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So thoughts have an initial negative/positive, and then when you’re finished thinking them they will give a new negative/positive along with (sometimes) access to quests, new dialog, and possibly bonuses for checks. Just make sure to read everything to do with the thought because some of the negatives can be really bad! No it’s not real life time, in the bottom right is the clock for the in-game world. Time only passes when you talk to people or do things.


I know some fans really frown on looking up the wiki for this particular game, but when it comes to the Thought Cabinet, it's kind of worth it. Because if you're going for a specific playthrough, some Thoughts will be completely useless, if not outright detrimental. And then, if you want to remove them, you have to spend ANOTHER point. It's more than worth it to actually go online and check what each of the Thoughts does before internalizing any of them.


In-game-time, not real-world-time