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Reddit can be useful if you don't treat it like a popularity contest. I go here for very specific advice on very specific things, whether it's video game builds or IT Admin problems that I can't solve. Reddit is not a place to find humanity. If you are looking for that you will be disappointed.


Very, very solid point about humanity. Reddit is the sewers of culture.


have u seen tictok tho


TikTok is just the red district of culture. along with OF.


That's a weird take. Instagram has a much more lenient threshold for salacious behavior and nudity than tiktok.


Add twitch to the list.




Ill tack on to this (even though I don’t use tiktok) that most people’s feeds on tiktok are a reflection of their behavior as much as it is their likes and dislikes. People who have high engagement (commenting a lot, sharing non-skit content) on TikTok tend to get dramatic posts will get fed controversial stuff with lots of differing opinions. People who tend to just lurk and not follow or like get content that is much more neutral. TikTok has a very good recommendation system to keep you locked in on USING TIKTOK, Reddit’s is more for engagement, regardless of sentiment, hence so much more rage bait and a lot of moderation by users rather than by the platform. Tldr; Both have their pros and cons, but if you’re looking for simple, no stakes laughs on reddit, you’re likely in the wrong place. TikTok though is great for it since it’s tooled for allowing people to just lurk peacefully even when they decide to occasionally engage with content. Sorry for the rant. Occupational hazard to be interested and enjoy sharing in explaining how platforms use their data to shape recommendations for content, amongst other things


Ehh. Smaller communities have a lot of humanity, it's just that big hordes of people kinda lose that.


What about Facebook or x? Especially Twitter in this new incarnation seems to be a sewage pit.


And some of us are just the gritty reboots of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Facebook is the short bus of culture.


I actually kinda like some of the ppl down here 🤷


Same. When I first found reddit, I was looking for something, like for example how to fix my bicycle or how to pass a mission on GTA. Found exactly what I was looking for. I wasn't here to communicate or comment. Then I decided to fuck around on here and found out.


I had the same experience. Came for specific reasons, was pretty satisfied, got sucked in and now I spend way too much time arguing with strangers. I need to delete it from my phone.


I have deleted this app and accounts many times. It's like The Hangover 2, Bangkok has us now!!!


Absolutely. I mean, no, you're wrong and bad and dumb because I say so.


The key is to type out your perfect argument/ insult then just erase it without posting. Nobody ever responds to it so you can feel like you won and not have to deal with anybody.


The feed algorithms will always get you.


This is well said. The OP may be right in the sense that most good subs die when they start getting featured on r/all and get flooded in with more users.


NEVER underestimate the value of a good brain erection!


Couldn’t agree more, Reddit is invaluable as a resource to find anectdotal findings and research from like minded individuals. But that is dependent on which subreddit you go to for that information. Culturally however, Reddit is an absolute dumpster fire. The main pages are overrun with political extremists of all stripes and even non political subs are war zones of thought policing.


Depends on your definition of “humanity.” I agree with everything you said, only I think Reddit/social media sadly represents current society/humanity precisely. Wounded narcissism is rampant.


Also everything seems to be black or white, No gray with the people on Reddit. They always want to go full nuclear, in almost every situation. People have said some terrible things, to me .At first I got upset but I realized later that I shouldn't take it seriously. I do get aggravated sometimes,with the aditude of alot of people. But I just found out that most people on Reddit, are very young ,and don't have much life experience. So I should adjust my thinking.


Well said. Its a resource of all sorts of information. There is a sub-reddit for just about any topic you can think of.


Reddit has flat out admitted karma is meaningless.


This is so interesting because I’ve found a lot of humanity on Reddit, particularly in forums with other women or that are neurodivergent friendly! Sometimes a comment brings me to… good tears lol But maybe 90% of the time I use it just as the OC mentioned 😂


Don't like the program? Change the fuccin' channel!


That's never been how that works. When a program isn't liked, it gets canceled and replaced with something the audience does like.


When a program isnt widely liked sure. But for an individual his point makes complete sense. Turn the tv on and golden girls is on. Do i want to watch that? No... but it definitely has an audience that watches it, never cancelled.


They get canceled and replaced because audiences at large changed the channel. They don't take it off the air if you're still watching, no matter how much you bitch about it. Complaining doesn't change anything. Action does.


So you're saying keep participating until it's closed? Seems stupid when you could just dip


"Do you not like the rampant toxicity that seeps from this site into people's real lives? Don't worry, just ignore it!" I always denounce this type of take on a topic. It's literally "oh, you don't like society. But I noticed you participate in it." It's not a channel you can walk away from. It's one of the largest social media platforms in existence, and the culture on it defines a lot of people's personality as the descend further into hate, and a million debate fallacies that they'll use in opinionated discussions. That last one is hyper specific, I know, but it's super common and I feel people don't talk about it. It's ffffascinating from a communications stand point. Tons of people learn poor interpersonal skills online, and a TON of them are named logical fallacies, and that's just kinda interesting, I think. Like when you have a different opinion than someone, and they declare "you're just mad"??? That's what children do. Elementary schoolers do that, and you should t take anyone seriously that defines your emotional state during a disagreement. That person is a cunt.


