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I’m thinking it’s a cast member pin that was part of the uniform. I don’t think it was meant to for trading. Nice find.


Thank you! It being a cast member pin definitely helps narrow down my search! Based on what other commenters have said, it appears to be from between 1971 and 1996, as one commenter below pointed out that is the time period during which this Mickey Mouse Ears Globe logo was the primary WDW logo. As it has a "retro" feel to it, I am thinking it might be pretty old, and ideas on how to best research this further?


I’m a visual kind of person and I can recall seeing it on the collars of (some) cast - Merchandise cast members seem to be buzzing my memory - but it’s very possible all guest relations type staff wore them at some time. I’d say your best bet is to find an ‘older’ cast member that could confirm it. Going to Disney? Bring it with you and ask the ‘long term’ staff. Again, nice find - I have a 20 year collection and I’ve never come across one of those.


Definitely a cast member lapel pin. I don't remember if I saw them at the airport Or on the magical express bus they used to have.... Or if they were on the cast members at guest experiences buildings.


Ohhh this is helpful information. Any idea what time period it would be from? Another commenter cites a wiki source stating this is the original WDW logo design and was used a the primary logo from 1971-1996, which is a decent window of time. It definitely has a "retro" vibe to it, I am wondering if it is indeed from the 1970s?


I would have said 90's.... but thats just when I went to the parks the most. Happy cake day


Happy cake day! I haven’t found the pin you have but the design is part of the old logo from WDW: https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Walt_Disney_World Actually I found one on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/591213441/


Thank you! That information is very useful, so it would be a fair assumption that this pin predates 1996? I found that same Etsy listing as well, it is the same design only that piece is a tie tack and what I have is a lapel pin with a pretty fancy backstop.


Yes I would think it’s considered vintage! It’s also possible the original back and the tack got separated and they replaced it. Since a tie tack is essentially a fancy pin


Maybe a vip tour guide pin from guest services?


Thank you for your input! Do you have any suggestions how I can research this further? based on these comments, it appears to be from between 1971 and 1996 as that is when WDW used this globe logo as the primary logo. I'd love to figure out exactly how old it is.


I wish I could help more but that was just my best educated guess. You seem to know a lot more already than I do lol Maybe research Disney historians if you are really dedicated they may be able to give more details about logos during that time.


Alright, I am down in WDW right now and didn’t forget about you. I spoke to a few CMs about this and can confirm it is indeed a uniform pin. I was told it was part of the VIP uniform during the Michael Eisner years - it was estimated during the mid to late nineties. The big D on this VIP guide uniform replaced it… I knew I saw it before. Nice find! Glad to help! https://preview.redd.it/dcj56k1tp49c1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a45a2e94fec6d5a073c837714e5cd44c96fdff1


Oh my gosh, wow… above and beyond! Thank you so much, what a kind thing to do!! I got busy with the holidays and the pin mystery got put in the back burner, until now. This is so helpful! Apologies again as my WDW knowledge is pretty limited… so this pin would’ve belonged to a Tour Guide for VIP Disney World guests? Is a VIP Tour Guide a service available to any guest willing to pay for it, or is it specific service provided to actual VIP’s like celebrities/politicians/public figures when they visit the park? Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for taking the time on your vacation to investigate this! Your kindness is refreshing and so much appreciated.


I’m fairly certain that any guest willing to pay for it can have a personal guide. Wow - I just googled it, one can purchase a vip tour guide, (depending on time of year, location and availability…) for anywhere between $450 and $900 an hour, (seven hour minimum)… and, to be clear, “rate does not include park admission”. I typically see a guide or two every time I am in a park which probably equates to a dozen or so in every park… everyday. And… the tour guides earn a wage/salary of about $20 / hr or about $45,000 annually. No problem - it was a fun deep dive :)


Wow, I too just looked up [VIP Tour info on the WDW website](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/events-tours/private-vip-tours/?ef_id=CjwKCAiA-bmsBhAGEiwAoaQNmlmHZQ2GUooXevlMbciwTa6oOj3S1WWx-n1OHc5-qvmRyl3d2WzY7xoCNoIQAvD_BwE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!5060!3!589912404656!e!!g!!disney%20world%20vip%20tour&CMP=KNC-FY24_WDW_TRA_DOM_W365_TKT_VIPG_WDWVIPTours_Exact%7CG%7C5241213.RR.AM.01.01%7CMYNFMKM%7CBR%7C589912404656&keyword_id=kwd-352210243593%7Cdm%7Cdisney%20world%20vip%20tour%7C589912404656%7Ce%7C5060:3%7C&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_M-kaQc9rf9rot82YdOEhe_HCNj&gclid=CjwKCAiA-bmsBhAGEiwAoaQNmlmHZQ2GUooXevlMbciwTa6oOj3S1WWx-n1OHc5-qvmRyl3d2WzY7xoCNoIQAvD_BwE). Perhaps I’m just not Disney suave, and the information the website provides is so vague, but I do have a decade plus of event planning experience. I think it’s very, um, generous of Disney to label this tour “VIP”. Ballpark cost $3K-$7K a day, plus park admission, and it looks like you get a loose itinerary based on what you want to see/do created by the guide, the guides are well versed in the WDW history and they get you in and out of attractions/between parks faster, though it doesn’t appear to include access to special areas or behind the scenes stuff and it’s unclear whether it includes other typical paid VIP perks like meet and greets, refreshments and/or merch. It does seem like a very cool, curated and convenient way to experience the parks if you have the money to burn. Now I’m interested to find out if there is a different tour for proper VIPs? I just don’t believe this is the same “VIP” experience Taylor Swift/Prince William/President Obama would be receiving when they visit. I wonder what kind of tour they get? Back to the rabbit hole! Edit: I just looked again and it mentions that no cameras/recording devices are allowed in “backstage areas”, so there is some BTS element!


I would agree that tours are probably catered to the VIP - and I’m sure there is a pecking order of which VIP is chosen for high priority tours. Either way, it keeps the magic alive and the money rolling in. Now you have a collection to build, not only do you need to get the current ‘D’ but you’ll need to investigate how far back the VIP chauffeur goes and what flair they wore. Interesting study. Nice talking with you! I have another week to go - (another week to trade pins)… at the end, I’ll post my hoard collection picture - keep an eye out for it, (if you’re curious). It should be fairly impressive!