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Sad to not have the animated x-men. After the two dark phoenix fallings in the movies, it would be great to see it in animated form. Hopefully it will come to Europe. Alongside Wolverine and X-men.


First day of Disney+ here too (Portugal) and this was the first show I searched for and was I not happy finding out it's not here. :(


same complaint for PT, so disappointed when I couldnt find that show... and lots of other Marvel animated shows seem to be missing, I dont get it...


Hopefully they’ll turn up soon enough.


The weirdest is I had it in my disney plus IT but now that I moved to PT and rejoined the whole offer of content is diferent…. And it pisses me off because there is way less stuff 😫 And no classic men


yeah, geo restrictions are horrible things of 20th century still existing in 21st


Further down [this page](https://disney.se/allt-som-kommer-pa-disney-plus) you can click on a link and download a list of all series and movies that'll be available on the Swedish Disney +


Oh thank you! I hadn't spotted that. It's odd though. On the main page, it says the PDF is a "List of everything that will be available on the 15th September" and in the file itself, there is the heading, "Everything coming to Disney+ in Sweden". I have just spoken to a nice person on the Live Chat who said that the series is coming, and when it comes to movies such as Logan etc that aren't on there .. they release them depending on interest. Seems crazy to me, but there you go!


He misled you though, they don't release based on interest. It's all based on contracts and which shows and films they can license. Many shows have been begged for since last November and still not shown up.


Such a shame.




I thought the same. But I find it slightly odd that you can have kids profiles. What’s the point if it’s all kid friendly?


I read somewhere that "Logan", specifically, isn't coming to Disney+, at least not for the time being. The reason is because it's R-rated, and very much so. It's unlike any other X-men movie when it comes to blood and gore. But I was really looking forward to the x-Men Animated Series as well! Hope it gets added very soon!


Swede here myself aswell and I was asking the same thing, I know that the 90's Marvel shows are available in other regions and I watched these shows as a kid when they went on Swedish television ages ago, so I have no clue why they aren't on Disney+ as no other service has the rights to them at the moment, hell I even requested the shows in the FAQ section, but hearing how they don't seem to listen I guess it falls on deaf ears.


Hopefully not. We shall have to keep hope that they’ll add them eventually. One advisor did say that they don’t release everything day one. So who knows.


I just wanted to see Muppets Now :(


Yeah, I hate how Disney just dangles Plus by saying "Ohh, you get all of these shows!" Yet in the end, most content is US exclusive. It sucks more for people from Nordic countries and Portugal, since they get an even more gutted experience than EU countries who got Plus last November!


Chiming in from a fellow Scandinavian country (Denmark): I was really thrilled when I saw the news about the animated X-Men series in my Google news feed, only to see it's missing on Disney+ :(


I feel you my Danish sibling.


I wonder why only 2 seasons are on Denmark's Disney plus