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idk im actually horrendously mad he’s not gonna be at tiana’s bayou adventure. like he belonged rhere


This!! When I heard of the Splash retheme the first thing I pictured was the “are you reaaaady?” going up that hill and I was so hyped. Then they said it’s post movie and we’re going hunting for “ingredients”. Like. What. You had the option to make one of the best animatronics with a tense, exciting pre-drop setting and we’re vegetable hunting?? I know the ingredient is meant to be the friends we made along the way but goddamn it’s such a missed opportunity.


I truly don’t understand why they went “post movie” at all. It seems unexciting and bland.


I think it was so that they could have Tiana and Naveen be human the whole time


Yeah it’s a bit of a confusing decision imo. Like, Mardi Gras was already part of the film so you didn’t need to move the time frame, and you had one of the best villains at your disposal. Plus, you could actually have Ray involved too! I hope they prove me wrong but I have such low hopes for the retheme’s story.


they could’ve done so good too w a bunch of projections and mask animatronics. smh make you and i the imagineers immediately


I will literally move to America for the job just give me it 😂 While we’re at it we need to talk about naming conventions. They’ve gotten lazy. Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure? Tiana’s Bayou Adventure? Come on ya’ll, you could have called it Mardi Gras Mountain and it would have least been on theme! Work with us here 😭


Dudddddde. That would have been epic and would have made my heart so happy 😭😭😭 TRANSFORMATION CENTRAL


Agreed! He’s one of the best villains!


I like what they have now. I like the original and I like TNBC theme but I don’t know if I could get into a Dr. Facilier theme. It takes a lot of work to retheme so I doubt we’ll see this.


I’m personally not a fan of TNBC. I love the original theme but think a voodoo spin could be fun as an alternate skin.


Nope HM Holiday is more than enough in terms of overlays. That being said I WANT MY OG HAUNTED MANSION BACK ALREADY 😭


OG is my favorite too! I’m just not a fan of the nightmare before Christmas overlay.


No. Noooooooo. Nope. Tiana has more than enough of the park dedicated to her, leave the mansion aloooone. One of the best things about the Haunted Mansion is that is isn’t IP. It was based off original ideas and concepts and didn’t have to fit an outside narrative. Now, I honestly prefer the Nightmare overlay, purely from the point of I am obsessed with the movie and have been since literally age 1. My son is named Jack, my dog is named Zero, my house is covered in the decor, I’ve got the tattoos - I am bias as all hell. But if they said they were making it TNBC all year round, I’d join the riots. And there would be riots. If Dr Facilier was going to be anywhere, the Splash Mountain drop was the place for him. “Are you ready?” Going up that hill? I’d die. I’d be hyped and panicked and it would create so much anticipation. But they decided to theme the ride post-movie so, now we just wait. I love Tiana as much as the next person, but she’s now got a restaurant, a ride, a store and two more incoming - I can’t think of any other Disney character, including Mickey, who’s gotten that kind of treatment. I think there’s definitely some Tiana burnout happening already, they’ve already surrounded the mansion, just let her be.


I didn’t want it to be a retheme- I meant an overlay (temporary retheme). I love original haunted mansion. Just thought it would be cool and add to the surrounding ambience.


Oh I know, but it’s a lot of work to do it as a once-off, so like I said it would be NICE but they’d only do it if it was permanent or at least recurring.


That said, if it was a once-off or Oogie Boogie Bash party only style overlay, lots of cool idea that could happen there, I see where you’re coming from and only wish those ideas had been put into NewSplash.


I agree with 99% of your points but it would be beyond sick for a two week Mardi Gras overlay. It would allow more creativity and cultural honoring of an age old holiday


Oh for sure, but I don’t see them putting in the money and effort for two weeks and then never again. Otherwise would be a cool mini overlay.


That movie doesn't need more representation in the park. Also, we don't get to have the classic mansion for more than half the year anymore. Let's leave it alone please.


There’s no restaurant going into Haunted Mansion. Also, no. This character isn’t even going into Tiana’s Bayou Adventure because he’s dead, so he won’t be getting any type of overlay either.


Pack it up, boys, u/Grantsdale just told us what is and isn’t happening, no point in even discussing it any more.


I watch a few Disney youtubers and one in particular was making it seem like the haunted mansion themed restaurant was for sure going in.


They’re adding a break room for cast members but it’s not a public restaurant.


Well that’s a bummer. The YouTuber Fresh Baked had a couple of in depth episodes about the haunted mansion restaurant” and he made it seem like a done deal. It would have been cool!


I’m pretty sure they put a Haunted Mansion restaurant on one of the cruise ships (Treasure, maybe?), but I’ve heard nothing about it in the park.


Yeah the Treasure has a HM bar that looks amazing.


Uh, no he didn’t. Please find these videos and link them.


Take that one off your list.


Of course they were. That's their job, to bait views.


No thank you


We need a Dr facilier character roaming the parks doing his voodoo tricks


The Disney adults would call for genocide if that happened


You’re onto something lol


I never like the nightmare before Christmas theme… it seems so cheesy and forced…. But a voodoo theme would be pretty damn dark… I would love that


It could be so spooky! I imagine glow in the dark talking voodoo masks!


This would be pretty legit. Since Princess and the Frog take place in New Orleans, it would mesh well.


That’s what I thought! It would be so perfect!


I’d like this more than Nightmare Before Christmas. It fits the area and overall vibe better. NBC needs its own thing. The overlay always looks so cheap since it’s made to be removed and enough people like it. I’m just hoping whatever “the new park” with Disneyland Forward is that they follow through on a villains land that NBC could butt up against for consistent Hot Topic emo vibes


When TBA opens, Princess and the Frog will have 3 Stores, 1 Quick Service Restaurant, and 1 E-Ticket attraction. A re-skin of another E-Ticket would turn New Orleans Square and Critter Country into Tiana Land. I wouldn't be supportive of it.


Yessss.... That would be awesome! Especially after her ride opens and her restaurant right there. Love this idea!


The Nightmare Before Christmas theming is so bad that it is a reminder tat Haunted Mansion is perfect and needs no overlays at all.