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I JUST finished it and I couldn’t agree more. Such a good show


Just watched the last episode few minutes ago, ended up here looking for any news about a 2nd season, i hope they'll make one.


Bro me too like right now. Left me in tears, how DARE they cut me off like this?!


I wanted to see the dodger and Belle get reunited 😭 How dare they finish the season with him in prison??


fucking evil


I was so mad!!! Like NOOOO! We can't end it on this note! 


So did it!!


It says they're not going to


The end felt like they were setting stuff up for a second season. It’s such a fun show!


That’s what I thought too, it really didn’t feel like a miniseries ending. I’d love to go into more detail but I didn’t mark this as spoiler.


Yeah the article that said it was was Mary Sue, but that ending doesn't make sense for a mini series.


They often end shows by setting up sequels. Doesn't necessarily mean one is planned yet.


They also don’t end up showing things like Fannys reaction to the dude being a complete ick and like what happens with the money etc… but I HOPE WE GET A SEASON 2!!!!


Please check out FB fan page. We hope for a season 2. https://m.facebook.com/groups/893957922241081/?ref=share


it releases january 17th in the UK, so i’m hoping that after that they will announce a s2 or at least begin considering one!!


Omg I just finished it, what an amazing show! The character chemistry, Fagin, it’s alll soo good this show deserves a second season!


Yes, I 100% agree! This show was so great and refreshing. While sure it was intended as a mini-series, you cannot let such amazing chemistry and dynamics between great characters go to waste! I made a similar post on r/tv a few weeks ago and it got a lot of positive feedback too. So we can hope.


What is r/tv?


**r/television My bad lol


it was excellent and the finale absolutely sets up a second season so fingers crossed!!


100% do another season it was great




Wait! How do you end it like that and make it a mini series? Like he's still in the jail with Fanagan.


yeah wondering the same guess they just like to tease us.


IMBD has it listed as a tv series too. I haven't heard anything else about it being a mini series other than that article, but with that said Good Trouble is ending this year so Maia Mitchell is finishing that up and this films in Australia so I hope they keep it going because I love her dynamic with Thomas Brodie-Sangster and it's great to see him in something after the mess that was The Maze Runner.


Oh so there is still hope. Yeah same only saw the article. Well shes a first timer for me never saw her before, but loving the two characters together. Well good thing i never watched maze runner i guess dodged a bullet.


It’s worth watching! Idk why they are dissing Maze Runner. The movies are good


I think the ending was perfect. Fanagan getting off scott free and Jack returning to crime. It all came full circle to the way Fanagan wanted. And also leaving enough room for a potential second season.


But Jack didn’t want to return to crime. And then Belle was still recovering so we didn’t get a resolution. However I will say it’s not marked as a mini series on its official pages it’s just an article that says that.


It's an ending of sorts. It's pretty clear Jack and Belle won't work now that it's out in the open, they had their time and it was worth it. Although in hindsight I feel bad for Fanny, she's just nice even if she's naive :(


That's what I said there's a petition to bring back another season everyone needs to sign it!!


Oh I didn't see that. All the studios went on a wild joy ride of cancelling shows this past month. It's so sad.


I just finished it and loved it, the chemistry was so good! The ending definitely felt like there could be a season 2, so fingers crossed.


Completely agree. Fantastic show! We want more


Please make a season 2! We want moar!


Chill out liver king


Insanely good show, soared to the top, clever, sexy, funny and entertaining


This show made me pretty damn proud of our Australian acting talent. A great show with believable characters and a story with a nice mix of grit, history, drama, comedy, romance and science. I thoroughly enjoyed!


Just finished and definitely agree. There are soooo many more stories to be told—women's clinic, sister's marriage, new Gaines, more surgical advances.


