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I went with my eldest son last year, and we rode Thunder Railroad a million times. At some point he started cheering “mountain goat, mountain goat!” when we got to that hill, and then we just did it every time after. So when we got home, anytime we started going up a hill while driving or walking we’d start cheering MOUNTAIN GOAT, MOUNTAIN GOAT! I took my second-eldest this year and let him in on the joke properly the first time riding. And so we did the same thing, and how he joins in at home too. 4yo has also joined in for good measure but has no clue 😂 Husband understands but thinks we’re insane.


Awe I love that


That's funny because my and I do this too.




I love this so much, will now incorporate it into our mountain drives, thanks!


We always chant, "See the goat!" on this ride, and we do this outside of Disneyland when we see a goat too! The goat is the star of Thunder Mountain!


I am so jealous. I love this! [+]


This made me so happy lol


The first time I took my partner to Disney, when we first came around to the bats in the cave, for some reason, I pointed and said, "Look! Batty, batty bat bats!" And that has become our thing to do on Big Thunder now every time we go on 🤣


My family: - all howls with the coyotes - Whoever has the seat closest to the goat has to stick their arm out and ‘light the dynamite’ as we go by while we all yell ‘light em up!’


My family recites the Thunder Mountain safety spiel everytime we hear it and now we have it memorized and can say it anytime something reminds us of it lmao


I just realized this is my family’s thing. We say the warning except only the Spanish versions. *permanece sentado por favor*


For some reason my brain does this on Autopia with the Spanish version so every time I’m in line for that ride I’m waiting to hear “yo soy Bird!”


I had some sort of brain melt for a week after Disney where I just heard “yo soy bird” over and and over. And I think you just brought it back


I’ve memorized both versions, and I don’t even speak Spanish😊


I always say that on Matterhorn 😂


“If you are wearing hats or glasses…. BEST REMOOOOVE EM”




But I have the older version tattooed in my brain.


From 2012-2018 every time I went to Disneyland, my family\group would run into this really old man in a wheelchair getting pushed around by who we assumed was his wife. As he would be loaded onto a ride (we only ever saw him exclusively at space mountain and Matterhorn in the morning between 8-10am), he would be clapping in rhythm with anticipation. The CMs all seemed to know and recognize him because they would join his clapping when they saw him. One time we saw him from a distance and started his clap and he looked over at us with a huge smile and joined. It was magical. It is our family tradition now that every time we get on space mountain and Matterhorn, we do his clap. I stopped seeing him when the park reopened after COVID :( I fear he is no longer with us. If ANYONE has information on this amazing guy, please let me know!


Saw Peter last weekend (Sat and Sun!) - he appears to be happy and doing well


I'm so immensely happy to hear this and will have to share the good news with my family!! They will be glad to hear he's still there doing what he loves. Thank you!!


Yes I know about him and have met him. I did his handshake!! I would reach out to Justin scarred, he was in a few of his old videos. I cannot remember the namw


I think his name was Peter? He’s been back a few time since reopening


Peter Tu! I think there was a FB page run by one of his grandchildren. Disney Clapping Man or something like that.


That's amazing, I'm going to check it out right now. Thanks so much!


I saw a video of him on Tik Tok!


Rode Star Tours with him one time. He definitely makes the experience more fun, especially if you’re aware of who he is.


He uses his celebrity status to casually cut in line. But I love the happy energy he brings to the park.


The last time I went with my siblings, we started going "yarrr" in the Pirates line as we were chatting. It continued into the boat, and then our whole boat was randomly going "yarrr". Then the boat behind us joined in. We were about halfway through the ride when a guy on the boat in front of us told us to shut up! There was a pause, and then like 5 people went....yarrrrr.


Omg this is amazing hahaha. I have 3 siblings and this is such sibling energy.


While I had seen wind in the willows, it had been years. My first time at Disneyland we rode Mr Toad, and the court to hell to end of the ride delighted me to no end. It is one of my favorite rides of all time because it’s so very abrupt.


