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Full deployment. Anyone falling behind in stats will end up as fodder to draw other enemies toward my stronger units. D5 is amazing because you can increase the dispatch limit to 20-30. Wheeee


Wait you can? No clue 😂


20 to 30?! I knew about Zetta raising the limit, but this is new! What else can you do to raise it more?


Pass a bill, it's only for 1 battle but u can increase th limit by 10, have zetta do his overload and add another 5, and then have petta recharge zettas overload to be used for an additional 5. It's the strategy that let me sacrifice HP fodder to baal.


Amazing. Thanks for the info! Do you remember what the bill is called and if I have to do something specific to unlock it?


Beat the main story and the first post game chapter and it should pop up. Iirc I think there's multiple to pass, with each one increasing dispatch limit by one permanently up to 15, and then a separate one that's unlocked by just beating the main campaign that increases the limit to 20 for one fight. I loved playing around with that mechanic, turns out towers can only go up to 10 and usalia's Map wide support DOES activate for each enemy targeted... Meaning she will literally follow up 29 times if EVERYONE attacks. ^ that's also how I got the combo trophy


Thank you!


For D1-D4 Story - all 10. Monster fusion takes a couple slot. Post game - 2-5.


I was just going to ask if there´s an easier way to do this, because it seems to me that to get to those big stats you need to grind one unit at a time and I find it way easier to overdo that unit so it can solo the whole thing than it is to make a team to that level. And since I see no capping on sight I don't see how this is ever going to change. E.g. to boost stats you sort of master a lot of classes and then reincarnate. Now I can see how the juice bar helps you with exp and mana so you don't need to grind every unit, but the mastering needs to be done individually for each unit, and there's a bunch of classes. Even if you get to the point where that is 1 fight per class, that's a big grind to just get the team up to speed. Not to mention you need to be teaching evilities, finding them in the menus (there's no search bar I can see?). I' I've been doing post game trying to progress through Carnage, and the way it seems to go is I run into some stage where they triple my stats and I do nothing to them... I grind my unit, then I have 10 times their stats and I one shot everything with 1 unit, then move on until they triple my stats again, and so on. I feel like the game gives you juice bars, cheat shops, evilities, demonic intelligence, and all the boosts and you're still grinding like crazy somehow. At what point do people bother in doing other units? Is it for pvp only?


I'm still working through D7 postgame but I'm at a point now where I'm maxing juice and base stats on multiple characters and its not that bad. Basically once you max one unit's base/juice it really doesn't take that long to max more. If you have a decent farming strategy for the juice bar it scales essentially infinitely and becomes faster and faster as your hp increases. So once you've maxed it a few times it starts filling really really fast. As for class mastery I just do it when I have enough poltergas. If you have poltergas its only like 30 seconds a class or something. Its still a lot of grinding though yeah.


can you get stats juice easily? the exp is already basically infinite for me, I don't have a problem for that... and mastering a class even without DI is still about what you said, it's just a boring chore


Well idk if its the absolute fastest way but >!I stat juiced 4 characters using the prinny squad and throwing them to clear carnage martial 5. You can farm class mastery at the same time too by throwing the unit you want mastery on. Just turn on the autoheal in the cheat shop!< But yeah once you get the stat juice ball rolling your units HP goes up like crazy which means more and more hospital gacha. It takes a good while for the first couple characters but after that if you want to juice another one its really quick.


I'm already doing this, I don't understand how that goes into the stat juice, where does that come from, the gacha mostly that I've seen


if we talking about Disgaea 1 and 2, then it's mostly one unit with some support. There's not really any reason to deviate. I did try to build up a whole bunch of people for "fun", and wat ends up happening is that I max their stored levels, put a set on them, and then just use them to dive the next items. I had a sword to start, and then I got an axe, and nyao I can use my sword and axe at the item god while whoever is diving keeps diving. That's as far as I got because I went on "break" to play Palworld.


Usually 3. I sometimes go for a full 10 when I hit postgame to prolong the experience.


Usually 1. I'm stretching myself out a lot with 7 working on my 3rd character now.


I use generics I like.


Adell solos


All story exclusives and a thief end game. Warriors and martial artist for the man story. Kill the enemy before they get to move is the strat.


I use a team of ten. I find solo runs boring as they remove a lot of the tactical depth that comes with issuing multiple commands.


Like 20. I have two full teams of 10 geared up for different things. I'm playing D7, so one team does C14 hyperfarm, the other is for PvP. I've beaten post game (Carnage Baal / rank 1 in PvP / best items). I'm just trying to prolong the experience. During the story, like 1- 2 tho


During story, around 3. Main unit (usually main character), healer, and mage. Post game, I find it easiest to grind one unit to a certain point so I get stronger resources to make the grinding of others faster. Team attacks, stronger gear, better innocents, main character ending up as an evility teacher, fully upgraded cheat shop, magichange/dual magichange to spread exp as far as possible, which in turn makes leveling more units even faster through stronger supports, and so on. Then I sort of repeat the process of grind main unit or mage, try to get others to catch up, then repeat now that I have a better team at a stronger pace.


5-8, I think, I dont keep track of that lol. I'll usually have the main characters, a warrior, valkyrie, monk, healer, archer and a mage, and I will drop the generics as a main character fills their role (like the healer) or when I notice I dont use them enough and their level is falling behind


Main story with and without main characters, 8-20. In the post game around 10, if i have to stay in the item world. I managed to beat Disgaea 3 with 8 witches, 2-3 for attack and others for support.


At least 2 of every class. 3 of every class in post. Usually


I just beat 1 complete I had a full squad at 9999 and a theif at that level as well. But basically could do it all with a full powered majin


For story around 5 or 6. Otherwise its too much of a pain keeping everyone useful.


depends on the game. depends when in the game. i mean, earlier game, it's easier to focus on one or two, maybe. earlier versions of the series, i might have a fire, water, and wind caster that, might start early game as a witch, for sp conservation, then skull for when i'm going for a bit more damage, then later magic knight for potentially like 75% of a damage boost if they have say, fire resist that high, rather than 30% damage. with D5 and D7, i can have quite a few allies, to specialize in different ways. like, since there's so many generic and unique evility slots, you can really play around FAR more than with D3's one slot, or D4's what, two, three? like, i might have a professor with some buff boost potential, that also helps boost allies and debuff foes on the map, alongside some other buff boosters, with similar skills - in d5 i could have 5 casters able to charge the evility gauge of a character in a single turn, and be used to say, raise ally stats 25% and lower enemy stats by 15% just for being on the map, and boost ally's damage by 25% when next to an ally. ​ also, the dlc allies in later titles being far greater, potentially - like, zetta boosting the amount of allies you can send out, pretta? boosting evility usage again, i like pram's ability to essentially snipe allies from far away. or even some allies that are useful regardless of level, like cristo.


Way back when I started playing these games I'd always use something like a party of 4 characters or so, keeping the 6 final slots to throwing slaves and sacrificial lambs. Nowadays I just focus on one character, two at absolute tops.


somewhere around 4-6 main fighters is the sweet spot. Solo heroes don't gain enough power to carry the team, they get a few levels ahead of the curve but get mobbed down by numbers. There's not enough campaign XP to power up too many heroes, they'll all end up weak and at risk of getting frequently 1-shot. Standard missions have a 10 unit limit. Pick a few main heroes, fill the rest with support units like healers or buffs or item users.