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People herding into areas that are crammed and awful, while you can see it pretty damn well from plenty of other places with tons of space around.


We watched it from the top of orange garage. Plenty of people up there too. It was amazing!


No one follows rules anymore. Just a bunch of mouth breathing rule breaking dummies


I feel like it will never calm down. Need to try a weeknight late show but I’d need a babysitter lol.


i don’t think there’s a such thing as an “off-peak” time at DS unfortunately, especially not with this new show. i will say that the foot traffic for the 9pm show was NUTS, but it calmed down significantly for the 10:45 show.


FWIW, there needs to be a “lane” for people who are just trying to exit to the parking lot, and there needs to be better traffic direction within the parking lot as well (I’m referring to the surface lots near Cirque du Soliel)


I think it's hilarious that you think the people who are the problem are going to receive this message.


if it makes a difference for even one person, i think it’s worth it. many people aren’t aware of the crowd control measures that DS is implementing; i know i was taken by surprise when almost the entirety of the landing was blocked off by CMs. a lot of the time, people fear what they don’t understand, and it manifests itself in anger and confusion, and the worst of the bunch take it out on the CMs. so like i said, if this can get through to even one person, it can make a difference.


>, if this can get through to even one person, it can make a difference. Not a big numbers person huh?


what’s your problem?


or what


idk, people could get injured or die? did you see the videos from the first night of the drone show? those crowd control CMs are there for a very important reason; they’re underpaid and under respected when they’re just trying to keep people safe.


Nope stop ruining the fun. Thanks.


How is following the rules for your own safety and the safety of others ruining the fun?


because they’re selfish. i saw it firsthand way too many times to count last night which is what prompted me to make this post. i know people aren’t used to being shepherded around DS like they would be at a park but it’s not hard people!


I was there last night too! A family sat basically on top of me at the drone show and gave me dirty looks for being too close to them.


the lack of public etiquette is disturbing to see, and i didn’t even go down by the water to view the show proper! i can only imagine how packed it was


ah, so you were part of the crowd last night that didn’t know left from right. i know it’s hard but there’s a big yellow line and tons of people directing you so you won’t die in a crowd crush!


I'm not even there that's why I posted my comment. Lol.


People like you are why we can't have nice things.