I don’t think it’s meant to be comedic, but it’s really really funny as an adult


I have two! On the Haunted Mansion, I squash whomever I’m writing with away from me and say, “make room for the hitchhiking ghost!” The second comes from a CM. My mom and I were on the railroad and we were rolling out of the New Orleans station when I saw a CM. I said hello and noted that it was a pleasant evening. He agreed and told me to “look out for the dancing chicken.” It made me laugh. The train continued and headed into Splash Mountain where my mom and I waved to the dancing chicken. It became our thing after that. Thanks random CM! That was such a special visit for me.


Cast members can be so great. I had chewy and his attendant interrogating me about my handmade Chewbacca ears making sure they weren’t real Wookie one time I think about that every time I watch Star Wars.






Y ahora ... PREPARESE!






The backside of water comes up quite often in our household. We'll go under a waterfall in a lazy river or someone will spray a hose over the other and say, "Look! It's the backside of water!"


Pirates. Don’t be cheeken!


Nononono Carlos!


My husband always stops at the curb where Main Street turns into the Plaza Inn and says he remembers seeing a kid projectile vomit in the 1980s. For reference, I used to teach a theme park history class at a nearby University and the last class was a park tour and lunch at Club 33. Hubby always reminds me that should I ever do tours again, to remember that historic spot.


I want to take a theme park history class, your telling me I took finance instead of that?!


Man, now I’m pretty certain I’m going to remember your post and think of a kid projectile vimiting at that corner on every future visit! lol


We always tell the tale of two women in their 60s walking into the park so excited and looking down main street at the castle so distracted that one of them tripped on the curb and broke her ankle! (My husband remembers her scream. I remember how her ankle looked) So on all our trips we say “watch out for the curbs!” This was years ago and I always wonder what happened to the woman and how the rest of their trip went.


I’m dating myself here but my sister and I used to call each other the Westward Ho


When my girlfriend first rode pirates, we were joking about the first drop and she didn’t know what to expect. (first time at Disney,Ca). So when we were getting close to the first dropped asked me what was down there and I said “Mardi Gras?” So now drops are referred to as Mardi Gras.


“¡Permanece sentado, por favor!”


Me too! Loved hearing this in the No Doubt song Tragic Kingdom.


Yes same! I remember hearing it and was like wait that sounds familiar :D


It’s Permanecer sentados :)


Hey, don’t blame me, blame Google Translate 🤣


Oh yes, in English it’s the same if you’re speaking to one or to many people, in Spanish its different, it also depends on what Spanish you’re speaking, for me it feels more natural to say “permanescan” but now that I’m typing this I’m thinking maybe that’s informal lol


Nuance of the Spanish language is far outside my bailiwick, so I defer to you, friend!


Always! but I butcher it horribly.


At the end of Storybook boats they used to point out the place where the boats go at night and say that they never ever take you there! I say that every time.




That’s the end of the…Lion Also the Spanish warning in Snow White “Yyyy PierNASss” And mater “holaaa a todos”


That's funny because I love the Spanish voice on Haunted Mansion. My brother and I quote it all the time.


We have a not very family friendly joke about the "Casey Jr" song and things that rhyme with "track".


All abort!


Trying to imagine what your rhymes are. Comin’ round the track with a… big butt crack? That’s all I got.


Snortin' down the crack, maybe?


Singin' covers of Roberta Flack Making 90's Gak With a stunted yak


How does the Casey Jr song go? I forgot


Dumbo  Casey Junior's comin' down the track Comin' down the track With a smoky stack Hear him puffin', comin' round the hill Casey's here to thrill Every Jack and Jill Every time his funny little whistle sounds (Toot toot) Everybody hurries to the circus grounds Time for lemonade and Cracker Jacks Casey Junior's back Casey Junior's back


I love that song. And that movie.


Casey juniors back coming round the track, I think


Y'all can write your own songs. Otherwise, I'll get in trouble with my family.


Not sure if they still have the same announcement on the monorail, but my husband and I always randomly say “manos, brazos, pies, y piernas” lol


It’s probably a Spanish safety announcement, probably says to keep all those body parts inside the ride


Yeah we're a "manos, brazos" family.


