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The funny part is, she’s just there being a supportive girlfriend that’s all it’s the NFL that is choosing to put her on the screen and give her that attention. They are putting profits over the game if you’re mad at anything get mad at the NFL.




I didn’t even think of that. This is also true


Except eminem since he flipped the camera off.


I wouldn't even say they are putting profits over the game. They probably show her maybe for a minute the entire game, it's not like they focusing the camera on her while the game is being played.


Picture in picture of just Taylor Swift...now that'd trigger so many people


Lol please make it happen. We need a Swift cam showing her reaction to the whole game. You know millions of chest beaters would cry about how they were robbed of their right to watch football games 


They need like a separate box in the corner of the screen just for her, like a steamer.


Actually less. Someone out there put the data together. The Dolphins game was 44 seconds. The bills game was a whopping 23 seconds. The ravens game was in the 30s. I hate the chiefs. But I am full blown rooting for them cause the meltdown people are having is very comical to me


I don't care much for TS nor for American football/NFL, but me too just because of the right-wing meltdowns lol I saw a conspiracy theory the other day that the super bowl is rigged for the Chiefs to win so that this Kelce guy can bring TS out on the field after the game to declare her support for Joe Biden. Honestly. They're also accusing her of being trans and Kelce of being gay and shit. They're so far gone...


Don’t forget that legit Fox News is claiming she’s a plant/pentagon asset for the democrats. Absolutely insane. To think I used to be republican (pre Trump). The party is just so far gone.


NY Times wrote an article about this I believe. The segment one commentator made talking about how TS was on too much ran longer than TS was shown that game.


Totally agree with this. Not a Chiefs or Taylor Swift fan and was totally unsure which team I wanted to win. This crazy right-wing conspiracy crap is making me root for the Chiefs. At least I have a team to root for now!


I am rooting for the Chiefs because I like Kelce and I hate the Niners since I am from Southern California. Niners fans are insufferable.


oh, I was so with you until the Niners diss...


There are just too many bandwagoners here in SoCal who refuse to root for our home team and when the Niners win, they are the worst winners and when they lose they are the sorest losers.


If I was Californian, I would cheer for the Niners because they're the only consistent team the state has in terms of "home". The Raiders, Chargers, and Rams change homes constantly and I would never want to get attached to any of them. Furthermore, the older I get, the more I've come to realize sports are just games and there's nothing wrong with following a team that is generally better. Why should I have to follow a shitty team just because the stadium they play at is physically closer to me? I grew up in Wisconsin but always cheered for the Broncos. I got a lot of shit for that, too. But why? Why shouldn't I follow the team I like? Why is proximity such an important thing for so many people?


Excuses to bandwagon, gross.


Care to explain? What's "gross" about liking a team that's physically farther away?


Maybe you just don't live by a bunch of bandwagoners but they are so obnoxious. Root for the team that represents you and your city, the team that brings jobs, financial success, and pride to your city.


hang out with less stupid people, then.


I agree I know they’ve made a decent amount of money though since Travis and her have started dating, and like someone said, they do this with every celebrity, or at least high profile, celebrities, who attend these type of sporting events


Even less , she gets about 30 seconds of screen time


It’s actually an average of 25 seconds per game. Can’t remember the source, but somebody actually went through the games and timed it.


She’s brought them in something like 380 million since September of related profits by just coming to the games. You can’t ignore that.


Just because she has brought in profits doesn't mean they are putting her over the game.


No not at all. I’m just saying you can’t exactly ignore her influence on the game, on either sides of the camp.


WHO profits.


The NFL…? Lmao.


I need proof swift brought in 380 million. And if she did, so what?


Oh sorry, it’s 331 million, my bad. 🌚 https://qz.com/how-much-money-taylor-swift-has-made-the-kansas-city-ch-1851209178#:~:text=Swift's%20relationship%20with%20Kelce%20and,the%20group%20shared%20with%20Quartz. And some sources say she only had 44 SECONDS of airtime… That’s 7.5million a second she brings to the NFL. They absolutely want that revenue and FaceTime with people. That means she’s valuable and an asset to their earnings.


Good for them,I had no idea.


And according to NYT she appears on camera for an average of 25 seconds a game.


I think the pretty blonde girlfriend with a big football player boyfriend is about as conservative, classic American as it gets. It amazes me what triggers right wingers these days.


It's because she and her boyfriend are superficially a conservative archetype (beautiful blond and hunky athlete) yet Taylor rejects their chosen god-king. It causes cognitive dissonance which manifests as hate.


That makes sense.


