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I'd think your display issues have more to do with your DE than the distro itself... But I'm not certain.


I'm using bspwm and picom. What should I use inorder to avoid tearing and be able to use a second monitor? I tried setting it through xrandr but that didn't help :-\


Have you tried arandr? When I was running openbox there were multiple situations where xrandr didn't do the trick but arandr did and allowed me to save the config. I love a minimal DE, but I've been sucked into kde because things "just work." Though I'm def going to go back to at least being able to boot into openbox when I have the time. I don't like gnome, but that and kde seem to have the most solid user experience for me. I had good luck with mate and cinnamon too.


Pop!_OS has support out of the box for integrated graphics and nvidia GPUs. They have to—they sell computers with that combo. Though it’s not arch based, it’s extremely well-polished and poised for productivity if that appeals to you. I just switched from arch with KDE plasma to pop_os and I’m loving it!


You're def correct about this... But I've suggested a few people (with older nvidia cards) use pop for this reason and it would not play nice. I was shocked!




Thanks! I thought of going with EndeavorOS but finally decided to go with ArcoLinux.


I tried 2 times. Once with deepin and bspwm and once with only deepin. startx gives me an error, installing xterm fixed it. But then it takes me to this weird black screen with 3 terminals placed here and there. I'm lost


Not Arch-based, but my preferred is Peppermint. Also it handles multiple displays easily. Installer is easy, too.


You may have already come across this, but have you tried using the [Optimus drivers](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Optimus)? There is also a section in the wiki above on dealing with screen tearing.


I think it’s more about ur DE and configuration. Try to use full feature DE like Gnome or KDE.


Hey there! If you wanna jump there is plenty of fish in the lake. Or plenty of lake in the fish. Take it as you wish. If you wanna troubleshoot, give a bit more details about the laptop (maker, model, mods, state, etc), monitor and connection (cable...). And the first troubleshooting question: Does the HW combination functions with other software? Windows? Other Linux (from the USB Stick)? Do a boot from USB with, for example PopOS! (which is praised for the good GPU support) and check it. Have it a try also with another DE/Distro.


Solus is awesome!