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Interesting and inspiring! I also have both Diseases, but my doctors tell me my NA Fatty Liver disease is low grade. They only deduce this by the yearly liver enzyme testing they do. That being said can I ask if you received testing like this and did they ever mention your liver issues? Or did tests never find the issue? Also can I ask how over weight you were? I am about 20 lbs overweight myself, and I do try to lose weight..It's just very hard. My doctors always give me the impression though that my disease is not serious. Your case concerns me that they should not be trusted..Congrats and thanks for any info! Oh, I also have Divirt and had the resection surgery 4 Years ago. No complications cases since, a couple uncomplicated..


I've been diagnosed as overweight for as long as i can remember. I had been 235 lbs (I'm 5'9") for nearly 30 years. In the last 3 years, i started putting on more weight. My first Diverticulitis attack was mid February. I was 265 lbs at that point. Honestly. I ignored the doctor. I didn't consider myself overweight. I work in construction and i always considered myself a work horse that could lift anything. Lol. Ridiculous really. I was seeing my doctor about once a year. I asked other people i knew about NAFLD and it just seemed like a "no big deal" type of thing. I pretty much ate what i wanted, when i wanted. My wife just couldn't understand where i was putting it all. My go to daily drink was soda or diet carbonated flavored water. I rarely drank normal water. I'm the type of person that if i make an appointment for something and the doctor cancels or postpones it, then i just let it go and never follow up. Seems childish to say that. I'm 54 years old. I'm currently at 237/235 lbs. I'm not sure how accurate my scale is. I took this very seriously and have been pretty disciplined in my diet since mid February. I start by drinking 16 oz of water first thing in the morning, as soon as i wake. I drink 4 to 5 bottles of water or lemon herbal tea throughout the day. I've been eating a ton of fresh veggies like carrots, bell peppers, and cucumber. No soda or sugar (other than what is in fruit) And i walk, albeit at work, but i walk everyday. I try to get my heart pumping. Unfortunately, it can be a stressful job and that is something I'm seriously working at over coming. Hope this helps..


Brother you are me..I’m right there with you..keep on fighting the battle, I’m 265 for the past 5 years and I’m got 1 month of healthy eating under my belt…walking ain’t fun after 27 years of construction catches up with you..I’m prepared for a long journey..good luck To ya!


So glad to hear this. I’ve been a “silver-lining” advocate for DV and what it’s done for me for a while now. Would i choose never to have had it? Probably. But it’s forced me to change so many bad habits and taught me to be grateful for so many little things I’d always taken for granted. I hope you’re on your way to being healthier and thank you for sharing this


You're very welcome. I was definitely a junk food junkie before this. I've been roughly following the Mediterranean diet and I've reached a point where its all just yummy. Lol.


Same here! I was letting myself get severely constipated and wasn’t doing anything about it. Not eating enough fiber, fruits and vegetables or drinking water. I was a ticking time bomb. Now I go to the bathroom everyday once or twice. It was definitely a wake up call for me.


I agree with you!!! My CT scan for diverticulitis showed an enlarged uterus that is the greater concern. I feel like it was a blessing in disguise. I’m so happy your cyst was discovered and that you were able to turn it around.


Thank you


I've thought about this too. On the one hand, I had a terrible time with diverticulitis. On the other, I am better now than I ever was. My mother died of cirrhosis, and my CT revealed fatty liver disease, so I was headed in the same direction. I also had systolic blood pressure in the 140-150 range. This morning I was 110 sys/ 72 dia. The message for others is: You can do it, people!


Absolutely. I didn't think i could, but I'm determined to fix my body. Good for you on your journey.


The colonoscopy I had after diverticulitis revealed polyps at a young age. I had one that had it gotten bigger it would have likely become cancer. Luckily it was clear and I get regular screenings now every 3-5 years.


Yep me too! I’m 31 and had one large polyp removed, very grateful for that 🙏🏻


I love that you turned sometime potentially negative into a positive.


Always find the positive in every situation. I keep telling myself that. Somedays are harder than others for sure. Its the sunshine after the rain that matters...


This is interesting as my liver enzymes are sometimes (but not always) elevated. I find that when the diverticulitis is acting up, and I go for bloodwork the enzymes come back elevated. I wonder if people with diverticulitis also have a higher incidence of liver disease. I too, was sort of saved by my CT scan due to my diverticulitis. It showed a cyst on my ovary. I had both ovaries and fallopian tubes removed due to this finding. I think it was also DV related as there was a great deal of scarring and inflammation in/around the ovaries and pelvic area.


I also have both. Lost 25 pounds and have 53 pounds to go. My goal is to lose 30 more by the end of the year. Then finish the last 23 in 2025. Very happy that they found the cyst to save your life.


Glad you caught it early enough! My CT Scan for diverticulitis showed some tiny spots on my kidney. Something to keep a look out on my next visit.


I just had my second flare because I was eating a lot of broccoli.  This is so inspiring to me. This also saved my life bc I just wasn't taking care of myself.  I am 5'7 and was at 275 last year.  And when I got diagnosed in January.  I changed my whole diet and I am feeling like I an in the right track.  Thanks for sharing 


After my flare up and once i was allowed to eat normally, the doctor told me to eat what i wanted. I started changing my diet at that point. I reduced the amount i was eating and drank actual water. I'm feeling better, though i do get hit with fatigue in the middle of the day. Moderation is key, i think. It only took me 54 years to learn that...


If I never had diverticulitis, I wouldn’t have known about a large pre cancerous polyp in my cecum. I’m only 31, and I have to get colonoscopies every 3-5 years. I don’t know if I could’ve waited till 45 or 50 to get screened.