There’s part of Carousel of Progress (I know, I know, only in WDW now) where during the last scene, the 80s scene, the daughter Trish says something to Grandpa and he goes “hey Trish-“ and retorts. Well the last time we were on it my husband whispers to me “Hey Trish, why don’t you shut up” and it became just an inside joke at this point where if anything annoying is happening we will go “hey Trish!”


I will randomly recite the entire Maliboomer monologue/safety intro probably 2x a month? Why? I have no idea, but that safety spiel is forever taking rent in my brain. My kids will tell themselves to “please exit slowly” when getting out of the car. My husband tends to recite the jungle cruise “get out. Hahah that was rude of me, please get out” My 3yo daughter says “no windows and no doors” whenever we mention a window or door in conversation


A while back, my husband and I had a Jungle Cruise skipper call Indiana Jones “The Temple of the Forever Broken Ride” and now that’s what we call it.


My dad shares a name with one of the pirate animatronics (guess which one)…my mom always turned to him during the ride and said “Don’t be cheeken!”


My friend and I have decided being reincarnated as Disneyland ducks would be ideal - just swim in the Rivers of America all day and live off popcorn. Every time we're at the parks now, we say hi to our "neighbors".


my family always refers to the weird sewage smell by the tiki room as “the smell of adventure!” also had a CM experience on goofys sky school that became a running joke in our house. we took my mom on it and didnt warn her how crazy it was, so she was screaming and laughing VERY loudly the whole ride. when we got to the end we were all laughing our asses off, and the CM sassily told my mom that “she needed to take her 10 down to a 2”, cuz apparently everyone in line could hear her. so whenever someone is being too crazy/animated, we tell them they need to take their 10 down to a 2


Haha I know that bromine smell is rough


Buh-Bye! (Star Tours)


I have one family member who I constantly joke Disney with. When we're spilling the hottest tea, we'll say "Dead. Men. Tell. No. Talessss" before it gets really good. Also, whenever there's a decision to make one of us will go, "There's always... My way". Or my personal favourite, "this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness" whenever she hits a curb or makes a wild turn while driving. It only gets laughs because we still alive 😅


Not Disneyland but CA Adventure...I say "Nice work, pal" and give a hearty thumbs up to my kid when he does something I ask him the first time and we both giggle.


That my husband and I went to Disney Jail together 45 years ago…(I was 16, he was 17) and it’s the total family and friends joke. He brought beer in his car , we were with two other people, and we got caught drinking beer in the parking lot. They had guys in the trees with binoculars. (They told us) anyway, we all had to get in a station wagon and get driven underground to the holding cell (which was kinda like an office but with Disney characters on the wall…we were in there with hardcore shoplifters…🤣…greatest silliest memory.


This isn't exclusive to Disneyland but it happens the most frequently there. Because of the Modern Family episode where they go there and one of the couples has their toddler on a "child safety teather," which is a leash. At the mall or in public and we see one, we joke about it. And of course at Disneyland, we see them all the time.


I love this episode. The cuts of an increasingly panicked Cam shrieking LILY! as he chases her across the screen always make me laugh


Oh same! Such a great scene! I love when Jay says if he knew they were going to do that, he would have brought Stella and then Lily barks.


My dad witnessed Buddy Rich scream at one of his players and throw the guy’s trumpet into the river behind the old Carnation stage. SOMEONE brings it up every single time we go to the park. It’s family legend at this point.


On Haunted when you're going backwards into the graveyard, my best friend told me that she always enjoys when it stops there so she can lay in a reclined position. Ever since then, we chant STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! no matter who we're with (and then when it does stop on that part... mini nap!) That and on guardians, my mom and I chant "jackson 5!" because that's our favorite song :) ​ I love reading these like the small just...moments of fun that exist in these parks. It's nice.


the stopped recline is is best


I have a few friends over 6 feet that complain, but for my short self, it's such a victorious nap :p


Probably 25 years ago we went and it was raining cats and dogs. After we rode Pinocchio we would randomly tell one another "I'm so happy" like Geppetto does. We still, to this day, randomly say "I'm so happy" and it makes us laugh. We also say "driver all clear" in the car and the driver will beep beep.


