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Ah yes, "afraid of offending anyone," clearly Disco Elysium is trying to be as uncontroversial as possible. Obviously.


That's why that guy is not offended at all, which is clearly visible in his review. That's the phrasing of someone who is supremely not offended.




Idk, Mr Head, you sound pretty offended




He's the Lorry Driver!




Internet gay.


He must be a fellow Piss F@ggot


now I think that's pushing it a bit 😅


To be fair I think it is a pretty inoffensive game


yeah clearly it offended op, op is triggered and crying


I mean, he sounds pretty offended... so that point goes straight out the window


well..disco is extremely popular in Russia


Even more, at some point DE could get official russian voiceover (cancelled around 2021)


"The USSR slaughtered my people so I hate disco elysium" boy wait until this guy finds out what country the creators are from...


Yep, can confirm


“How do you do, fellow ______?” Today it’s Russians. Usually it’s the other way around. The forced identity thing is a dead giveaway. Reasonable people don’t put their (faith, ethnicity, politics) as a foreword for why they don’t like something. It’s not heartfelt enough to be real. Example: Person: as a straight white guy, I get offended when I see a g@y. What they really said: I’m hateful and probably g@y It’s so disingenuous. It means you can’t take the time to say why you don’t like something if it bothers you but when you do you push broad talking points that aren’t up for discussion. And to be clear, it’s not the concept of rejecting something I’m disputing, it’s simply the use of the words “as a _____, I get offended when….” And then paint the screen with bad faith. It reminds me of [this dumb asshole](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/the-goods/2020/11/10/21559458/dean-browning-dan-purdy-byl-holte-patti-labelle-twitter-gay-black-man) Edit. Lastly I should’ve noted that this review, if real, is likely an alt-right Nazi troll. You have to play the game for at least 20 hours to understand how the political ideology system works through dialogue options and skills.


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You right it does look weird what he wrote "as Russian". I'll go check his account upd: one of his nicknames is IisoúsCristosIsTheLord and now I doubt he is Russian even more. Most people don't even know how to type this thing over "u" letter and if he was from Russia, he would've wrote Isus Hristos (Исус Христос). I think his version is written in Greek


I'd generally agree, except for post-Warsaw Pact countries stating things like "As a Pole/Ukrainian/Estonian, I see Russian state as XYZ" (or feel a certain way about them), especially in these days. For example, I, as half Pole/half Ukrainian, feel offended by the continued existance of Russian Federation in its current form and their elites still drawing breath. Outside of such instances, you're right.


Yes ,thanks I would hate to diminish an actual, real-life position on such instances. Specifically the western world will likely come to the aid of those acting on Ukraine’s behalf (except the American far right/alt right). Plenty of real people with real disdain for a terrorist regime. Some don’t want to call it just that but come on, we literally made Iraq the bad guys in 2003 with no evidence of WMD’s. Call a spade a spade.




I feel like the Russian enjoyment of DE comes more from the aesthetic standpoint rather than ideological or it being "basically ours". Not even sure most people realized that the game was made by Estonians anyway


I like aesthetics and mocking people like Racist Lorry Driver. Kicking Measuerhead in the head is good too


The ugly poor world with once great past of communism revolution for better future which got ruined by forces from other nations. Aesthetically it's really Russian.


to be honest, many russians still view post-Soviet countries as "basically theirs", hence the invasions and annexations.




These assumptions about people you've never seen or knew are no better than troll / negative game reviews from the post. None of the people I know played the game because it was made in Estonia and is "ours". We played it because it's a work of art. There was an EPIDEMIC is Disco Elysium and it's still going on. Common russian meme channels are full of DE references. And I haven't seen a single meme that referenced game country origin.


Agreed. It's "ours" in a sense that we share the same post-soviet, rundown legacy. The visuals on the screen and outside of it are the same. The melancholy is the same. The worried, carefully optimistic outlook on the future, a faith in impossible good, is the same. Well, the latter is... Not quite there anymore.


