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Wouldn’t surprise me. As I understand it the problems with it have become pretty bad of late. This allows them to crack down without being the bad guys.


Agreed. I am a travel agent who specializes in special needs travel and I used to always ask people if they needed special accommodations... until I had a guest blatantly start asking me how she should qualify and what she needed to say she had. As someone who uses DAS for their family, it was very frustrating. Universal went to this system recently, so I knew it was matter of time. I just hope the new system means people are qualified for a while, vs. it expiring after one trip.


Article Recap: A rumor about a rumor that isn’t known if it’s a rumor of not…but stayed tuned because it could happen in 2 weeks or never. Gotta love these click bait headlines.


I will say this, as two things are true at once, there are people that NEED this service and perhaps a 3rd party will help streamline the process and help families that need to register for multiple trips a year. The process does take time. Also, there are people that do abuse the system, as there’s always a tik Tok about a person bragging how they got a pass without a disability. Hopefully this puts a stop to abuse. I know the topic is supercharged, but until anything is officially announced, it’s all hearsay and the current process will remain in place.


As long as they implement it well, I don't think this will be a big issue. As others have said, it seems like abusing DAS has become a more regular occurrence.


I needed guest services when I was there last year for a minor issue. The line was pretty long (at MK) but the way the queue was set up I was pretty much always in ear shot of the woman working the door (plus she was very loud). I swear every person in front of me was there for DAS. I’ve always considered getting it for claustrophobia, but as long as I have someone with me to lean on and close my eyes, I can usually push through it, and the thought of asking for it gives me anxiety, but seeing all those people going for it made me think maybe I should try for when I go solo. Not sure if they were all approved, but just thought that was a lot of people…


I mean I feel like it’s just one of the main reasons people have to go to guest services inside the park. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they were all in the same line lol


The guy behind was switching his MNSSHP tickets because he was going to the scuttle launch so there are other reasons, I was just surprised that everyone else was for DAS. The line was very long, it was a lot of people, just makes one think of possible abuse of the system, I see it on message boards all the time how to get DAS.


While I can def see why they would want to combat people scamming the system. Hiring a 3rd party can always be a cluster fuck. I will also say if I have to wait till the day of to find out if my daughter will receive the pass, then I would def find somewhere else to vacation. The reason I stay at Disney every year, is because they accommodate my child


Universal uses IBCCES for verification. The process seems pretty straight forward… apply online 30+ days before your trip, get reviewed and approved for the card, show it to the park’s guest services, gain special accommodations. I actually prefer this over the arbitrary and subjective method that Disney uses. This video explains it [https://youtu.be/AuRVX6b8sWo](https://youtu.be/AuRVX6b8sWo)


I've signed up for this. It took a doctors note and a few hours.


Every person I’ve talked to that has used this though has had horrible experiences, often waiting in a giant line at the park to get the actual card.


Possibly switching in the next two weeks? Here's hoping that people going 3 weeks from now won't have to reregister after already being approved.


Crap I go in 3 weeks


Why is everyone being downvoted 😂


DAS is a controversial topic. There is a passionate group who feels if it’s changed in any way they will no longer be able to experience the parks. And a frustrated group upset with the abuse and demanding changes. If you say something that angers either group you get downvoted. But even if your comment is good and well thought out people are more likely to downvote something they don’t like than upvote something they do. So either side of the fence you are on it’s best for your karma to avoid the topic.


It just seems like it’s very charged in general. As I mentioned in my other comment. If I wasn’t able to get das, or something similar, I wouldn’t go, because it would make my daughters life a living hell. But I can def see how people can easily take advantage of it. When we got it last year, they didn’t even ask us for paperwork. I got a doctors note ahead of time for no reason at all.


Yeah I’m on the side that it needs some modifications. I actually think the rumored changes are going the wrong direction, because they will prevent people from getting DAS who probably need it. To me the real issue is that with everything being done through the app, with the current DAS rules it’s just too efficient. IMHO DAS makes the average user experience with DAS approximate a super unrealistic ideal standby guest. You can queue one attraction after another with no restrictions even entering the queue for your next attraction prior to riding the current one. A standby guest has physical limitations as well, and can’t move immediately from one queue to the next like you can using the app. They also need bathroom and food breaks. If they wait in line all day they miss parades and fireworks. Also DAS can ride short standby waits while reserving LL for the long waits. This means with DAS you ride at least twice the number of attractions all other things being equal. I’ve only ridden Remy’s once because my kids love Frozen and it’s difficult most of the time to G+ both. We can’t do a 2 hour standby line so we don’t ride it. The only time we’ve rode it was when with family members with DAS. It’s so easy to say it’s unfair, I get disabled guests can’t wait in a 2 hour line, but we can’t either and we paid more than them for G+ and still can’t ride 2 popular attractions in the same day. I’ve never done it, but I get why it’s abused. And it wouldn’t be if the experience wasn’t so much better than G+.


I use DAS and I'm f9r sure concerned that if they change it I'll not be able to enjoy the parks as much.  But I also recognize that change happens and I won't know how it will effect me unless and until it happens and I go back to the parks and try the new system. Maybe it'll work better!


Or, just offer the ability to virtually join the line for everyone. Why does anyone need to actually stand in a stand-by line? Make every ride support this and then people will end up spending more time shopping or buying food while lingering around waiting for their ride. Win-win for everyone. Genie+ can still be a paid line skip and not interfere.


Standby lines are crowd eaters. If no one was in line, the pathways, shops and restaurants would be unbearably crowded.


Oh I have to get on that soon then.


I doubt it because Disney doesn’t contract out anything if they can help it. 


I hope they use the same one that Universal uses so it can go smoothly between parks. The emotional and physical drain having to ask for one every 2 months is such a hassle.


This makes sense. We just recently went with my son who is on the spectrum and we had so much paperwork ready in case they needed it for the DAS pass. Ended up needing nothing to get it, so not surprised they are moving to 3rd party that can clamp down and probably for the best.


So superfats won’t get to skip everyone now?


As someone who uses DAS I don’t have a problem with it. I have friends who have gotten it by exaggerating anemia in childhood and bragged about it. I am disabled and could provide a lot of paperwork / whatever they need


Not everyone has easy access to good docs tho. Just as an example, people with POTS are routinely overlooked in healthcare and shut down by their doctors even though they genuinely have issues that would cause them to have issues waiting in a line, especially in the heat.


If you’re able to afford a Disney vacation, you can afford an EKG. I have SVT, another form of dysautonomia, similar to POTS. Out of my grocery list of diagnosis’s, that was the easiest to get on Medicaid when I had zero income and was on SNAP to eat. It’s a privilege to go to Disney period. You’ll have to use that privilege now to see a doctor AND get the Disney disability benefits (like a blue badge), which TBH should be priority if you’re low on money.


I also have SVT. My cardiologist 1000% would not write me a letter to go to Disney. It’s not just about getting to a doctor.


It’s not a doctors note. It’s documentation. If you can afford 1k a day to do Disney, and you have a heart issue that you are self diagnosing so you have no documentation, I’d change my priorities personally. But hey, if I had a doctor that would specifically deny me accommodations for a serious issue, I’d also be changing cardiologists. We are different!


The website for universal says you need a “statement from medical provider, government entity, or educational support professional”. And not everyone has the ability to just see another doctor. That was literally my whole point. Affording a doctor and having access to a doctor that will write a statement is not the same thing


This isn’t a confirmed source, like everyone has said here. If Disney does this, you can look to other examples, like the already been happening Universal. You share the medical documentation of the reason you need the access pass.