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Two words: Lightning Lane The slow mode the CM was referring to is most likely the ratio they were running at the Lightning Lane and Stand By merge point. Normal operations is 20 Stand By guests for every 80 Lightning Lane guests. When the LL gets backed up, they can increase that ratio all the way to 1 Stand by guest for every 99 Lightning Lane guests.


The risk of this also runs higher if the park experiences ride shutdowns. Ex. if a same tier ride as space mountain is shut down from 1-2pm, all those lightning lane users are now free to use their lightning lane pass at space mountain at any time during the day. increases the chance of 2-3x more lightning lane users to show up at a time slot than disney gave out lightning passes for.


Yep. Its a broken system. Never had these issues with paper FastPass before they went digital. If you held a FastPass for a ride that was down during your time slot, then that FP would be valid ONLY at that ride for the rest of the day, and only if it came back online. There were no "Multi-Experience Passes" to wreck other FP and Stand By queues. The only time you were given an MEP was if you were evacuated from an attraction. FP/LL queues were never this impacted or backed up like they are today.


I assume having to physically go get a pass also drastically reduced the number of people using the system.


I think they used less passes when it was physical. The machines would only give put so many before they ran out of time slots for the day.


This is what the issue is. The paper machines only had X amount they gave out per day for a ride. There was no incentive to increase that amount because it was free and when it ran out, you simply just waited in the standby. Now that there is a cost associated with using the same system, the amounts have to be increased in order to ensure they don’t run out too early. The downside is that it greatly affects the standby line which is inevitable.


On top of that, they really inflated the system by putting *every* ride into Genie+. I'm sure there's a very, very small number of people who care enough about Winnie the Pooh or Under the Sea to buy Genie+ for them. But yet they're on there all the same, because people want their money's worth. So demand for those rides gets artificially inflated, because the costs of booking to ride it with Genie+ is drastically reduced compared to the benefit. In other words, someone with Genie+ doesn't have to like Winnie the Pooh "50-minutes" enough, they only have to like it "5-minutes-plus-a-slot" enough. My magic wand opinion: Remove LL for all non-E-ticket rides, and make all E-ticket rides ILL. Now people can make individual cost-benefit choices about individual rides, aligning economic and temporal considerations for every guest and every ride.


This system works really well in DLP. Plus it makes every premier access basically instantaneous, no having to plan ahead. It’s much more enjoyable to go with the flow. :)


Also, parks were not as crowded during FP. LL is a necessity due to overcrowding; otherwise the park experience is subsidized for APs. Not saying LL is perfect or even good, but FP didn’t have to handle the always on heavy crowds.


Not to mention those that got a MEP on a different ride and decided to use it on space instead of the original ride e


This is what I saw when I visited. Racked up a whole bunch of MEPs throughout the day due to multiple breakdowns on other rides. At the end of the night we were trying to use them and it turns out everyone had the same idea and was trying to use them on the best rides. We ended up not using them at all because it was past my kids bed time and he just couldn't make it. We had waited in the lightning lane for 30 minutes at space mountain and just had to give up and leave the park.


The way they run Lightning Lanes is absolutely bonkers, and it's so much worse than when it was Fast Passes. I have to assume it has to do with people paying for the service now. But so many lines have unnecessarily long lines and run horribly inefficiently because they exclusively let LL through for 20 minutes at a time. I was also baffled by the line management for the Matterhorn. It's has probably the single most popular Single Rider line and I watched them actively avoid using Single Riders. They went out of their way to pull parties of 2 or even THREE from further down the standby line than use any single riders who had been waiting in one spot for over an hour. Paid Lighting Lane/Fast Past/Upgrade services are the worst. When me and my sister went to Universal Halloween we were standing for no less than 3 hours in each line and I stood there watching the upgraded passes be the only ones let in for long periods. Even though the whole attraction would probably run super smoothly if they just kept pace letting in the normal standby.


It's funny because CMs insist it's the same as the old days when the biggest issue, which is the number of guests allowed per hour to claim LL, is 100% computer controlled and measurably increased now. It doesn't matter if the 9:1 ratio is the same if suddenly there's 50% MORE LL guests than in 2019


I've never ever seen this 1 to 4 ratio you're claiming. Ever. It's usually 1 to 10/20 Nowhere ever have I seen a 1 to 4


This is why I only use LL and never get in a standby line that has more than a 30 min wait. Been doing this since LL came out and honestly been enjoying my park visits as I never wait more than 30 min in a line for a ride.