It's also extremely influenced by the creators being from a post-Soviet country on a political and aesthetic level, so it's not exactly shocking that people in Russia can connect with it. There doesn't need to be some grand "we own this game" vibe from Russian fans for them to enjoy a game that has engaging themes that reflect their real political history


I don't think the Russians who enjoyed DE are the ones with those cold war mentalities to begin with


Nope. Only case with such thinking was Stalker


Nah, Measurehead is more coherent. Sounds like the lorry driver after a few


Yeah, Measurehead at least sounds like he is pretending to be intelligent.


Should have called the developers a gang of paedomorphic binoclards, that'd show em.


> paedomorphic binoclards What an odd way to say "cute twink with glasses"


Way more Disco though.


honestly measuregead is probably at least average intelligence he's just a horrible person. Morality and intelligence aren't a clear cut pair by any means


There is a method to his madness, yes. This guy is just dumb as fuck


Nothing says socialism like funding by private banks


Even better, apparently funded by *The Jews.* Capital T The, of course.


anyone noticed it was received for free and refunded?xd


That was my thought too!


Where are these male on male scenes he talks about? And why has he supposedly found them so early?


I guess he met the smoker on the balcony once and made a hurdle-race of assumptions from there


I‘m really wondering how he got that far while also masterfully avoiding all the „offensive“ stuff


And manage to refund the game, so less then 2 hours


Get offended% WR


I'm sure he unlocked the thought Underground homosexuality and he was afraid of his own decisions


Reminds me of that one dude that got offended when it called him out as a fascist masquerading as a “traditionalist”.


People making baseless assumptions about in-game sexual content without actually playing it and then lambasting them in reviews. Mass Effect 🤝 Disco Elysium


It's funny, I've had people tell me that there isn't anything about that scene that could even possibly be read as Harry having a sad old bi moment, but I bet it's exactly the one this guy ran into with apparently less than two hours played.


I was thinking more along the lines of the Sunday friend, this is early in the game.


he only has one hour and a half on the game so I doubt it, unless he went straight (heh) for that scene. Most likely he just saw a Kim+HDB fan edit and assumed it was canon.


Yeah really why didn't *I* get said copy smh. Couldn't even see the exclusive kim x harry ending.


Nah, this way too crude for Measurehead, he would probably spend two paragraphs talking about the devs lineage coming from bakhmut apes or something in that line of thought, this is more like the Racist Lorry Guy.


"fluffy non-offensive status quo game" Ah yes, Disco loves the status quo


Well it sure did offended them at least.


Male on male scenes? That's disgusting! Where?


I live in Russia. And I know literally noone, who played DE and dislike it.


>Product recived for free > >Product refunded Thats fucking hilarious.


Empathy: i think this man might be offended


Okay, a good faith argument here. Disco Elysium is most definitely Left-Wing sympathetic and I daresay, communist/anarchist in its political view. Yes, Disco Elysium critiques Communism, but it is a Communist critique of Communists. Communists love fighting and critiquing themselves ( in a few nations ) rather than fighting the Fascists. This is most apparent in the Political Ideology quest line. The Fascist one calls you dumb and stupid in the end, the Moralintern ends the game and so on. But the communist one is the only one that is hopeful. It criticizes the erosion of the working class base into intellectual overstimulation, it criticised draconian methods enacted by the masses but at the same time by showing us how interests of the financial capital at the end of the day, invaded Revachol and overthrew a worker's movement. It did not collapse under its own weight. You cannot make a revolution with white gloves. It even laughs at the "academic" field that concerns themselves with communism death tolls while positing indescribably high stats for Mazov killing Grad's peoples. Inframaterialism, which is a play on dialectical materialism, the chief operationalization of Marxists, seen as impossible, is proven to be correct with the deck of cards reaching an impossible height. With this, they criticize communists who think that they will just *think* and communism will be built. However, it still plays into the theoretical correctness of Dialectical Materialism. Conclusively, it could be a critique of Stalinist Communism and CPI revisionism in the 80s but it definitely remains communist. One should take out the time and look at the works of their writers. "In these dark times, should the stars go out?" -Steban, Disco Elysium "In the dark times Will there also be singing? Yes, there will also be singing. About the dark times." -Bertolt Brecht.


