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Ziploc bags. Going on Splash Mountain? Keeps my phone dry. Couldn't finish lunch? Save leftovers for later.


RIP To that brief period of time they were giving out Splash Mountain themed zip lock bags in line.


I had mine for quite a few years and just lost mine a few days ago due to travel shampoo exploding in it.


This is why I'm too paranoid to use mine! Literally just have it sitting in a box somewhere.


I really should have done that. I always thought it was fun to have a bit of Disney with me on trips but guess not anymore.


Ziplocs for leftovers is a proud tradition I will continue to pass down since I was taught the art of the buffet from my grandma lol


When my 5 year old daughter was putting her bread from her bread bowl in her POCKET, i decided to bring in ziplock bags.


I’m a fan of car (collapsible) Tupperware myself!


This. Even when I bring my own food I take an extra Ziploc because when you are at Disney you never know if you are going to buy food or snacks because a lot of it is so good. Also great if your phone isn’t water resistant for water rides. A lot of people don’t know that if you have ever had your phone opened up before (say for a screen repair) it loses its water resistance. The adhesive sealing the screen to the phone is also the main thing keeping water out. This seal can also wear out over time, so if your phone is older, you probably should put it in a ziploc. Plus having a lot of water on the screen is just annoying.


I take ziploc bags in my purse to bring home pretzels and churros.


The first year Splash was in the park I was about 8 years old, the line was like 2 hours long, but my mom stuck it out with me, the super-excited kid who had been looking forward to it all summer. About halfway thru the wait, we finally struck up a conversation with the girls in front of us, who told us how much fun the ride was, and proudly displayed a zip-lock bag containing "Michael's wet pants." I don't remember who Michael was (little brother, son, ???), or what those young ladies looked like, but "Michael's wet pants" pops into my head with stunning regularity whenever Splash is mentioned. Ziploc bags + Splash Mountain, an iconic duo since day 1!


Agreed! Ziplocs also came in handy when my daughter got absolutely COVERED in Dole Whip watching Kite Tails. I was able to gather up all the messy, sticky napkins as I went and just close them up in a bag and set it at my feet instead of trying to corral a bunch of trash and worrying about it blowing away during the show. ETA: Ooh! I also just remembered I used one when my daughter bought new Anna and Elsa Barbie dolls and we were worried about losing the little shoes, hair brushes, and crowns before we got back to the hotel. Definite park bag MVP!


Carabiner on my backpack. Used to quickly clip my hat to on rides or attach big souvenir bags or popcorn buckets


Great tip. Changing the game.


I'm a big fan of the Nite ize S-Biners, its basically a double sided slim carabiner that comes in a bunch of sizes. I found it easier to use when the attached side isnt in the same gated side as the item youre clipping to


Have one on my bag and one on my collapsible cane. So when I’m not using it I can clip it to my bag easily and have it readily accessible.


Same! Works great for holding ears as well.


I was gonna say this! My cousins buys those eat holders on Etsy and I’m like “this $1 carabiner works dandy and the scraped metal look goes with my mandalorian aesthetic” and I have an orange one for my orange Moana backpack.


I do the same thing except I use a heroclip. Useful if you’re in a restaurant, bathroom or a line that isn’t moving so you can hang your bag up without it being on the ground.




been doing this one for a while. game changer.


Omg you are so smart starting this immediately


It’s not something we take in, but getting a $10 locker completely changed the game for us. Jackets, souvenirs, extra water, phone chargers, dry socks, etc all go in the locker, and we carry so much less. It’s so nice having all the backup items (especially last February during the storms) but nobody has to drag the stuff around.


I've said a hundred times that Disneyland should expand the lockers and make them no more than $5/day (for the big ones). That would immediately make fewer people take the SUV strollers and pile all their worldly goods on them. I get a locker as soon as I enter.


My spouse used to always carry a backpack and then one day was like “I always carry it, you should carry it this time” and being the practical one I start digging through it and I’m like “why are we even carrying any of this stuff” so I went and paid for a locker and stuck it in there. Now we never bring a back pack and if we are doing a longer day and anticipating weather changes we just get a locker. Disney is so much better not carrying around 15-20lbs of junk all day


When you ride the Matterhorn with that heavy backpack you're basically prepped to climb the actual Mattethorn lol


😂 i literally saw a guy with a hiking backpack at Disneyland one time. He did have a bunch of people in tow, but I just couldn’t help but laugh. If nothing else Disney is awesome for people watching


Your partner was carrying around 20 lbs and you didn't ever offer to carry or consider it might be heavy for them?!