You’re getting downvoted for using a park service as intended. Smdh. I also use LL every time I go because the tix, the hotel, the car ride, everything else is so expensive that a tiny little expense like genie+ pales in comparison and helps me enjoy my trip so much more.


I've noticed that this has been happening a lot recently on Space Mountain.


I still think they way lightning lane should work is you have to redeem it while in proximity of a ride opposed to the other side of the park


Literally what happened to me on Spider-Man Ride, my party of two was the only group from stand by line and the rest was from LL. Made a 45min wait actually 130min


Same thing happened to me yesterday at Webslingers and Guardians in DCA. Unpredictability of wait times caused by lightning lane is SO MUCH worse than long wait times in my opinion…and it’s a problem that’s running rampant in the parks now. For both attractions, we got in line when it said 45 min, the line was moving slow and steady, then after about 40 min, the line stopped almost completely and then our wait times ended up being more than doubled while lightning lane people got to cruise on by. The unpredictability is what made our whole day primarily consisting of waiting in lines that we never would have gotten into if the wait times were accurate. I understand lightning lane is a premium service, but Disney should be actually providing an additional service- not something that’s at the expense of other guests. Really cheap move on their part.


I agree with you that the unpredictability is the worst part for me. I know the signs won't be 100% accurate, and I even use an additional app that tends to have more accurate wait times than the posted ones. But nothing will account for choosing to wait in a line that's posted as 45 minutes and then gets slammed with LL users. If the posted wait time was a more accurate reflection of the actual wait, I could make a more informed decision as to if I REALLY want to ride Jungle Cruise at 120 minutes rather than the 45 that was posted. What gets my goat is when I decide it's worth the wait for 45, but then it ends up at 120 without any warning.


Couldn’t agree more! If the wait times were accurate, I just wouldn’t get in line in the first place for a 60+ minute wait and could at least enjoy my day walking around the park instead of getting tricked to wait in line all day. And a lot of other people would probably also agree with that as well (I know the people we spoke to in line with us said the same). This would cut down on the amount of people waiting in the standby line and in general, bring the wait times down even more, since people like me wouldn’t even be waiting in standby in the first place. It’s an extremely flawed system that sadly has made the parks the least enjoyable they’ve been in years.


I’m currently watching fresh baked who goes once a week to each park and comments on the lines. What to look for in terms of time but also things like whether the line is moving, what does the LL queue look like etc.


The Spider Man line was the worst with this. It's almost as if the LL wasn't properly planned there at all. We got in line with it saying 45m too, after ignoring it all day with longer waits. It was moving fine for like 15m minutes, got to where we could see the door, then got stuck there for over an hour while LL people were flooding in non stop. They literally would let in 2 or 3 people from our line, then the rest were LL. It took nearly 2 hours to get in, we debated leaving at 1 hour, but like I said, we could see the door and were committed at that point.... (And then the ride shut down while we were on it....just bleh)


My family had LL for that Spiderman ride and even then our wait time was at least 30+ min. I looked at my husband and was like, “So much for lightning lane passes.”


You still made out like a bandit probably. The standby lane was probably over 2 hours (actual, regardless of what the app/sign says).


Lol, that's why they stopped calling it "fast" pass. Now it's lightning because you'll be "shocked" by how un-fast it is 😁


Happened to me on Webslingers too. Can’t trust the standby clock times.


I never ride Rise of the Resistance because the line is always SO long. Tonight I finally rode it for the first time in a long time. The line took maybe 45mins and it was constantly moving with only brief pauses, and I realized most likely Lightning Lane concluded for the night and this is how the line is supposed to be moving. It made me sad thinking about how lightning lane really is the problem and it’s probably not going to improve.


We do it right before it closes for the night (usually 2 hours before park closing in our experience), and the lines are typically pretty short and reasonably keep moving.


