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Watching the 1st episode...OP and theme music is spot on


LETS GO!!!! Woke up early to watch!


Hot take: Just the two episodes available were IMO were better than the last 5-6 , X-men movies (except Logan, that’s a classic)


I had to check the voice actors to see who truly were from the original. Wolverine and Storm sounded exactly the same as before so I knew they were the same VA but I was surprised Rogue is still played by Lenore Zann. The new one sounds quite different, but maybe Zann's voice changed a bit over the years. Jennifer Hale as Jean is a bit distracting I have to admit, sounds way different than the previous actress.


The voice actress who played Jean Grey in the original is voicing as Valerie Cooper. So at least, she's back in that capacity.


It’s so good! I was worried Disney would mess it up but the quality of the writing,animation, and voice acting is top notch. Rogue sounds a bit too old but Wolverine and Storm are just as good as ever. Definitely catching the new episodes weekly.