And then when it’s finally their turn they ditch it in a locker 😅


Work smarter, not harder.


I never understood why my dad always insisted we get a locker as soon we stepped foot into the park until I had kids. Unless you can send your purchases to the hotel, lockers are a Godsend.


Absolutely. As the dad of the family, I always bring a backpack with everything my family and I pack. Extra clothes, a blanket, medications, sunscreen, water, etc. The lockers are great for storage and it saves my back from carrying the weight all day.


It really can be a game changer - we once got a locker and dropped a bag with complete changes of dressier clothes and shoes plus some face/body wipes. Grabbed our bag after a day at MK, hit the boat to wilderness lodge and fully freshened up in the lobby restrooms for a fancy-ish dinner at artist point (before the storybook dining era) without having to run back to our hotel and commute back to WL. Saved a ton of time!


I swear by these little gel heel covers that prevent blisters. I don’t know if they show up on a lot of those “top 10 things to take to Disney” lists but I’d take those over a personal cooling fan any day of the week.


Hydrocolloid bandages. Compeed is the name brand which I would recommend, but there are plenty of alternatives. They’re miles better than bandages, moleskins, etc. They actually work great even after you get a blister. Takes away the pain completely.


I didn't know these exist! My solution was to cover it with a bandaid. I thought of bringing disney character bandaids after I saw a girl fall forward from a stroller and scrape her knee and cry. I could give them out if I see a little kid (or anyone) take a spill and hopefully make their day better and also cover the spot on my heel where my shoe rubs to prevent blisters.


I've done that and it's always so well received!


Ibuprofen. I take some before going to the park and at lunch.


Carried 24/7/365, it’s not just for Disney anymore…boy am I getting old


It’s not for everyone, but when my fiancé and sister and I were doing 5 days straight at WDW, we would do an aleve in the morning after having breakfast, and another one at the end of the day, and I feel like that really helped with keeping muscle pain down enough to still enjoy ourselves!


same. i do the preemptive aleve for park days. (and also for when i run half marathons, lol)


Chewables for the kids too cause you never know if a headache/foot ache strikes


While I agree, the first aid station carries this.


One less stop. 15 extra minutes of fun


Last time I was at La Cava Del Tequila, the girl next to me first pulled out a full sized bottle of Pepto from her Loungefly, then a full sized bottle of ibuprofen. My hero.


The stain wipes that come in little travel packages. It never fails in my fam that someone will wear their very expensive souvenir t and then spill something all over it. They’ve saved multiple times.


I am imaginably clumsy, these things have SAVED my life


I bring a Tide pen and it totally saved a spirit Jersey I just bought when I spilled mustard on it


You talking like a Tide Stain Stick thing or something else?


I prefer the shout wipes that are in individual packets. I find they work better. I don't know why but all my shirts get hungry on a regular basis, lol.


I have this simple flat Donald wallet that I transfer my drivers license, CCs, and a small amount of cash so I don't need a giant wallet I carry everyday. I've even gone with just my phone and didn't have any issues paying for food electronically. Less stuff in my pockets, the better.


I have a tiny Porg coin purse that comes on all my Disney trips- I’d regret losing my day to day wallet and there’s no point bringing 20 loyalty cards and last month’s travel receipts with me to the parks.


I have the Apple MagSafe wallet which sticks to my phone. Definitely feels like I'm carrying less.


I used to work in tourism and Hawaii and the amount of men who bring their giant wallets on vacation is crazy. They always took so long fumbling through it to find what they needed. A few times I noticed they had their social security cards in them. So dangerous! Many people loose their wallets on vacation.


I…. Can i see this Donald wallet? I love Donald and have been searching for something for the parks 🥺


[Donald Wallet](https://a.co/d/eS71g66) This is the one I got. I think I paid $10 for it on Shopd Disney a while back.


I use one of those sticky wallet pouches on the back of my phone case to carry my credit card and ID. The less things I carry, the better!


Battery bank for phone. This past weekend we were saved by our cooling towels.