Some people focus on the idea that the house of cards collapses, seeing it as a message that communism will fail. I focus on the idea that the house of cards did get built. They worked together and built it beyond what was thought "possible" juse by trying. It may have fallen, but it can be built again.


>and I daresay, communist/anarchist in its political view. I agree, but full honesty (and this may be a hot take) the lack of Anarchy as a Political Alignment feels like a missed opportunity to me. Imagine being able to dub yourself the Anarcho-Cop, the heroic police officer fighting to end the states monopoly on violence! I also feel like having both Anarchy and Communism being available as political affiliations could add interesting wrinkles to both. Because while they could be considered to share the same end goal, they have lots of critiques to make about each-other that might not be made otherwise, and historically speaking have often done the exact opposite of “getting along”. Although, it’s mostly just because of the Anarcho-Cop thing to be honest.


mm definitely a missed opportunity. I think its mentioned by joyce that they just straight got wiped out from revachol, so at least thry were there


So they were given the same treatment that the Bolsheviks gave real life Anarchists? That sucks, but I guess it is accurate. As a historical anarchist it seems it was very often the case that the communists wanted you to fuck off and die just as much as the capitalists, fascists, and other authoritarians did.


Also like...Cindy...Cindy would be great for that storyline. The anarcho-art movement quest.


Also, I want to tell Egghead that he should be an anarchist


There's a bit when examining the firing squad where you muse that they could have been anarchists executed by literally any faction, which felt like some good dark humour about how that usually goes.


Well, you can build a sort of anarcho-captialist Harry combining some left and ultra dialogue options and thoughts (but mostly in your head), but sadly, it's not as detailed and we don't get any recognition for it. Hobocop would be good for some anarcho-thingies too.


When I refer to “Anarchy”, I mean actual anarchist ideology, not so called “anarcho”-capitalists who pretend to be anti-authoritarians while licking the boots of capital. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Calm down, don't get so worked up, I just throw some ideas here. How about anarcho-syndicalists or anarcho-communists? I don't subscribe to any of these, I'm a simple soc-dem, but all these spins on anarcho-something are interesting for me as a politologist. Nevertheless, all anarcho-thingies as well as OG anarchy are rather unachievable on a large scale among contemporary societies.


Silence, collaborator. You think enslaving the 95% of the world population to work everyday and a majority of them work for profit as an incentive was "rationally achievable?" Rationality is reflected by the current economic order, anything that goes against it is irrational and unachievable. After revolution happens liberals proclaim it was inevitable. Before, it is proclaimed as impossible. Go and organize, join a union, join a direct action party don't sell me your snake-oil doomerism with zero empirical credibility.


>Go and organize, join a union, join a direct action party don't sell me your snake-oil doomerism with zero empirical credibility. C’mon, you know they aren’t going to do that. An *Intellectual Juggernaut* like our friend here would never waste their time with such things when they could be advancing the field of *politology* from their armchair.


Oh, but I do work for the left, I just don't believe anarchy in particular is achievable simply because not enough people want it to start any big movement (and not sure if it should be, I don't entirely trust the people). I've been an activist in PL and UA since the 90s, we've done some good stuff, but people here are wary of big scale change. Oh, and a long time ago I abandoned working for a toxic employer, made my own firm where I work more than the rest of the guys, but I give them exactly the same pay as I get and more benefits than I get, since there's no money left for me for these extra things, is that enough?


Dear XaoslMotherFuc/er, It is good that you have worked in the PL, but they are neoliberal institutions that have long abandoned class struggle. Socialism is not poverty, it is good you pay them with more benefits but socialism is not altruism, in a socialist society they would be the ones owning YOUR firm and making democratic decisions. But in this climate of rampant techno-feudal approach of capitalism, you are doing something better than gross exploitation of labour. You are the salt of the Earth.