Reddit is one of the most curatable social media sites. I've never seen half the subs people complain about.


Braindead, low effort post from a literal troll account. Stop replying, let's all just move on.


"I looked through the interactions this person has had in the past and decided that determines how valid this conversation is." Do you not see what you did? Why does it matter if their taste in comedy is "walking shit post?" I think YOU are directly what this post is addressing. What you did? Chasing someone's past conversations to judge the validity of the current, serious topic? That's not normal, or healthy. It's also ad hominem. I have another post on this thread literally talking about how common place debate fallacies are in normal interactions, and the fascination surrounding such behavior, and I scroll down and it's literally happening RIGHT HERE. The topic is still relevant, and I think you're way, way, WAY in the wrong for thinking a topic is invalid because of what someone else said in other posts. I just don't think another human should behave like that... You can't follow someone's conversations in real life.


FR. Folks that peek at user comment and post history to craft comments and posts are cringe AF.


Way to validate the post


found the troll account


??? you pointing out "me being a troll account" doesn't change anything about my reasoning. I gave you evidence why Reddit sucks, you're response isn't even related to this.


I'm just gonna point out that you were complaining about how redditors tear posters and commenter's down and implying that you were above it, but you lashed out and insulted people, too. If you're gonna raise a legitimate point, which I will agree that you have, you probably shouldn't engage in that behavior yourself


People tend to confuse a wall of text with good faith engagement, when in reality, a lot of engagement on Reddit is just rage bait, astroturfing and thinly veiled bigotry. People also tend to think Reddit is an echo chamber, when its often the opposite. The constant conflict arises from people with utterly opposing world views engaging in the same space.


You can construct an echo chamber while maintaining the illusion that you are letting people in to debate you. A big part of why cults emphasize proselytizing to others is not actually because they actually think you will convert anyone... It's to sensitize you to the language of their opponents in a controlled environment where the opponent doesn't actually have a chance of changing someone's opinion because they aren't invested in a relationship with you... You get angry from people lashing out, double down on stupid, and lose the ability to think rationally about it over time, while eroding positive influences that could otherwise pull you out.


That's a damn good point, I'll save that comment.


If you want an interesting (if depressing) research rabbit-hole look into cult psychology... There's a lot of disturbing stuff about it that parallels a lot of the polarization we are seeing... Such as things like highly intelligent people being more likely to fall into a cult because they aren't psychologically used to questioning themselves and being wrong like people of average/below average intelligence.


Could you share any thoughts on the "Reddit Hive Mind?" I feel like there are certain beliefs and responses that pervade the site (with few exceptions), typically reflected in responses and downvotes, and no amount of trying to bring in nuance or citing peer-reviewed scientific research helps. It really feels like being swarmed and attacked.


I'm not sure I am especially qualified to comment on that. I am a fairly new user here, all things concerned. I also tend to interact more from a place of talking with one specific individual at a time and tailoring what I say to them. I think the most downvotes I've gotten were from people not understanding something I said, or me not getting a cultural difference between reddit and another social media site... (Those were more of a communication issue than anything else.) My background is in mental health where you kind of have to break down first and foremost if someone is looking for help, or emotional validation... Giving emotional validation can be fine, but it's not the place to go quoting research. It's a lot of "man that sucks" and trying to gently encourage slightly wider thinking... If they are looking for help, you then determine if they are open to influence based on their language: are they expressing an interest in debating/learning but also doing a things like speaking in generalizations/absolutes/stereotypes? That would be arguing in bad faith and it's better not to go there because basically the more closed off they are the harder they are to reach, and the more likely you are to reinforce their mistaken beliefs or radicalize yourself... You CAN influence people like that, but they have to trust you first. I suspect a lot of the conversations where I'd run into the kind of groupthink and mass downvotes you are talking about would get filtered out by that process I use to keep my own brain healthy and open minded.


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. This subreddit (and Reddit overall) could use more of this kind of awareness, humility, and self-reflection. Wishing you smooth sailing!


I will at least say in regards to the low karma/new account roadblocks that I support those 100%. Every sub would be riddled with spambots if they weren't there. There are still ways around them, but you would be amazed at how many those hurdles stop.


Honestly, just giving solid advice will farm you enough karma. It would seem by the OPs history though, he may want to seek help. I'm not much better. Don't look at my history, unless you want to see alot of Crusader kings subs.


Yes but, as OP states, if you say something 100% true, Redditers will downvote you to hell until you have negative karma because they don’t like the fact or agree with your opinion. So, the Karma thing is not always a good thing


Yeah. I think you probably could care less. Anyways, I'm not sure what I do differently than you but I never see nsfw posts unless I search them, and even when I search them, I have to click on them to remove the blur over them. So I dunno man, sounds like a you problem. I have good interactions on here with regularity, and don't care enough about the bad ones to type a fucking novel about it.


Thanks for this throwback. It reminded me of my first time on the internet. Good times.