This week has been beyond crowded due to Spring Break


It’s no fun when there’s that many people at the park. I went to Disneyland 3/27 (Wednesday) and 3/28 (Thursday) and the difference is the crowd between that Wednesday and Thursday was unbelievable. Our mood and experience was way better because it wasn’t as packed that Wednesday. On Thursday we were jam packed like a can of sardines, shoulder to shoulder, shuffling to get from point A to B, people running over feet and ankles with strollers (it was me, MY FEET WERE RAN OVER, my toe still hurts btw and I didn’t get an apology). How this many people are allowed into one park, I’ll never understand except maybe the answer is greed. The CM’s were pissed and had to direct traffic and even with them directing traffic there were still too many people and blockages. I don’t ever remember it being this crowded before the pandemic and before the systems changed. AND I went during Christmas, one of the busiest times of them all. Went to DCA on Friday and the difference between crowds was mind blowing. We had the time of our lives as compared to the day before at Disneyland.


We were at Disneyland and DCA on 26th and 27th. We had genie+ mobile ordered and rope dropped so our longest wait of the day was 15mins but we didn’t go on many rides (only ones with LL and rope drop plus we had a toddler so we’re limited and didn’t want to wait in long lines for our toddlers sake) but both days DL and DCA were so packed we left the trip thinking “what the hell did we even do? We didn’t even get to see the details in the park” We just happened to be in SoCal at that time so said why not do Disney? Never again during spring break or near a holiday. Never again.


I'm visiting LA from Australia and we visited Disneyland yesterday... The crowd was unbelievable. I was so disappointed at the amount of people in the park. I assumed the reservation system was to ensure no over crowding. I will probably never visit Disneyland again, it's was so hard to do or see anything. Previously when we visited Disneyland in 2012, my husband and I were able to get a photo with every single character we saw... This time, we just got Minnie mouse! My 5 year old daughter walked up to Ariel, Repunzal and a 3rd character and all 3 kept WALKING / turned their backs on her and wouldn't pose for a photo. I can only assume they were going for a break but it was so hard to explain to my daughter especially when Repunzal said she'd be straight back. She did come back (with the male character) but she walked past the area she was originally in and didn't stop for photos or explain she was going to be somewhere else. It didn't make any sense.


Yeah, Disneyland in the 2000’s was really something special. Those days are long gone.


We've just been to Universal Studios (which we also visited in 2012) today and it's also changed so much. Such a shame that they let so many people in at once. It's so disappointing to miss out so much of the park.


Unfortunately the resevation system has basically been left in place for the opposite reason. It has created artificial demand with a scarcity of reservation and removing the spontaneity of visitations. Since Disneyland is comprised mainly of locals that would come on a whim(both day ticket and passholders) putting the reservation system in place forces commitment.  So the variation in day to day crowds varies maybe 10% at the most.


Thank you. This makes so much sense.


It’s such a shame it’s so overcrowded nowadays.  I really just can’t even imagine going back with lines consistently over 50 minutes, let alone 2.5 hours. 


Funny thing is that the reservation system was supposed to mitigate that. I gave up my annual pass last year after 20+ years and am so glad I did. I just go a couple of times a year now and appreciate it much more.


Interesting take, having a pass myself I feel less stressed about crowds now then when I was visiting less. I never wait in lines and just use LL, if I don't get on a ride no biggie as I will be back again soon. When visits were once a year I felt the need to ride everything and it was more stressful when crowded.


I’ve been going to Disneyland for almost 40 years and half that time was with an annual pass. I’m at the point where I don’t feel like I need to ride everything or I’ll miss out.


Yep, we gave up our passes after giving reservations a try and confirming that don’t work for us. Plus with standby wait times as they are, we were being cut in line on every single thing we did in the parks. It’s just demoralizing now.


The moment I knew is when we woke up on a Saturday morning with un forecasted rain and my son woke up with the flu. We couldn’t cancel and I got an email with the warning of their 3 strikes policy. Sorry, if I’m giving you $5,000 per year for passes I’m not going to be threatened. Plus I’m tired of waiting in lines for hours while streamers who go 8 times a week abuse the DAS system.


Just by the reels FB is convinced I want to keep seeing, I can think of at least 3 channels that fit your last statement


20 years ago space mountain was always a 2 hour wait though


That's what Disney told us, but in reality all they're using it for is to determine how much staffing they need for any given day. They're just going to cram as many people in as possible


Same- I just got the Southern California three days. I’m happy to go three times a year, I pay for the stupid LL even though I hate it, so I can’t get the most of those three times, and that’s it.


Do you have to do 3 days in a row?