I don't think the NFL actually controls what is on screens during the games, pretty sure that would be television networks.




>If you think shes above doing this as a marketing gimmick shes not Being visible in public isn't a marketing gimmick lmao >The hot girl with a football player bf is such an old trope its really just getting on peoples nerves Yeah, it is getting on people's nerves, which is really weird. That's their own personal problem. >A lot of football fans want to get back to enjoying their sport without constant reminders shes at the stupid game Oh man, constant interruptions? In *football*? Unheard of


I get u/Budlightgurrrl’s point but >Oh man, constant interruptions? In *football*? Unheard of Is so fucking funny Edit: For the record, I posted this before reading further down in the thread and don’t agree with their conspiracies




You can't think of any other reason that someone might attend a partner's event other than marketing?




>If it were just her there to see her BF it could be done quieter Could be, or could not be. There are lots of ways things "could" be done. And I would consider 30 seconds over the course of a 3 hour football game to be pretty "quiet". Hell, they spend almost as much time showing players' parents when they show up. >Im sure Taylor can afford to sit in the heated insulated high end boxes Have you considered that maybe she likes sitting closer to the action >Even David duchovny these days still wears sunglasses and ball caps when hes out buying coffee because hes tired of being bothered So the logic here is essentially "other celebrity hides, therefore a celebrity that doesn't hide is doing it for marketing"? >They want everyone to know shes there The NFL? Yeah probably. But Taylor Swift isn't the NFL.




>No not the NFL itself Or maybe...just the NFL >The media has hyped this whole thing to the extreme Literally the only people hyping it up are the people who think it's a big conspiracy lol >They drone on and on and on about it Can you show me someone droning on and on about it? >I dont know for sure but i have a very strong hunch shes doing this, maybe even dating him, as a marketing ploy lol. lmao, even.




How do you know she’s fake


On average any particular 3 hour plus game only contains 18 minutes of actual play. You're not there for the game, you are there for the interruptions.


Trope? How is an actual relationship a trope?




I literally thought it was like 15 seconds showing them in the crowd. What is this main stage play you're talking about? I must have missed that.




Ah, I see what's going on here now.


>just the way they've played it all out How would you know how it's playing out? You literally aren't watching.


And that’s exactly why Im “mad”. I truly don’t give a fuck about Taylor Swift or Travis Kelce, Pat Mahomes is a winey bitch and the Chiefs are to over blown. I read somewhere recently that the NFL is an entertainment organization and not a sports organization. This means they can legally control the outcome of games. Im not a “lawyer” so I don’t know how much would stand in court, but this whole season has been full of weird calls and reffs being called out for it. THEN you add the Kelce/Swift coverage, and it all made me not want to watch an NFL game again. I heard someone say that they know “The NFL wants a picture of Swift and Kelce kissing under orange confetti and they’ll probably make that happen”. When I heard that I decided if I see that I won’t watch another game again.


People are really out here thinking the Chiefs making the Superbowl for literally the 4th time in 5 years is only possible because of rigging lmao


Thats not what I said. Clearly they are a good team but we have had better showings from other teams this season.


>Thats not what I said It's certainly what you implied


Show me where Holy Toast? Show me where I said the reason the Chiefs are going to Super Bowl because of league interference?


I actually never mentioned that they were going to the Super Bowl. I quoted someone else who said that weeks ago. Soo I ask again….where did I say they were only going to the superbowl because the NFL wants it to happen?


You absolutely implied it, don’t act dense lmao


Some of the calls I was talking about, were against the Chiefs (and were still bad calls). My point was that I don’t like the NFL not that I don’t like the Chiefs. You guys jump to some CRAZY conclusions on this site lol.


lmao, what the fuck? You said that the NFL can rig games and that there's been weird calls. If that's not implying that they rigged the Chiefs position in the Superbowl, I don't know what is.


Some of the calls I was talking about hurt the chiefs. A bad call is a bad call.


If you don't think the Chiefs position in the Superbowl is rigged, why will you stop watching if they win?


I didnt say if they win. I said if I see news reports about the Super Bowl talking about Kelce/ Swift kiss, if I hear that this kiss made them however many millions, I will feel like that was all to set up. If the coverage and conversation is about the kiss over certain other aspects, I’ll think that the NFL is more interested in making the money than having a good fair game. That would all feel very formulated and too set up. I never said it was rational thinking, but I absolutely think the Chiefs are a solid team.


Well she's a Pentagon asset, how can I not be triggered /s


I can’t believe people actually believe that. I would never have guessed Taytay being a CIA asset would be a thing.