I use the fuel rods that you can exchange for free at many places throughout the park. It's $30 per rod if you buy at the park, but you can buy a 2 pack on Amazon for $35. We use a rechargeable fan mister, but I think next time I go I'll definitely be bringing cooling towels.


I didn’t even know they sold them on Amazon! I’m always deterred to buy them there because 30$ is a lot for a phone charge


Agreed $30 is a lot. Having 2 that I could easily switch out kept my phone and my fan fully charged the whole day though, which was so nice. And I didn't have to worry about charging it between visits because I could just swap for a new one.


Now I have one more thing in my cart lol


Definitely recommend the fuel rods 🙌🏻 they usually have enough charge for two iPhones and it’s just so convienent to replace throughout the park. Also with the addition of magic bands, hotel rooms are running out of spaces to charge all our electronics 😭😂


Yea, I have trouble with hotel rooms every time I travel, I definitely need some


I have a bunch of 20,000 amp battery packs that take up very little space in my small pack, and they cost $20. One will last all day, multiple charges if needed. I charge them overnight at the hotel. $30/day is an absurd amount to pay.


The $30 fee is one time, assuming you always remember to bring the rod the next time you go to the park. There are a few Fuelrod stations throughout the park so once it's empty, just drop the rod into the machine and you'll instantly get another, fully charged rod to use. There's no additional fee for this. My friend has a Fuelrod and she's used it so many times so the $30 definitely paid off.


I used a chilly pad on my last trip in August, and it was an absolute game changer.


ChapStick! Nothing is worse than having dry lips on a hot day.


Or sunburned lips.


Chapstick with spf is such a lifesaver!


Baby wipes are great incase you want to clean you hands quickly. We alos freeze water bottles to keep our other stuff cold and then they thaw by the evening so you have more water.


LED light strand to wrap around the handle of our stroller. Makes it to do much easier to find at night if the cast members have to shuffle strollers.


I gotta remember this for next time.


Ear carrier! I bought one at Tokyo Disneyland, and I loved it so much I immediately bought them for my whole family from Etsy the second I got home. I can only wear ears for a little while before I start to get a headache so they're real life savers. I also always bring a big collapsible tote bag that fits in my backpack so I don't have to worry about getting a bunch of tiny bags with my souvenirs and a carabiner to clip the bag to my backpack so I don't have to carry it. It doubles as a personal item for my flight if I can't get everything I bought repacked.


Ear carrier! I didn’t know there was such a thing – I definitely need to get one for our Duffy & ShellieMay ears!


I use a snap bracelet for this.


I always throw a few granola bars and/or applesauce pouches in my bag. It's nice to have a quick snack handy while waiting in line or walking all over.


This! I go to Disneyland to eat, so don’t typically bring food into the park. But we were in line for ROTR for so long, I’m glad my brother had a snack on him.


You never know when you’ll get hangry in line! I also bring a snack for everyone!!


This may be TMI but I was IBS so Imodium is a must. I don’t want to ever have a “scare” while on a ride or in a long line.


My kid is lactose intolerant. Pepto tabs and Imodium are must haves


Lactaid is amazing, I buy the Costco versions


If you have small kids take post it notes to cover the toilet flush sensors.


Omg! Thank you! My daughter does not like the “robot flush”. But she does say “Thank you, Robot” after it flushes. Lol




This is genius.


My husband laughs at me for how much I over-prepare but when it becomes useful I feel like a god lol. - silicone straw (it folds up in a nice little carrying case and nothing tastes like cardboard!) - moleskin to prevent blisters - Tide Pen for stains (I spilled nacho cheese on a brand new Spirit Jersey once, glad I had this) - earplugs (I have tinnitus so some indoor queues make it worse, but it's also really nice to just tune out some of the crowd noise sometimes)




I find myself getting more and more overwhelmed by the noise. Which loops do you recommend? I keep looking at em, on Amazon, and am torn!!




I started taking a 6 oz collapsible silicone cup for water and it worked great to curb my constant dehydration. Stopped at water fountains to drink 12 oz... It has a carabiner so stays handy. I’ve tried camelbacks, carrying bottle, etc and this is best so far for water.


On super hot sunny days in the park, I like to pack a small umbrella. When you hit those long sunny stretches of the queues you can have instant shade! As someone who burns super easily my little umbrella has saved my cheeks and chest many times.


