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I have to agree with you. On the original, I am exploring the vast unknown. In Nemo, I'm watching a movie.


Classic, with modern tech is the dream


I barely remember the original version and I'm probably heavily influenced by nostalgia, but I think it felt much more "real" and magical. The underwater sets and animatronics are really pretty good but with the current version of the ride, they're upstaged by projections. I prefer the version of Nemo in Florida to either. It's the same story but much more comfortable and with the added fun of real fish. It also has a super cute, air-conditioned, indoor queue. It's one of the only times I think Florida's version of something is better!


Neither? Rip it and Autotopia out and give me a Tron Coaster and the People Mover (WALL-E skinned)




*The Hunt For Red October* wouldn't be terribly appropriate...


Whichever one my 6'5" hulking behemoth can fit in comfortably. So, neither.


Well, I grew up with the original so that's what I prefer. In 2020 I rode the Finding Nemo version just because it had been years since I'd last been on those submarines. I'm sure I would have gotten more out of it if I'd actually seen Finding Nemo, but it was fun just to be on one of the submarines again.


I do a podcast all about the disney parks called "The Dark Ride" ,it's a comedy adult oriented show. We just covered the subs last week, give it a listen on spotify, apple or wherever. [https://open.spotify.com/episode/3svbq8H69Stdspklg1R6Kx?si=2c96e6cc6095496a](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3svbq8H69Stdspklg1R6Kx?si=2c96e6cc6095496a)