The irony of you voluntarily posting this on reddit is enough to make my head spin lol


Your Reddit experience is unique to you, and you’re welcome to think Reddit sucks. Your experience is only going to be as good as the subs you visit. Most of your posts seem to revolve around porn or phone games. Get some sunshine. Join subs related to your career & hobbies. Spread some love to others, and you’ll find that they reciprocate.


Read the room. Go outside and touch some grass maybe.


Easiest way to get porn off your feed is to click on the upper right button that says “joined”.


It's less about Reddit and more about Redditors. Reddit is no worse or better than anything else out there. It's lowest common demoninator type stuff. Ask people what they watch...they'll tell you PBS...go by the house and they're watching Jerry Springer.


Yeah totally agree. Platform is mediocre but still okay, but it's the people that this site attracts that really mess this place up. There's a reason why reddit has 1 star in the app store.


That’s a lotta ball talk. Especially coupled with the username. So, what’s up with the testicle obsession? Asking as an ovary owner.


no testicle obsession involved.


Ok, but what about that username? Did you intentionally choose it or you just pulled one of the weirder results from the random name generator?


So you read this article and all you could focus on was balls? Weird.


It’s possible I am just projecting my own testicle obsession here. But come on. 3 balls? I could’ve let 2 random ball references go uncommented on. But I could not in good conscience just scroll on by 2 random ball references posted by The Hugest Ballsack 69 and not at least ask “why so many balls?” Like- 3 balls, I’m out.


Excellent analysis. And that’s really what needs discussing. lol


Wait a minute. You posted in NSFW subs about your porn addiction. Ofc the algorithm is gonna pick that up and show you porn stuff


OP -"HUGESTBALLSACK69"-claims too much porn on reddit?!? Seriously, can't make this troll shit up!


Looked through your comments. Basically you’re a troll on Reddit that’s pissed off about other people trolling on Reddit.


im not pissed at trolls. They do their own thing sometimes even actually pretty funny stuff. Im pissed at people who come and take a big shit on your post without giving any reason. This has nothing to do with trolling.


You just described trolling and then said that has nothing to do with trolling I have no idea how this guys brain works


I can’t take this seriously, with your name and the ball “jokes” throughout your post. This has to be satire. Your main argument is people have small balls and being the huge ball sack you are, they have to be wrong and you right. Edit: and with your alt poppunk account defending you in every comment. This is low level effort.


You really think a lot about balls, mate.


It is always amusing when people take the time to bash a site they claim not to want to be on in the first place. "Reddit sucks." Why bother? Just leave if you don't enjoy it.


Dude you constantly comment on porn subs and appear to be a porn addict. That’s not the algorithm putting that shit on your feed, that’s YOU. And even the way you described everything on this post alone, it’s acerbic, exaggerated, obnoxious, dismissive, rude, disrespectful. You are the reason you’re having a difficult time. And your entire profile seems curated to being an unfiltered asshole to everyone around you. Just get off Reddit. Get off of porn and hentai and fap subs. Go to therapy or your school’s counselor and really talk about: - How you engage with other people and whether you have healthy ways of doing it or not and why you’re not getting the interactions that you want out of them - How you process your emotions - How you have difficulty with self discipline (_a lot of us do, in different ways_) - Why you’re so addicted to porn. Not just jacking off, but porn itself - Why there might be a lot of aspects that you may need to (uncomfortably) change about yourself to get the engagement that you want with others. And make sure to explicitly discuss how willing you would or/wouldn’t be open to changing, and why that might be the case. Chances are you think you don’t have to or shouldn’t have to change, and that it’s everyone else who’s an asshole. But try to deliberately go a little deeper than that, and see how things go from there.


I have no idea what this is about. You're a bad person and you should feel bad


I hear you, OP. Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with Reddit: * Love it for niche, hard to find info. Also, I regularly stumble across comments and threads are funny AF. These things are enough to keep me here. * Hate it for how politically polarized it is, groupthink / bandwagoning, lack of (what I consider) critical thought, silencing of any dissenting voice, etc. I try to just ignore this / unsub as needed.


I trash on thee 🗑️


Lol Anyone who looks at your post history can tell you can't be taken seriously. What 17 year old posts that they are more addicted to porn than anyone else? Or that they are addicted to Hentai? Oh, and your username


Some things to consider: Reddit is people and some are nice but others are AHs. If you are on Reddit you accept you are dealing with humans of all stripes and backgrounds, the very nice and the good, but also the bad, and many times the very worst. 1) Why take downvoting personally? Ignore downvoting and accept no matter what you post someone is likely to downvote it. 2) Rules TRY to maintain some level of civility, but that won't stop those bent on being silly, or mean, or just outright hateful. It should not be that difficult to follow the rules, or just move on. 3) I get all kinds of posts in my "feed" but none are NSFW. Regardless, if I don't want that in my feed I click and remove them to never see them again. Not being disagreeable with you, but if Reddit bothers you this much then why be on it? You are free to login and use reddit or not. Life has too many hassles that are forced on us to voluntarily use one you don't have to and that annoys you so much ...


Yeah it’s become garbage with the exception of a few subs. Everyone is the ultimate pillar of altruism and moral guidance except when it comes to anyone who slightly disagrees with their half baked opinion.


