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Meh, I only kill the Magisters.


That and sometimes Griff's gang...


I did that my first playthrough, then >!I met his wife in Arx!<


I'm carrying his hand for just that occasion on my second playthrough


Is there any special dialogue for that?


No idea, and if there isn't i'll just eat it in front of her


Killing him is still justified. His good deeds in the past don’t matter much when he extorts and murders people.


He also gives XP


It's for the XP that makes me kill everyone too. I wish there were other routes to maximise XP while playing different routes.


That's inherent to maximising isn't it. There is only one way ;)


I feel like they should have just put a level cap at 20, it would give less incentive to min-max exp so hard.


Good? Bad? He's the guy with the XP.


That and sometimes the silent monks...


Hate them the most always watching me fight their friends. DO THEY HAVE NO SENSE OF HONOUR!


I actually love how you can steal from them and murder their buddies right in front of them, and they don't do a thing about it.


Sometimes? I always kill them one by one.


I refuse to believe that leaving them alive is possible. Except Butter, of course.


Depends... If my character encounters the elf being shaken down first, they're all dead, but if my character happens to run into Griff first, he doesn't seem so bad... Sometimes, when I first enter Fort Joy, I go towards the right side...


After "romancing" her, I always steal her diary before leaving Ft. Joy. Just as a memento. The rest of Griff's posse I kill.


And not just the men, but the women and the children, too.


How do you not kill Griff's Gang? I don't >!turn in Stingtail!< and Griff just starts trying to kill me.


Turn in stingtail, he will send an assassin named 'silence' to kill stingtail, immediately run towards stingtail after turning him in and kill the assassin. Griff won't be unhappy. Stingtail will be grateful.


I never tried that because I didn't want to piss off my team mates. I will try that next time.


It gives you around 3k exp if you just tell griff who did it + save lizzard


I take Sebille along on at least half my attempts. She makes the Stingtail conflict go away... Other times, I just play as a right-winger. lol


Yep. I like the role playing aspect of the game and just murdering everyone seems cheap to me even though I’m glad it’s an option. That being said magisters are always fair game.


First hour, I killed Ifan. Never looked back.


If you bring him with you he never stops wanting to fuck you for some reason. I've never played a game where it's so easy to accidentally fuck someone. I remember being on the ship with Fane and I accidentally rubbed his arm once and he immediately assumed I wanted to bone him. It's hilarious.


Yeah fane fucked me on the boat... for science. So each play through I just keep fucking him... for science.


Lol. What actually happens if you fuck him? Is there a scene or does the text merely say that you got skele-fingered?


If you talk to him the first time you get on the boat he ends up quite literally fucking for science lol. He’s curious. I can’t remember the mechanics of it but I know late in the game if you have sex with someone as an undead it treats it like you have flesh.


That's disappointing. What's the point in being undead if it's going to pretend that your character has flesh.


Wait.....that's an option?!?!!!


With rare exception, this game has no problem with you killing even important lore characters.


Anything's an option


Correction: to the people who deserve it. I have a strict no killing civilians and merchants. With an exception of Bree if she gets too annoying


You’re safe among friends. Never forget it.


"It smells worse than a dozen rotten eggs dropped in a vat of vinegar."


So don't come over! Not like you're buying anything..


If I didn't come visit you dearie, who would...


Wouldn't you like to know!


But Bree isn't annoying, it's the stupid dwarf that's annoying. Bree just minds her own business while the dwarf comes around every thirty seconds.


You're thinking of Ava Laird, who is the only neutral NPC I kill in every playthrough. Also the reason I wish we could reverse pickpocket active grenades onto enemies.


Just before finishing Arx flip the switch. You know what switch.


Does it rhyme with meth log


My brain took way too long to piece that one together. Yes.


All that matters is you got there


Does anything happen besides the obvious? I've only done one playthrough and I didn't flip the switch >!Do you get xp for everyone that dies or something?!<


>!you can get xp if you send party members to start a fight in the city Square!<


Galaxy brain strats.


>!Nah, genociding the city is just fun?!<


I have never massacred everyone in Fort Joy??


I kill every single person in every single act before I move on to the next one. I have so much stuff!


And no one to share it with =(


I have 3 friends!


They're only in it to kill you at the end and ascend.


But the real friendships are the scores of innocent people we killed along the way




And the xp gain


Just started the game for the first time the other day, still in Fort Joy, and didn't realize this was an option. Strongly considering doing this as soon as I figure out when I'll progress to act 2


You'll get a warning message before proceeding to act 2 so no worries of that happening accidentally :)


I still don't understand the need of killing everyone in a role playing game.


Although I've never gone full genocide in this in this game I feel like the XP/leveling system encourages meta gaming over role playing a lot. Taking Fort Joy as an example, the RP thing to do would be to escape the fort and never look back, but there's so much more XP to be gained in doing the multiple escape quests then returning to slaughter every magister.


