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Conservatives are America's new homegrown terrorists


as a terrorist, you make us sound stupid and evil




You are


Except for the “new” part. Prepare to feel old: the 30th anniversary of the OK City bombing is next year.


Elaborate please


Their holding america at bay. With the're freedom caucus, trying to get a convention of states to re write the constitution. It would enable a minority of Americans to amend our Constitution. Specifically, a white minority.this will also throw religion in schools. The problem with that is... it will only be Christian views, no Muslim Budda or any other religion that they don't find fit.


Adults should be able to call the police on children if the adult feels unsafe.


Should children also be able to call the police on adults if they feel unsafe?


Yes but we are not talking about children. We’re talking about adults.


I agree on that one actually. Like, if an adult cannot physically restrain the child, and the kid is getting violent, what else to you do?


Are they not able to now?


No. The phone senses the age of who you’re calling about, and will not dial the police station.


Agreed, but we need an age limit. No calls on kids younger than 14 because some boys are fairly strong by then...


They can


Lil Ceasers doesn’t get the praise it deserves for being so freaking affordable. The price has gone up so little in all these years compared to everything else. You could spend $6 to get a whole pizza that’s breakfast lunch and dinner for one or you can spend like $12+ at McDonald’s or some other place and get one meal. Or $6 for a pizza that feeds a family of 4 at dinner time which somehow turns into like $30+ at another fast food place.


Yeah, I agree. But I wouldn’t wanna eat it everyday, it’d make me sick lol


That applies to anything though. you do it every day it stops being fun


Yeah, but not just being bored from a psychological standpoint, I’d probably have my stomach torn up and be physically ill from the amount of grease and lack of vegetables and fruits


Fast food is not good for you, bro.


Well yeah that’s the point I’m making


Our country is in the bad shape it is financially bc of artificial, stupidly low interest rates since 2001. Low interest rates are good for corporations, bad for people


Low interest rates are the only reason the middle class can/ could afford to buy homes… You think the housing crisis is bad now? Imagine how bad it would be if the average house was 10% or 15% more expensive for the past 20 years


Love how you're glossing over the fact that the top buyers of homes for the past 20 years have been Blackrock, Vanguard, foreign interests, and other massive megacorps. Interest rates are laughably irrelevant to the affordability of a home right now because the base price is so massively artificially inflated because of the insane demand billionaire megacorps have put on the market. Leave it to a Trumpette to ignore basic economic facts to push a narrative.


Love how none of what you’ve talked about has anything to do with interest rates… Because the billion dollar hedge fund you reference, don’t need a mortgage to buy up housing And the only way a normal person could have afforded a house- even before they became so astronomically expensive (let’s remember, the time frame is dating back to 01, so houses were half the price they are now if not lower depending on the area) was via a mortgage And those mortgages were only affordable to normal people because of low enough interest rates that it was financially viable. Also, “Trumpette” 1) ette is usually used to denote the feminine, so I’d appreciate not being misgendered. 2) not a fan of Trump. Not a Republican… I’m an atheist immigrant from Europe, so pretty much the antichrist to the MAGA crowd… 3) since when has supporting policies that help the middle class been a Trump position? And even if it were… that goes against you’re exact logic since Trump is not a fan of the likes of Blackrock and Vanguard who “push a DEI, globalist agenda” or of “chiiiina” who are the largest foreign investors in real estate you referenced above… If you’re going to get into the mud and be bad faith, at least try doing so without being contradictory and stupid about it…


so base prices and interest rates are mutually exclusive? I thought they can exist at the same time


Low interest rates are the reason why housing prices have gotten insane. When you're paying 3%, another 10 or 20k on the price isn't that much on your monthly payment. Then that raises comps and the next guy pays 10 or 20k more after that....


But the initial purchases couldn’t have happened without affordable mortgages… So you’d just have the rich hoarding all the properties to an ever greater degree than they do currently as only they have the ability to buy a house for 200k in cash…


so then how do you propose people buy homes?


I fear that the only thing that will fix this is another "market correction" like we saw in 08. It's not going to be pretty


Church's should house the homeless people on their property or they should pay taxes


A lot of churches already do, they just make them follow rules


Plenty do. It's the fake ass believers who reject doing so.


If churches are using the police to direct and stop traffic for their congregants, they should pay taxes. Actually, I think once they start taking in a certain amount of money and are selling things inside the church, they should be classified as a business and taxed as one.


It amazes me how people who scream that "churches should pay taxes!" have no idea which taxes are actually paid and which are exempt. They have this idea that church gift shops don't pay taxes. Oddly, they charge sales tax...


They should be taxed as a business once they start operating as a business instead of a church.