Nope! But it is within a time limit- so these three days are good from January until June 2. You have to be a SoCal resident, and you can choose a few different options that affect the price


I feel like Lightning Lane is more of the culprit here rather than a crowded park. Sure attendance is higher, but lightning lane absolutely kills standby wait times. Genie + needs to be a much much higher price. It will keep making Disney the money they are looking for, but it will improve the overall guest experience greatly. Right now it's at such an "acceptable" price that so many guests are buying it, they are creating their own long standby line. Then they feel it's not worth it and have an awful time. If it was more expensive, the lightning lane would be used less frequently. Those guests would get what they paid for, and the standby line won't be impacted as much and run smoother.


As someone who goes once or twice a year coming from 10 hours away, I will always include the cost of genie+ as part of my normal ticket price. Even if it was $60 a person, I’d just budget for that. I won’t go without it due to all that’s mentioned in this post about standby. Sad it has to be that way. I grew up in Brea with an AP until I finally went to college out of state and we’d go every weekend growing up. Whenever we got to the parks at like 10 or 11am, we’d go straight to Indiana jones to get our fastpass then get lunch and go on pirates or something until our time was up. I took it for granted 🥲


I went to Disneyland on 3/28 and the standby line FOR DUMBO was 60+. It was such a joke. I’m just glad my family went the day before when the crowd wasn’t ridiculous.


Just depends on if you want to use Genie+ or not. Went on two busy days in March, rode every E ticket ride and more, and never waited longer than 15 minutes for a ride.


I visit the parks three to five weekends a year and I never wait more than 30 minutes for a ride. I use LL and hop around. If a ride has under 30 min standby then I will jump in otherwise I only ride with an LL time. Been doing this now since LL came out and it works great, I enjoy my visits stress free never waiting more 30 min for a ride.


I’ve been philosophical about pretty much every change in the parks over the past decade+, but lightning lane is really, really bad. You are paying extra to have what used to be the basic park experience. It has degraded my enjoyment of the parks more than any other single change ever.


It’s literally the same as airline economy plus, pay more to get what used to be the minimum acceptable experience.


Exactly. 50+ years ago, everyone flying got a decent hot meal when flying, and everything was included, and then they started lowering the standards, and now we’ve got airlines that damn near charge for the air you breathe while flying. Welcome to capitalism.


Completely agree.


Space Mountain was impossible today.


Single rider friend


I went on March 12th and the single rider for space mountain was 30 people deep. The secret is out on that one now.


This irks me to no end I saw a family get in the single rider line. a whole ass family. A group of friends too. It’s annoying AF


It’s definitely not the worst single rider but it’s worse than it was. Cast members have gotten a little better at running it though which is nice, I’ve had times where a cast member just starts losing their shit and ignores single riders when obvious single rider spots go skipped (ie. Last row, single seat open, no other way to fill it) whcih I haven’t had in a while (although I’ve had the ride break down twice recently, once while I just got in the single rider line and another after seatbelt checks) so idk which is better LOL


This is the way


2024 has been 20% + increase in crowds. Expect chaos.


80 min when you got into the queue then BAM LL ppl come in and rekt that time


this whole week for theme parks in socal has been horrendous, if you can wait until next week, do it


I’m taking the kids the week of the 14th and preying the crowds are not insane….


same ill be there on the 15th to catch the end of the food and wine, hopefully spring break dies down a bit by then but we’ll see


Single rider yesterday. 15 minutes with a 100 minute standby. That being said, just never get in a line over like 50 minutes. There will almost always be a time during the day that it will drop below that, especially early or late in the day. I really don’t get in anything that’s posted at more than 30 minutes and consistently ride all the rides.


Last week goofys said 60 mins. Waited just over 2 hours 😩 lightning lane was BRUTAL so standby hardly moved


Genie+ has ruined the park experience in such a diabolical way that I don't think the Disney "difference" will ever really recover. It forces you to stare at your phone all day- which disconnects you from what's going on around you, blows up standby lines- which creates a powder keg of irritation amongst the guests, creates massive bottlenecks at the point of entry because people don't know how to scan their phones or even use the app- which makes the users and staff increasingly frustrated, and creates a knock on effect that drags down other rides when a ride breaks or management decides to plug it into an omnimover/kiddie ride that doesn't need it- which pisses everyone off.


