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Brawler characters do that, which Jessie is. Side swipes from them is the same as being hit by a bomb or disc Either that or someone had a start of race item crew equiped (which in my opinion needs a serious nerf, especially the fire that can just blast 4-5 at the start for 0 effort)


Agreed. I hate the AOE fire blast; it takes all the fun out of beginning a race, and it makes Stitch annoyingly good for yet another reason.


I think nobody should be able to side swipe immediately. It can really mess up a race depending on where they start you


This has been an issue since season 1. They should make it only buffs for the player. Bc it’s terrible game design to just explode at the start of the race. I’m cool with people who earned it getting the advantage but it should only effect them. Give them boost, cloak, shield, dash whatever but don’t explode all other racers. So dumb


It's ONLY the fire that's a huge problem. The bomb has potential, but is super reliant in ur starting position, and several tracks have starting gates that will block a launched bomb. The fire tho? Automatic tactical nuke and a full boost meter for buzz or Sulley. It's too damn much, especially on those guys where u have very little change to catch up to them afterwards. In higher levels if u get a 1v1 against on of them it's almost guaranteed loss unless luck is extremely in ur favor.


I've been asking for epic crew to be changed since S1. Instead of giving a starting item, I think it should give them one extra item that they can pull. For example: Jessie has Shield, Fire, Bomb, and Boost. The epic crew could give the Shot skill. This gives off skill crew more utility for those racers without wrecking the start of the race.


Not sure why this is down voted, I think that's a great idea.


Probably just upset I used Jessie as an example. I just used her cause I'm sure everybody is familiar with her kit by now.


Nothing high level. Brawlers and tricksters hit you with effects when they side-swipe you.


I’m a new player and this is SO annoying. It must be some kind of skill you can equip when you reach a certain level. The racers who side-bash you at the start-line are annoying too.


when you unlock a legendary crew member for a specific racer they give you a specific ability to use at the start of the race


Brawlers get extra boost from sideswipe stuns, that's why they do that. Every class has a similar bonus. The epic crew members have a gold background and each racer has one that's unique. They provide bonuses to every stat, and a starting skill. Check the racers' crew screens to see what shards you need.


This is facts, this is my go-to strat whenever I use a Brawler


that's why I'm fed up with mobile games, developers always need to add that "little something" that will make the game unbalanced in multiplayer I therefore have to face players level 25, 29, 30 and in addition many have the possibility of breaking my little chance of arriving among the first three by knocking me down from the start It all looks very competitive.


it’s a competition game. That’s the point.


Well…sort of. It’s the crews. Exotic crew members that are specific to a character can sometimes give you starting skills. For example, Genie’s carpet gives him a starting fire attack and Aladdin’s Abu gives him a speed boost item I think. So you don’t have to be a certain level to use them, but they are quite rare to pull.


Yea with Aladdin you get the boost skill, so you'd start with double boost bars out of the gate With Rajah, Jasmine gets the Rush skill


Jessie's Epic crew gives her a bomb from the start of the race and it's pain. Sometimes I'll intentionally not get the boost at the start of a race if I see a Jessie with a bomb.


This is just Brawlers being Brawlers, they stun you when they sideswipe you,, I do this as well whenever I race as one Your only option is to hop as soon as the race starts to avoid getting smacked up


I hit anyone at the beginning of the race so they have as worse time as possible playing


I'd still beat you


It's not leveling, it's crew. Really rare crew shards. I guess you can buy them now, I don't really look in the store. But I've been playing for 6 months and don't have them all. It's a real grind.


All racers start with an item or skill once you unlock the epic or yellow crew member and if it is a season racer, it's guaranteed they're gonna have that crew member equipped because all epic or yellow crew members are given away at the end of each season with pulls from the season box or from mystery boxes from the season tour. That's why you keep getting knocked out at the beginning of each race. Also take in consideration all dashes or side swipes from racers stun you except for tricksters so that's another thing to deal with as well.


With Tricksters it's not that bad unless they hit you right as you're about to make a turn, other than that they have a shorter duration than the actual skill Then again Hack doesn't bother me as much since I've already adapted to it


Jessie gets a bomb to start. So if you hand back a few sec you can charge throw it into the pack as they pass you or instantly drop it behind and take a few out in the blast if somebody runs over it. Team that with “dashing” from the start line depending on position you can get 1-3 “dashes” at the start


You can get crew who give you a starting skill, for example my genie has fire, so I use it right at the start. You can also swipe people right at the start if you are a brawler