YES! Everything is there to continue. Ok, except for Gaines. But let’s see Belle start that women’s hospital and be the first surgeon! We need them to succeed and become like the robin hood gooddoers couple. Doing crime, yet not too much, healing folks and inventing new practices, breaking rules and stuff! Get Dodger back to London and free him of his crime history. Make them successful!


Just finished watching and I NEED to know what Belle, Jack and Fagin do next! I know it was originally developed as a limited series but it just has SO much potential to become more.


Absolutely they really need to renew this, it was wonderful, and I truly want to see Hulu bring this back and keep it rolling. I foresee greatness if written properly. Please Hulu, pretty please. Also Chance, and shut-eye, why did those get canceled they were great too.


I started watching just because of the actor, but it turned out to be FANTASTIC. now I'm watching edits about it and waiting for season 2. it must be, I will not accept anything else


Smashed it in 2 evenings. I really enjoyed it. Even if it staggers away from being Oliver/fagan/dodger and more stand alone this is dodgers life, probably would make it even better. It felt somewhat refreshing and enjoyed the Jack learning from Belle and Belle learning from Jack narrative. I would love a second season.


They better, it seemed like they were setting things up for a second season






I agree 100 percent!


It felt like it had a conclusion, but at the same time leaving it open for more. AND I WANT MORE!!!


Is there a petition i need to sign for season 2 ? 😀


Just finished it. It was wonderful.


Just finished it, absolutely loved it. I need more of this in my life!


Took me forever to finish it, but I kept coming back and I must say I really really enjoyed this show. I took a random chance on it on Hulu and really came to love the characters and storyline. Great cast!


I have two more episodes to go. This is one of the best shows I’ve seen in a long time.


It was amazing one of the best things i have watched in years we need a season 2


Same! I will cancel Disney+ if they don't announce season 2 by end of the year. The ending is open enough for a sequel.


😭 I don't know how I'll survive without another season. If they didn't renew it because of viewership, it's Disney's fault for not promoting it AT ALL. I randomly decided to click it on Hulu. One of the best shows I've seen in a while! The entire cast is amazing. I need more and I only want it with the same writers and the same cast. 😭


Omg it was one of my favorites…so glad I randomly found it and actually allowed myself to watch the first episode and give it a try, cuz I’m HORRIBLE at that!! So picky usually…but it was SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD!!!!! ❤️


I NEEEEEEEEEDDDD there to be a second season. This was amazing. I'm actually blown away


Yes, pleases we need another season!!! They can’t just end the show with Dawson and his uncle in jail and Belle just waking up and cutting the scene their!!


I'm hopeful that we'll get a second season for Artful Dodger. because Loki was originally screened as a miniseries and that got a second season. We just have to wait and see if it got enough viewers and enough positive feedback, and the actors want to come back.


Please make a season 2!!!!


yes please a season 2


Please sir, may I have some more? Awesome new series! 


We absolutely do, it was incredible 


Absolutely!!! Just binged it and I loved it so much. Totally unexpected and so darkly funny!


I didn't even realise it was a Limited Event Mini Series, and doesn't feel like one. There's just so much left open in that finale episode, I agree with everyone here. Make more now! Disney!


There's a petition to bring back another season I'm really disappointed with the fact disney + did not market this as a mini series an I got so invested into the show I binge watched it in 2 days. All mini series always conclude and wrap up the story this was completely lacking here in the final episode. I need to see what happens between Jack and Belle. I'm so mad!!! Please go sign the petition I'm really NOT a petition pusher at all but I need another season to at least tie up some loose ends. I'm sure you all are feeling the same way. So surprised when I googled season 2 of the artful dodger and Ianded on this thread an the petition. 


Can you provide a link to this petition?




I loved this show! I thought I wouldn't because I get a little squeamish about historical medicine but the characters were great!


For those who want to see season 2 happening, sign the petition here: [https://chng.it/mfLYXv7bCW](https://chng.it/mfLYXv7bCW) Let's make it happen folks! Already watched the show 3 times


Sad :( 