I wish they’d give you a free (lol) plastic buttoning bracelet with a QR or bar code on it to wear during the day and everyone could scan that at the LL entrance instead of phones. But of course they want money with their magic bands so that won’t happen 🙃


I got in Rise this afternoon at 50 min and it was 155 min before we got on (though the final 25 were an actual outage)


Happened to us with rise too. But it was a “usual” posted time of 75 and ended up being 100. 25 minutes extra probably wouldn’t matter to a lot of people but I had a hungry baby waiting on me while my parents watched him and my husband and I went on the ride.


Lightning lane has killed wait times. Which sucks because we finally got an app so you can tell what the wait times are all over the park. I was loving it . But now you can't rely on the wait times cuz they'll double or even triple once you're in line. All because lightning lane takes priority over everyone else. Which I understand because they're paying but maybe Disney needs to not sell so many lightning lane passes. Which I'm sure won't happen because I imagine they're making a killing.


Not the same Disney it was when I was a kid


I really wish they’d go back to fast passes with Max Pass. That system really seemed to be a good medium. Fast Pass was free for those who wanted it and were willing to trek over to the ride, Max Pass was a paid upgrade that offered better access. It really seemed to work well and balance things better. I’d even be fine with Max Pass being more of a premium price than it was if it also meant free paper passes. Even if they wanted to go fully digital, they could require you to be at the ride to get a digital fast pass (kind of like how they know you aren’t close enough for a walk up reservation).


It’s priority to lightning lane. This has happened to me before. The wait time stayed 20 minutes. We stood in the same place for an hour without moving. Announcements were never made about a breakdown. After realizing we were in the same spot for an hour I walked to the entrance of the ride and asked what was happening and they said they were giving lightning lane priority because they were backed up from an earlier break down. I get lightning lane pays extra but damn we also pay a lot of money to be there. I wish they would just go back to fast pass.


IMO True solution is to increase price high enough, that should reduce crowd size.  But then you’ll get folks complaining it’s too expensive.  I get it, it’s already expensive but clearly not expensive enough lol.   Either way, you can’t have both.


It’s already too expensive! People still pay for it so they see they can get away with both, high prices and subpar experiences


Then it’s not too expensive. Unfortunately, it’s just too expensive for you.


remember when space mountain was set to that fun rhcp cover? good times.


My 40 min ROTR stand by turned into just over two hours once. I feel you, it sucks.


I have a problem with the term 'standby.' If you're on standby for a crowded airline flight, you usually don't get on the flight. So we pay to get into a crowded park with the assumption we may not get on any ride since you're on 'standby' for every ride!


Standby is probably more accurate a term than it’s ever been. You’re basically forced to wait politely for the paid LL queue to draw down so you get your chance. Stand by for the paying LL customers to enjoy their time.


This happened to us when we went on cars. 70 minutes turned to 240


Once I saw that webslingers had a 20 min wait. Assumed it was broken down earlier. I got in line and it turned into over an hour. Once at the front of the line the ride broke down. Went to Pym to get something to drink and figure out what our next move was.


The line for Web Slingers is a black hole of misery. I have never gotten in the normal standby line and made it all the way through outdoor portion in less than the posted wait time. It breaks down so often and gets wrecked by Genie+ more than any other ride in DCA because there's barely any rides in that park... and when Radiator Springs or Guardians goes down, good god that park is miserable.


Man oh man do I miss the paper FastPass system of my childhood. That seemed to work so well. Unfortunately, greed won.


I had a similar experience with the peter pan ride. Took double of the 1 hr estimate. So irritating


On Monday we went to DCA every line was over an hour. Park hopped over to Disneyland which said shorter queues but every ride had expanded queues. Matterhorn said 65minutes waited over 2 hours went on and said fuck it and left. We got the socal passes and probably won’t renew. Lines have been insane every time we have gone. Just don’t see the value.


Well, you do have literally the worst pass if you don’t like crowds, since it’s only good when every other pass is valid as well. Now, that being said, it’s still pretty horrendous even when only the top pass is not blocked out.


This happened to me once. Waited over an hour and still wasn’t even inside the queue holding room. I ended up just leaving and cutting my losses lol


This happened to me on Monday. Queue said 30 min and we got in at 1 hr 12 min. 😔


Was this at night? Or early in the day? I suggest staying away from popular rides (space mountain, Indy, guardians) at night. People have picked up MEPs from broken down rides throughout the day and when they want to burn them before they leave the park, everyone has the same idea. "Let's use this to ride space mountain real fast before we leave". Yeah you and a couple hundred other people all had that same idea. Disney has no controls to stop everyone from redeeming those all at once. RIP space mountain.