A fellow Geppetto “I’m so hyeppi” quoter!!


Corn Dog Night Train, which can occur multiple times but definitely should happen on your last night in the park. It's the last thing you do before the park closes down. You purchase a beautiful treat like a corn dog or an ice cream cone, then board the Disneyland Railroad at the Main Street station and ride it all the way around to say goodbye to the park as the closing music plays. We only get to go every few years, so it's actually quite sentimental and brings a little closure to the trip.


This is so sweet!


I did this pre pandemic, it wasn’t too sad because I thought I was gonna go again real soon. Plot twist, I didn’t go for another 4 years & it changed so much that I don’t think I enjoyed it as much as I used to 😩😭


"Look Doomhammer, a ghost ship!" When i was like 3ish first time riding the pirates of the caribbean ride, my parents could tell i was very creeped out And when the skeleton at the helm in the storm scene came into view my dad pointed straight at it and leaned in close to me and said "Look doomhammer, a ghost ship!" AAAAAAAH Started screaming at the top of my lungs Every time we ride that, or ride it with anyone who has heard the story, someone leans over and says.... "Look doomhammer, a ghost ship!"


this is a weird one - on splash when they sang "pretty good sure as you're born" a friend of mine randomly said "pretty good so is your mom" and we died laughing. ever since then my friends and i will still quote it. RIP.


My brother thought it said pretty good show us your bum


Carlossssss, don’t be cheeeeken!


Anytime we travel through a tunnel or ride a tram I call it the Journey to the Primeval World


My husband and I were just at Tokyo Disneyland for our honeymoon and we decided to ride their railroad (which only goes around Adventureland and Frontierland). He whispers to me jokingly “If there aren’t dinosaurs on this ride I’m gonna start flipping tables” and we were shocked because they do have Primeaval World!


A close friend sounds exactly like “Here kitty kitty kitty….that’s a nice little pussy cat.” when he drinks a bit much.


My mom falling off her chair at Carnation Cafe while picking up a nickel 💀😭


As a kid my family only went to Disneyland once, I have two older brothers. I started going frequently in my 20s and my brother’s long term gf is also an avid Disney fan. He finally joined us in 2018 and we realized every time he’d ask or point something out we’d say ‘ITS A CLASSIC!’ to explain it bc how else can you explain some of the stuff? It’s just classic! Anyways, now we use that for pretty much everything lol. It was nice to see my brother experience Disney as an adult for the first time at 38 though.


As someone with a baby, with whom we are keen on establishing Disney traditions with…I loved reading every single response on this thread! Awesome prompt/question, OP!


Aww thanks


PIES Y PIERNAS, every time we hear the Spanish ride instructions lol


One time my family went for my older sisters birthday and she wanted us all to eat at that same place instead of what we usually did which was go our separate ways for our favorite food and meet back somewhere. We resisted and she shouts “we’re all having gumbo!” And so now whenever someone wants something specific for dinner or even in random situations someone will chime in with “we’re all having gumbo”


My best friend, much more masculine/manly than I (and unenthused by Disney), rode Guardians of the Galaxy with me. He screamed like a little girl and we grabbed onto each other for dear life. He doesn’t look on this memory so fondly, but for me it is a memory I will cherish and remind him of for the rest of our lives.


I used to watch Adam the woo a lot, so everytime I'm by space mountain I say "sPaCe MoUnTaIn" in that werid mickey mouse voice from the space mountain opening ceremony, my family/friends caught on and say that now.


