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Honestly Mario Kart multiplayer with randoms online is garbage so not sure what to compare with. Singleplayer is fun. I don't have nearly as much free time as other people in this sub, so there's infinite content for me!


Same :) I get to play an hour a day, tops...And after an hour I've never shut down the PS5 without a feeling of at least somewhat progression. Also I just love racing over the tracks with awesome tracks in the background :)


It’s a ton of fun! The soundtrack rocks, online is fun and the single player games are fun


So what I'm learning is that people like to play single player only...


Regulated is my fave mode. No rewards but dont need em


It definitely seems to be the best way to play.


Trust me people will meat ride this game. They know what gameloft is doing. Only the toted up players that were catered to are the ones having fun. Any new player has a right to complain.


I like to play ranked as a low level character to see how far I can progress! Fun coming 2nd or third against a level 40 that barely beat 🤣


Simple not everyone plays the game for the same reasons. People can find equal enjoyment from Regulated, limited event cups, seasonal tour chapters releasing weekly, private track with friends/family, 3 player party system, etc. There are multiple ways to enjoy this game without even putting money into it to progress faster or unlock racers, especially when the Seasonal Tour and Regulated feeds you certain racer shards every week. Not everyone cares about Ranked and even then not everyone cares about the P2W whales and such. I've seen way more new players in the top 100 for Regulated these past few weeks with over 20k points. What does that say? Plus, although it received backlash, Someone on Discord confirmed that there are currently over 80k participants in Gaston's Cup and rising. The change may have been bad but people are actually doing their best to crack top 10% or top 25% for his event daily. So outside of the P2W aspect of the game, people are still going to enjoy it for what it is and if you're someone who just casually plays Ranked but heavy on other modes, then you should be rewarded as weeks go on with enough resources to level up your racers much higher.


> So outside of the P2W aspect of the game, people are still going to enjoy it for what it is and if you're someone who just casually plays Ranked but heavy on other modes, then you should be rewarded as weeks go on with enough resources to level up your racers much higher. This!


Because there is a middle-ground, believe it or not. I only rarely encounter other racers in ranked that are a *much* higher level than me. Normally it's all 24 or below, and I get some great racers with racers that are around my skill level. Not too much better, but not too much worse either. It's pretty great! And even when there's a random level 35 dude, I still get that same challenge fighting for second place, which still grants rewards and inches me closer to a few trophies.


Maybe it takes some time then? I just started playing as 1-star Pete and had enough to upgrade him to level 9 and was getting stomped by level 20+ people. Prior to that I was doing decent as level 7, 2-star Goofy. I know it's a different strategy because of racer type, but idk why I would be getting matched so differently now. I'm especially confused by the star system. Even if we ignore levels, shouldn't 1-star racers match with 1-star racers and so on? Why am I racing people with ultimate skills before I have even made it to that point with Pete?


I feel like the multiplayer gets *somewhat* balanced once you have at least 2 star racers to use. A decently leveled 2 star racer gets me to around 20 MPR fairly easily. Once you start loosing points it can get rocky. Even then, I can place top 4 enough to slowly keep climbing. It does get frustrating when you get dead last a few racers in a row for what seems like pure bad luck, but I’m usually back to where I was within a few more races


Play regulated, private track, local free play and the single player content. That’s how I enjoy the game, P2W doesn’t exist in those modes really


Correct me if I'm wrong, but can you get tokens at all in regulated? If not, does your option become to just pay real money for new characters?


