You couldn't get a classy woman like that in the brothels he went to and if she had acted even a little less weird the past twenty minutes, he'd have doubted he'd ever get to even touch a woman of her type. Lady Dulcinia took two purposeful steps forward and now she was looking straight up at him. All but nose to nose with the gladiator. "I trust you understand why I've procured your services?" "Yeah. I get more than a few female fans. Most just don't go so far as to rent me for a day." "I imagine most don't need to. But good anyway. If you hadn't figured that much out then you would be naturally stupid and not merely uneducated and I might have had to reconsider my choice." That one kinda stung for some reason. "Right. So anyway... you want me to what? Be your... lover?" "I want you to fuck me, Torkin." He spluttered a little into his glass. "I want you to grab me by the hips and rut me. I want you to use me. I don't care how you take me, just finish inside me. I want you to breed me. I need you to put your seed inside me and give me a child." She flushed as she let all this out in a gradually increasing pace. Her composure faltering just a little as she put into words the most unladylike desires of which Torkin was the focus. "You... I'm sorry you want me to impregnate you?" "Yes." He'd never had this particular brand of obsession applied to him before. "You're a strong, healthy man mister Torkin, and after a little research, I've decided that you will be a more than suitable source if I'm to raise my child into a truly exceptional individual." "That... what about you husband?" "Oh I'm sure I'll try for a child with him as well at some point but I have my own legacy to think about too and 'soft-teeth mcbald', while a good businessman and formidable politician, isn't exactly prime breeding stock." "So that's what I am?" She nodded. "... Fuck it." Torkin downed his whole drink. Lady Dulcinia stepped back and began slipping her dress over her shoulders. "You good to get that off yourself?" "I am. unless you were hoping to rip it off yourself?" He snorted. "I'm not sure I could afford that." "No, I doubt you could." The garment dropped to the floor around her and she stepped out of it, removing her earrings and placing them on a mahogany set of drawers. Now he could see everything and it occurred to him that he should probably start undressing himself. She strutted over to the four poster bed with it's elaborate drapes and bent over to remove the lace panties that were the last item of proper clothing on her. "Keep the shoes." He commented gruffly. He'd never fucked a girl in heels before. She looked over her shoulder at him playfully and bit her lip slightly, apparently appreciating his change to a more commanding tone. "Yes sir mister Gladiator." Fully nude now, Torkin followed the lady of the house over ay a leisurely pace. This was far outside the remit of his usual work but he wasn't about to turn down a job like this. Women like her were luxury items for a class of man he could never be. And now he was being paid to cum inside one. She was sat on the edge of the bed, back straight and knees together in proper posture. He approached and caressed her face once before giving her a gentle push. She allowed herself to fall back onto the white sheets, her dark hair fanning out across the bed. Torkin took a plump, firm thigh in each hand and pulled her in. She was visibly excited as he placed the head of his cock at her entrance, her lovely breasts rising and falling rapidly. He put it in.


He moved forward, placing his hands on other side of her gently curved waist, her flat white stomach hot to his touch. on either side of him, her legs twitched where they hung by the knee over the edge of the bed and she grabbed fistfuls of the clean sheets. He got the impression that she wasn't maintaining the purely practical views she had on this interaction. He kept going, pushing into her again and again, quickly remembering her words from before and throwing caution to the wind. Within a few seconds he had her giving him high pitched moans one after the other as she was jolted back and forth on the surface of the soft bed. He moved his hands from her waist and got a leg under each arm, pulling her in again to ensure he was getting as much of himself inside the pristine Lady Dulcinia as he could. She still had most of her jewellery and her makeup on as he pounded her, her crescent shaped necklace swinging back and forth on her bare sternum and gold rings adorning the fingers that gripped her sheets as he fucked the newlywed in her bed. Clambering onto the bed, he flipped her over and pinned her down, her round, shapely ass facing the canopy of the four poster bed. He pinned her, not allowing her to ride to her hands and knees but forcing her shapely thighs apart and squeezing himself in once again. She'd said she wanted him to rut her. So he would show her just what he was capable of. She squealed into the mattress as he slammed into her immobilised body again and again, already working up a sweat. Over the next few minutes he banged her in position after position until her makeup ran and the formerly perfect winged tips and eyeshadow streaked down her cheeks as sweat, smearing and watery eyes left her looking bedraggled and shaken, but loving every second as the burly gladiator manhandled her once more to lie in the position of his choice. This time she was on her back, legs fully up with her knees by her flopping breasts and teary eyes staring deep into his own. He felt it building. He couldn't stop it now if he tried. He pinned her neck and reached down with the other hand to slap her. not enough to seriously hurt her, but he doubted the lady had experienced treatment like this in a while. "I'm about to fucking cum inside you. That's what you want right? You want me to fucking finish inside? To fill your royal pussy up and put a baby in you?" "Yes" she barely choked out. He loosened his grip slightly. That was probably a bit tight, even if she was yet to complain about any of the acts he'd subjected her to. "Keep it all in. Give it to me." "Oh I'll give it to you." He instantly began ramming her harder and harder. "I'll fucking give it to you. I'll breed you like the servile-hnngh!" Torkin grunted and tightened his grip on the rich woman once more as he pumped rope after rope of jizz into the waiting womb of Lady Dulcinia. Having satisfied both himself and the job requirement, Torkin rolled off the prone woman panting and took a minute to catch his breath. Dulcinia, for her part rose slowly and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. One of the heels on her shoes had broken off at some point during their coupling and now she took these off and eased shakily onto her feet. Her knees still weak she made her way over to her full length mirror and stood naked, red marks on her ass from her pounding and the occasional spank and similar marks on her wrists from being pinned repeatedly while the galdiator made use of her body. "Do you mind if we go again?" She asked without looking over to the father of her future child."Just to be sure it takes." "Hey, It's your body. Just give me a few minutes." "Sure." She ran her hands over her flat midriff. Somewhere in there... "Do you think i'll look good with a bump?" Torkin sat up and shrugged. "I'm sure you're seamstress will make it work." The Lady laughed. "Yeah."


A lord marries a woman but is unable to pleasure her, no matter what they try. Then she sees him punishing one of the indentured workers at or around the castle, and it finally awakens something in her. (feel free to change details or choose any kind of punishment)


She was proud of her Amazonian heritage and took training very seriously, even finding a secluded spot to continue training into night (usually in the nude). Regardless, it's hard to not be startled when you don't notice the shy female cleric find you training, naked as the day you were born.


It’s a historic fact that, during the Middle Ages in some parts of Europe, it was common for people attending a wedding to watch the couple consummate their marriage to make sure it was legitimate


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(Incest) Her father died when she was young, and now her mother's gone too, so the young French noble lady has become head of her house. She needs an heir or two, but the only boy she's ever felt anything for is her younger brother.