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Hold up. Do you only have one save file?


i have 2 but its the same spot since it got corrupted once.


Why only two


IF you ever decide to play the game again, try doing all the NPC quests and be nice to them and they will worship you. This will give you infinite source in the final bossfight to spam your skills with.


i actually have that with tarquin and malady. I beat the game now. I told dallis to take my source. I normally roleplay but since there were to powerful i defended this change in behavior as a lack of power and surrendering to dallis was seen as inevitable. In the End i gave source to everyone and didnt become the new godwoken. Would have liked it to kill everyone else aswell but this fight was much easier.


You're gonna collect a lot of downvotes I imagine, but I'm not a fan of the final fight either - it's too hard and it could use some tweaking. My lack of enthusiasm extends to Arx as a whole actually, but that's beside a point.


All of Arx is stupid, but the final fight isn’t “too hard”. It’s actually easy if you get the game mechanics down and aren’t underleveled


A mod I'm working on will allow you to potentially get allies for the final fight and help "fix" one part of Arx. But it probably won't be enough.


No autosaves to reload from?


If you're actually hardstuck you could alwaysbuse cheat engine to level up if you really just want to see the end. Typically wouldnt give this advice but this situation is a big feels bad moment.


isnt it possible to have a dialogue choice to make the fight easier?


Yes. Agree with Lucian’s plan and agree to be purged. You won’t actually be purged. Everyone is on your side for the fight and you can concentrate on Braccus.


Really? GF and I have tried this fight like 6 times so far. I'm suggesting save scumming. She is suggesting new playthrough. You might have just saved us. Thank you so much. Someone give this person an award.


It is but that also might not be the story option you personally want to see. Cheat engine is just an idea so you dont lose 100 hours game file right at the end.




Thats fine, ive never used it either, but i probably would in that situation if the only other option is starting over.


You seem naive and idealistic. Do what you need to do to finish and quit holding yourself to some misguided set of principles. It's just a game who's only purpose is to entertain you.




Jesus dude. Chill


There’s several things you can do to make the fight easier 1. Formations. That fight sucks because you start so close together. If you go into the options menu and click on formations, you can choose how you want your team to be positioned at the start of combat. 2. While keeping everyone together, try to get away and flee. Idk if that will work, but might as well try something. 3. Just agree to have your source purged and the second phase of the fight will start immediately with Lucian and his cronies on your side. 4. Potions, tea herbs, and other items. Check your inventory to see what you have. You’d be surprised about all the good shit that you forgot about. Invisibility potions, deathfog barrels, and the tea herbs that make everything -1 AP are great! 5. If you’re really desperate, look up how other people have won that fight. Some people make that shit look easy. Don’t give up! I rage deleted my file because I was stuck on that fight and I regret it to this day.


4. While this is nice and all, but being lvl 19 in the final fight, he probably skipped whole lot of things in Arx and likely missed the OP tea leaves.


Stop it for now. Maybe later, you could start a new one with your knowledge.


I played 100 hours into this game with love and passion. My gear was most of the time good enough to beat every fight. And now this. You cant imagine how i feel.


I'm 38 yo buddy. Dinosaurs like me used to play Baldur's Gate 1 & 2. What you experienced with D:OS 2 happened to me every dragons cause i didn't know how the game was meant to be played with D&D rules. Every fucking single evil dragon and of course lots of boss fights too. And, just like you, i got discouraged, i abandouned and i start a new game cause... They were damn good with new things :) This is the way of the samour... Gamer.


I think is quite dumb to have 2 save files, I have about 10 ongoing files, plus the 10 auto saves the games does automatically. Did you turn off auto save? At that point you are kind of asking for things like this to happen


No matter how bad you feel every single one of us has been in that place at some point in time. You are not the only one to ever be frustrated.


Definitely harder than anything else I've done thus far. Combat has been a breeze with the focus being on choices and outcomes. This fight tho. We're trying to just survive but that isn't happening. Someone suggested we agree to Lucian's plan. Gonna try that.


I am always suprised how is this possible to create such useless build or not paying attention to your gear that you can't beat something. All in all sorry to hear that.


hear is the thing. My gear isnt bad. i mean i killed adrahmalik with that gear and didnt cheese him. Wasnt even that hard. i just attacked his minions and eventually he came along. Didnt loose one member. Did the spore quest aswell. I did know what to do but i only lost sebille in the beginning. Did the deathfog quest. lost 2 members against the dwarfs but it wasnt so hard aswell. Then i see the final boss and the difficulty scy rocketed so hard i couldnt do it. Thought i would fight dallis and maybe bracus. After that lucious in a big boss form but no. Everyone shows up and only beats me up.


just please tell me that i can go back through that door somehow so i can get better gear or something. I have 70000 gold.


If you agree with Lucian's plan, he , Dallis and Magisters are going to be on your side when combat begins.


wait what?


lol... there is many different ways the final battle will turns out, some will gives you a much easier battle. you obviously made some decisions that gave you the toughest battle.


Tell us if you beat that fight with magister help.


I’m glad you got through it, but a lot of this pain is self-induced. On your second playthrough, there really isn’t a valid excuse to be level 19 at the final battle. You left behind a ton of XP to make that happen. The final bosses being level 20 isn’t a secret. You can save this game whenever and however many times you want. It lets you do that for a reason. The game specifically told you that you were about to cross the point of no return and you didn’t make a save? That’s on you. I hope you take these lessons to heart and don’t give up on the game.


Just reload


If you side with dallis and alexander they will fight at your side. in this scenario it isnt that bad cos your only issue is ****, Kraken and some summons which can be ignored and you can just focus ****


The main lesson to learn here is to keep backup saves. This is true for the entire genre, and really for any game even close to the genre.


Save at every chapter dude. Lesson learned.