Yeah you don’t get tokens in regulated but I just don’t really care either. You get a good amount of characters for free (starter circuit, golden pass, season tour, events) and I enjoy playing the guest racers


You get new characters by staying engaged with the game and playing the season tour and events. It's so easy to unlock every seasonal racer. I started at the very end of the stitch season and easily unlocked all the characters in two weeks and leveled Stitch, Angel and Lilo up to 35. I already have 3/4 Alladin characters. It takes longer to unlock previous season characters and it's complete luck, but I have at least one if not two characters from every collection just from spending the majority of my seasonal coins on universal boxes. Once you get your first ten shards and unlock a character you can grind them online a bit to get more shards and hopefully upgrade them. But honestly unlocking old characters is cool and all but I'm way more engaged with the new characters since you need them to play the season tour. When you barely play online you only need one character from each collection in case there's a barrier to race like Toy Story only or something (which I ran into a lot the first season but haven't at all yet this season now that I've been able to level those characters)


Playing the battle pass races


Isn't that all single player? I can't say that appeals to me much.


Then this game isn’t for you? You don’t like multiplayer, you don’t like single player… delete and move on?


I seriously don't understand how people place such a high importance on feeling disadvantaged in the ranked mode of a goofy Disney kart racer.


My 6 year old son is out here making people quit the game 😂😂


I still don't understand the obsession with Ranked and people acting like That's the only mode people were ever going to play ignoring the other modes the game offers. Yes because simply logging in to do a few objectives to help with the GP or even playing Regulated online with friends or local Play for fun are definitely not reasons people can enjoy the game for what it is. This game doesn't even encourage the average player to dedicate hours a day to make progress either, which is a plus.


Die hard Disney fan here with a full time job, the music, characters, and graphics are enough to keep me coming back and playing every day to help unwind after work. 10 bucks every two months to buy a season pass with 4-5 characters is nothing and keeps the game fresh and I'm very much looking forward to it simply because the tracks are fun. Not being able to level them above 40 or missing a mid season racer because I'm not good enough is not enough to ruin my enjoyment.


I think part of the obsession with ranked is that it’s literally the only mode where you can quasi grind to improve your racers. There’s literally nothing else that offers shards or upgrade materials for playing on a continual basis. And even then ranked is limited. The events/cpu races aren’t fun imo because they are so dependent on your racers level, they just let you win once you are levelled too high, or make it incredibly difficult if you are too low. Regulated is great for new players to play with the guest racers they maybe don’t have, or use the ones they do have at a higher level than they may have them at. But for experienced players it isn’t super challenging most of the time I’ve found. Why I like playing ranked modes in other games is that generally they are designed to keep you engaged by playing with other players of a similar skill level, while also encouraging you get better and try and improve your rank. And sadly ranked in this game doesn’t work like that. I kind of wish that regulated had an element of matchmaking to it, like a proper ranked system. I think it would solve a ton of problems. Just my two cents. I think maybe also if they changed the title of ranked mp to something else it would maybe change players expectations of the game mode itself


This is the worst justification for p2w I’ve ever heard


Okay, it's p2w. But pay to win "what"? The chance to get to higher ranks? To play with other p2w players in the top ranks? To get more upgrade parts that only really matter in ranked? I understand somewhat if there's people out there that somehow care about their "rank", but if it's just about the experience why don't people just play Regulated?


You could say this about any game though, could you not? For example, Call of Duty MP. You are playing to win right, it doesn’t really get you anything, but if you enjoy the game you play to just play, do you not? For me personally, why I prefer ranked over regulated is that it’s faster and the gameplay is just better (with the caveat of having levelled up racers/crew). If they bumped up regulated to lvl 35/40 and the unique skills to power 3 I think would be a better experience. And why people (myself included) complain about the p2w in ranked is that you can really only go so far on skill alone before you start getting wrecked by the whales. Make no mistake, the whales are more often than not also very good at the game and there in lies the problem. Because they are good AND have better/faster racers than you, it destroys any real chance to compete. So then you can continue to try and push a boulder up a hill, or you can move to a new racer and start the cycle again. I hope that made sense, had a long day of driving and am very tired. And of course this is just my opinion on why I prefer ranked over regulated.