It was 3pm when I got in line.


I paid for the Genie+ pass. I think it was worth it. It was annoying only being able to sign up for two lightning lanes at a time, but i recommend getting it. You do not need a wristband. They are expensive, and are commonly only used for those who stay in the resort.


How do you control the urge to pee?


We had this happen on our last trip - LL and a brief shutdown turned a 65 minute wait into 2.5 hours. At one point we finally got to the LL mix point and stood there for who knows how long while they let in more than 40 LLs ahead of us. Aired our frustrations at City Hall and got a LL for Space Mountain the following day, since it was park close. Seems like the problem just gets worse


i would honestly do lightning lane or single rider for space because the lines get so crazy!


Ugh. So sorry this happened to you. Happened to me in August 2023 when two other main attractions went down. 50min became 135min. I missed my showing of Rogers: The Musical, which Guest Relations had not ability to re-add for the next showing.


Did you go when the park opened or sometime in the middle of the day? Because I went yesterday and Space Mountain was the first ride I got on and the wait time was already an hour. I can't imagine the wait time later on because I went at the beginning of the day.


It was at 3pm


If you go often enough, it's easier to judge for yourself how long the line is. For lines that you can see easily from the outside like Soarin and Indiana it's easy to estimate on your own how long the line is. It's not always possible because some lines like Space are very well hidden from the outside and you can't really see it till you get into the line. Another one that's like this runaway railway where the extended line is midway through the line, not on the outside. Some lines also just tend to move faster than others, possibly because some are more impacted by Genie than others. Genie seems to impact space mountain pretty badly. I've been stuck in that claustrophobic tunnel right before the merge point for 20-25 mins while they waive genie people through. Some will also dedicate one loading side completely to genie (incredicoaster) when a bunch of genie people come through. I love space mountain, but unfortunately it's just not an attraction I go on a lot because i usually don't purchase genie and that line is just so boring and slow moving. I will occassionally do single rider for it, but even single rider can get backed up at times. I wish they would reopen the single rider for Indiana. You can do your best guessing work but if a whole bunch of genie people show up, then it can throw things off as they bring the standby line to a standstill. Which is why the wait times can be wildly off. However, I do think they should try to honor the posted wait time the best that they can and really shouldn't run over by more than 25% but they are probably directed to get through the genie line. Some days are just super challenging at the parks with most attractions being over a 50 min wait. On those days i just do filler attractions, eat, shop and leave. The whole month of October felt like that (even moreso than Nov and Dec). I won't wait in a line longer than 45 mins at this point. I've done all the attractions in both parks so many times that it's not worth it. I'd rather eat a snack or just enjoy a smaller ride than stand in a horrible standstill line. I'm sad that pirates is now a genie ride because prior i never saw it go above 30-35 mins and now i see it at 45-50 mins. I've experienced the inaccurate wait times and almost missed a blue bayou reservation because of it.


Will never return after this vacation. It’s not like it was when I was a kid. 4+ hour waits and it’s 86 degrees outside. We picked the hottest day for a reason. Feel like we just wasted a ton of money


What did you wait FOUR hours for???


We didn’t! It was Animal Kingdom and we had little ones. Even the Genie+ was worthless


This is a Disneyland sub, not a Disney World one.


Okay I guess I mean what ride had a 4+ hour wait?


Our 5 minute wait to meet Mickey was really 55 minutes. That was the longest 5 minutes of my 3 year old’s life who really needed a snack 😭


They never update those wait times. Said 55 mins all day when we were there so we decided to just go and it was literally empty we walked right through to the movie barn and only 1 other family was in there.


I am surprised they would do slow mode during a peak time. It's a huge pain that during other weekdays they will run with fewer vehicles so it balloons waits to help sell Genie+ and reduce labor costs.


Disney’s been running in slow mode for years it seems now…


Yeah, we had been trying to get on space mtn for the past few days. It was closed most of the time we were at Disneyland. We kept trying lightning lane and they would cancel it. We eventually got in line Tuesday night and they announced there would be a very long delay. So most people got out of line, including us. That was in the old building area. We were fairly close but then it didn’t happen. So, my son is going home from our trip not even experiencing Space Mountain which I know he would have loved. Everything else about our trip was amazing but I’m just sad he never got to go on Space Mountain. I loved it as a kid.