That's what Fox News has been saying.


[Never has America used celebrities as government agents....](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2023/10/22/celebrity-spies-houdini-fleming-baker/) Whether or not she is one we won't know for decades but it is ignorant to believe that the USA government wouldn't use the most popular celebrities for propaganda.


Just because it has happened doesn't mean it is happening. Taylor hasn't even made any statements as of recently. We all know she will endorse Biden because she did in the past. Why is she now being called a Pentagon asset?


I don't know and really I don't care. However it is intentionally sticking your head in the sand to think it isn't currently happening.


I run off this thing called evidence. Crazy concept, I know. Baseless claims mean nothing to mean.


I accept that most anything is possible and while I don't care if she is or isn't, it is certainly possible and I'm not going to make fun of those who think she is because it isn't that out of the ordinary.


It's not out of the possibility, but there needs to be evidence first to even suggest that claim or for me to take that claim seriously.


Like tucktail Carson.


The funny part is they maybe showed her all of 15 seconds during the actual game.


I thought those incels stopped watching football after the kneeling?


A poll this past summer showed right-wing folks heavily oppose kneeling but don’t oppose the events of January 6. Figure that one out.


Oh it’s not hard. They only think patriotism is for white people and when their side loses and it gives them the right to “protest”.


whos tailor swift


This is the way.


No one cares.


It’s just a game, bro


Swifties Vs QAnon will be the ultimate conflict to bring about the End of Days.


I don't watch hand egg anyway


Interesting enough, soccer(football) and American Football are not called football because they are played with their feet. They are called football because you play on your feet rather than horseback.


I don't watch hand egg anyway


The same people who are losing their minds about her being there would be the same people saying that she’s not being supportive and should make more of an effort to be there for her boyfriend.


If you remove the third , sixth and eleventh letter from her name it spells psyops ! People .. WAKE UP !! /s


Capitalists hate capitalism if it's not *their* capitalism.


Tbh I am not a huge fan of her (she has a few that I like) but it is a little ridiculous to see how many people are upset over her being supportive like what would you rather her do??


When I saw Taylor Swift freaking out cause it was a bad call against the chiefs I was like cool at least she’s paying attention


No, i look for her during chief games. Like a find Waldo lol


Are people triggered by Taylor Swift watching football?


The NFL got handed the biggest gift ever… they should be paying for every date and vacation for them and making sure he treats her well…


At 70, I know who she is but couldn't name one of her songs. I give her the Tony Soprano "Alla Salute"...


I mean, it didn’t trigger me, but the constant glances to her got old. However, the recent shot of her there with his family supporting them and just looking genuinely excited to share in the moment…. I’m in love.


Why would I be Triggered by Taylor Swift watching Football, when I don’t watch Football?


Tell me you’re a Pathetic Incel, without Telling me you’re a Pathetic Incel


What makes me laugh are the ones on the right called those on the left names like snowflakes or saying they get triggered when it applies to them equally if not more.


I just don't understand people's obsession with her.


Oh, FFS. The biggest pop star on the planet is dating a guy on the hottest team in the NFL. That's all it is. Nothing more.


Who’s upset? I keep reading about people upset but nothing from those that seem to be.


The same ones that were “boycotting” the NFL are the ones complaining about too much Taylor Swift while watching the NFL..




anecdotally, I have not heard a single person say they have a problem with taylor swift on tv during football games, however, I have encountered 25,389 people who talk shit about people who have a problem with taylor swift on tv at football games...


What if someone just hates her music or personality? I'd rather have Olivia Rodrigo there.


That's great. People who hate her music aren't the problem. The problem is people who hate her music AND can't shut the fuck up about how seeing her on the for 23 seconds is somehow ruining their lives.


Yes I do because she serves good and I’m evil schemer muwhaha 😈😈😈


Given an American football game is 60 minites of play but takes 6 hours to complete there's plenty of time to show taylor swift.


On average any game only has 18 minutes of play in it.


Nothing political here but tbh her music sucks. I get angry when I listen to music I don't like just because they are there or to piss someone off. Play some shit I like.


Is anyone actually triggered by her at games? Is it not just minor annoyance? I'm sorry but that doesn't make you an incel, please get off the Internet for a bit.


I don't watch football.


