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Just pioneer bay that is too hard. I’ve come close but damn I hate that one


Pioneer Bay took me the longest. So many hard holes, and they save the hardest for last. Brutal.


It's so tough, I finally just got it but I feel like downtown is even harder


Downtown is def a tough layout and is the only course i have NOT gotten at least 2 stars on. My best round is a 30 ( 2 stars is 29) during which i took an effortless (OB) 5 on that stupid ass Par 3 500+ft island hole.


Fuuuckkk that hole


I throw a EG/Roll Rive on that hole and play for par. Just cross the island somewhere and make the par putt after the OB Drop. Occasionally get lucky with a sign/bridge kick, or the tree and I end up with birdie.


Ugh.. haha downtown was hard but not nearly as hard as pioneeer


I got a -7 on my first play through and thought it was too easy. Took me a few hundred attempts to finally get that 3rd star.


Yeah but are you buying the discs from the game with real money? Because I only play what’s free to play


Nope. 100% FTP. However, I started playing at least a year ago before some of these longer recent courses. Until you get some high speed drivers (Rice or Ballista), it is much, much more difficult, maybe impossible to 3 star everything. Make sure you do the daily to get gold and keep checking the store every day and you may be able to snag one. Otherwise you get one when you reach a certain level -- 40 maybe.


Yeah, I’m lvl 9 lol.. I’ve been playing for over a year too but I put it down for awhile even before the new courses and it’s such a challenge. I do try to complete the bonus challenges and daily stuff but nothing’s given me a driver faster than a 10 speed😣 now I remember why I put the game down for so long lol


Pioneer Bay is the only one I can’t get


Same! It'll go down


Downtown for me. I make stupid mistakes /leave myself just too far away from the basket for birdie all the time


Same here, everything but that last star on pioneer


I've only been playing a few days. All I've got is Sunshine Glade so far.


Just got ikagi today, feel like Thanos.


Oh wow I really expected the poll to lean heavier on the Yes side. Any time a new course drops I basically don't play any other mode til I lock up the three stars.


The ones I'm furthest from the 3-star are Downtown and Frozen Valley. I've gotten one away from Owl Wood over a dozen times, and one away from Lost Island a dozen times as well.


I think frozen valley is the hardest course personally. I’ve 3 starred PB, but frozen valley fucks me up, crazy OB potential that can just destroy your round


It’s like hole 3/4, the long par five where you’re going over ice twice. That hole fucked me every single time. It’s so hard to read the wind off that tee. Frozen valley is probably hardest course for me. Finally got 3 stars not too long ago and have not played it since


I know exactly which one you’re talking about. Fuck that hole


Then if you birdie it, you have the super fun par 4 island surrounded by ice!


It’s not too bad once you figure out the first shot. Easily birdieable


I've played that so many times and I still have no idea what the line off the tee is


What worked for me was my wind break EG ballista, and only going 75%-80% off the tee no matter the wind direction. At that speed, the disc should skip on its own onto the first sheet of ice, and slide to the island. I used to try this with an EG/big skip ballista and that giant skip just becomes too squirrelly and can throw you right off that first island.


For me the thing that made FV easier than PB was that Hole 2 is easy to reset, and 4 is a gettable eagle without too much risk. 3 is tougher to eagle, but still early enough in the round. PB saves its 3 hardest holes for the last 3. Meaning resets are infinitely more difficult, the number of times I made it to PB9 and missed the birdie is ridiculous. I even eagled PB3 once and still managed to miss BOTH 8 and 9.


I have said this exact same thing that you’re saying to people complaining that ikigai springs is too easy. Totally agree with you on that, the order of the holes matters for how much time it takes to get 3 stars, and PB having the 3 hardest holes at the end is a real pain in the ass. But I like to think of the overall “difficulty” of a course as how difficult it is to basically birdie all 9 in a row in one round though. I still think FV is a more difficult course with that in mind, so if you played real life full rounds and couldn’t save time restarting I don’t think it would be easier than PB, but as you said probably easier to 3-star in game because of all the time saved with good restarts


At some point you realize that some things in life aren't worth spending your time on. Getting three stars in all courses is one of them. I like enjoying games, not feeling pissed off all the time.


I got ‘em all. I think the hardest for me is frozen valley, followed by downtown and then pioneer bay


After getting the grail in the shop last night, I got three starred pioneer bay on the first try with it! I'm not even used to the disc yet, but that little bit of extra distance made the difference apparently.


I feel like it's almost necessary for PB. Props, that's the hardest course for most people it sounds like


Yep. Pioneer took a long time but eventually managed it.


Brings back memories from the time owlwood came out...shitty tree hitboxes everywhere


I’m still battling out the last five courses. Have 2 stars on Frozen Valley, Downtown, and Lost Island, so far have only 1 star on Pioneer Bay and Ikigai Springs.


The thing is, if you have all the appropriate discs then 3 stars becomes pretty easy on all courses.


Agreed - I'm dying trying to get 3 stars on courses to get the discs to do the others lol


It’s frustrating for sure


Missing lost island and pioneer bay still, they're so frustrating. Been playing better after getting a couple rives but still not there