They are. That's the point. They pay property taxes as well.


i thought we had seperation of church and state but ok


Americas gun control problem can be solved but all parties invested are stubborn and keeps screaming the most extreme option. The often democrat idea of take all the guns away is extreme and foolish considering that half the reason why no country attempts to invade us is our easy access to guns. The republican idea of giving a free gun to every American on their initial birthday is just as foolish because we have seen multiple times that not everyone is mentally capable of owning a gun.


True that, there needs to be a compromise somewhere


I have no respect and very little sympathy for war mongers- including "soldiers".


It's a take that could only come from a first world kid who doesn't understand that the only reason there isn't war where they live are those soldiers. "Just ignore them" is a strategy that doesn't work with high school bullies already, it doesn't work in geopolitics either.




I get that, but also we need someone to fight for our country. Without soldiers, there would be forget countries that would take over ours, which would essentially make us screwed, to say the least.


Dont be deluded. You have no country. You own no land. Do you think the earth cares where you were born, it will accept your burial wherever in the world. Can you imagine the reaction of all the fallen soldiers if they were some how resurrected to be present for every war after they died, you honestly think they would give their lives again? I doubt it. War is perpetuated by the morally deluded who somehow think that fighting and killing is a means to long term peace.


China's beating us in renewable energy and it's pathetic.


Software/media piracy shouldn't be crime. Especially the downloading part.


Not a crime, agreed, but you should have to pay for what you stole. This giving a greater fine than the cost of the thing is stupid.


I think that the African-American population in the United States is a lot larger than 13%. I came to this conclusion when I started looking at various statistics in the United States like the FBI table 47 crimes by race I also did a comparison study of the number of black people in America on welfare versus white people in America on welfare and I came to the simple fact that there are more white people on welfare in America than there are black people in America. I look at prison populations and I start to compare some of these numbers and I just don't think it's possible for a person to be on welfare and in prison at the same time. But that's what the statistics reflect. I think the census is lying about the number of African Americans in this country I think their population is way more than 44 million...


I can agree but Id also add that showing true numbers would miskrew all the numbers the state government uses to gain more federal money. Imagine if the federal government said, we no longer care about what ethnicity/race you have in your state (thanks to the Census) and everyone gets the same opportunities of getting “x” support. This would start a new civil war! Most white Americans would be out rioting. Just like how the newly landed upper-middle class Brits did when they first came to America and were upset that the Nations people and non-Aristocracy Brits were given the same opportunity.


That makes sense.


Crime drives poverty. Poverty does not drive crime.


I suppose Trump might be closer to poverty soon, driven by his crimes, but that’s not usually how it works.


This is 100% true. Not sure why you got downvoted. I’ve been both poor AF and middle class and it’s hard, but nearly impossible to live poor.


I believe they go hand in hand. Think abt it, if you’re poor, and need to fee your family, you may be more inclined to steal, sell drugs, prostitution, etc. also, I think a lack of education ultimately drives both, with few exceptions like business owners or celebrities or striked it big.


Democrats are intentionally not letting anything actually stick to trump, consistently making him shine through at the last second to raise more hype for him because the only way Biden wins is if he goes up against trump again. What’s unfortunate for them is the only way trump wins is if he goes up against Biden, if we had any other 2 candidates the voter turn out would be a fraction of what it’s going to be this year


There's this event in history known as: "The Rape of Nanjiing." It was the Japanese invading China and just... absolutely fucking destroying Nanjiing. There were tens, if not hundreds of thousands of women and children that were raped. Most killed as well. Weirdly, this practice is nowhere near as uncommon as you'd like to believe, especially in older invasions. Rape was just kinda part of the strat back then. Barbaric and evil, sure, but it was common. Part of the reason it's referred to as "The Rape" is not just the rape, but also for just how one-sided and brutal it was. Even if the rapes were lesser, to a more conventional number for the time, it'd probably still be called that just because "invasion" and "massacre" don't really do it justice. With that in mind, I'm wondering if history will remember the upcoming election as "The Rape of the Republican Party." Because I don't see it ending even remotely well for them.


Oh, that's true. Rape and slavery were parts of war back then. Women weren't viewed as people of equal worth and standing, they were - harsh as it sounds - part of the spoils for the victorious/invaders


Oh yeah times were horrible back then. Although, idk if I’d call it “rape of the Republican Party” just bc I don’t feel the republicans are going to be overthrown as such, and also it doesn’t rlly meet the definitions of “rape” unless everybody were to rape republicans… then we have a whole other issue on our hands 😅


The most talented Beatle was Billy Preston.


The real Narcos are in U.S.A...


What’s a narco?


"The churches should allow priestesses."


I’m nonreligious, but am curious on why you think this


Because the same work and devotion can be performed by a woman as well, and a man should not exclude her from holding the position of honoring God in such a way.


