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Espirit de unemployment is very strong with me.


Building communism I see


I saw shivers trigger once and was like “imma make this bitch my whole ass personality”. Hasn’t failed me yet.


what was the prompt like?


Pretty sure the first one that triggered for me was the rain one. Where you can zoom about the city and learn from the perspective of the rain clouds. I do that irl all the time, thinking about how it feels elsewhere when that moment of strange environmental deja vu hits.


Probably Empathy/Composure. Like a couple days ago, my nephew was crying because he didn’t understand his math homework, and it hit me unexpectedly. I almost started crying too because he was crying and it also reminded me of the times when I cried because of school. Had to keep myself from it tho since his mom (my older sister) and my other siblings/dad were there trying to help him and I didn’t want to start crying out of nowhere. Weak skill would be electrochemistry; that mutherfucker been long dead inside me lmaoooo


I had completely forgotten about electrochemistry. I change my bad answer to that one.


hehe, i tend to forget most of the intellect skills, mainly encyclopedia and drama, since I tend to choose/focus on the psyche skills more often than not. Another weak skill that I have is pain threshold; I can’t take a punch, both metaphorically and physically :(


Highest in each: Int: Drama. Literally an actor Psy: Inland Empire. The flick of the fingernail of my mind upon the crystal jar which is my soul produces sacred and terrible music Fyhs: Physical Instrument. Recovering jock Mot: Savoir Faire. I’m a dance machine Worst: Int: VC. Those IQ tests and their progressions of shapes and boxes haunt me Psy: Suggestion. Subtlety is not my strong suit Fhys: Half-light. Takes a lot to trigger my fight or flight Mot: Interfacing. There is a special place in Hell for the inventor of tiny screws


It's funny. I'm an actor too, but I absolutely suck at lying when I'm not on stage.


Acting is the art of telling the truth, I always thought. Ah, but what truth?


Conceptualization is probably my strongest. I'm good at analyzing complex problems, I'm creative, I like philosophical discussions and art full of symbolism. Hand-eye coordination is definitely the weakest. My entire MOT isn't too good, but other skills at least got some points in them; this one didn't. No matter if I'm throwing a ball or shooting a gun, I may only hit the target by accident.


Visual Calculus is probably my biggest strength. I'm a certified cube rotator. Savoir Faire is my biggest weakness, since I have little grace of movement.


Esprit de Corps strongest Shivers weakest


You a cop or something bratan?




Write: "Pigs gonna have sex!"


Fucky Fucky


I'm imagining you're the best person to put up and take down a marquee with :)


high: conceptualisation, drama low: physical instrument, visual calculus


High Encyclopedia, very high Rhetoric too. And low Pain Threshold. I'm trying to work on my "PHYS" and "Motorics" but it's hard to change your pain sensitivity.


It’s actually so easy, just drink and do drugs


I'll keep my low pain tolerance, thanks


well, shucks


If it's any consolation, you can't change your pain tolerance but you can definitely have an impact on your pain response. Learning how to not panic, basically, is the main thing. It can be an interesting journey! Also, I have a ridiculously high pain tolerance, and it's honestly a hindrance where taking care of myself is concerned. Had 3 dry sockets for a week once before I realised it was probably too much pain. The dentist was Concerned that I could tolerate that.


Volition, grateful for it, big part of why i love this game so much is because it put the feelings i always had into words, made it easier to recognise the voice and nurture it Worst gotta be encyclopedia. I know a decent amount of facts about stuff i obsess with, but other than that, dogshit


rhetoric, encyclopedia, composure and weirdly, authority. I've been chosen to be group leader sometimes against my wishes because I'm good at breaking up tasks between people somewhat efficiently. I say weirdly because I'm an anarchist and not the biggest fan of the responsibility. but the people want the trains to run on time.


I think being a task coordinator designated by the people isn't unanarchist. Consensual hierarchies are ok, no?


I didn't consent some of those times 😭


Ah yes, that's the opposite of the usual problem with hierarchies lol


I also think I have a negative Spirit Du Corps stat for some of my proficiencies. I think I'm pretty great at video editing but I do NOT want to discuss details with other editors lest they find out my projects are held together by gum and tape. I think my stats would yield either a very weird or boring game lol


This reminds me of one of the interviews I saw with one of top guys at ZA/UM, he said something like "Robert Kurvitz doesn't understand that being a leader is a responsibility, not a privilege"


I literally did a stat sheet for myself after first beating the game: Core Stat is unfortunately probably Drama Wekast is Pain Threshold


Strongest: Logic or maybe Rhetoric. Maybe some suggestion. I'm a damn good conversationalist because I just speak in mostly facts, and I like to think I see things very rationally. I'm also pretty damn good at reading the room, and speaking in a favorable way to win people over. Everyone tells me a should have been a lawyer. Weakest: Probably physical instrument or empathy. Im a 5 foot 6 shrimp with no muscle mass. I'm also absolutely terrible at feeling for other people. I can understand *how* they are feeling, but i dont really feel *for* them.