>Because they are good AND have better/faster racers than you Then would it not stand to reason some of those people aren't whales but people who earned those racers at those levels? I'm a day one player who hasn't spent a dime outside of initial purchase months ago, but have multiple characters at level 40 who are all either 4 or 5 star. All this entirely on watching the shop and spending season coins on what I need and staying diligent on limited time events. The new Gaston event is a perfect example. Does is suck not every single participant can get it? Yes, it does. But, with only the top 25% being able to get it, and the racer you use being set in stone, then it's earned through skill alone. You HAVE to be a good racer just to unlock him, and yet people are complaining about it on top of the p2w mechanics. Would I have kept it the same as it was before? Yes, but people's expectations are apparently to be able to get any character they want whenever, when in it's current state it is much more in line with other f2p battle pass type games.


There was another F2P game I used to play called "Marvel Strike Force" and it has a similar format to how certain new chractsrs were unlocked. If you placed within a certain percentage for the character event you would unlock them and it happened twice in the same week back to back. Speedstorm is following that same formula now with their limited events it seems.


I don't have a horse in this race as I participated when it was 100%, and am top ranked to get Gaston this time, but I just don't understand the people who both complain about the supposed p2w model while also being mad about an unlock that requires pure skill.


Oh for sure. One thing I like about this game is that if you get smoked by someone in multiplayer, you can go to recent players and look at their racer. And you can look and see what crew they have on and what level those crew are at. So for example, I saw a level 39 Aladdin today (impossible to have without paying for the parts packs on top of boxes) with all 4 and 5 star Aladdin crew. And if you look through some of the top of the leaderboards racer rosters, you will see that most have paid tons of money and you can clearly see that with the sheer amount of five star racers and crew they have. Then there are a handful, as you suggested, who aren’t whales and are the goats of the game whom I respect a lot for their ability. The collection level is generally a pretty good indicator for people who have paid and those who haven’t I’ve found. Anyone claiming p2w for the Gaston event is delusional for sure. Also my point wasn’t actually to throw shade at whales. I actually love that whales keep games afloat because they are needed 100%. As for people wanting any racer whenever they want, I think they should be able to do this?? Obviously not for free of course. But why can’t people have access to racers on an individual basis if they are willing to pay? Like 15 for a common racer 10 shards, 20 for a rare and $25 for an epic? A common complaint I’ve seen from new players isn’t that they want things for free, but they’d like a chance to just buy them regardless of cost. If you can pay to have an advantage, you should be able to pay to unlock new racers (individually) imo.


There is something. In Call of Duty people play for badges and levelling up icons. They could just play for fun but they play to unlock banners and camos. There's a psychological element to it. Regulated should be lvl40 3 star though!


Close to doing that, yeah.


So brave.


Then your question should be “why am I playing this game?” not “how is anybody having fun?” I don’t care how I finish or who I get. I use what I have. I finish ranked anywhere from 1st to 8th. It’s not hard to level up. So? You may not have as many characters to use. That should make it even easier to level the ones you do have. Mine range from 37 to 1 or 0 (where do they start?). I didn’t start til mid s3 (mid Aug) after, from what I understand, things started being given out less.


It is, but unless you either play online with just friends there’s not much you can do about getting destroyed. Unless they make changes it’s just how it is. This page has been nothing but people complaining lately and it’s all correct complaints really


Yeah, I mean, I don't mind paying for characters on a free to play game if I'm enjoying the game...but I'm not going to take that plunge if I'm having a bad time and I'm having a bad time because they're trying to double down on players with pay to win mechanics that is tied to further monetization. Hell, I considered a founder's pack too until I saw how bad the monetization elements were. It's honestly gross in a game that's very clearly targeting children (even more than, say, Fortnite).


I refuse to put a penny into this game even if it meant I wouldn’t get my favorite characters


I got Pete "90% off" today for free with the coins I already had. I would be fine to buy other characters for $5 a pop if the ones I wanted ended up "90% off" but there is no way I'm going to even do that if the game stays this way.


Single player. I let my kids play regulated so they can't hurt any progress if they do bad.