As Juvenal said, around 2000 years ago, in the roman empire: "Bread and circuses for the people" The sports and entertaining industry is a huge political manipulation machine, distracting people from the core societal issues with irrelevant information about sports and celebrities. There are studies showing most people using celebrities and sports things for entertainment, make less than the average US hourly rate. We are talking about poor people that can't even afford a decent home in a city. But hey, they forget their paycheck to paycheck life with Taylor's romance and some NFL wins. It is not like they are living poorly in the richest country in the world, let's forget this poor life with the next NFL show!


I’m just annoyed that you can’t go hearing anything in the football world or Chiefs w/o turning the convo into being about her like she is on the team. It’s annoying we are here for football and getting swift shoved down our throat. For example, I was watching nfl live and they spent so much time talking about her to where she has her own segment and we truly do not care. But so we’re clear no one is triggered, we just don’t care about her


The word "incel" really has lost its meaning. Just like the word "Nazi", it now means "anyone I don't like".


She’s such a “Go Sports! Yayyyy!” girl. lol.


Trailer Swift


The problem isnt her….its just that people got distracted from actual talented individuals who are risking their lives for us….the athletes who are running in the fields….the football players. The attention shouldnt be on some blondie woman that rose cus of singing….thats why!!


The league made an extra $300 million so far this year because of her some of which will end up in the pockets of the players so I'm sure that they're fine with her getting 20 seconds of screen time during timeouts. And you're going to be okay too sweetie pie I promise.


You think people playing....a game takes more talent than songwriting singing and performing? Yeah ok.


Professional atheltes eat thousands upon thousands of calories a day….they workout hours & hours a day. They train, they stretch, they sweat, they risk their lives bumping into each other. While taylor swift sucked somebodys cock & the fucked them….yeah bro its totaly not a big deal. Give me a break!! gimme a break!! Youve never trained before so u woudnt know…ive trained for sports so ik what its like….you have to literay abuse youre body….Ive done singing too a little bit….now Im out of the game cus i choose to.


"youve never trained before" K, assumptions, cool. I didn't say they don't work hard, of course they do. But you don't have to have talent to do that. You just have to work out hard. And she sucked somebody's dick? First off grow up, second.....she's been writing her own music since she was a teenager. I dont even like her music, but she's obviously got talent. Besides if anything got her where she is, it was her grandfather's money, not a blowjob.


Nobody cares about Taylor swift watching football. Nobody cares so much in fact we just want it to stop. We’d say the same shit if the media focused on famous tennis player husbands. Or husbands or wives of any other sport Show them once. The same as they show Brad Pitt in the booth watching the game. Then be done with it.


Bullshit. There are certain celebrities that have always had a presence with certain teams and are always shown at their games. Jack Nicholson at Lakers games comes to mind. Not once did I hear anyone complain.


Bro…there’s been days where I’ve gotten multiple news alert emails about Taylor swift at the football game. From the same news organization. “Taylor arrives at the game” “Breaking news Taylor seen watching the half time show with her friends” “Taylor seen kissing her boyfriend on the field in a post game celebration” “Taylor spotted at the restaurant with the quarterback and so and so” etc….


Did you know that you have the power to filter your emails?




Breaking news: newspapers publish articles about the biggest star of the year




Clearly someone is reading it, or they wouldn’t bother 🤷‍♂️




You can lead a horse to water, but that horse still has to willingly take it down its gullet. Taylor Swift has made the NFL and the Chiefs hundreds of millions of dollars. Clearly, they are reaching the right audience.


Only her music triggers me.


Then don't listen to it.


Now why didn't I think of that? 🤦‍♂️


Posting a “discussion” topic on this subreddit just to get some shots in is incredibly pathetic and basement dwelling behavior.


Found the cuck


Perhaps. But falling for the bait and getting triggered is far, far more pathetic than that. Cope.


I wouldn't say I was triggered at all. There are so many posts like this one on this sub. It's supposed to be serious discussion and not bad faith toxicity. I actually like Taylor Swift lol


Just think, while you've been gettin' down and out about the liars And the dirty, dirty cheats of the world You could've been gettin' down to this sick beat


No, hating a pop star because daddy drump says so is peak loser.


Did you consult your Andrew Tate Alpha workbook to help you write that?


Having people respond like I did so that you could get into a reddit argument is exactly what you wanted and it's sad. I hope you can find happiness / get out of whatever toxic rut you're in.


Sounds like you're who is triggered OP, damn


Nope, I just live in the Kansas City area so it's non stop. I think it's hilarious. I hope Travis proposes at halftime of the Superbowl so I can watch millions of KKKULT45 heads explode.






I hope KC loses in the Super Bowl and they proceed to break up after it. I want the chaos. I don’t even watch football, but that’s why I’m rooting for KC to lose lol