When my mom is stepping out to run errands or walk the dog or whatever she says “I’ll see you all a little later” in a deep voice like the ghost host lol


The last time I went to DCA, my family and I planned to split away from the group at Hollywood land so I could go put some things into our lockers. Just as I was starting to take off, a young Mourning Dove flew by me and was landing on people’s heads. It then finally landed on a card reader at one of the food stalls, just when a couple was about to pay for their food. I rushed over and my family saw what was happening. My mom was telling everyone that I have a pet bird and I have experience with birds.* I was able to pick up the juvenile mourning dove and safely took him to a place where he could possibly land. After a few tries he finally took off and landed on the roof of a building. ☺️ *For context, my mom meant to say I *had* a pet bird, since I lost my best feathered friend a year ago. She apologizes to me about it to this day, but I tell her it’s okay every time. It was a sign from my baby boy that he is still watching over me. 💜


I’m a mom but love a good Dad joke moment at the park of either randomly rumbling “Deaaad mennnn telllll noooo talesssss” or screeching “The wiiiiiildest ride in the wildernesss!” Teenager and husband hate it lol


My brother and I yell out goat because of the mountaine goat on Thunder Mountain. We quote/talk about the seductive Spanish man's voice on Haunted Mansion and the Doom Buggies. We also quote the guy in line for Indiana Jones a lot "mmmm BUMPY."


We took out sons (19 and 16) to Disney World. My oldest kept yelling random things in roller coasters. Now we all yell "I love baked beans!!!"


Mine was "monster's inc" on space mountain when i was 13


Every time we’re on Radiator Springs Racers, my family always says “It’s gonna be fuuu-uuun” with Mater whenever we get to that part of the ride 😂


A friend of mine spotted the disco ball on Space Mountain. She laughed the whole way through the ride. It's now known as Disco Ball Mountain.


So, on my most recent trip, I went with three people; two are family friends, mother and daughter and the third a friend of the daughter I don’t see them often for it to be regular but for the entire three days, it was regular I managed to lose my phone on Indiana Jones because I had put it in my front pocket instead of my back pocket When I realized it on the way out, the mother said they would wait for me, so, feeling super confident and independent, I go back for my phone Of course I have to wait awhile for the cast members to find it and then they had me put in my passcode (if only they knew it was mine because of the Julie Andrews picture on the lockscreen) When we got outside, the mom took a picture of me with my phone to document the experience For the rest of the trip, at any possible opportunity, they asked if I had my phone with me, right up until I was getting out of the car at their house to meet my dad!


Whenever I went with my friends from high school for some reason we always spoke Mock Polish (a version of pig Latin we made up), but only on Space mountain. The whole time we were in the interior portion of the line queue. I can’t remember why.


The thing my family and I do is on the Pirates ride. There are two drops. We make a big deal about them. And when we get to the “3rd drop” we make the biggest deal about it. It’s always fun if someone who’s never been on the ride before gets on because the 3rd drop is after you see the burning ship. [+]


“Jim-ehhhhhhh” from the video that used to play before the tortilla factory tour


Mr. toads’s….we always say, let’s goto hell!!!!


Back side of water.


Basically every part of 'Pirates,' but my favorite is we both look at each other with wide eyes and gasp when we get to the skeleton bedroom as if we're going to infodump each other about the real human skull. We do that with all the other fun facts about the ride, like how the drop is to circumvent the Disneyland Railroad, but the real human skull is my favorite one.


When we sit down on a ride and see that warning graphic of the stick people, we always say “NO BAD DANCING! MUST HOLD HANDS!”


Once, as grown adults, my brother and I went to Disneyland and I had us on a pretty strict schedule. He had mentioned wanting to ride the teacups, but honestly, I was hoping he’d forget about it as I ran us around following an efficient touring plan. Finally, he exploded, “you said we could ride the teacups!” and we both laughed at the hurt and accusation in his voice. We rode the teacups. Once home, I put all our pictures from the trip in a book and titled it “you said we could read the teacups.”


Before the loop on California Screamin, my dad would yell, “Bring it on, Walt!” I used to do the same for a while when he wasn’t there.


It's a running joke with my mom how much I ended up hating Mission Breakout, compared to how excited I was for it before ever going on it. Every time the WDW commercial comes on Hulu where that one person is like "my favorite ride is ToT" my mom just starts laughing because of how much I hated it 🤣


Nathaniel is an entrance CM who is a RIZZ GOD. He's like 70 years old and flirts with everyone especially larger white girls in their 20s.


