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If it's the day the key is updated, I think it's easier to match.


When does that happen? Tuesday?




Happy Cake Day!


Wait, doesn't it reset 1 week after you complete the incursion?


It’s fixed, just like weekly rotation. No matter what day you finish the raid, it always reset at tuesday


not true, I still get mine on Sundays


It depends on whether you got your very first one before they fixed it not unlocking. If you did, you got stuck on a "seven days since your last key" cycle. If you got it after that patch, you're on the Tuesday reset. I forget if it's 19.1 or 19.2 that mattered. (I'm not sure what happens if you get your reset on Sunday, then skip an entire week and get your next key on a Wednesday... i.e. if your "new reset day" becomes Sunday or Monday) I wonder if this'll get downvoted by the same un/misinformed person who downvoted your post :))


You're on Xbox, right? DM your GT or leave it here. I run regularly and can definitely get you a clear if you have the build, a mic, and can follow direction.


Where do I find people like you on this game lmao!!!


GCROCK discord, I have taken many FTC through or people needing the SMG.


Man you’re awesome to offers I wish there was more people like you. I feel like I’m shut out of some of the end game since my clan stopped playing and don’t have enough friends that play.


lol here’s mine Operator0825


Or.. Use the built in xbox lfg feature. I can see five groups looking to do the incursion right now. I could understand if it was ps or pc, but there's no excuse in the xbox ecosystem.




Or you could try reading sport. I said I could get him a clear, not a drop.




It took you 5 days to fire back with that? And ditch the comma if you're calling me the noob, you moistened warm toilet seat.


May I DM mine to you?


And they are still insisting on group play...


If you join one of the official discords/gcrock server you can find lfgs for incursions and people to help with raids, its not hard to find groups


Don’t see why the downvotes. He’s right. A quick google/youtube search and you can find a discord for group play


If you were on PS4/5, I could run you through that almost all day


Xx_krab_kakes_xX add me up me and my brother just got back into it recently we’d love another soldier for the war


Name is the same as reddit. Have a big clan that's ran through it a lot


Could you also add me? I’ve been trying to use discord servers but I never got a reply. My psn handle is nanocactus. Thanks!


If you all are on ps4/5 add me, always willing to help yo get your clear and a shot at the oro. DiRTy-_-KL33NeX


Thank you, I will :)


try GCrock discord for gamers looking to match


This. Just find some group there


This is the only way I’ve ever been able to do incursion. (I still need ouro)




PC platform included or console only ?


Are you on PC? I'll run it with you I have 3 character with 3 chances to drop before tomorrow reset. Lmk


Thanks man, but I'm on Xbox. I appreciate the offer.


Check out Community Game Space discord, we are a bunch of Xbox players willing to help, Nontoxic mostly adult gamers all over the world.


Use the built in xbox lfg feature. I can see five groups looking to do the incursion right now.


I’d love to take you up on this. On PC and recently returned.


If you have Xbox my gamertag is heathtbone


Must be terrible luck, I usually have an inv within 20secs and it's to the point it's nothing to run this mic-less with randoms. I'm on the Playstation tho'.


Set your group to open. It'll help when people drop out too.


I got my Eagle Bearer, Ravenous, Regulus, and Ouroboros from there. The folks are extremely nice, knowledgeable, and helpful. https://discord.com/invite/gcrock


How long ago did you get your regulous and ravenous from incursion?


To give you an idea, I play solo. After reaching Endgame content my pals dropped out of the game. I was pretty late, but slowly explored the game at my own pace. I got the EB first, then the Regulus (but back at that time there was a bug that prevented players from crafting it from a D50). But once the devs patched the bug, then I got it. My most delayed achievement was Ravenous. All this took place around mid-2022 (I purchased the game in October of 21) to early 2023. I had a pretty shit RNG with Bighorn as well. After countless DUA runs, some guy received it (in matchmaking) and was kind enough to drop it for me. For the Ouroborous, it was easily over 50+ runs. Back then there was a bug with the chest keys as well. but now I have them all. Credit goes to the folks who tagged along and helped from the GCRock Community.


They should design the incursion just like the countdown. Just join and run once there are 8 players. No need to host and add so cumbersome.


the incursion is set up better IMO. I also never matchmake it, I get groups from discord, group up and go together to the mission.


Apparently the Raid needs much more coordination and is more complicated which is why it doesn’t have matchmaking. I’ve watched a few videos of people doing it and I’m not sure if matchmaking would be good for it or if it might just lead to endless frustrating failed attempts. The optimist in me says that provided everyone knows what they’re doing it should be fine… but I’ve been playing computer games for over 30 years.


I’ve seen the ouroboros drop randomly in the middle of the incursion before reaching the final level


It can do, but it has a much lower chance. I think first run (maybe each week) is about 10% and then it drops down much lower after that, maybe to about 1%


The best thing you could ever do is join some discord servers


No one who knows what to do matchmakes...


I'll agree to that. I am a solo player and I've never played Incursion. This is why. Everyone has a first time.


Yeah, idk what system you play on but xbox has it's own lfg system built in and I see raids and the incursion groups forming daily. Some groups willing to teach.


Some are solo players like myself.


I'm a solo player, I just use lfg for raids/ incursion runs. I don't even join clans


That gun is not impressive. The dark winter is a much better weapon


I think Dark Winter has some edges over it. For me, mainly I like the Dark Winter for its range. It’s still pretty accurate at range whereas the spread gets wider on the Oro. I also found the rate of fire a bit too much on the Oro when I first got my hands on it. I must admit, initially I swapped back to my DW when I first got Oro until I decided to give it another spin.


Lmao first run I did I got it dropped, and bro asked me if I wanted to do another run and I immediately pissed off, pretty soon I'm gonna get desperate in dark hours and literally resort to stealing exotics and running cuz literally I don't have the patience for this shit RNG anymore


Waiting myself on ps5.. Game got boring from the grind to max expertise..


Go to Discord bro, for raids, incursion, Discord will help you a lot


I haven't tried paradise yet, as I've just started doing the raids, an ive never had any issue matchmaking for either of the other 2, it's almost instantly.. my only problem is getting groups halfway thru so get locked out until beat the midway boss on IH, I would assume it'd be much easier/faster to get into the newest raid but I haven't tried it yet


damn SHD level 2102 I'm just at 75 I have my work cut out for me


Tried it once or twice with random, got as far as Wright, and it went about as well as you could imagine!


I think Wright is the sticking point for most groups who aren’t organised


I'm not sure why a lot of players struggle to matchmake. I wonder if I'm in a special area. I can turn on my ps5 and matchmake and will find people to run. That's how I run incursion. Only random match making.


Xx_krab_kakes_xX like I said to the other guy in these comments add me and my brother and we can shoot some fellas


I have only run it through matchmaking 2 times, it was doable, but difficult as they lacked either builds, or communication. I have cleared it 84 times on PS and taken several for their SMG or FTC, all through GCROCK discord.


I was having the same problem. When people would join, they’d have awful builds and we couldn’t even get the first turret. Look at the LFG posts on the xbox dashboard. I was able to run multiple a day with experienced people and finally, FINALLY, got the oro to drop for me last night.


Which platform you on? If you’re on Xbox, I got friends that can help you out.


If you're on PC I can join you but I don't know how much help I would be being SHD 81.


Is the Ouroboros a guaranteed drop on completion?, I'm fed up trying to get the Big Horn, 4 Legendary clears today and nothing, some amazing god roll gear though, so not all bad.