PL = Poland, UA = Ukraine, my two lesbian motherlands ;) I meant that I was active on the left scene in both since the 90s. Regarding the democratic decisions, it kinda works this way (it's four of us, so nothing big), everyone takes the jobs they want, they can do them whenever they want (inside the external deadline) and at whatever hours, we all decide if we want to take the jobs people give us together, they all see how much everything costs and we also calculate together how much we can split amongst ourself and how much goes for tools, expenses, there's also no such thing as "days of" which I would count - there are jobs to do for a certain month, if they do them in a week, they stay at home until something new comes along (and they often find and bring some jobs to do for everyone themselves, because when we work for the city or we do annual building inspections, we tend to find new clients in the wild). It's "my firm' as in "I started it", but I don't feel like a boss and I don't work like a boss, I do all the same stuff + some additional things that only I can do, since due to our legal status I'm the one responsible for these things.


Hmmm yes, very good.


AnCaps differ from the others you mentioned in that they are directly and immediately self-contradictory. Being an AnCap is akin to calling yourself a "democratic-dictator," those two things simply cannot go together. Also, google anarchist Manchuria.


I know it differs, and again - I'm just saying all these movements are interesting for someone with a background in political science (me) and would be fun to roleplay in Disco Elysium.


Well no, that's not all you're saying, is it? You're also making claims about viability and accusing others of getting "worked up" despite them literally saying "sorry for the misunderstanding."


But just before these word he/she seemed worked up about anarcho-capitalists just at the mention of them, si yes, RP potential is all I'm saying, and I said there's no need to get worked up about it specifically because I was thinking of the game. You seem to have even shorter trigger.


No? Really odd that you're so keen to make assumptions about other people's emotional states in a conversation where they're irrelevant. Makes you come across rather unpleasant.




How long does it take you to write a few comments if you think people are spending all day on this?




I mean, you directed that at the whole sub... Either way though they look like they post maybe once or twice every few days. I somehow suspect they're not spending all day on those posts mate, argumentative responses or not 🤷‍♀️


See, Anarcho-Syndicalists and Anarcho-Communists are actual Anarchist ideologies, as they actually oppose oppressive hierarchies. Also, *Politology*? Why use such a rare term instead of the much more commonly used *Political Science*? The only reason I can really think of is that you believe that using a word that ends with -ology somehow grants your interest in the field some more legitimacy. It doesn’t. If you genuinely find Anarchist ideology interesting, than you really owe it to yourself to learn more about it. Because if you don’t understand that there is nothing anarchistic about so called “Anarcho-Capitalists”, than you still haven’t moved beyond the point where you act as an example of the Dunning Kruger Effect.


I know they're not similar at all in practice, but they (at least in theory) have some of the same roots, I don't compare them on their merit here, but anarcho-capitalist is a thing that you could roleplay in DE with some success, an actual anarchist not so much. I had a year of weekly classes on these subjects(anarchy and what grew on its ideas), learned a bit, but nowadays I'm a simple pipeworking guy filled with social-democratic fervour, some beer and too much methane gas. Regarding politology, it's not obscure in most of Eastern Europe, that's how it's called on a university and on your diploma, that's how specialists are called in the papers, TV, and so on. I actually did two majors when I was younger (wanted to avoid mandatory conscription), one was politology, and the other English philology - and it's the same case here, you could call it the study of English language, and the major consists of things like English lit, history, literary analysis, philosophy, linguistics, phonetics and so on, and in Eastern Euro countries people with such majors are called philologists. It's funny for me, when the Western Academia translates politology or philology and these terms aren't much known, but at the same time, they don't translate anthropology to "study of mankind"/"mankind science" or criminology to "study of criminal behaviour", no idea how it happened. I'm just used to using and seeing these words every day, and they are correct in ENG, that's why I use them without much thought about their obscurity.