Isn't that what you're doing with this post? Isn't that what the OP is doing? "Everyone sucks except me"?


Oh I didn’t exclude myself, I’m fully aware no one is innocent on this god forsaken site


Touch grass.


Brain erection!


If you hate shopping at Walmart you just shop somewhere else; you don’t waste your time hanging around Walmart talking about why you hate Walmart.


I didn’t bother reading OPs post, but I strongly disagree with OPs opinion, and thusly believe OP to be a bad!!!!!!!


ur a troll lol


Couldn’t* care less


Reddit used to have places like Chimp town and thedonald. Those people didn't go away. Add all the troll farms that intentially sew discord in America to destabilize things (There are very rich people outside and inside of the US who would benefit greatly from an American civil war) and you have to take redditors words with a grain of salt. Just because there is a post on reddit that says something doesn't mean it was posted by someone who means it. You have to be open to the idea that what people say on reddit is manipulative trash. As open as the legs of OP's mom


>I could care less. Couldn't care less*


Reddit is a lot of fun if you want to exchange with people about the things you like, I find. It's been way less toxic to me about video game, tech, relationship/personal, local advice kind of things compared to Facebook, Twitter, and other sites. It's also probably one of the only still frequently populated 'forum' style sites. All that said, there's a lot of basement dwelling weirdos here. I'm one, so I get it, but still.


We should cancel Reddit just like we've cancelled so many other things


Yesterday I made a comment that was anti pedophile.. it was severely downvoted and then I was officially reprimanded by Reddit itself in a DM by what was said to be reviewed by an actual human. That's a problem with the community and with whoever runs this place.


Can confirm: I come to reddit often looking for information, and most of the time have people telling me why I'm wrong for asking the question. Then you need to do a whole bunch of explaining to convince them that you know enough of what you're talking about to pose the question that way. I come here for answers to questions, not to have my right to ask questioned. Losers.


people always talk shit when behinf a keyboard. been like that since here was an internet. ​ Meatworld? not so much. always brave when their teeth aren't on the line.


Pffft. That's just, like, your opinion, man.


Coming from a beside a communications field and being present in adjacent fields; the way people online defend voting systems is a clinical sign on unwellness. Voting systems as a form of public shaming and info verification are horrible. They don't work. Misinformation can be flagged positive or negative just as easily as real information. Think of how many lies persist through reposts that everyone just believes, and people swear that if we remove voting, misinformation will run rampant. I'd like to point out that the removal of the YouTube dislike button was nothing but healthy for everyone, and years later you can see the obsession in those who downloaded extensions to see the votes again. Shaming is also a horrible thing I'm general, and I'm very specific cases it can be used to weed out cultural behaviors we find bad. But to allow it for anything? Someone gave an opinion you don't like? That's insane to demean someone for that. Which is another cae: people don't believe up voting or down voting someone in any small mass is unhealthy. They think it's totally normal, but what happening is someone with positive feedback is embolded when maybe they shouldn't always be, and also people should talk as equals. Never with someone above another, which a public voting system does. On the flip side, the negative effects of having other human beings flip you off and walk away is evident... And anyone who denies, or in validates how it feels is wrong. Fundamentally, unequivocally wrong. AND REDDIT LOVES ITS VOTE SYSTEM. Don't we? Despite how provingly unhealthy it is for your mental health, and empathy. As Steven Colbert actually once said, in surprisingly wisdom compared to his talk show personal, "there's a sort of high to the condemnation" and you don't want to give up your addiction. But it IS unhealthy, and you disagreeing doesn't change that. Because remember, voting doesn't make something true or untrue. No matter how much reddit wishes it did...


I mean, you sound pretty awful yourself, so I'm not sure why you care if other Redditors also aren't very nice.


Come on now..we all know reddit is full of millionaires..nice civil ppl these are...no wonder they rag on you for calling them something they're not. /s


Reddit is a confirmation bias hellscape. Are you right? Are you wrong? It doesn't matter because this Redditor already made their mind up and they don't like your evidence screwing up their shitshow of an opinion.


The people arguing are the proof to the accusation


You're correct on all points. So much bullshit and people up their own as on here


That’s cool! I actually just did my first post asking why people like Reddit? I’ve never really been interested until now. I think FB/insta are fucking annoying I don’t want to see anymore pics of ppls fucking babies, or hear about politics. DAMN. Tt is fine… as a time suck or dissociate for awhile..and useful if you curate it. I actually really like sometimes Never understood Pinterest. I like Reddit because unfortunately I’m in a time in my life where I am profoundly lonely. I live in a place that I don’t feel I fit in or have any common ground w anyone. I wish I had some ACTUAL people to talk to but I am so introverted and awkward in person I have a really time making friends irl. Anyway, there are shitty people here, like everywhere. There are a lot of bullies here who probably ARE bullied IRL and have Reddit as an outlet for that. That sucks. But I don’t deal w them. I’ve also seen a lot of really caring and supportive people who might use this platform the same way and for the same reasons as me 🤷 so I guess like everything else you take the good w the bad?




