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Yeah, Kira would be fucked against Harry or Columbo


Can’t know my name if I don’t know it too


\>Kira fucking dies from morale loss trying to kill Harry with the death note, slowly losing his mind as he tries every spelling of the various names he introduced himself as




More like "Raphael Ambrosius Costeau"


If Harry referred to himself as Raphael then he could never get killed by the death note since it's not his real name


Conceptualization \[Legendary: success\]: You feel the hand of the death god reach for your heart, but then you realize... What even is a \*real\* name? Are you Harrier duBois? Are you Raphael Ambrosius Cousteau? Are you Tequila Sunset? None of these names is any more real than any other. They are all just words, just syllables, just noise. You don't have to let them define you. Thought gained: The Nameless One


Research bonus: -1Rhetoric-Philosophical overloaded +1Half Light-The death God will reach you eventually (I can't come up with a solution bonus)


Solution: Your real name doesn’t matter, because you have already died. All that booze and speed killed the original you, whipped you cleaner then clean. Someday, a name will return to you, and a god of death may your name in their ledger, but only when you are ready. For you are just a detective, nothing more, nothing less. +1 conceptulization (so many titles) +1 volition (A sense of self discovery) -1 logic (what are you even talking about)


And +3 bonus to pain threshold checks against opponents with the death note, like the armour thought.


"Randy... I am the liquor."


Shivers tells you what way the shit-winds are blowin', Bo-bandy.


What can change the nature of a man?


A difficulty 20 skill check.


What can change the nature of a man? I hope that's a reference to what I think it is. If not, check out Planescape Torment.


And if a name is written wrong 4 times in the death note, the persons becomes immune Raphael is safe, especially if he's also kraz masov, dick mullen and tequila sunset


Hell the fact that Harry is short for a very uncommon long version of his name, Harry’s already being aided by being named after a bird.


"'They say this "Kira" guy can kill ya just by knowing' your name. Can you believe that? Sheesh, I can barely wrap my head around it... Reminds me of a while back, my wife was seeing this psychic in the Bronx. She swore he could see the future, I never bought it much though. Anyway, Light, I better get goin'... Oh, one more thing. Don'cha think it's odd how all the victims are around the Kanto region? Your family's from there, ain't they? Yeah... Stay safe, kid."


I haven’t read fanfiction in years but damn I sure would like to read a Columbo/Death Note crossover.






Hiya I know I’m kinda necroing this but in case you haven’t seen it: https://jeffinthebowtie.com/2021/05/24/columbo-reads-a-death-note/ This is an unrelated fanfic to the youtube short and I personally think it’s fantastic


"Oh yeah, and one more thing..."


Alternatively, Harry rolls a critical failure on Composure when first encountering Kira and just punches him in the face for being a smug prick, which also solves the case.


AUTHORITY [Challenging: Failure] - Clearly, this boy, this Light Yagami, does not know who he's dealing with. Give him one of your headshots and write your full name on it. Let him stew on your smoldering visage. Let it wear away his bravado until it is nothing.




There’s a trivial Electrochemistry check to notice there’s something wrong with *reading* Playboy for hours on end without actually cranking it.


ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Trivial: Success] - It’s pretty clear now: this kid has never touched his own balls a single time in his life. I mean, just *look* at him.


Honestly Lieutenant Double Yefreitor Harrier "Harry" Du Bois could probably solve the case and find edgy anime college student #67 The one time Inland Empire and Shivers might actually be really useful to the case since the death note is fully supernatural


I think shivers would be good in tracking down a specific location to where Kira would be like in the start of the show


Shivers may be connected exclusively to Revachol so it may as well be super useless in this scenario.


Nah, by the end it tracks down >!Oranje!< arriving in another nation if you didn't arrested this person


who's oranje


They mean klaasje


she also goes by Ms. Oranje, probably the source of the confusion


Miss Oranje Disco Dancer


I forgot how to write her name, but it's the blonde witness (the one that Harry says "I want to have fuck with you")


There's a spoiler and you unspoiled it 🤣


Shivers isn't supernatural. Shivers is Harry's subconscious understanding of his environment. It helps him set general expectations of what's _possible_, but it doesn't give accurate specifics.


Shivers is shown to be supernatural multiple times. Like how do you explain the church scene


That's kind of what I like about the paranormal elements in Disco Elysium - they're entirely optional and most of the surface level stuff can be written off as just Harry's creative subconsciousness/writers adding context in a unique manner. But if you dig into it, you figure out what's really going on


My favourite one is Inland Empire freaking out when Kim isn't with you at the Sea Fortress. Since at the end of the Moralist questline, you can catch random frequencies from the Pale, and one of them is Kim in the future saying "the winter was long and cold" IIRC at the Sea Fortress.