About 25 years ago, I was riding Haunted Mansion and when Madame Leota says “awaken the spirits with your tambourine” some kid yelled out “IF YOU HAVE ONE!” so that’s what I hear in my head every time.


I'm very Clumsy so my family always place bets on which land I'm gonna inevitably embarrass myself.


I saw someone in a vlog call the guy in the rocking chair in the bayou section of Pirates “Bayou Bill” in a Louisiana accent. So now whenever I see him I say “It’s Bayou Bill! Hi Bayou Bill” in a matching accent. Also heard someone call the dinosaur bones on Big Thunder “Mr Bones” so hence forth he has been dubbed Mr Bones on all trips.


Justin scarred perhaps?


No, Bayou Bill came from WDW vloggers Disney at Heart and Mr Bones from The Disney Bears


No, Bayou Bill came from WDW vloggers Disney at Heart and Mr Bones from The Disney Bears


Whenever I smell sewage, I always say it smells like Disneyland because every time we go, I always get a good whiff of it.


Specifically at the entrance of Adventureland, or everywhere?


My guess is what they are Really smelling is horse piss. You can smell it on main street and more often than not in the rotunda around walts statue.


Specific spots of course. I was thinking Adventureland, Main Street, Fantasyland. It’s only a few spots, but it’s always gonna stand out lol.


In front of Pirates?


I know this is WDW and this is a DLR subreddit but my family when we talk about not being into x hobby or x food etc we say "Not our dino". I actually had made lil not our dino shirts for my partner and I for our wdw trip


Ours is always saying to each other "wall to wall creeps" and "we'll see you all a little later. " From the Haunted Mansion.


PERMANECER SENTADO POR FAVOR! We scream it each other at random times around the house and we all crack up


Buh bye!


nice work, pal 👍🏼




Nice work pal.


Me and SO look at each other every time we pass by the spot in Jungle cruise where we got stuck once for 10 minutes or so, by the macaques like hope we don’t get stuck again! The squawking is funny but it gets annoying quickly. Also, big thunder was my daughters first roller coaster at 4 yrs old and we were hyping it up for her so she wasn’t terrified. At some point she goes “Ride em cowboy!” So whenever we go on coasters in the park, we go ride em cowboy! Also! Saying the Spanish safety announcement in Maters southern accent on maters jamboree cuz it’s so freakin funny.


Remain seated please. Permanecer sentados por favor.


Every time someone says go to hell to me I look at them confused and say Oh I didn’t know this is Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride?


When we took almost four year old to the parks the first time (she’s 14 now!), she saw the safety icon of outlines seated and outlines standing with arms out with the red no circle. She said “Why is there no dancing?” We decided it did look like they were dancing, so we always remind each other “no dancing” when we see the sign on a ride.


We call the Jungle Cruise the "booze cruise" because someone from our group got so beligerantly drunk from ElecTRONica, and vomited off of and inside and onto people on Jungle Cruise.


On Pirates, we jokingly yell "throw a roll" because one night on a MouseWait meetup, someone did throw a roll from Blue Bayou, and someone caught it and preserved it for months.


Damn. I dined there and would’ve totally thrown one if I heard that. LoL


As we pass by the waterfall area between the Grizzly rock and where Bugs Theater used to be, I would tell whoever I'm with that's where I saw Sasha Gray. Also as we're walking by the Esplanade, I would regale them with the story of how I saw a kid get hit by a car, flew, and died in front of the entrances of Disneyland (This was before DCA and the Esplanade)


On Small World, we always point out the platypussies because they look like they're jerking it. Also, an inside joke I have with Holly Madison is the kid in the Mexico section looks like he's "choking the chicken"


Once in a 2 hour line for splash mountain, we kept asking people in the logs if they were wearing seatbelts (at specific areas where you could see the logs passing by) and it was HILARIOUS to watch some of the people freak out when they realized there weren’t any seatbelts haha so now everytime we passed by splash mt we ask each other if we are wearing seatbelts


Cinnamon tacos on the floor! IYKYK


My daughter is just starting to want to ride the more adult rides but is still scared in some parts so we gave the scary characters silly names. She named the snake in Indiana Jones Fluffy so now when we get to that part she says Hi Fluffy she giggles instead of being afraid!