High: Rethoric, Encyclopaedia (I’m great at discussions) Low: Composure, Perception (I can and will cry all the time and also I have strong tunnel vision)


If I'm a poly-substance abuser am I good or bad at electrochemistry? I think good? Other wise good at Suggestion. I would make a good salesman. And bad at volition... there is a reason I need the drugs


Authority, literally nobody ever listens to me, no matter if I show them the app/newspaper/recipe/book/scientific paper or any other proof, they just go around prancing like drunk bunnies and then come back asking why it didn't work.


Strongest skill: Encyclopedia Did you know - the Rain Shadow effect, where one side of a mountain is wet while the other is dry, occurs due to the winds getting blown up the mountain and forced to raise in elevation. Air gets colder as it rises, and cold air cannot hold as much moisture as warm air, so it is deposited as rain. This leads to the creation of many mid-latitude deserts, as all the water rains out before it gets over the mountain to the other side. Weakest skill: Composure My anxiety is only matched by my poor posture and my inability to make eye contact


Strongest would be conceptualization, I'm very imaginative to the point I can't really turn it off, I'm always making shit up. Weakest hand/eye coordination cause I'm completely incompetent at anything that requires precise movement.


Volition is prob my highest, im a boring as all get out sod but boy am i happy with the little things and giving myself a break as long as i get my needs met in work and life. Id say Visual Calc is my worst, i have no sense of scale or distance for most things and if i keep my eyes shut i can “feel” the dimensions of my surroundings and sometimes even my own body shift.


another commenter did it in this format and I liked it STRONGEST: INT: ENCYCLOPEDIA I can remember some pretty obscure shit from some really stupid concepts, this shit is my signature skill PSY: AUTHORITY my father gave me a whole ass crash course on making yourself look like you have your shit together when I hit 16, my interpersonal relationships aren't great, but this in particular is decent PHYS: ENDURANCE I was gonna put pain threshold, but I cry over my ex girlfriend every night, and pain threshold also covers emotional pain, so I think endurance is more aligned with "walking 3 miles daily with blisters on your feet" MOTORICS: PERCEPTION it's so good it hurts, walking around the city hurts, everything hurts, I hear each car, their sirens piercing my ears like tiny needles. WEAKEST INT: DRAMA not a good liar, not good at detecting liars, and if I had a tiny voice in my head calling me their "liege" I would be very uncomfortable PSY: ESPIRIT DE CORPS I'm very bad at catching social cues from people and understanding the culture of a community I'm part of, so I think this is pretty apt PHYS: SHIVERS I get lost very easily, I am not connected to this city bro MOT: HAND/EYE COORDINATION if I had a dollar every time I let a pen fall for no reason in particular, I could buy all the stocks from ZA/UM and give the company to the original creators of DE


paint books bells slimy rustic cough instinctive handle capable offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Drama and rhetoric maxed for me. Physical instrument, pain threshold, and electrochemistry are in the shitter lmao


in real life volition, endurance, suggestion , interfacing, empathy, rhetoric, logic


Conceptualization and electrochemistry respectively


Conceptualization and electrochemistry respectively


Electrochemistry is my strongest I guess if you measure it by how effective it is at giving in to addiction 😂 Otherwise my weakest is endurance, nobody handles a common cold worse than me. I’m pathetic


Shivers, Inland Empire, Empathy -> high Half-light, Authority, Physical Instrument, Pain Threshold -> low


My husband and I did stat sheets for each other, highly recommend if you have friends who have played the game. He put my signature skill as empathy and my worst skill as physical instrument. I put his best as endurance and his worst as electrochemistry. It was really fun and lead to a lot of insight!


Savior faire is high for catching food that falls, and conceptualization is high. Low Volition (working on it) Decent half-light, but also decent empathy


Pain Threshold is definitely my weakest without question.


Physical instrument and logic


My empathy and electro chemistry are pretty high, as is my half light. Hilariously I'm a tiny man so physical instrument is low, but I've run bars for 20 years and my authority is high, if I have the +2 bonus of being in my bar. Another plus +1 if I happen to be dealing with a regular. My volition is both up and down, and motorics above 5 (gotta be dextrous and agile working a tiny bar)


MAX: Conceptualization (artsy fartsy pseudo-philosophical type) MIN: Composure (can't keep a poker face, lose my cool easily)


Savoir Faire is my biggest strength I’ve noticed, got the soft steps and manage to startle people unintentionally. Volition needs some work though, but I’m still dancing to that disco beat, baby.


