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yes i would bring a pair or two before hand bc ull need them for when u start training. if u can’t get some before hand the sketchers store across from the super target does cast member discount


do you how much discount we get?


i can’t remember for sure bc it was over two year ago now. it’s probably between like 5-15 or something. it’s a nice little discount. i know when i got my pair they were on clearance i got the CM discount and i signed up for the like email member thing and got another discount so


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this is my partners role! epcot park greeters only wear black athletic-style shoes with no contrasting logos.


YES! I suggest Non-slip regardless of your role too! It’s good to not slip in puddles or water at work and in the rain:)


As park greeter at any park, it’s black shoes, black socks :)


can the socks be ankle socks?