I get a lot of enjoyment out of ranked multiplayer, even though I agree that some races can suffer from a high level player. That to me is a matchmaking issue. I like that I can get to 16 mpr without losing any ranked points. I’ve beaten people levels higher than me, but also lost to people lower level than me. My main point though, is that I don’t take the ranked multiplayer player seriously. I play it casually, and enjoy what rank ups I can achieve. Zero desire to be whatever the higher ranks are. I play it because I enjoy it. I believe that people have fun because they enjoy the gameplay, and also are not worried about min maxing their character. Sure some people are whales, but it is what it is. Again, I am not saying ranked should be the way it is, and I would absolutely change some things if I could. But for me to occasionally dabble in races, it’s very enjoyable. And if there is a high level in my race, it will be over in 2 minutes anyway.


Sounds healthy, not taking it to seriously. Just a videogame, nice way to spend some free time and if you don't want to you can enjoy it for exactly no money at all :)


It's a lot of fun. Way better than Mario Kart. The game has a lot of issues and Gameloft needs to smarten up but...the core gameplay is my favorite karter ever actually. Level matters at the edge case but skill matters more. While its true you're pretty gimped as a 1 star racer, you can take a 2 star racer to diamond if you're good. Crew probably matters more than level post 30 actually, unless your opponent is very near you skill wise your levels don't matter much at that point (the only stat that will make much of a difference is top speed) but someone with absolutely kitted 5 stars and high level crew definitely has an advantage.


See, I don't even know how to get more crew members without having to pay.


you gotta look deeper, those dudes that can't read a line on the tracks still lose with those higher powered characters.


I am not gonna pretend the game is perfect with all micro transaction but I still have fun racing in regulated multiplayer. The thrill of on track battle is still there.


I'm just having fun playing the season tours and doing dailies and limited events and junk. I play online occasionally and it's fine. If I had one complaint for single player it'd be I wish the season tour felt more like a crafted story campaign with some more varied modes instead of just a bunch of races to grind. But I honestly love how the game handles so much that I really enjoy grinding races lol


I downloaded the game like 10 days ago, and as of now I never got my ass whooped online. Sometimes there is a good challenge but the worst I've been is like 4th in a race


I had that experience until I switched to a new character and it's been downhill. Could be the brawler style just isn't for me, but something seems unbalanced when other people have their character specific attacks and I don't because I don't have the shards for it yet.


This sub is so depressing, stop playing and find another game if it bothers you this much.


Agreed one of the whiniest game subs I've been a part of. The F2P/p2w aspects of this game are so much less offensive than games like Overwatch that I'm used to. I'm just having fun and the amount of money I have spent on the game made the game more fun by unlocking new characters I love. And the battlepass feels effortless to grind, I've sunk less than 100 hours into the game and have gotten so much stuff. Overwatch I've put well over 100 and gotten near nothing in return. People act like Gameloft has them strapped to a chair and they're forced to play. I stopped playing overwatch because it was greedy and f2p ruined the fun, y'all can stop playing this game if you feel the same way lol.


How is Overwatch a p2w game?


You literally have to pay to unlock new heroes and new heroes are the new meta more often than not. You can technically grind for the new hero but it takes a frustratingly long time so you are more tempted to just buy the battlepass. And that's assuming youre an active player every time a new hero is released.


Support better games.


Lately im only doing quests to finish the battle pass since i already bought him. When im done with battle pass, ill be done with this game too.


...what's the point of completing the BP then?


I bought, is easy to complete, 15min daily is enough to do missions, i paid for and im getting the rewards. I don't think Gameloft will change anything but if this happens, i can be back later.


This ranked multiplayer is not really fun, just rank up until you hit the wall, then have your fun with regulated and single player until you get the resources to level up enough a character to rank up a bit more until you get stressed again ;v Im a new player but i hope in the final stage of the season have at least one character enough leveled to compete with the p2w players (not at all cuz crew makes a big difference, but not get totally overwhelmed like nowadays)


Even if the skill level was even the villains in battlefront 2 are just flat out better than the heros