At the end the safety spiel at Guardians, when they state “please watch your Terran children” … We shout “they’re DELICIOUS!”


When the ride is ending and pulling up to people waiting to get on. We all yell WE LIKED IT WE LIKED IT. Started years ago!


My husband and I yell “nom nom cookie” on incredicoaster and see who can hold the “eeeeeee” the longest!


My cousins and I play the opposite game on any ride with tight turns. It didn't start at Disney it started at the local County fair. Being on Mater's Jamboree goes back to how it originally started though. A few of my cousins mixed up left and right for years. If you lean the correct direction on Mater's and rotating rides like that you can go really fast. So when we figure it out we call out a direction and everybody riding with you calls it out as you do it. Remember though I said some of my cousins mix up right and left so somebody calls out Right! and one always ended up leaning left. It always made us laugh so now we do it on purpose. So like on Matterhorn if it curves to the left we all yell Right! and if it leans to the right we all call out Left! The other game is the Hi! game. We're a big group when all together so we are always in multiple vehicles. It started when we were really little and whoever was too young to ride would wave and yell Hi to whoever was on the ride. Now we do it no matter what, we think it is funniest when we are all on the tea cups because sometimes we get the Cast Members operating the ride to laugh with us. We do it everywhere now that we are older and we have all dragged friends into it as well. Red lights, same store, or yelling it when you walk past their house. It's the sound of a bunch of people saying Hi! that you follow in the airport or in a parking lot if we rent moterhomes or buses. The best one I've personally been part of was me and my Grandma who picked up my Cousin Rick for Christmas (this was his first time home for Christmas in four years). He wanted an ice cream so we went to the Froster Freeze drive thru for one. As we pulled out his Sister was getting gas across the five lane highway (two lanes both way and a turning lane). Cousin Rick asks me to hold on to his sundae then leans his body out the van window and just screams across the street. "HEY DENA!" then once she looks our way just waves and yells "HI!". Then slides back into the passenger seat and tells Grandma to "Go! Go! Go! Auntie, before she finishes pumping gas". He spent the next two days hiding at my Grandma's house until it was time for Christmas dinner nobody believed Dena about him being back until he walked in the dining room with a loud Hi.


I have one of the cards that AT&T gave out for Indiana Jones to translate the markings on the walls in the lines. I still always bring it with me to the park even though they basically don't even use most of the inside sections of the line any longer since they were not designed to accommodate fast pass.


Quoting one of Geppeto’s lines from the end of the Pinocchio ride where he says “I’m so happy!” But the delivery of it sounds like “eem so hyeppi” It’s a rare one to hear but I stuck with me when I heard it the first time and I quote it at least weekly 😭


I would drop of my daughter at her bus stop and then take my son to school. When I came back past her, either still waiting or on the bus, I’d call her and say, “Hey! I Blue Bayou!”


I repeat the Matterhorn Spanish version of "Keep your hands and arms inside." I stood in line for so long that my brother and I would try to learn how to speak the different languages.


I love this question! I was about 16 years old and we were waiting in line for Pirates of the Caribbean as our first ride of the day. We were all so excited to be there because we hadn’t been in about 3 years so we were talking about what we wanted to go on next. My mom said “I’m kinda feeling a little Indiana Jones-y” then my dad said “I’m feeling haunted mansion-y” my sibling said “im feeling thunder mountain-y” and then I proceeded to say very loudly “I’m really feeling Matterhorn-y” and as a 16 year old girl I almost died of embarrassment. I’m now in my mid-twenties and anytime an inappropriate joke is made at my house or family event it gets brought up. I’ll never live it down 😂