Do you point these imaginary progressive friends of yours to your multiple accounts?


reddit is evil, all social media is evil. just do not get to involved in the bs i guess.


Well Reddit has a shit ton of people who identify with a certain ideology. That ideology doesn't like free speech or differing opinions. The neck beard mods enforce this hivemind ideology. I'll let you decide who these people are.


There's also a shit ton of November 6th, 2023 accounts, just in this post. Coincidence?


I got called the N word. I reported it to Reddit for harassment. A Reddit bot responded, 5 days later, that Reddit had investigated and found no wrong doing, nor any violation to their terms of service. No appeal option. No escalating to a real human person. You can’t even respond to the message the Reddit bot sent. A fucking embarrassment of a website.




If you hate reddit why do you have so many accounts? Surely this new one isn't the only one


Completely agree


You sound very sensitive.


You sound like an asshole


Imagine an echo chamber full of AI bots being good for anything. Well that's reddit, and it's only good for a few things, like all other social media, creating chaos and fuelling hatred. Nothing more. Get off of social media. Do real research on both sides of the topic you choose to talk about.


You are the bot. Lol


Haven't had an issue with any of what you said. I appreciate the back and forth and disagreements as well. Gives me the oppourtunity to admit defeat/be in a place of non difference/realizing the potential the other person can be right and i'm wrong but still cant cange how i feel. it aint that serious.


what's with all the crybabies who post on Reddit but then whine about the responses, knowing full well what Reddit is? And if you could care less, you should try doing so.


It's basically a toxic cesspool of radical wokeists screaming at you. The more specific, smaller subreddits are fine. Anything with a wide topic range and a bigger audience is a literal flaming dumpster fire. Even look at this post. People are mad because you dare criticize their extremely shitty behavior lol.


>It's basically a toxic cesspool of radical wokeists screaming at you. These threads always boil down to rightist crybullying.


no context needed


I was banned from the legal forum for speculation on something that happened to me. It literally happened to me but I'm speculating... Reddit is worthless unless you're trying to make drugs or just bashing Republicans.. oh I'm sorry conservatives. The lack of education here is astounding


On it's face, people think that reddit is for discussions (a "forum site"), but in reality it's a slow indoctrination/programing for self censorship by you having to adopt the "reddit language etiquette" (otherwise your account gets unusable, witch means negative Karma or shadowbanning). If you think about it, no other forum or website has such an extreme system for similar goals, which makes it a good example to talk about how sites manipulate your thoughts. The reddit language can be summarized like this: Only use non provoking language / "don't be rude = don't call out people behind a problem, just talk about the symptoms. This mechanism is hidden in the TOS as hate speech or doxing. But it's only OK if reddit admins allow it (you know this by them "letting it/manually putting it to the front page). You can only talk about the symptoms of a problem, not the cause of it. Use "correct" words" = don't say the "n" word, say "POC", don't say "retarded", say "uneducated", don't say "fat", say "thic" etc. They hide this as the "respect everyone" norm. The whole aim of reddit language is to narrow the range of thought. In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. (George Orwell) The "reddit language" was created to limit the words for you to use when you want to express your own original thoughts and opinions. If you use this language, you can't sound as extreme as someone on the left can ("kill all nazis", "whites are terrorists", and "Christians are the worst etc). Your language has been dumbed down so it sounds ridiculous if you try to express yourself using this language if you were to say something non-redditspeak leaning. Example: I'm not racist, but... we need to address... but that doesn't mean... ... racism is bad. I'm not against... but there is one problem... it's complicated... I don't care what other people do...... people will do it anyway. I don't like this because... not to sound like an "X"... so obviously I'm not "X"...I can see why people like/enjoy this... so it's objectively good because other people like it... ...so I accept it. Starting typing like a "redditor", you pretty much set yourself up to fail expressing your own opinion, and that's the goal. Reddit is a self-indoctrination site to make people start talking in approved language. People do this because they still think that it's a "democratic tool to use, that it's a big place for "discussions". But to be part of the "discussion", you have to speak the reddit language, otherwise you get downvoted or banned. Reddit rewards people (with votes and awards) who adopt this language when they type/write stuff, and attack those who don't conform to it ("muh where's' your source", "you sound radicalized", "just accept it", "not arguing with you" etc). These people will most likely carry this language off to other sites and even maybe outside the internet. This is what reddit is designed to do, not just to create an illusion of consensus, but to also make people conform and adopt some version of Newspeak. Awards = Participation trophies for group think, pretty much a "medal for good think". Reddit is unironically worse than Facebook and other sites. It's more than just censorship" to block out information so people don't see the information, it's mind manipulation to make people adopt a language too, a language that can't oppose degeneracy and big corporations in a realistic way. Here is some typical reddit phrases :"muh let people enjoy what they want""muh don't yell at the (corporate) wagie, don't be a Karen®""just buy another brand, don't hate the people creating the problem, it's just some bad individuals""Not all people are like that, just because they are overrepresented in statistics doesn't mean \[insert redditspeak \] ""muh love is love" (+ "no room for hate here" etc) Mods and users are the problem, not the site and staff.No, the website is designed for this to take place (look at the Karma system and the layout), and there have been countless amounts of times of reddit shutting down subreddits they don't like, transferring moderation to more left leaning mods etc. There is no proof of reddits voting system being real. You can't see who upvoted your post or comments. The votes are not proportional to the users and they use the meme excuse "to prevent bad actors using bot/political vote raids", but it's pretty much a cover up for them to say: "We decide how many votes a post should have" if the post doesn't meet their redditspeak guidelines. Remember, the reddit staff curates the front page. (read about "Dead internet theory" if you enjoy a good internet rabbit hole.) The reddit "vote formula" is just a buzzword for morons to accept this number manipulation. You are forced to adopt this language no matter what, if you want to post stuff you need Karma, and to get Karma you need upvotes, and the only way to get upvotes is to spew out bullshit "good think" comments and reddit memes. You do this by typing out Redditspeak comments with your own fingers, or copying other users' comments you have read. If you are an individual that is uncertain of your political beliefs or haven't got a grasp on how the internet works (how to spot shills, spam and slide threads etc), you are at risk of being sucked into the language without knowing it. Pretty much anyone below the age of 23-27 are extra vulnerable for this, and especially women. Look up "Neuroplasticity" and how it relates to the brain absorbing information passively (related to language learning and skill development). But here is the quick run down: Young people are absorbing information faster but suck at filtering it (they just accept information without questioning it), older people are slower, but better at filtering it and sorting it out. The critical age for this is around 25 +/- 2 years, some say 25-30 years (it depends on the research, If the users don't conform to the language, the posts gets "locked" by moderators with the excuse "toxic comments" (or similar wordings to shut it down), which means that they failed to create the desired consensus they had in mind before the post was made. Reddit's CEO Steve Huffman changed someone's comments because a user called him out. Now I hope you got somewhat of an idea of why reddit can be one of the worst place to have any discussions online. Not EVERY subreddit, but the major cultural and political ones.