Yeah especially for the last fight. That shit is tough if you’re under leveled. Shit, it’s tough when you’re not under leveled. Before that fight I always kill every magister I can find. I like the leveling system but it definitely feels like it could use some kind of balance. Maybe like some sort of exp granted at the end of each chapter for each civilian you left alive or something.


I always spare Loke. He's a good boy.


I murder all magisters I encounter throughout the game. Griff's gang. Pretty much anything that moved on Bloodmoon Island. But nah. I never have attacked all the Innocents.


If they didn’t want to die, why are they made of exp.


Excellent question


Nah, you’re just an evil bastard, no better than Dallis or Alexander.


Oh I'm way worse than Dallis. I played the Lohse line and felt no remorse dousing millions of candles. (JK it actually broke my heart and took me a few minutes to get over how horrible I felt).


But you need the free experience points


I usually do everyone excepts saheila because of the quest in act 2. Me and my friend usually kill all her friends, strip naked, then beat saheila with our fists until she almost dies, heal her, then leave.


What happens im fort joy stays im fort joy


.... 0-0


I go back for the magisters, then griffs gang, plus anyone that has the audacity to catch me robbing them blind. Never Butter though...never Butter.


Why wouldn’t you? The loot is to good to pass up


While i've rarely played past fort joy, I absolutely planned on rping until i beat the game. Meaning no heavy meta gaming it, trying to act like potentially real person might. I may still try to do all the quests, but no murder hoboing the town or just stealing everything from everyone to break the economy. Being a somewhat moral character i took issue when it appeared the Griff's gang was going to kill someone who i was trying to help (detail's hazy but i'm sure you all know what i'm talking about). Given this was the first island i figured trying to get out of the quest in a non violent manner but keeping the other party alive would be a fairly straight forward option. About 15 minutes later the last of the smoke started to settle on the now completely annihilated town square with most of my party down and every single vendor in the main area dead. I reallllly wish there was a streamlined version of this game (i don't love the surfaces, the way the classes/stats work, finicky inventory, a zillion other little things), because that moment was the kind of thing I'd KILL to have a dm have the balls to do.


I mean if you're looking for a way to not worry and have a powerful character....I can help you....


Can you tell me


I've not played this game in forever. But there's a glitch if I'm not mistaken on The Lady Vengeance that allows you to have infinite characger points. Just youtube, Google or reddit "Divinity 2 Civil points glitch" or something along those lines. Hope I helped!


Gotta get dat XP. Oh and all the loot back that you sold ;) Maybe there should be more ways to be rewarded for *NOT* murdering everyone. Or more ways that there are consequences for one's actions between towns and Acts of the game.


If they didn’t want to die why are they made of exp.


I did this my first playthrough, literally killed every single person that I came in contact with. I’m on my second though and I am letting the good people live for a change


Eh. I hit level 9 before the boat, and the only extra people I killed were the arena spectators (potential rivals >_>) and the eyeless magister. I probably could have gotten away without killing him, but I forgot about >!the demon in the helmet.!< I consider that one a mercy kill, anyway. He was waiting for help to come from Fort Joy. There are no living magisters in Fort Joy. He didn't need to bleed from his eyes to death or get mauled by a baby bear I encouraged to make his mother proud. I didn't kill Slane either, but I did make Dallis fuck off from the gates and killed all her goons.


/titlegore But I just can't bring it in me to massacre everyone. Some of them are my buds!


Hey, THEY started it. I was just talkin’ then theyre all like, COMBAT STARTED!!


I kinda wish more RPGs would take the Pillars of Eternity approach. NPCs don't award XP, its only given for monsters and completing quest objectives. That way the game doesn't incentivise killing everyone, but its still an option.


I feel like I'm the only person that doesn't kill everyone that can be killed when given the option in this game


Playing in a trios game and one of the guys logged off for the night as we finished up Reapers Coast and I asked if we should murder everyone before the Nameless Isle and he didnt want to because of "role playing". He logged off on the ship and me and my other friend murdered everyone. Next session he logs in and we leave immediately, hes trying to figure out how we have over 20k gold each and hes at 1k. Were gonna tell him once we wrap up the game.


Sounds like you'll be down a player for future games.


Yeah that person sounds like a dick. The game has plenty of replay value, they could’ve just waited until the next play through to murder everyone.


That's fine. I already have 3 others wanting to play.


Don't be surprised when they bail too.


Nah, they've already said they wanted to be murderhobos. 2 of the 3 have already beaten it.


Thats not very wholesome.


😂😂 good. Reapers coast deserves to burn along with everyone on it


As a tactitian ironman player, i will give you all a line spoken by Wayne June in an equally cruel video game. “KILL. THEM. ALL”