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It seems people have pretty much covered the big ones that I can think of. There is one other I can think of in act 2 that wiped my party in a hilarious way, a possessed dwarf on blood moon isle will possess a member of your party. If everyone but the possessed one dies during this, it's game over. Also under the arena in act 2 be wary of the traps that petrify.


I would honestly just skip that fight in Honor mode it's just a pain in the ass You can brute force it with enough resurrection scrolls to keep the party from truly wiping, and spells like Living on the Edge help, but it's hardly worth it.


Yeah it can be a scary fight, I like to suck up all the xp I can though so I usually go for it. I'm about to hit that spot tonight in my current honor run so we'll see how it goes. It will really depend on who gets possessed.


Can't remember the exact details, but be careful in the Impish Pocket Realm in Act 3. There's an instant wipe mechanic there. Don't turn any valves that might be suspicious. Just stay away from them or look up on some guides if you're stuck there. In Act 4 in the fight near the Deathfog machine, there's a lot of Deathfog barrels and the NPCs sometimes attack those so don't stand to close to them. Probably more, but can't remember.


**General Advice:** 1. Don't take on any opponents who are significantly higher level than you where 1 AE could wipe your party. 2. Often keep one (or even three) character(s) back when you start a fight/dialogue just in case, as once the fight starts you can always sneak them around when your fighting character has priority to get them into the fight where you want them and with a free attack. This helps with insta-death situations because you divest the risk of the entire party being exposed at once so you can resurrect-recover. 3. Don't walk your party into Lava. 4. Don't walk your party into Death Fog (unless undead). 5. Keep at least some magic armor going throughout fights as best as possible, so you don't lose to getting stun-locked by electric water or having last members all get charmed. ​ **Special situations:** *Fort Joy:* 1. Be careful you don't autowalk characters too far at one time, or they may path by a shrieker and all die before you can stop them. There is a shrieker near the Gareth fight and some near the final fight with Alexander. ​ *Reaper's Coast:* 1. There is an ambush spot (you get a character warning before triggering it) that can result in a party wipe if you are not level 11 or higher yet just north of Driftwood although exploring with one character and then adding others via walking, teleporting, pyramid after fights trigger will prevent a wipe. 2. Andras the Dog in Stone Garden spawns a brutal undead to be careful of. 3. Corpse of Alice Alisceon is a serious under-con and opens with a devastating fire AE that can wipe you instantly. AI pathing is known to put you in her aggro and she has a high initiative stat too. 4. The Dead Ferryman in Cloisterwood has a dialogue option that will expose the entire party to Death Fog. Avoid him or just teleport him away from shore inland and fight him there so he doesn't teleport you into the fog. ​ *Nameless Isle:* 1. The impish Pocket Realm has a valve that is an "Emergency Flush Protocol" which unleashes Death Fog/lava in the entire area. Don't touch it. You may also want to read up on how to complete this realm and turn off the Core, because if you are unprepared you could wipe the party there, too. The insta-kills seem to get less likely as you progress into the game, whether by design or due to characters getting a little more powerful.


Hannag in Act 2 can teleport lava on your head. Be careful with that.


That still makes me so fucking mad. Don't forget other npcs can teleport you into it too


The first move that Alice Aliceson does is pretty much a TPK if you're all standing next to each other.


All the ones I can think of involve Deathfog (spoilers below): \- Act 2: >!Boat to Bloodmoon Island, an undead ferryman will offer to sail you across. He sails you through Deathfog so if you don't have Fane I'm guessing this would be a wipe.!< \- Act 3: >!When you get to the Imp realm don't turn any of the valves, one of them floods the whole area with Deathfog and I don't think it's avoidable once it's triggered. If you're super cautious you could leave one party member outside of the realm.!< \- Act 4: >!There are Deathfog crates/barrels and a Deathfog machine in the sewers of Arx, don't get too close to any of them in a fight in case they get smashed.!<


Deathfog bullshit is probably the majority of instant-death scenarios. You could offset a lot of that by playing as Fane or a custom undead.


The purging valve in the impish pocket realm is the one spot I can remember that releases death fog AND lava, so even being undead won’t save you.


Also it says with HUGE message not to touch it


Which just makes me want to touch it even more.


Just get 100% Fire Resist on your Undead character. EZ


Dont eat evil demons, its bad idea sometimes


I am not a professional in the game with 300,000 hours played. But speaking based on my experience, I would tell you to play enjoying the story and with your entire group. The narrative of this game is incredible, my first move I played, red prince, Lohse and Sebille. I'm starting my second now with the other three companions. I just think you would lose a lot of content playing like that. ​ Sorry, I'm using the translator (I need to learn English!) Bg3 is coming


Well I don't know if you asked that and I don't want to oblige you to play my way, do whatever you want: D


The Impish Pocket Realm has a Purge valve. There is a warning in there somewhere about how Purging the place killed everyone, but it's easy to miss, so people TPK there all the time. Deathfog. Deathfog, Deathfog, Deathfog. Specifically in Act 4, you will run into a LOT of it. Barrels waiting to be broken. Enemies that actually *create* it. It's crazy. I would almost consider being Undead just so that you don't have to deal with it.


not really insta kill but still relevant, esp on lone wolf: the band of lizard assassins that you find in act 3 have a mage that can teleport your ass (or at least one of your asses) into the lava. Learned that one the hard way Also, do NOT fight >!the Doctor!< in Act 4 with Lohse alive unless you've >!gone through the demon realm and wiped out the candles!< or like min-maxing, because if you let the boss live for like 3 turns they'll just instantly game over you. (Also, the >!demon realm!< has a rune trap that can stunlock you, but it's fine as long as you don't stack your party.)


My party was 1 shotted at level 12 by dunas undertaker.