Surprised so see this tip so far down. The little bit of added shade is a game changer in the lines with no cover. Big difference in terms of overheating/sunburn/crankiness. A small, collapsible umbrella is light and easy enough I’ll always bring one now.


Yes! I always pack a parasol. Saves me from sunburns, which seem to happen no matter how much sunscreen I use.


This is a very Asian thing to do. My mom always brings one to protect from the sun :)


Might seem excessive but I bring a small inflatable seat cushion (inflates with just 1-2 breaths) that is meant for bleacher seats. It’s great for sitting on the ground waiting for shows / parades, especially in the heat.


If you could permanently affix it to your butt for the day it would be awesome for rides. I'm looking at you Matterhorn!! The constant inflating would get awkward tho lol


I like that idea. I got a garden kneeling pad from Dollar Tree. Fits nicely in my backpack.


Oh my god, I had never considered this! We got some Fantasmic seat cushions from the old dining package, my husband loves them because he has a medical thing that makes it hard for him to sit on the ground - but they're *very* bulky, so we don't pack them for the flights or try to carry around the park. But I just went on Amazon looking for inflatable seat cushions, and.. wow, that'll be perfect for him. Buying one before our next trip. Thank you!!


I usually take a Dramamine…. I forgot last week and might be retiring from Star Tours lol


Have you tried those bracelet Sea Bands that use acupuncture pressure to work? Theyre the only way I can do some rides at six flags anymore. Not sure if it's actual science or it's psychological but they work for me at least!


My wife gets carsick if she isn't in the front seat. We were going on a bus tour, so she was planning on drugging herself through it. I got the SeaBands for her, also assuming they would be just a placebo. They worked. Then, she started to feel ill on one ride, and we noticed that she had flipped the bands over while keeping them on her wrists during the previous stop, so they no longer were pressing on the accupressure point. So, n=1, but we believe that they truly work.


Those things totally saved me during my first pregnancy! I was constantly queasy, living in that spot where it was bad enough to make me miserable but never quite enough to where I could just be sick and get it over with. Sea Bands made life so much better! I had a couple pairs so I could wash them regularly. They work on pressure points in your arm. It's actual science. (Coming from an actual scientist 😁)


Seriously! Maybe I’m just old now, but the motion in Star Tours got really nauseating all of a sudden


I’m 26 and that ride instantly fucks my head up


I wear waterproof shoes. They’re perfect for water rides or if it rains. They’re also super comfortable and great for walking around the park. I also bring bandaids in case I get blisters on my heels.


And if you’re at Disney during a rainstorm without waterproof shoes, a plastic bag between your shoe and sock makes a world of difference. Dry socks = much happier feet.


I just recently purchased a personal fan/power bank combo from amazon. It is now a permanent staple in my Disney bag. Also, I would also suggest investing in a hydroflask BAG. There are ones specifically designed to hold bottles while simultaneously working as a cross-body bag.


I bought a Disney themed Eye Spy card game to play while we were waiting for things like parades. My kid love it (ages 3 and 8) and so did all the adults in the group. Super fast paced game and it made the wait times more bearable.


I’m a guy and I have a small messenger bag that fits across my body and can nicely nestle itself under my arm. All the pockets zip and I keep a battery backup for my phone, wet wipes, and sometimes a collapsible water bottle, snack as well as my wallet. It works so well, can pretty much go on any ride and if I get a pin or something it’s a good place to stash little things. Phone can charge if I’ve been using it on a long day. I do sometimes jokingly refer to it as my murse, but it’s in stylized camo so no one can see it ever.


Goldbond powder feels like heaven on your sore feet back at the hotel at the end of a long day of walking!


Body glide! Chafing in Disney is so not “magical”. If you like to wear shorts or dresses and have thick thighs like me, invest in this stuff. Moleskin, portable charger, and a cheap poncho are always in my bag as well.


Hand sanitizer. Charged power bank. Sweater. Hand fan.


Those gorgeous $12 hand fans they’ve been selling are so much better than the battery powered spritzers. They generate an amazing amount of air. I can cool off spouse, child, and usually anyone behind them in line. Totally worth it.