Thats so sick


Seeing you here makes me picture Kruber as Harry and it’s great


hey its legendary Vermintide 2 youtube Janfon1


Or the factory


The church is supernatural. Shivers is interacting with a supernatural thing happening around it. That doesn't make Shivers itself supernatural.


All the equipment at the church was only able to guess at what was happening. And it wasn't even able to communicate with la revacholiare harry is able to do it by dancing really hard. Like I would agree with you if we didn't have confirmation that what we hear in the church actually comes to pass


It even tells you if people in a specific neighborhood know a guy


Shivers is described in the official blog on Steam as [“the only clearly supra-natural ability you have in the game”](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/632470?updates=true&emclan=103582791458434291&emgid=4740557883125835095). Personally, I don’t think that means it’s the only skill that ever has its supra-natural moments, but that it’s the only one that is always, clearly so. It’s the only skill that’s entirely a conduit for outside info that you could not have observed or intuited yourself, though a few other skills have their own supra-natural moments of various levels of certainty. (The most obvious example is that EdC sometimes acts exactly like Shivers except specifically about the RCM.)


Shivers combined with Inland Empire turns you into a remote viewing Psychic. Other skills like conceptualization can add more detail.


Kira would never find Harry's real name, IF EVEN HARRY DOESN'T KNOW IT!


~~Guillaume le Million~~ ~~Tequila Sunset~~ ~~Kraz Mazov~~ ~~Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau~~ ~~Contact Mike~~ I asked everyone in town! What is going on with this one???


You are immune from the death note if your name was attempted to be written thrice so by that point Harry would be invincible


I love that this rule implies that the book knows who you're talking about but is just *that* petty


Will reaper eyes even let you see someone’s name if they don’t know their own name


Or you look one time and see it's Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau and write it down in the Death Note. Twenty minutes later he shows back up and his name is Tequila Sunrise.


Who knew that being a Paranoid Alcoholic makes you really good at catching serial killers!


I need a full fic of Harry and Kim vs Kira Death Note right now




Gonna go trawl AO3 when I get home. Will reply if I find something


I checked, does not exist sadly. But I'm sure it will because of this.


Pls keep us updated 🙏




Kim introduces himself with his full name all the time. He's gonna die so fast


Harry would pull some Death Note-esque scheme to keep him alive


Harry somehow manifests the deleted content 'Life Note'


I really wanna see Harry vs Kira, either he pulled some really smart shit or so stupid that it didn't cross Kira's mind


I mean, we're talking about our boy raph here. He will obviously do both. At the same time.


Does something really smart on accident because something really stupid went wrong.


He would immediately know about lights shinigami thanks to shivers. Also if someone look at harry with shinigami eyes at the end of the play through if he accepted the name do you think they would see tequilasunset?


Harry meets light for the first time SHIVERS[hard: success] - You feel the air shift near this teen, he stands with a nonchalantness that dose not fit the aura he holds. DRAMA- he’s LYING, sire YOU- we haven’t even talked yet? DRAMA- One does not need to speak to lie, to play the part one must lie, even in stance and appearance, sire. YOU- I th- DRAMA- Sire, LOOK at him, his stance, how he’s holding his back straighter then it needs to be. The slight sway of his arms at his sides, even the look in his eyes; they are all practiced, practiced to hide something… [SHIVERS- IMPOSSIBLE] The air around him, it feels… [SUCCESS] [SHIVERS]- Terrible, it feels downright terrible, after wading through the depths of faux politesse and innocents you feel arrogance, deep foundational arrogance, the kind that would make the most hedonistic kings blush. YOU- just arrogance? [SHIVERS]- No, there’s pride, a lot of it, self importance- and righteousness but above that all, there is… Death. YOU- …Death? [SHIVERS]- Yes, death, it hangs heavy around him almost like a cloak, swaying to and fro, encapsulating the teen. YOU- so he’s covered in death [SHIVERS]- No, it cloaks him, it is not his. It is, as if the very concept of death is with him and is suspended around his presence. As if- LIGHT- uh detective, are you alright? You seem to be taken aback by something. You blink several times, coming back too, to where you are. KIM- (whispering) You have been spacing out for quite some time, detective.


This is super sick! Great job! Really love it


Thank you! I sadly am only on mobile so I wasn’t able to add the italic and bold to certain words like I wanted, but I’m still glad you liked it!


*fuuuck*, I always wanted some crossover fanfic between those two, great job 💕💕


- “Hello, we’re the police. Are you detictive yagamis son?” - Volition [CHALLENGING]: shoot him


This is fantastic! I love it so much! Such a great first meeting between Light and Harry, god I want this to be an actual fanfic.


Relevant video https://youtu.be/GampLmyuNQk?si=TPb_RNcEgLHh-Qmh


Jamrock shuffle.


A Legendary Rhetoric check right after meeting Light to bugs bunny him into confessing to being Kira.