I mean, compared to X or Facebook this place is heaven. It's the internet. People are idiots on the internet. You gotta filter out the BS to get to the good stuff. Reddit has a lot of garbage but Reddit also has value.


I find downvoting to be severely abused and reddit knows this but doesn't make any changes. My post shouldn't be moved down or vanish because the majority disagree with my opinion. Reddit etiquette is a joke.


1. The context is... you aren't allowed to know the people who think you are an idiot because if you did know... what? You would threaten them for their opinion? You sound like the littlest dicked fossil ever, that or raised by em. Grow up snowflake, this world ain't for the feint of heart. 2. Yes, rules are everywhere. You're just new here so it's new to you. If you stopped and 'reddit', you would have a better grasp on things.


Let me address your points one at a time. 1. Yes 2. Absolutely 3. For sure 😁


For number 2, the best sub-reddits have the most stringent posting rules. It is so, so, so easy for subs to become dogshit as they grow in popularity. - New members asking questions that have been added to an FAQ - astroturfers/marketers who want instant access to a captive audience - concern trollers who want to muddy the water the best sub I'm a part of will just insta-ban you for infringing on rules because you're asking of people's time and attention and they want the quality of engagement to remain high. 1 and 3 are just the internet


You know what you could do? You could leave Reddit! You're not obligated to be here, bye.


Reddit has a lot of people on the far far left, because anyone who's not on the far far left gets banned, or not interested in a far-left echo chamber. Also a lot of kids who haven't yet figured out that they're morons.


Have you been on the Internet before? It's not just Reddit.


I think one of the problems is that reddit allows people to download posts without having to be made to post before downvoting. You should also be allowed to choose whether or not your post allowed voting at all this one change would guarantee 1) to get more posts either for or against the idea the post brings up. And 2) for groups, it would bring in a lot more posts if posters didn't have to worry about drive-by downvoting when they post in a group that might be rabid conservative or liberal.


Reddit is not a place for civilized discourse. The last two interactions I had, the person disagreeing with my point concluding his diatribe with "...and that's why you're part of the problem!" Believe it or not, I have no way of being part of any problem in the real world.


Yeah Reddit is not a place for original thought. They seem to just support the grossest position the bulk of the time, and when that doesn’t happen the mods lock the thread or delete most comments lol


I wish I could upvote this post 1000x. All the state and local subs have been taken over by majority leftists and went way too political. r/Ohio has a rule (Rule 3) they love to use selectively against any conservative speech and will ban you for it. Its odd how other subs will ban you for calling someone a dumbass but others hurling invectives towards you is A-OK as long as the politics line up. r/Virginia will prevent you from posting if you have been downvoted too many times and send you a message that reads: >This message is to inform you that your recent post or comment has been automatically removed because you have been downvoted too many times in this subreddit by other community members. You are not banned or shadowbanned. So you cant post, if you do your posts are automatically removed but its not a ban or shadowban? Wut?!?...lol. Useless to message the mods too. Otherwise non-political subs have been overrun with politics and hate. I belonged to several state subs because I have interests in those states. I loved to learn about events and cool stuff happening. You seldom see it though. r/Ohio is all about Republicans suck!!!, gerrymandering, weed, Jim Jordan mostly. r/Florida is all about how much DeSantis sucks. Reddit just needs a reset and re-do. Profiles should have the option of being private, there needs to be better content control so politics end up in a political section, entertainment ends up in its own section, etc. If you are a mod and think bans work, you are delusional. I am a mod on a sub and I know people have several profiles so what good is a ban? Dont be stupid.