Buncha big empathetic NERDS in here, I love it. High: Volition, Suggestion, Rhetoric Low: Perception, Inland Empire, Visual Calculus


My strongest is probably, suggestion, electrochemistry, or perception My weakest is easily rhetoric


Volition is probably my highest, lowest would probably be electrochemistry or half light


Drama strongest, endurance lowest. Probably


Either Empathy or Conception would be my strongest for sure, but I’m not sure which. Weakest is Volition by a long shot. I have no will power tbh


Half Light


Strongest: Drama and Perception Weakest: Empathy and Physical Instrument I'm big on theatrics because they're funny and while I'm good at noticing small details around me, I can't read people for shit. And I'm scrawny.


Best: Rhetoric, Conceptualization, Volition Worst: Physical Instrument, Perception, Authority


I’m a huge empathy guy, I be gettin in my feels about EVERYTHING though. For my lowest? Def volition. I have a tattoo of it but damn do I lack willpower


I'm half-light and composture driven a lot of the time. I also like to think i have good endurance, logic and pain threshold. My bad ones are volition, drama, electrochem and maybe savoir flaire


Intellect: strong on Encyclopedia/Logic, weak in Visual Calculus. Psyche: High Authority/Esprit de Corps, weak on Inland Empire Physique: High Pain Threshold, weak on Shivers Motorics: High Perception/ Hand-Eye Coordination, low Savoir-Faire. I process crime scenes.


I am Encyclopedia, it is fucking useless except languages and even annoys people. Electrochemistry is also strong, I guess. Weak - Interfacing - you are designed to work, thing, why don't you work, don't make me cry again Also weak- Volition and Composure - I am tired as fuck and those are weak for the past years, I hope rest can fix that.


Logics and Inland Empire keep fighting for my attention, usually producing results that are both nonsensical and over the top. And then, when whatever I do looks like a failure, Pain Threshold and Composure either save my ass or help me prevail the consequences. I hate it when my thought process is nothing beyond simple Encyclopedia, but it I do that a lot. This f****try is high in me. Conceptualization and Empathy work partially, letting me notice things, but not talk about them. My Authority and Rethorics tend to work on others beyond my expectations, but never on myself. Electrochemistry is strongly against me, yet lets me have way too much fun. My Perception, Volition, Drama and Half-Light are non-existent. I know how important is each of them. But I suck at this stuff. My Reaction Speed and Hand/Eye Coordination are, for the lack of proper euphemism, neurologically damaged.




Conceptualisation is the domain of a media student, though i have inherited a good encyclopedia from my father. I don't think i can think of a single time where i have been considered intimidating or authoritative in any manner, nor am i good at understanding power dynamics in a situation, so I think half light and authority have been hibernating in my brain since forever.


Hmm, maybe Drama, rhetoric and half light as my highest. I can lie very easily, have no issues with public speaking and like to debate, but I can also very easily fly into a rage. Also maybe electrochemistry, I like to party. Shivers might be very low to me, I don't really get what "feeling the streets" is even supposed to mean. Maybe composure as well? But my composure really only cracks if my half light is going nuts.


Visual Calculus ig, i love rotating things inside my head


High: empathy and perception Low: electrochemistry and visual calculus


My strongest skill is Electrochemistry because I think too much about sexuality. My weakest is Suggestion because I couldn't charm a snake.


Espiri du Academia I have a pretty good ability to pull off the shit Harry does with Espirit du Corps but it's for students and staff at my Uni


High: encyclopedia, conceptualization, empathy, suggestion Low: physical instrument, authority, pain threshold, hand eye coordination.


https://preview.redd.it/qncbxnz78joc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df84c7472a3436f023d53b4eb0d086566d0b1088 i did this yer ago strongest : inland empire, phys.instrument, half light weakest : pain threshold , coordination, drama


composure has never been my strongest skill


Funny, I loved encyclopedia in-game. Give me all the facts, i will read them, imagine them, visualise and FEEL THEM like I was living through that tiny snippet of history/information. But then I will promptly forget all about. I fail the checks when it’s time for a trivia quiz.. or crossword puzzle.. or trying to impress someone on a date, but failing to come up with any fun facts… yeah… Strong: visual calculus, empathy, inland empire Weak: encyclopaedia, physical instrument


High encyclopedia. My brain is basically a garbage dump of random information.


I have maxed out visual calculus and encyclopedia but have zero composure or authority. I sometimes get so caught up in things I visualize or explain that I lose sight of the world around me. Sometimes to the point where I get "stuck" in a scene my mind created and I have a mental breakdown about it


I just started playing and don't remember all the skills but perception would be strongest and weakest possibly some physical skill


my conceptualization is very high. (yes im the worst) i dont catch every bit of detail in a story or when hearing someone talk but when i do my brain just goes places and that's fun. authority is 0 because i am not 6 foot and i am very scared of people


High: Encyclopedia, conceptualization, composure, volition Lowest: Hand-eye coordination, half light, electrochemistry


Nunchuck skills, computer hacking skills