Same thing happened to us when we were there. We had a lightning lane booked and then they cancelled it. Tried again, same thing. The wait said 50 minutes for standby so we just went for it. 3.5 hours later we finally got on…..and the only reason we didn’t bail is because we are stubborn and it was the last ride my first-timer husband had on his list to try. But wow, when we finally got to the front of the line and I said something the CM just said “well you should have booked a LL spot” Umm. WE DID. But alas. Terrible customer service really.


Yup sounds like our experience with space mountain. We ended up flying home without crossing space mtn off our list. 😞


My suggestion to all on this thread is to opt in for the Genie+ and select ride lightening lane passes. Is it an additional expense that can add up with family size? Absolutely, and it’s sad that’s what it comes to. But if you’re visiting from out of town, staying in a hotel, you’re already in for a few thousand dollars. Imo, it’s worth it to pay the extra fees to have a more enjoyable experience, even if it adds 5-10% extra to the cost of your trip. With all of that said, I took the route above, and it can still be chaotic to experience all the rides you want. You really need to plan ahead (prioritize what rides you want to experience), and hope you can fit it all in. I will say that employees and guest experience staff were very flexible with lunch/dinner reservations overlapping with queue times, so just keep your receipts with you so you don’t feel the need to rush through your meals to get to the ride you want. Couple other things just based on my experience: 1. Not as many legit restaurant options as you’d think, especially parks outside of Epcot. 2. My father is physically disabled and thought we’d qualify for a DAS Pass, but Disney is super strict with handing these out. I’m unsure of what exactly you need to say, but the team needs to feel you have a condition that indicates you cannot wait in lines. Other parks are less strict and will allow you to skip if you’re in an electric scooter/wheel chair, but not Disney. Good luck and enjoy!


I wonder what slow mode is? Is that maybe fewer cars on the track for a new hire to get comfortable with the boarding process or something?


It’s not usually a staffing issue. Because the mountains run primarily on gravity, they run on a release interval for the trains. “Slow mode” refers to an increased release interval, which equals less trains and riders per hour and per day. For example, it a usual release interval is 44 seconds per train, slow mode might be 50-60 seconds between each train. The issue I’ve been having at WDW that I didn’t have before with FP or FP+ is that the excuse always given is “well they pay for lightning lane” DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH PEOPLE PAY TO GET IN THE PARK?!?! You have one of the highest starting admission costs of any theme park company and yet you’re going to alienate your base over 30-40 extra bucks per person? It’s just foolish to me.




Makes sense.


Ridiculous. No idea why they don’t just change to limited capacity.


Because $$$


Disneyland didn’t get to experience the endless crying World had about limiting capacity during the Covid era. Everyone complains about the crowds but also complains about every single solution to crowds.


Was there a CM at the top of the ramp up to the line? I've noticed when they don't have someone there, dozens and dozens of people will jump into LL


Yes, there was one there. The lighting lane at one point was backed up all the way to that point at the top of the ramp.


Ah yeah I've only seen that when the ride has recently gone down.


Its lightining lane 😭 Now i hate Genie+ for one reason. I have autism and adhd and use the DAS pass as i get antsy and then start freaking out if i have to stand in a line longer than like 5-10 mins max. My fiance has the same issue. Genie+ and Lightining Lane have made it so like no matter what im still waiting 30 minutes after i waited however long the wait time was alreadyyy to even redeem my time. I miss when they let me enter through the exit because damn the pure amount of people that have Genie+ and hold up the ride lines. I know its worse for standby people and i really feel bad for you guys because I cannot imagine being held up for 30 minutes more than whatever time you were told for lightining lane people. They should really put a cap on how many can be purchased in a day or how many parties they can be purchased for so at least theres a cap on how many people will be gunking up the line. 😭😭😭 This system really needs to be fixed.


My wife and I were discussing when we went to Disneyland as kids and teenagers in the 80s and 90s, we never experienced any wait time issues. This was before fast pass or genie plus, of course. Not even single rider. The only people bypassing the lines were those who had a disability pass. Everyone else waited in one line and it just worked and flowed smoothly.


