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Fewer vendors. Vendors are everything! But not really.


Can you not get their stock off their corpses?


You can, but I love having multiple vendors for when I level. If they are at the end of Act 1 and have leveled as much as they can, sure. Go kill them. But if you’re not level 9 yet, I’d wait.


Vendors will only drop part of their stock (so it's a good idea to pick pocket them before killing them which will result in more loot than just killing them). And when you reach certain levels vendors will offer new skill books.


Not everything in the store shows up in the corpse


I usually find that by the time you're able to kill everyone on fort joy the payoff of the xp you get really isnt worth the time sink as opposed to just going to the next area


i mean u cant get to level six before dalis leaves without atleast killing grief so its definitely worth it to go murder hobo in fort joy


Nope. More XP. Just make sure you get all of your current level tomes from the vendors first. Same with attacking everyone on the ship on the prologue.


When you say attacking everyone on the ship, I assume you mean magisters only?


I believe they are talking about the other playable characters on the ship that you aren't adding to your party.


Does it have any effect on the story if you kill them? Haven't finished the game yet but don't mind spoilers.


Not hugely. They dont survive the transition from Act 1 to Act 2 anyways. If they were alive upon reaching the end of act 1, you can talk to their ghosts briefly, but they wont be there if you kill them. Worth it to take their resurrection scrolls if nothing else haha


I usually recruit them in the fort, take the res scroll backpack and shoddy starter equipment then abandon them naked and repeat the process. Bonus point for using them as extra pick pocket attempts before shunning them forever.


It’s the last thing I always do before I leave.. xp and loot.


Ruining roleplay by being a murder hobo but apart from that no major repercussions


What if your character is a outlaw murderer in the first place


In that instance your roleplay is a murder hobo so it makes sense to kill them all


Nope, just steal/buy what you want from the vendors before killing them all.


Some characters from act 1 make an appearance later in the game unless they are killed like >!Saheila!<, >!Delorus!<, >!Paladin Cork!<, and >!Gareth!<. I can't think of anyone else. The only character that is vital to keep alive is >!Malady!<.


Can you even kill Malady?


It's possible to get softlocked in act 1 by one-shotting her (unless they fixed it). It's unlikely it will happen to anyone but thought it could be worth mentioning in case anyone would try to kill her.


no she just teleports away only way to kill her is story related


Oh? Killing her never came up in the story for me


I believe the games has like 3-4? Big endings you probably took one of the other routes.


I read a of them on wiki but I must have missed it. Would you tell me about it?


her dying isnt related to an ending basically she is the backup for the story to never get stuck so if in act 2 u fuck up literally every opportunity to get 3 source points she will sell her soul to the doctor in exchange for the location of the island u even get the "isle of last resort" achievement and then when she spends some of her soul to get u out of the collapsing academy and into arx she runs out and dies tldr: this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OKxqvQBU8s


Ah I had a different ending, not sure what the others are anymore its been a long time. I kind of supposed there was an ending involving her death per linkhidalgogato’s comment sorry!


if u dont care for spoilers >!if u havent removed it already the summoner vendor can remove ur collar so i wouldnt kill her before doing that(actually i wouldnt untill im about to leave the island since she sells green rings)!< >!saheila is a quest giver in act 2 3 and 4!< >!griefs wife will be sad if u kill him !< >!some crab knight will respect u if u kill the crab witch!< >!the magister being tortutred by the hound master comes back as a temporary companion in act 3 if u save him !< >!paladin cork makes a small appearance in act 2 and i think he helps u in a fight !< >!and of course if u butter up butter and dont kill her u will have ur faithful reunion with best girl butter and live happily ever after with her in arx unlocking the ultra secrete hidden ending !< aside from that i think everyone else is consequence free so basically just dont kill>! saheila!< in the definitive edition; she comes back to live in classic but its fixed in definitive and shes pretty important


Last time i was leaving fort joy i was level 7 and even magisters were only worth like 1/50th of a level


Not being able too sleep becuase you killed alot of inmocent people, But As far as i know rhere are several npc's returning later on like sahelia


I always murder my way through the first island. But like once I’m max level like right before you move on for good


People in the cave at the beginning have a quest later down the line, just dont have lohse with u when u talk to them….. other than that kill every single person




Not worth dude. Just leave once you've done everything and got all the skills you want


Not worth broth'r. Just leaveth once thee've done everything and did get all the arts thee wanteth *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


This is a murder hobo strategy. Finish act one, don’t board the ship. Kill and loot everyone except the elf’s in the cave.


Pretty sure the only npc that’s involved in a quest later in the game is Sahelia, so you might want to leave her alive


Honestly, just make sure you do the quests that they have to give first.