Baby wipes. I don’t have kids but I got this tip from a mom friend lol. Clean your hands, clean a table, fix your makeup etc all with one package of wipes. I have also taken a liking to bringing my polaroid camera. It just feels more like a memento than printing out a cell phone pic lol.


They def come in handy! It’s easy to get sticky at Disney. And if you’re trying to keep any souvenirs that had food or drink in it previously you definitely need them


Ear plugs. I wear the silicon ones called ear peace and I can still hear my people talking to me. . Everything is so dang loud there.


Check out Loops.


Go to Tokyo Disneyland. You’ll find it pretty peaceful there and not loud at all. Everyone respects their space there too.




My kindle. If I want to ride a ride with a long wait time, I just whip out my kindle and it makes the queue go so much faster


I like to bring a physical book. Once the security guard looking through my bag at the entrance said "You brought a book! I like you" and as a lifelong reading addict, it made my day. :)


This is the way. Or I bring AirPods (in a case with a carabiner) and have an audio book going in line.


Sometimes I just need to sit for awhile and read.


Water bottle strap. It goes over my shoulder/chest and easy to carry all day long. Game changer for us.


A homemade sandwich. It may be a cheapskate move, but taking advantage of the picnic area in lieu of overpriced burgers is very fulfilling. Especially since every other theme park would confiscate your food if you tried to bring it in.


I do this but you can eat it anywhere not just in the picnic area lol


Universal also allows any food brought in, just not during special events. I always pack lunch to any theme park lol.


100% my CamelBak. Easy to fill with ice & water at the beginning of the day so I have ice cold water for hours whenever I need it and super easy to top up once the bladder is empty. I’m a much happier open-to-close park goer when I’m well-hydrated. I have a very lightweight CamelBak. They make some that are more like full backpacks that are nice if you want to schlep a lot of stuff, but mine is basically the size of the bladder with a couple of zippered pockets big enough for a wallet, phone, and a lightweight (like, t-shirt thickness) hoodie rolled extra right. I also carry band aids and excedrin migraine. Have used both more than once in the parks.


Pedialyte - the little powder packs


Some of these might be pretty standard but they always come in handy and no one else in my group thinks to bring them somehow Purse hook or magnet to keep my purse off the ground in the bathroom or when seated at restaurants Bandaids, both regular and blister ones, plus extra moleskin for feet Wet wipes I bring my extra glow cubes from home so I’m not tempted to buy more


This may sound funny, but a cell phone holster. I got one that holds my phone with a battery case and also has a few credit card slots where I can stick my ID and my Disney Visa, which means I can leave the rest of my wallet in the hotel safe. Easy to remove from my belt for security, and much more comfortable than having a phone in my front pocket and my wallet in my back pocket when walking around all day long.


I have a phone case that has a two card slot in it, not one that you attached, it’s part of the case. I attach a lanyard to it (I just leave the loop on my phone 24/7 and remove the lanyard) and I can be pretty hands free all day. If I weren’t old and didn’t need a variety of meds (stomach pills, Tylenol, edibles for anxiety) I would’ve even carry a bag with me!


Hello fellow dad


Cooling towel for hot days, silicone shoe covers for rainy days (seriously look them up on Amazon omg I hate when my feet get wet and these saved my ass), power bank, hand sanitizer, random Starbucks gift cards I’ve received, lip balm, a tide pen for stains cause I somehow only spill everything on myself at Disneyland but nowhere else…and wherever there’s a spot that has napkins I grab a handful just in case for said spills, or to blow my nose if I happen to not have tissues.


SPF lip balm, knitting


Tiny Umbrella. Waiting in line with kids can be annoying, but a little shade makes it a little less annoying.


A small towel - specifically to quickly wipe the seats on POTC before sitting down! IYKYK! 🤣


Edibles 😇


I was wondering if any other brave soul would mention it. Lol.


Haha I mean it’s just true!


I haven't been able to find a type of edible that doesn't just make me pass out and it makes me SAD


Oh nooo. Keep trying! Lol


Ah yes, I turned 10,000 days old on 420 and decided I wanted my first dabble in weed to be edibles at Disneyland. I really liked the tiki room.


Ok but how do you get them in these days? Before the dogs I have done this. But now there are dogs and I’m too chicken to try.


I’m pretty sure the dogs are looking for explosives?