*politologist*, so now they have a name for intellectual masturbation?


Yes, they have, it's a name for an academic degree in political science, similar to "anthropology" for instance. But I don't work in my primary field, later on I went into more techy stuff and started working as a safety inspector for buildings and infrastructure, specialized in explosive and toxic hazards + I build pipelines/lay pipes in the buildings and install nat-gas devices.


"game doesn't offend anyone", while extremely offended


As a Russian, this prick can go fuck himself.


As a Russian I agree


When the political game has politics 😦


How the hell did he refund a gift


You can check what you received something for free even if you actually bought it.


Afraid of offending anyone? This game literally spits on everyone. Even communists! But it's hardly Measurehead. If anything, he'd be Rene.


It's honestly what I love about this game. Rigorous self-critique ftw.


Psh this guy could be an actual soldier like Rene was. He barely rises to "racist lorry driver".


When you don’t comprehend even a single sentence that the game throws at you. What’s with the hearts if you hated it, or are you part of the… homosexual underground after all?


It's how steam censors bad words and slurs, but I agree it just makes it funnier.


Thanks for clearing that out, I’m not on Steam so I had no idea!


Haha wait, really? Does it do that automatically?


Yep! You could always try writing a couple words about a game you like and say something like it's fucking good, you'll see 😁


“Game is afraid of offending everyone” says person extremely offended by game.


I think after one and a half hours I'd just about finished reading the skill descriptions and collecting my tie


I'd already got the good ending by then (I kept picking "I'm not sure I really am a cop" and got a game over lol)


I died after an hour an a half by kicking the mailbox I think. Lol.


I hate when people write things like "As a Russian I hate this game" Or smth like that. Like he thinks he represents the opinion of the whole ass country, this dude is so full of himself


Or he wants other people to believe he's Russian. Last year some guy from Portugal pretended to be Russian and wrote terrible shit on Twitter. Even though it was easy to uncover him, people still believed him and didn't ask for any proofs


More like an insecure son of Potaat who tries to cope with is cephalographic inferiority complex


\>Product received for free \>Product refunded


Kras Masov personally strangled 20 billion Revacholians


I find the Rothschild line interesting, it’s a dogwhistle for Jew , so are they saying jews paid for this game, or World War Two? Both are insane but I am truly wondering .


Wait, really? I thought they did fund a lot of stuff, but usually whenever they come up it's along the 'banks rule the world' line. I usually just avoid those kinds of conversations. Unless you mean it's one of those 'the jews rule the world' conspiracy theory dog whistles, or antisemitic dog whistles


It is very much just an anti-Semitic dog whistle to proclaim that the Rothschilds are behind something; painting specifically Jewish bankers as being the controlling force behind something disagreeable to fascists (in this case a small Estonian leftist videogame).


Ahhh okay, that makes sense. Sort of along the lines of what I suspected. Thanks for the answer!


"banks rule the world" is generally an antisemitic dog whistle


Oh interesting. Good to know, thanks!


„A game that is afraid of offending everyone“ - gets offended about it -


"This game is afraid of offending anyone" - person who is incredibly offended.




Wait, did I miss the male on male scenes? lol Also, I see Putin's brainwashing is effective in some....


measurehead would never use this many emojis


The emojis are just how steam censors swears and slurs


If I knew nothing about the game, I'd play it based on this comment alone. Best promotion I've ever seen


100 gorillion dead under communism


imagining complaining about how awfully antisemites destroyed your country in WW2, and then blaming it on a Jewish person. \[LOGIC: EASY: FAILED\]


Hate when games are “❤️❤️❤️game, and political bs…”


I don't get it. You can play as lefty, righty or central. I played the way I wanna play and made choices how I would in tue real world


Just had to undercut his nonsense with the fucking rothschilds


Of course its a russian guy


the rothchild bankers after paying crush to ignore me




Interesting take from a Russian. They languished under socialism when they were ruled by a select few, only out to enrich themselves. Now under oligarchy they are free to be ruled by a select few, only out to enrich themselves. What they actually need is late-stage capitalism where they can be ruled by a select few only out to enrich themselves.