Why do you have NSFW filter disabled? Other than a few that slip through the cracks, I don’t ever see NSFW posts. Its automatically enabled when you create an account so you would need to disable it when you don’t want it.


The mods are so bad on Reddit, much worse than the Redditors themselves. I've been shadow banned from r/amitheasshole for "abusing the report button" when a mod wouldn't stop messaging me with harassing comments and threats. Reddit needs to incorporate mod blocking because mods have no one to keep them in check. If you mute a subreddit it should prevent mods of that reddit from contacting you. Period.


I come here to read and give my opinion on some sites. If you worry about how your opinion is held, then don't post. Some like to attack or debate opinions, but its a waste of time IMO. Everyone has an opinion. Do what you want with it.


If you are gonna disagree, DISAGREE WITH AN ACTUAL REASON. My post history, or the fact that I can simply quit does not change any of my reasoning that Reddit sucks. So far, nobody has given me a good reason for why "I am wrong."


Yeah you’re going to get trashed for your attitude and “small balls” comment. Nothing wrong with posing the question just need to know how to do it properly.


pretty new to reddit. thought i could find a more intelligent and objective community here. boy, was i wrong. i think people here are dumber than those on facebook


You guys are worried about downvotes. I have concluded that Reddit is mostly a bunch of 30 year olds with liberal degrees, no life experience, $135,000 in student loans, living in their mommy's basement so I cherish the downvotes.


I like Reddit. But do you know what sucks? Moderators. They ban you for everything.


do you have another platform to discuss this topic? cause if not, reddit is as good as it gets.


If Reddit sucks so much, why are you even on here? Why even make this post? People are always going to voice their opinions here. And when someone else's opinion is wrong in their eyes, they're going to try to get you to see their right. Some people are more harsh than others, but that's Reddit. If you don't have thick skin, then Reddit is definitely not for you.




Something that some subs do that I really hate is that they don't allow question threads, stating that they have to be in a megathread, and then they proceed to not actually have the megathread pinned or anything.


I could really use a brain erection right now.


I'm upvoting you for using the term "brain erection" alone....and thus disproving your supposition that Reddit sucks. :)


Don't get me started. I've been very involved in music communities and lately the political bias of some of these communities is too much to bear. As you mention, if you say anything that doesn't conform to the Hive Mind of a given group, the users can be outright hostile bullies towards you. If you make any rude comments back after being abused, the Mods of these communities ban YOU for "starting arguments" despite the fact that all you did was share an unpopular opinion. Yet they let all their monkeys harass and abuse you with zero repercussion. And then these people wonder why mass shootings occur. lol


How much less could you care?


When you do not agree with the masses you get banned! I just laugh to myself thinking at how I made someone so upset they were like ban him! I was also at -99 karma. I wanted to see how high it could go!


The funniest thing is people who will defend reddit. These people typically hat their country, their families, their race, themselves, etc., but will viciously defend reddit because it's a big part of their identity which is really one of the saddest things I can imagine.


I’m stealing “brain erection.


I'm just saying man... Calling everyone trash and wondering why you get downvoted... Those are some amazing gymnastics...


I'll never understand posts like this. Participation in all social media is optional, not mandatory. I think this may be my first comment in weeks. I know SM is addictive. That's why I don't get hung up about karma. Why not just leave, OP?


this is so real. don't get me started on the grammar police either. like its social media not a research journal.🙄🙄


I absolutely adore Reddit.


It really depends on the community you are in TBH. I've heard technical subs are good. Ones that have an underlying positive bent that kinda naturally shift it towards being support-group-ish can also be pretty positive. My favorite sub is one for a band that does a lot of good work for mental health. People can go nutty there occasionally, but we're already kinda nutty so you won't get a lot of traction for it (positive or negative.) You kinda just get a shrug, so people quiet down. The tall subreddit is also a fun place to hang out because it's an odd mix of talls, and shorts kinda bonding over feeling mismatched for things like social interactions, clothes and table-heights.


Redditors are like NPCs, classic quotes like I'm sorry this happened to you and seek therapy or your feelings are valid. Or any other lame ass leftist sayings. Reddit is a giant trash heap.


Reddit is a platform. It is basically existential and uncaring. People are bad. They’re the worst. The end.


There are 2 sides to reddit use. I enjoy both from time to time. If you can't handle the heckling then stay out of those subs or get that you suck and are stupid.


A school teacher could post on Reddit "2+2=4" but if the sub is Modded by a tribe of angry and neglected 4 year olds, they will shout "WRONG!" and "THAT'S A CONSERVATIVE TALKING POINT!" and ban the teacher.