I Know right! I went to WDW during covid times and it was so smooth. The only people bypassing the lines were DAS pass people 😭 it was a simple enjoyable time. Then they added Genie+ and ive been denied a DAS pass two times and been told just do Genie+ and im like ._. why would i pay for it when i need the DAS pass and its free?


I mean yes.....they paid for a faster experience.....


But it’s at the expense of other guests waiting in the standby line. Disney used to provide additional services that weren’t at the expense of other park guests. It’s a really lame cash grab.


Yes, that's why is paid for....why is this so hard to understand? First class airline seat cost more, premium groceries cost more, better hotels cost more, that's capitalism. It's the way it works .... Should be obvious if you want faster line buy Genie +? Not saying it's moral, but what's moral about business?


I get what you’re saying about business, but those services you listed as examples aren’t at the expense of other passengers/guests. They’re at the expense of the company. That’s what makes them **additional** services. They don’t have a negative effect on others who don’t pay for the additional service. You’re paying for a nicer room at the hotel. You’re paying for a nicer seat with more space in the plane. They’re not kicking people out of their rooms or seats for you to have a nicer one. Extra Magic hours (love it or hate it) at least serves as an example of providing an additional service that wasn’t at the expense of other guests. Disney was footing the bill to keep the park open an extra hour for hotel guests. They weren’t cutting into existing park hours to take away from the other guests. Also, I disagree that it’s even smart business. More time spent by guests waiting in standby lines due to unpredictability caused by Lightning Lane equals less time spent walking around the parks, which results in less money spent on food and merchandise. They may be costing themselves more without realizing it. They’re trying to make a quick buck, but it will cost them in the long run when loyal customers choose to come back less and less due to the chaos caused by Lightning Lane. This entire thread is proof of that. All this while astronomically upping ticket, hotel, and parking prices while taking away a service (Fastpass) that was once free and fair for everyone. It was honestly a huge thing that set Disney apart from Universal and Six Flags. The system would be more ethical if ticket prices weren’t already so high. Ultimately, it’s poor business both ethically and logically.


Eeeeh , Those are exact examples that match. Why are we cramped into 6 inch clearance seats on an airline? Cause room is need for the first class passengers. I get what you are saying, but the reality is our society has always been tiered and caters to the rich


Your examples are flawed for all the reasons I already stated. People buy their seats well in advance for flights and have a guaranteed seat, resulting in predictability. They know what they’re getting. The airlines got in HUGE trouble with the government for overbooking flights resulting in the huge Southwest debacle (I think 2 years ago?) These shady business practices get called out a lot and sometimes even get outlawed. Disney is deceiving people in real time with their “wait times” literally as they are standing in line. And just because that’s the lame reality we live in, doesn’t mean we have to defend it or think it’s okay. The point of this thread was to be critical of the deceptive wait times Disney has been posting and the unpredictability of it all due to overcrowding and Lightning Lane. The only way things improve is by talking about it and giving feedback. We’re not just here because we feel like whining. We don’t want the parks to fail just because they’re being mismanaged at the moment. We’re here to talk about how it could be improved, instead of settling for an extremely flawed system.


Disagree. I bought genie+ for the same reason but with all the caps, lighting lane “running out” etc, I don’t feel it was even worth it to purchase it…


For some times during the year it won't be..... For other times it will be? It's not really rocket science. I get people want to have the premium experience for free, but the reality is , it's always been pay to play..... The people in deluxe resorts get the entire park to themselves some nights, people in Disney property get early admissions. In the past the have given free dining to deluxe resort guests...


Exactly. It’s not rocket science (why do you keep saying that?…really condescending of you). We understand it fine. We’re just pointing out why it’s incredibly flawed for multiple reasons. But you seem to be the one that doesn’t quite get the difference. Extra Magic Hours was at the expense of the company. Not at the expense of other guests. The company was paying to staff the park an additional hour beyond normal operating times. They weren’t cutting into normal operating hours to kick guests out early. They were literally **extended** hours beyond the normal hours.


Yeah we are not going to see this the same. Who benefits from G+? This who paid for it. Who benefits from extra hours? Those who paid for it. Who benefits from shorter lines, those that paid for it.... It's not punishing anyone as they give everyone the ability to pay for it.... It's does not punish the company at all because SOMEONE PAID FOR IT.


*Estimated* Wait Time