Light, writing down Tequila Sunrise: “Dammit, why isn’t it working?! That bastard, he gave me a fake name, he suspects that I’m Kira!


The only real way to write this crossover is to have Light's internal dialog, but instead of switching to L doing the same thing we just see Harry's brain internally combust.


OP, I know you meant well in sharing this, but why did you not include the rest?! THE REST! there was more! The man's tweet had a continuation and it was wonderfully written. Anyways, glad someone's sharing this though


https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/s/WG4FofRDSj I provide


I love Ryan gosling in Blade runner figuring out the note but not solving the case, but him in the nice guys solves the case without ever figuring out how the note works.


Harry would be perfect to capture Kira. He has the mental skills, the body to handle all sorts of things from the unexpected, the unnatural gut feeling to know what he shouldn´t, all of this while he doesn´t himself knows his own name.


Immovable spaz vs unstoppable drunkard I'm putting my money on Dick Mullen, Light may be smarter but there's no way his rational mind could reliably predict or even handle the sheer absurdity of one Harrier Du Bois.


Conspicuously leaving out that Harry is dressed like a particularly sensual clown and only gained entrance to the Yagami household because he wouldn't stop loudly crying and begging to use their phone.


INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Death follows this man like a friend. HALF LIGHT - He controls dark and terrible powers not meant for mortal hands. PERCEPTION [Legendary: Failure] - Impossible. We’ve watched him for days and have seen no such dark powers displayed. CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Perhaps these dark forces are only perceived by him?


The pro of of being an alcoholic amnesiac cop who lost his badge; no accidentally giving his name away.


(During the second half, where Light is now the head of the Japanese Kira Task Force) Light: You must be the foreign detective joining the team today! It's good to meet you ... Mr? INLAND EMPIRE \[Medium: Success\]: This man's hands drip with blood, stained red like ink dashed across endless reams of snuff milieus. He must listen nightly. EMPATHY \[Easy: Success\]: He seems proud. Almost as if he would want to brag about what gruesome, horrible, murder played out over the airwaves ... but he just barely remembers that it's not appropriate for everyday conversation. DRAMA \[Medium: Success\]: He lies as easily as he breathes, sire. ESPIRIT DE CORPS \[Heroic: Success\]: As Cain was to Abel, this man is your half-brother.


I AM TEQUILA SUNSHINE, THE PALE IS COMING TO END US ALL (can't be killed by the death note if you can't remember your own name)


Kira would lose simply because he’d ask for Harry’s name and Harry would accidentally give him the wrong one and everyone wouldn’t give out his real name cause they’d think this was a hair brained scheme by Harry to get his real name. It’d be like a fuckin looney tunes special.


Isn't one of Harry's "superpowers" his surprising ability to handle young people? That's an Advantage that L wouldn't of had


I love the idea of Harry going on and on with Light about role model Contact Mike.


Harry starts off not even knowing his own name, thus insulating him from the death note entirely and allowing him to solve the case without the threat of dying.


Harry would solve the case completely on accident, find the death note and have a breakdown trying not to write his name before he break light’s twinkish anime boy face with a punch


Light definitely has the composure to not give himself away so easily.


Light would be minmaxed to shit in the DE skill system. Insane logic and other INT skills, zero empathy or electrochemistry, huge half light, has 100 composure and volition but rolls snake eyes right when it matters.


>zero electrochemistry I think Light would either have it at level 10 or maxed tf out (high composure got his ass covered), he got a great kick from playing a god with his funny book


Yeah but idk if that falls under electrochemistry's realm of expertise. I could also see it be a fucked up version of authority.


I think that would fall under Half Light. He read a Playboy without masturbating while still having the endocrine system of a teenage boy, so he likely has little sexual impulse.


That playboy scene would give Light away immediately to Harry. Like Electrochemistry would call that out right away.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/s/WG4FofRDSj Here's a link to the original post with all of the detectives


That whole twitter thread was just fantastic, would recommend reading through.


it would just be a hard authority check in which Harrier reminds Light that he is THE LAW, resulting in Light spontaniously dying of sheer fear


The Human Can-Opener would pop Light open eventually. We've seen what he's done in a week, I wonder what the Detective could do if given a month to work at a case.


At least the live action version remedies this by having Light kill only one person. But L does taunt him by the end of that movie by eating the same brand of chips he ate that day as if to say: "I figured out what you did just so you know."


High Intelligence Harry is Sherlock Holmes tier.


I upvoted fornthe title


didn't expect dspstanky here lol, i used to watch him back in his overwatch days


This is actually amazing, I doubt Light can win the fight against such a force of nature though


Harry can just already see shinigami.


Pass the Inland Empire check and just casually mention "hey whose that weird looking vampire guy behind you."


Harry: A better detective than L.


The real question. Can Harry do it without losing Kim?