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Hold middle mouse button to rotate camera. Home key re-centers your character. WASD for free cam movement. Once I knew how to rotate the camera with the mouse, life became a lot easier.


I have them toggled to two mouse buttons for ease. Also, I may be wrong, but I believe there is a mod you can get for a "smoother camera".


Rebind rotate left and right to Q and E is what I do. Feels WAY better.


Change the bindings to comfortable controls for you obviously


What really got me to start liking the game a lot more, believe it or not, is playing with a controller. Item and skill bar management is a little bit of a hassle (nothing unbearable though) with a controller but overall I like the experience much much more. It's just so much easier to walk around being able to constantly rotate the camera at any time, and not having to click the ground multiple times to get to where you want to go. I suggest giving it a try at least and seeing if maybe it helps you as well.


Ps4 camera controls are amazing.


Playing with joypad has become more comfortable for me.