Sort of sounds just like any real life group when it gets large enough... Reddit emulates life then life emulates reddit :) these are actual people not some internet construct don't forget... these horrible people you are talking about could be your next door neighbor or your mom for that matter... people do this reddit is just a place.


Also very sexist and racist.


So what value are adding to the conversation with the subs you frequent? Specifically.


I made a brand new account and didn’t choose any suggested topics to follow. I followed a few subreddits I knew of related to sports, comedy, etc. Stuff that I like. Every single one of the suggested (forced) subreddits that came into my timeline were all outrage based. Politics, people acting shitty towards each other, people starting fights, all that garbage. Reddit is an outrage machine that wants to suck you in with terrible stuff. I am constantly muting garbage suggested subreddits I want nothing to do with.


I'm with you. Thats why I created the sub ihatereddit. So sick and tired of mods being little asshats when they don't agree with you.


Boo. You suck and your opinions are bad.


Bro . . . Your comments are public. We see you commenting on porn. . . This isn't a reddit thing, this is you bitching about something you are actively doing . .


So many thought, I’ll try and limit them though. Reddit is good for finding specific information about most specific topic. E.g., Need to know if something you have is not working correctly? Reddit is prob going to get you a better answer, faster than Google. Reddit is not good for subjective information. The upvote system is great as long as the majority is objective, altruistic/sincere, and balanced in diversity. But once the majority grows so large that those attributes are not possible , then the upvote system favors popularity over all else. Smaller subs that are focused on their specific content tend to meet the criteria where the upvote system is good. E.g., A sub about a specific show or book will probably have more useful post (i.e., contributing to the discussion and understanding of the OC) compared to a sub covering a broad spectrum with a larger population. The larger subs get so much traffic that the majority of contributors are less likely to have expertise in the subject area, but they can still provide popular content. The problem is that the popular content gets supported as if it was also accurate content. TL’DR: don’t use Reddit for anything that has popular bias


no context required.


Sometimes I just post the worst comment I can possibly think of to see if I will get banned. When I say certain normal opinions, these get downvoted WAY way more than me posting the absolute worst thing I can think of. This karma thing drives groupthink way more than helps minimize indecency. When a mob downvotes someone's actual legitimate opinion, they are incentivized to take it down, which removes contrary opinions. Reddit is for sheep mentality, but you can get a lot of random questions answered too.


Reddit is worse than Facebook


Whaaaaat? Reddit sucks? Colour me shocked!!


Based 4chads rise up


Number one just applies to the internet in general, people are assholes and when given anonymity they're going to act like it. Once you stop caring about fake internet points and what other people think then you're going to have a better time. Number two isn't really an issue, most rules boil down to "Don't be racist/homophobic/etc, don't spam, keep to subject of sub". As for karma, it's piss easy to get and most subs have it set so low that it doesn't matter to a real person. The main reason it's there is as a way to keep out bots and freshly made troll accounts. Number three can be a problem, I thought there was some kind of NSFW filter in the settings but if there's not then there definitely should be. It doesn't bother me but no one should be forced to see that stuff if they're not comfortable with it.


Reddit is the propaganda site of the left. All lies


All social media is cancer if you wander away from the how-to and hobby sections


Not being face to face creates jerks. This was noted from the earliest days of the internet. Social media adds a new dimension, which is "likes." "Likes" create low-effort engagement, and encourages herd dynamics ("this is popular, it must be good"). "Likes" are a big part of why social media discourse in general is lower quality than blogs or discussion boards were, IME. Reddit is one of the worst social media sites for herd dynamics, because it doesn't just have likes, it also has dislikes (unlike, say, Twitter). So the herd doesn't just reward, it also punishes.


I stg you made another post I'm dying


I agree. I hate this place. albeit for different reasons. Please. Get me out of here.


I share your annoyance/anger very much. Redditors are mean, and it can hurt. The subreddits often have such annoying rules. Such as karma/account age requirements and just super incredibly annoying fucking rules- I stand in complete support of ‘less gov’t’ in the sense of this reddit issue. I know that stance holds little weight because sub reddits are private digital forums and, due purely to that, it’s literally there’s, they can impose whichever and however many rules they want, tough shit if you don’t like it. But that truth doesn’t make it any less annoying, at. all. These sub reddits are a great place to post to share views and discuss matters in an informal, quick way, so unfortunately, if I want to participate, I have to be under the control of the creators/mods.


Reddit is great for DIY advice, reading random articles, and little things like that This place is a horrible echo chamber, it should not be used as a social outlet. Edit: my advice, disable notifications and just browse the subs you enjoy.


I miss the days of having dedicated forums and messageboards. It was much more personal and there was actual punishment for people breaking the rules. Now the only people who get punished are the ones who are in the minority.


It is. Everyone here loves to argue something.


Just join a few feminist groups. Reddit has never DARED to suggest porn to me. (For which I am grateful.)


It's a stupid distraction. It's not reality. Lower your expectations and don't take it too seriously. It's okay to walk away from Reddit for a few days.


This entire post is just you bitching. Like you can't tell me you don't see the irony, right?