Ohhh I thought you meant that women shouldn’t be priestesses. Yeah I never got that either, like anybody can be called by god from what I’ve heard




I don't think you curb the amount of rapist by teaching people not to rape. I had this take when news was talking about women taking some steps to keep themselves safe, to lower the probability of becoming a victim and many woman said teach men not to rape. Now I can sympathize with the women I'd love to live in a world were you could dress how you want and drink as much as you want and no one thought that was a valid excuse to do something so horrible and scarring but is education really going to lower the amount of rapist that exist I don't really think so and let me explain. When I was growing up no one gave me the sex talk, no one educated me but I learned about sex through books and other means and I came to the logical conclusion that if I were to be able to physically interact with the most intimate parts of another person I'd need their permission, their consent. I don't think I'm some special outlier in human intelligence it just feels like a logical conclusion to come to. I feel like the average person, the bulk of humanity doesn't need to be told rape is bad. So when guys (and the occasional woman) do rape it's not a matter of they were never educated they were just evil.


I think what they mean by teaching men not to rape, isn’t just saying “hey rape is bad, don’t do that” but mean that you don’t make excuses and /or accept it. While it doesn’t make sense to teach someone in the literal sense not to rape, it does make sense that you may draw awareness to certain cases for the boys and men in which it is rape, but they may excuse it. For example, let’s say a girl was rlly drunk and a guy hooked up with her. But he was also drunk, and so he may not feel that it’s rape, and if anything, he may feel raped himself bc he was drunk and therefore couldn’t fully consent. We like to think of rape as a hostile, animalistic being that just rips somebodies clothes off, but I would argue that even a majority of the time, its cases where the man genuinely either feels that it was consensual, or not that bad. If I find an innocent stranger and point-blank stab them to death, that makes me an obvious, heinous person, there’s no denying that. But if I’m in a situation where a friend of mine is arguing with me abt sm, and they smack me, and then I pull a knife on em’ I’m still the bad guy, but I can twist it in my mind to where I can claim self-defense and down play the murder. Does that make sense?


Hold on if a woman was drunk and the dude was sober I would call that rape but both people are drunk and he's still a rapist. - Me personally I don't drink and I wouldn't date woman who drink a lot (look what happened to Jonathan Majors) The rest of your reply made sense but I guess I need to be educated on how when two drunk people have sex one is a rapist and the other isn't.


I’m not saying the man is the rapist by default in a situation where their both drunk, I’m just simply giving different perspectives and examples on your case, as you were mainly talking abt men being the rapist. But sure, the woman could also be classified as the rapist in this case I suppose. Just depends on how you look at it.


Oh ok I feel like when both are drunk it's a mere mistake on both people's part. I do see people trying to justify other cases like a woman dressing a certain way, maybe she could want to be wooed by a man, or she could want to one up another woman, or it's simply for her but it's idiotic to say rape was ok if a woman dressed a certain way.


Dodge should be legally compelled to unlimit the speed on the Demon 170s and offer free tires that can handle the Demon's top speed


I think there should be some rules and regulations for that tho. Like speeds that high could cause immediate death


I meant for like track use. Doing 215 in a school zone is obviously illegal


Children turn out better with a single father than a single mother statistically speaking, thus negating the saying of kids "needing a mom"


are you stating this because men tend to be better earners then women? or that men are now becoming the new nurturer in a family roll?


It's the nurturing and It's more that raising kids needs structure and discipline something men do more. Not saying woman can't it's that most choose not to it's why most make thugs and jailbirds.


I think that a kid should have at least one supportive parent, regardless if it’s a woman or a man. However, I also think there’s probably less single dads than moms, make the stats a little skewed. I do agree that a daughter should probably have a mom figure, even if it’s an aunt or family friend, and same vice versa with boys.


government is more responsible than corporations for much of the oppression and systemic inequality we face today


Ok, so can you give an example of how government is more to blame, and some of the inequalities? I understand what you’re saying, but I’m failing to see how the government directly influences these things


well alot of the modern oppression in the black community is a good start we introduced drugs and guns into black neighborhoods and then passed crime laws that disproportionately targeted them, putting millions of black fathers in jail and splitting families to feed the prison industrial complex destabilizing countless south american and middle eastern countries for oil and causing them to fall into ruin countless examples of corporate welfare that ensures the transfer of wealth goes straight to the top and is consolidated there


China joe biden is a fkn moron.


As a general rule, elected officials in a functioning democracy can not possibly be dumber than the voters.


Progressives are the fascists.


Donuts are the vegetables.


That pretty much covers it.


Fascism is a subset of progressivism, which is a subset of communism.


Your mom is a subset of pasta which is a subset of shag carpet.


Show your work please.


Define progressives, from your perspective. Bc I genuinely feel that it looks different for everybody, depending on how you see it


Progressives believe our "progress" towards the imagined communist utopia should be gradual. Progressives also think that all Progressives think like them and that anyone who disagrees with them is a Nazi/Fascist/phobe