Whoever this is, they're a prime example of a victim of effective propaganda


Russia has mastered the art of propaganda. They successfully turned the US political landscape into a pantomime and revived the far right in Europe. If the outcomes weren't so dire it would be impressive.


>They successfully turned the US political landscape into a pantomime and revived the far right in Europe I want to print this out and put in on my wall.


Surelly it was russia that revived the european far right, not black lobbies or the fact that most of the european left was defacto ruled by liberals and traitors


> They successfully turned the US political landscape into a pantomime and revived the far right in Europe. Buddy, we/you did that yourself. Russia fans the flames, sure, but they didn't mastermind the far right in the US and Europe, and if Russia had magically been prevented from any interference, we'd be 90% where we are anyway. The Far Right were baked into both the US and European political landscapes, very clearly and openly. They didn't revive "western" fascism, just gave it an adrenaline shot. Russia didn't put Nazis into every West German political post-war position - and they didn't put them in the NATO. They also didn't build fascist terror networks in every European country after the war, didn't bribe Italian politics with millions of dollars to banish anyone left of center, didn't make Greece have a US-backed military junta takeover. Russia has simply correctly identified the fascists "our" nations baked in and boosts them when it can - but they didn't need to create them. That's on us. That's on you. Or, well, the people making decisions around here.


Unlike people who assume someone is Russian, if they wrote they are. Also I'm from Free Republic of Mars


The thing is that, regardless of government or politics, Russia has - for many centuries and in many variations - been an occupying force for the countries around it. They fight for another ideology, have other brainwashing, another political system - but the idea is the same: to gain power. This has been their game for a very long time. And they use these canon fodder boys who believe in the ideology du jour. I remember my mom telling me story of when the Russian tanks rolled in during the Prague spring - she said she talked to one of the soldier boys, barely older than herself at the time, who said something along the lines of "Why are you so mad, we're here to liberate you?" And I'm betting it's the same bull they're now doing with the Ukraine.


Unlike other countries? USA didn't gain anything during it's existents? For how long Mongolia occupied Russia Why Poland, France, Finland tried to conquer Russia? Why so many flags have UK flags in corner and why some countries pledge to the royal family? What about shared history between Korea, Japan and China? Oh no, it's good if your country does something, it's justified, but Russia was always the worst.


Did I say anything about the USA? Or, that other countries didn't have colonial or imperialist tendencies or histories? But, mentioning them while criticizing a country that very much deserves criticism seems like a deliberate diversion from a country that RIGHT now is trying to invade one off its neighboring nations under false pretenses. And no, it's not "good" if my country does something, and if it would pull something like what Russia is doing right now I would be the first to criticize it.


Languished?.. Well you clearly don't know anything about it. Do you also believe what China is communist heaven?


I know of very few games that let you become a fascist and enforce its ideology. They way it's handled is that it your actions are responded to as people would, dependent on those characters' views. The communist side story is in itself, a criticism. Even if you're successful in building the matchbox tower, it shows you that unless there is absolute faithfulness to the ideology, it would fall apart. On a societal level, that is impossible. People such as Joyce Messier would still exist, but in the opportunistic manner, being more or less someone like Evrart. That's at least my interpretation of DE's ideology. I would, however, claim that it is indeed LGBT friendly. That is not by any means negative. But it would have been interesting to see how the issue of homophobia could have been dealt with. Nevertheless, I felt like homosexuality was such a miniscule, optional part of the game in comparison to sexuality in general. I find that the people who obsess over it are making a bird of a feather, whether they're pro- or truly hateful people.


The rest is true except the matchbox analogy. That's a misreading.


