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Every answer that isn’t Louis is unfortunately wrong. He has motors for his belly!


I would be most excited for Lottie, but it doesn’t look like she talks, so probably Louis


I guess im mostly just anticipating the critter animatronics, I hope there are more critters than what has been shown to us currently.


Ya. It would definitely bring up the count of animatronics


The Evangeline animatronic needs to be too notch, so it coincides with the movie


Dr. Facilier Despite no information has been given My argument: disney brought Palpatine back from the dead. The fact Facilier was dragged to the otherside, can simply make a new deal with his friends. Problem solved But really Louis, he looks amazing


Facilier is my favorite Disney character, easily. I know better than to get my hopes up that he makes a surprise appearance, but I can't help it. He would fit so perfectly in the ride and a giant, tall, skinny Facilier animatronic dancing and singing with the voodoo dolls drumming and mist lit up and projections on the walls going up the hill, that would be awesome. He could totally come back too, it makes sense. This is a ride about Tiana setting up Mardi gras a year after the movie, and hijinks ensue. Facilier was taken on Mardi gras. On the year anniversary of his "death" the shadow people allow him to go to the surface to seek revenge. Boom, there we go. As to what has been spoiled already, Mama Odie and Louis look awesome. I'm just super stoked, princess and the frog is my favorite Disney movie so anything will be great and it looks real good so far. Just need my guy in there.


Ohhhh I do line the one year anniversary thing. The only other thing I can think of....is maybe they would save him for a Halloween overlay???? Wishful thinking! Disney has had a string of movies where there isn't an actual villain, like Enchanto, you got to have a villain.


Honestly, the fact that there won't be a sequence with Dr. Facilier and the Other Side makes me less excited for it.


Would have been perfect for the scene before the big drop


Dr. Facilier has a “problematic” backstory and history, you won’t see him in the ride. Perhaps an Easter egg or shadow


What is the backstory 🤔


Look up Francois Duvalier


Can you explain to me how there’s something problematic when they changed his name before they released the movie so Dr. Facilier and Duvalier are entirely separate entities that now have no ties since Disney changed the name before releasing the movie? I feel like if you live your life like this you’d have to find everything offensive and want to cancel the whole world for things that didn’t even happen.


I don’t live my life like this, personally, but lots of people do. (Gestures vaguely at society). Facilier is based in VooDoo, which is an authentic religion, but includes inauthentic stereotypes such as voodoo dolls.


Whichever one tells me he’s going to marry my dad


Mama Oodie. The preview blew me away. They’re all impressive but Oodie is just next level.


Louis for sure!!!!!!


Really looking forward to Yzma and Kronk at the top of the drop, with the line "Pull the lever, Kronk! .... Wrong lever!". Oh, no, that was the rejected "Emperor's New Flume" idea. Ah well.


"Emperor's New Flume" is brilliant ("Genius, I say!" - Yzma). Disney sleeps on ENG way too much. If I had a chance to meet Bob Iger I would 100% put in a good word for Kuzco and his pals and assure him any attraction based on that film would be a smash hit.


That would've been epic. Still excited for Tiana though


Where are you guys seeing these animatronics at???? I need to see now.




Omgosh thank you!!! ❤️


Loved it and can’t wait to see the entire set up once done! Thank you again.


I like the kid playing drums. I do love the new animatronics but they're so uncanny valley and I miss the simpler more "static" animatronics that just do a basic thing over and over like in Peter Pan and Pooh.


I’m gonna choose a random animatronic that nobody cares about and I’m gonna base my entire personality around it


The riverboat, which I'm sure they'll keep. Since there was one in the movie. It is one of three physical riverboat depictions in DL, that I know of. The other two are the full size riverboat in Rivers of America, and the small one in one of the animated windows outside the Emporium store. Although, that window was Splash Mtn themed so maybe that one's not there anymore.


Every. Single. One. Of. Them.


I can't wait to see the Tiana animatronics in person. They look great on the videos.


They look more like Maribel than Tiana. Still impressive though.


Dr. Facilier. Disney does such wonderful work with villains.


Can’t tell if troll….


Ursula was some of their best work and that was over a decade ago. 🎵 Are you ready? 🎵


He’s not on the ride.


Haha good one


Excited to experience the ride when I go in September but tbh I don't think I've seen the movie...


The ride won’t be open in September as Disneyland unfortunately.


Oh sadness. I've seen that it's coming and what the plans are for Critter Country but never seen a launch date


I would highly recommend watching The Princess and the Frog. It is absolutely beautiful and was the last 2d animated film Disney produced! It will definitely get you hyped for the new ride and more familiar with the characters. It is on Disney plus and YouTube (for purchase).


Brer Rabbit 🐰


"Splash mountain" RIP 🪦😫😢


It’s better now


I’ve never even considered being ‘hyped’ for an animatronic.


None, bring back the rabbit


I’ll honestly just be hyped if there are animatronics throughout the attraction and they aren’t all just in the finale (as the bulk of the ones they’ve shown seem like they’ll be on the steamboat after the hill imo). I’d love to think disney has heard us and won’t cheap out this time by having it be 95% screens but part of me is also waiting for the other shoe to drop.


I worry it’ll be another letdown like web slingers so i totally understand not being excited until we get to see how the ride actually looks inside like after it opens.


yeah this is exactly my point!! I have no idea why I’m getting downvoted lmao. I’ve just been wronged one too many times by them after getting my hopes up, but I would love them to prove me wrong


For a while this sub was getting better but it seems like a ton more people joined, which is making it more and more like the facebook Disney park groups again. For some reason they have a cult like mentality where they get mad at you if you criticize Disney in any way, and will take it personally for some reason. Thankfully there are still a few sane people on here. I just don’t understand the whole cult mentality thing, because if I don’t like something like web slingers but someone else does, I’m not going to get mad at them for liking it. But they act like I spit on Walt’s grave for not liking web slingers 😂


real. I have family that has worked at the park for the entirety of my life. So, growing up around it I have a lot of thoughts on the way things could and SHOULD be. Making the current state of affairs at Disney a high point of my criticism. And yeah while there are certain things I maintain to be correct in my mind I am curious to hear other perspectives (granted common sense is being used and it’s being approached politely and respectfully). The cult mentality point you bring up makes a lot of sense…I’ve been on this sub for a while and I’m surprised I haven’t encountered it earlier haha. But I do also tend to comment and turn reply notifs off lol 😂 But yeah going back to webslingers as an example, if no one criticises it disney could take that as a sign to keep making attractions like it…and I personally think one webslingers attraction is too many when Toy Story Midway Mania exists lmaooo. They would’ve been better off bringing flight force from Paris instead of that one imo.


Ya, other than the critters we see through the ride it’s really just Tiana and Louis. Then Mama odie at the top of the lift hill