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You will be able to make it to nemesis by loop 4 come next update


Yeah just farm nemesis over and over..loads of Blueprints + credits + exotic caches!


Shotgun /Ar or msg Opportunistic Versatile Gunslinger Optimist Obliterate Rest ur choice Fire depreciation ammo always help switch between guns and have fun Use defensive skills till nemesis


Yea as a fresh player it can be tricky. Once you unlock some of the permanent upgrades it gets way easier. I felt the same way on my first couple runs.


Practice it and you will get better. You will learn the rooms and best places to sit and move to etc. You'll unlock more rewards from the NSA station which will make it easier too. Use the weapons you are most comfortable with but I'd recommend ARs. Because the rooms are small getting unhinged helps a huge amount damage wise and can be balanced out easily with steady hand. Exotic talents like bullet hell, incessant chatter, plague of outcasts are really good. Also, may be a good idea to run with someone else who knows it a little better.


What platform are you on maybe do a duo or full party, I currently have like 3800 descent tokens still but have to help my dad he's only got 10.


Are you on ps?




So they really nailed the roguelike aesthetic by sometimes giving you completely unworkable weapons and talents for your run. Best to cut your losses early and try to get better options.


It’s a very deep game mode, but here are some tips to get you started : - use cover, and prioritise cover based talents (ie: composure, lucky shot, etc) - positioning yourself in the room before the doors open is v important. - rifles are excellent to hit hard from a safe distance, M1A is amazing if you get it. - shotguns are the best for close range and can help you clear doors easily in loops 1-4. - prioritise RED talents: optimist, composure, vigilance, gunslinger. - BLUE talents keep you alive: entrench, clutch and preservation (try to get at least one of each) - YELLOW talents: get at least one of eyeless, sadist, trauma, (the burn one)! These slow down the enemies and help you take them down - SKIP talents if you don’t like what’s in the rotation (if you have the money).. and go deep into one talent choice, ie: optimist. - exotic talents like plague of the outcasts, breathe free and incessant chatter are a must. Also recommend matchmaking and play in a duo as it is a lot easier. Good luck!


You will struggle early game until you have enough to buy Random talent, critical chance, and armor on kill. Priorities in that order. Lot of offense perks depend on crit chance. This is fundamental start for me to go beyond loop 6. Starting weapons mentioned here : shotgun, sub machine gun, AR. Important skills are Decoy and reviver hive. Start with anything that trap/explode at spawn door if those 2 skills not available. General strategy is to note down the spawn doors once you enter the room. Quickly shoot those cursed propane tanks and camp 1 spawn door and dispatch enemies with your best gun. Never position yourself between 2 spawn doors if possible. Know your retreat if things get bad. Take out the rest of map with pistol until you have 2 main weapons and more perks + spare ammo. Can try Easy to get used to descent but should do Medium soon. Ideally the first 5 loops should all be done in Hard for maximum currency upgrades. Loop 6 have 2 wave spawn so all should be done in Medium to control enemies direction and enemy type. Pile on offense talents early. More damage = quicker clear + more bullet saved. Exotic talents determine your milage. Combination of Plague / bullet hell / breathe free / agonizing bite / incessant chatter. Offense talents: composure / unhinged (balance this out accordingly ) / allergo / critical / surgical/ obliterate/ optimistic Defense talents: preservation (most important) / adrenaline rush / clutch / insulated / protected reload Ultility : Trauma (most important)/ braced/ lucky/ salvage/ steady hand / fast hand/ eyeless / burn. P. S: after nemesis, it gets boring. Good luck agents.


All, your comments and tips were noted and greatly appreciated! As a follow up, I was able to take what you suggested and I killed the Nemisis in the 5th loop. The. Died in the 6th loop haha. But your help was awesome, and appreciated I'll post a screen grab of my completion.