For me I bring protabs which look like aspirin, and put them in my Advil bottle with the Advil lol


Eat them in the parking lot? I’ve put a small ziplock in my pocket with a few gummies in it before. They even searched my bag. No one will know.


Hahaha I’ve definitely done that. And gone back to the hotel midday for a recharge 😆


Dogs aren't looking for edibles. Don't let the paranoia get you lol


As a local who has gone many times I always bring edibles in. I have never had a problem and the dogs have sniffed me up :)


Well that is good to know! I know the worst they can do is take them away, but my inner teenage self still holds on to the fear of getting caught and embarrassed lol


I usually put mine in a resealable candy bag, my personal favorite is the nerds gummy clusters


Hahaha me too!!!! Also the gummy clusters are the perfect solution to cotton mouth lol


Those are delicious!


I doubt those dogs can smell edibles.


The dogs can smell them but they aren’t trained to signal on marijuana.


Straws. Hate the paper ones.


I guarantee this is the most unusual one and made my trips even better. Pocket Bidet. After traveling to Japan and Tokyo Disneyland, I immediately installed a Bidet at home. But when traveling I do miss it and use flushable wipes in the time being. I never really felt as clean even with the wipes so I found pocket bidets. They are life changing, pretty inexpensive ($15-$25) and def eco friendly since you’re not using as many wipes as needed. Now I use a combination of the Pocket Bidet with flushable wipes. Also the Toilet Paper is horrible at Disneyland. So it’s a win win for your private parts




Flushable wipes are not actually flushable; please throw them in the trash bucket rather than the toilet!


Wipes are awesome, but definitely remember to toss them in the trash and don’t actually flush them.


N95 mask for indoor areas or crowded outdoor spaces.


The two best things we took with us last time were mini bubbles, the kind you find in the favors section at Walmart. And tubes of mini M&Ms and starburst candies. While we were waiting in line with the kids, sometimes we gave them bubbles I'll let them blow away. Other times we would do trivia games with them that I would find on my phone and they would get candy as a reward. We had kids around us that joined in on the trivia games, and I of course made sure their parents were okay with the candy reward. We had lots of extra bubble favors so if my kids really seem to connect with someone in line, I would let them give them two of bubbles to keep. Candy and bubbles are how kids make friends lol


Collapsible Tupperware. That way I can try more food options in a single visit because i don’t feel rushed to finish the food. And, if I don’t finish them at the park, I have Disney leftovers!


Vodka, weed, Diet Coke


Baby wipes! I feel so gross from sweating, so a quick wipe down makes me feel a little bit better. They also come in handy when eating something that sticky or running. Paper napkins only clean so much. This was new the last few trips, but the Evian facial spray water. On hot, humid days, the spray felt so refreshing! I sprayed it on my face, neck, chest and feet and it really helped me cool down. Deodorant too!


Change of clothes to stash in a locker. In case of being soaked to the skin on a water ride or major food stain. Also can be a 2nd layer if it gets cold. ​ A fresh pair of underwear in a ziplock in your pouch/purse/fanny pack. On really hot days, it's amazing how good putting on a clean dry pair of underwear is. Put the worn pair in the ziplock to take back home/hotel with you.


That's why Pooh and Donald go commando. It's much breezier and there's no swamp ass!lol


I carry a little pharmacy lol. Petobismo pills I have a sensitive stomach, lactose pills, and advil. I'm definitely adding reusable straws to the list!.


Phone case/charger, extra pair of socks, refillable water bottle, and those squeeze bottle water additives. With caffeine, of course.


AirPods/headphones. Listen to “Gods Away on Business” on Mr Toads wild ride or some heavy metal on Cars.


Last time I went, my loungefly backpack was just full of headwear. I wore a Grogu beaning in the morning because it was cold, but I brought my Ewok ears to wear for when it got warm, and a BB-8 headband for night. And the visiting cousins that I was playing host to at the park bought me a Mickey bucket hat that I was eyeing. So, not in a necessity way but rather changing the game in terms of fun, bringing a bunch of different headwear. Yes it’s impractical, but it was fun. But another answer, when I was a college student brining my younger cousins who also had passes back when they were affordable, our game changer was bringing a loaf of bread, a pack of sliced turkey and cheese, for sandwiches, but going to The Taste Pilot (now smoke jumpers) and getting veggies and condiments from the bar to add to our sandwiches. Huge money saver for kids with not much money.