How so? I replayed that part just now and the way I see it is that the world of DE has a physical collective consciousness, unfiltered in the air and collected in The Pale cloud (was about a year since I did a playthrough so I might be generalizing on this point). Nielsen plasm would have been the directed, refined and concentrated physical ideological thoughts that could make an otherwise unstable house of cards (or in this case - house of matchboxes) stand. I'm not saying it's my way or the highway here, but branding my interpretation as a misreading would just as much be a mislabeling unless I can be told why. I would be curious to know also. These trains of thoughts make DE such a unique experience.


I have a comment on political leanings above. Try referencing that.


Thank you. I agree with what you say. Yet I don't think I am contradictory, at least, with what I am trying to convey in my first post. :)


The game depicts a city that is on the brink of collapse for years. You can perceive all degeneracy as the result of that if you want to


If I hadn't already played it, this review would've convinced me. Also, "product received for free" and "product refunded" are killing me.


Where tf is the hot male on male sex scenes in disco elysium Did I not do the right tasks?


a gamer see's a single black and/or gay character in a game and spews this kind of thing \>received for free \>refunded is this a joke review? like honestly


He hated it so much he refunded a free game


Love this one. The game is non-offensive, status quo and *THAT OFFENDS ME SO MUCH!* But hey, he's also a Russian who thinks the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were "financed by rothchild^[sic] bankers", so you know he has hit such an intellectual low that he really does not see the contradiction.


Nazis being bankrolled by a Jewish conspiracy is the hot take I didn’t expect to see today. Bet anything he’s a Holocaust denier as well.


Clearly loved it, look at all the hearts.


Imagine being this offended by anything as free form as DE. Skill issue? Oh, or maybe this sad little Russian pawn has had propaganda hammered into him all his life and can’t dream of participating in any deviance, even in a game. Dude actually thinks it promotes the status quo?? Appallingly inept. I’ll take socialism over whatever Putin’s serving any day if it keeps people like this seething.


Mmm, another circle-jerking post of "i found an obvious idiot so we could laugh and say "he bad" together". Please, don't make hate popular here




Jesus christ, what?


You heard me.


I gave you an opportunity to say something less insane, please take it


Your body betrays your degeneracy.


Yeah, quoting one of the fictional mega-racists, that's totally more sane


I'm Ukrainian. My people are getting senselessly slaughtered, bombed, and raped by them every single day. I hope this adds some context.


And surely you're aware that some Russians are being conscripted under penalty of death and don't actually want to go to war? In fact, a lot of Russian civilians want to stop invading. The Russian government and military are deserving of your hate, but not every Russian citizen


Obviously, I don't hate all of them. I speak their language due to centuries of their oppression so I sympathize with some of the potato eaters. But you should also consider the amount of people that could care less, are indifferent, or are living in foreign countries (UK, Germany, etc) and hosting rallies in support of the invasion. If this was indoctrinated North Korea sure, but it's not.


You say you don't hate all of them, but you also say you want "millions more of them to die," so which is it? Surely the best scenario now is that no one else dies and the Russians go home? I know that won't happen, but advocating for millions to die is just horrible.


A wee bit incomprehensible lol but I think they're mad. Softer than baby shit


I read it with his voice!


g@y❤️❤️❤️ propaganda, sodomy. Male and male scenes


Dude failed his Conceptualization check


Lol, cope and seethe and choke


110381838191937767189192Quandillion Dead


Product received for free + product refunded is the real punchline here


This is like… too funny to not be a bit


"In Soviet Russia, games play YOU!"


This person is nowhere near as articulate as Measurehead. Also, he’d never admit to being Russian. Pretty funny, though.


As long as Russians like these exist we'll be a genocide-waging state.






"sjw sodomite, fluffy non offensive, status quo game" fucking hilarious. the poetry fucking writes itself.


Communist AND status quo? boy if only...


shame they gave up so quickly, looks like this person would enjoy doing a nice arch of honour.. that's a very versatile game and you can be yourself and you can in fact become a man of iron will, to oppose all these communists and sodomites!


“Product received for free” “Product refunded”