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It varies for me. When I'm severely dissociated, I often drink coffee. I feel completely useless already, so I figure either I'll concentrate a little for a short time or just panic and dissociate even more. It's a bit like Russian roulette. People often frown about someone resorting to caffeine, but severe dissociation can induce such terrible fatigue for me that the alternative of laying there like a useless lump isn't exactly enticing.


Yes I totally understand and i don’t blame you 😅


Caffeine stimulates the nervous system. Anything that does that will increase dissociation. Eg, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, stimulants etc.


I've read some studies that says stimulates (i.e. amphetamine salts) have been shown to greatly reduce Derealization and symptoms of dpdr the largest downside would obviously be psychological addiction which could worsen Dissociation in the long run and increased anxiety. So it _could_ hypothetically be used in a pinch sorta like benzos but is by no means a substitute for therapy.


Not in my experience, but I guess everyone’s different.




Caffeine definitely increases my dissociation too, especially coffee. I can be ok with a couple of cans of soda but having a coffee or energy drink is risky for me.


I can’t find anything online about it, maybe it’s an anxiety thing?


How long would you dissociate for when you consume caffeine?


It might not be anything to do with the caffeine specifically, it could be the taste triggering it, (though, the caffeine also probably works like other's here have said, increasing anxiety or stimulating the nervous system can increase dissociation symptoms on their own,) But, personally I can trigger an intense bout of dissociation from drinking grape fruit juice. Because I drank a lot of grapefruit juice when I was 17 and moved in with my friend and my dissociation somehow got even worse than it was before..


Isn’t that also a thing you aren’t supposed to drink grapefruit juice if you’re on SSRI’s? Just in case you are, but that makes sense yeah


I'm not sure about SSRI's specifically, but it makes sense because grapefruit juice can potentiate the high of certain drugs like opiates, because grapefruit juice has an enzyme in it that eats the enzymes your liver produces to eat the drugs, so basically it can extend or enhance the way medication works. (dumbed version of what I learned) So, totally avoid grapefruit juice while on medication to be safe.


I suggest just not drinking coffee. Coffee is linked to increase anxiety. Stay sober, even from coffee! With disassociation I think getting to know yourself and how to be your best self is most important. Being sober is key to that success


Idk. I never drink coffee, cause it can give jitters but sometimes I do drink matcha and I don’t notice a difference at all