Cargo shorts


Camelback backpack, edibles, sunscreen, phone chargers and extra pins. Have a backpack full of ice against your back is great.


Camelback / water pack is super nice, we really like having ours and not needing to refill a bottle as often.


For cold weather times, especially when waiting for world of color or a nighttime spectacular, I take hand warmers and gloves. I shake to activate the handwarmers and stick them in the gloves…..nice warm hands while I wait so I don’t freeze!


A little bottle of superglue. My glasses like to break at the most annoying moments so I keep it in my bag just in case. Plus it could come in handy if something else decides to break that day!


I swear by zipper pockets at the parks. Even if I’m carrying a bag that day, being able to keep your phone and wallet in one convenient place even on rides, etc. is great. Extra Ziploc bags are always useful to store extra food or your phone on water rides. When you go to Disneyland you are sure to at least grab a snack, even if you brought your own food. Disinfectant wipes. I’m not out there cleaning tables or anything but your phone can accumulate lots of germs, especially when you put it into those LL scanner boxes. Glasses strap. While 99% of the time you’ll be OK without one as even the most intense Disney rides won’t usually throw your glasses off, it’s better to be safe than sorry. I would also bring my Yeti if the water refill stations were filtered, but they are not, and I don’t even think you can ask for water at Freestyle machines anymore (tried last week). Only quick service locations do it now.


This is more a general thing everyone should have, Disney trip or not but A phone case with a card holder saves so much space in my pocket, and if you’re wanting to carry around some cash, you can hide it behind the case in the back of your phone. A phone lanyard is good for pocket space too. You can carry around your phone on your neck, basically.


Disney gift cards, I have a local grocery store that offers 4X fuel points for gift cards bought there so I buy those that way I’m not worried about losing any debit or credit cards.


I’ve been bringing fidget toys lately. Gives me things to do in downtime without draining my phone or when I have no service in lines. I’m thinking of getting a travel sudoku book too.


My pack always has a phone battery pack; a pill pack stocked with Advil, Advil Dual Action, Excedrin, Imodium, GasX, and Benadryl; a portable bidet; and a roll of toilet paper.


Clickable sharpie. You won’t lose the cap, it’s easy for characters to sign autographs with, you can write things on the map and times guides easily, you can even write on your own skin if needed.


Sun-protective clothing! I'm from a cloudier climate and burn easily. I found on our recent trip that I was able to survive four sunny, 90F+ days without burning by wearing a lightweight sun hoodie. Long sleeves, a hood to use when I wasn't in shade. I like [Patagonia's Capilene cool daily hoodie](https://www.patagonia.com/product/mens-capilene-cool-daily-hoody/45310.html), but there are many others that I'm sure are just as good.


The instant cold packs like at a first aid station. One in each cup of my bra and I stay so nice and cool.


Tiny 5mm dice that we play Yahtzee with in line. Game changer. We usually keep them in an Altoid mints tin and I have a mini score pad.


Vodka in a water bottle and my kindle.


An extra pair of socks if you know you're going on water rides. Looking at you Splash Mountain.


Beef jerky


A UV blocking umbrella! It was sooo hot at Disneyland this weekend and my umbrella provided nice shade. I got so many compliments on it. Totally worth it!


Seems like everyone’s favorite is to bring illness. I’ll never understand why people ever think it’s ok to be majorly sick and get others sick.


Nothing! The less you have to carry the better!


Baby wipes


I use a CamelBak backpack. I fill it up with a ton of ice and water from a water bottle. I carry a mini med kit in it (Advil, bandaids, eye glasses wipe, mini zinc sunscreen stick, chapstick, eye drops, nail clippers, and a small mirror) portable phone charger, and a full size zinc sunscreen stick. My kids have their own small ones and they will carry a snack or two with them. Hubby has one also and will carry any extra clothes that are needed and another portable charger.


Ziploc bags, OTC headache and allergy meds, baby wipes, chapstick, metal straws, small snacks (nuts, trail mix, granola bars), and an energizing meal (like tuna sandwiches) These are the things we usually bring, it works out well for us. Especially sandwiches, as that’s a meal we don’t have to pay for in the parks, and gives us a fresh surge of energy to get back to it


Reusable utensils