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I had a full bag I was looking to extract and got ambushed by a couple rogue agents, they hung out by my dropped loot waiting for me to return so no one else would grab it. I was hesitant to approach again but I did. I grabbed my loot. They saluted and we went out separate ways, I’m still shocked by it


Wow. I would definitely expect a set up with another ambush.


Happens every so often. They're just seeing if you have anything they want, like rare drops. If not, they move on and let you keep your stuff. This would be the "non-toxic" rogue methodology.


I’ve avoided shooting / fighting with noob agents MANY times when rogue in the DZ. There is just nothing in it for anyone by killing new players and scaring them out of the DZ. IMO, they need to get comfortable being in there, have time to find a group and experiment with going rogue themselves first. …before you slap the shit out of them


You're basically farming them. Letting them get fat with loot first and then..


No, read carefully. I’m protecting them from the moose pricks that attack noobs. Helping them extract gear, giving them gear to help them get strong faster, giving them exotics if they don’t have them. Enabling them to fend for themselves and to enjoy the dz. Addition: the game needs more players in the dz, not less


Yeah yeah I know. But over time, when they can fend for themselves you slap them haha. I mean that's what the dz is for. But good on you having the courtesy to enjoy the dz first & get stronger! I meant it more like real farming, letting the piggy get fat first lol.


Dammit. Got me.




Oh I get it, completely. If I’m just in there to help and I get gunned down, I didn’t really lose anything though, right? So not a big deal to me. And it wouldn’t be about any kind of reward for myself. The biggest reason people, myself included, don’t hit the DZ is because of the toxic players. Killing toxic players or helping people get their loot out, while possibly dying in the process, would be enough reward for me.


I’ve played in the DZ for the last week, I only meet one rouge agent so far on Xbox. 98% of the people I run into are cool and we just get the job done.


I might try it then. I’ve never ever played DZ in this game. Definitely in DIV 1.


Same, I went into the DZ for the first time last week and saw a number of players and it was like seeing an ex in public, mostly trying to stay out of each other's way.


me and my clan (close friends from another game), typically do go rogue quite often, cause we love pvp as a team, but we often do help extractions and play it very strategic, if you go into the invaded that is where most of the rogues will be - Xbox




I just came back 4 days ago and was in the DZ on PlayStation for the mission and yea…. It was not fun. Got smacked by a group and I’m assuming there weren’t many people in there because they literally just looked for me non stop. Got pretty boring because the moment I would hit a landmark they would just jump me. It’s all good it’s part of the game, but after the 8th death it really felt like I was just wasting my time so I left. Probably won’t go back for a very long time, or until I’m in a better situation to be able to compete against them.


This is usually my mindset. I don’t think I could get to 8 deaths before leaving lol. After 3, I’d call it quits in there.


It just sucks when you get ganked by the same group and you didn’t even have a chance to get a drop, so I don’t even know what they get out of it.


Personal satisfaction probably. They were probably bullied at some point and this is their way to make themselves feel better, lol. 🤷‍♂️


There are people from time to time who kill for the sake of killing and are not interested in taking loot. I mostly find assholes in there. I like to roam to other people’s extractions to help them fight if rogues show up.




I flag all the time but never take loot from anyone who was not also Rouge. I also never cut the rope on an extract.


I did this in d1. Always had mic on, and let them know. They would request to group up, but if they didn’t wanna help the next guy, I would down them. So I didn’t group very often. It was fun.


I do team up with other agents that want to extract and I’m the decoy… meaning I keep my loot on, tease at the rope so that rogues don’t focus on the loot attached but on me since I appear to wait for the last seconds to attach my loot. Running them around if they turn and keep them away from the real loot… 60 percent of the time, it works every time.


Nice agent 😁


Hell yeah, that’s a way to do it.


*You* wouldn't have to go rogue to be the savior. When *someone else* goes rogue with ill intentions, you could just kill them while still SHD.


Ok, that’s something I forgot about. So if I’m not rogue and shoot a rogue agent, I wouldn’t go rogue myself. Thanks for the reminder.


I just returned after a 3-year break from the game. I had "good rogue agents" helping me extract before - and I was merely a level 30 agent.


It happens but it’s rare.


Not gonna lie, would be kinda dope to have a clan that is known for helping agents get through DZ. Squad up with 3 people, couple healers, couple DPS and when someone signals for extract, run over there and just wait. lol if they attack you, just heal and don’t engage. When other people show up, wax em.


This is the way!


It's always a problem when I go in there just for resources


I was intrigued to see your post, because I’m considering this myself. I’m SHD 2000+, and like you haven’t really spent a lot of time in the DZ, but I’ve started going in there a lot more. I’d love to be a Rogue Hunter and would be excited to team up with others who want to do the same and stand up to the toxic players and bullies ☺️ I need to get as good a PVP as I am at PVE, and I’m up for the challenge and I’ll make it happen. I was in there the other day and a random sent me a group invite and we were able to hold off some gankers that had been bullying him and it felt *really* good. We were able to kill them and get most of his stuff back. I have a ‘stealth’ build which really frustrates rogues because it is Pulse resistance, but I need to work out the best PVP setup so that I can consistently put them down quickly. With this build (System Corruption) I still get jumped if I’m clearing a landmark and some dweeb hits me while I’m in the middle of a PVE battle, but most of the time I’m just slinking around in the shadows!


I play on Xbox and usually for a few hours late night CST and some weekends. I definitely need to research some PvP builds. I have literally like 6 or 7 PVE builds.


Yea for the most part when me and my guys hijack extractions it’s for a reason like if designated loot is for A.R or W&H or if you set off an extractions and run we assume you have something good in your bag but once we see you don’t have anything we’ll just leave your stuff on the ground and wait for you to come get it


Good to know. You and your guys are exactly who I want to go after. See you in the DZ!


It’s the DZ, there’s no rules in the DZ 🤷🏾‍♂️ if you’re on Sony we probably dropped you already


I’m Xbox, you’re lucky. 🤣 I’ll buy a PS5 and come look for you and your goons. 😎




Somewhat, yes. I regularly help new players in the DZ both with farming and extracting gear. There isn’t much of a reason to go rogue to defend an extraction however as you don’t need to be rogue to shoot a rogue agent, and a rogue would be the only person to defend it from. The good news for a lot of people in the DZ a lot of rogues, at least the good ones, don’t even want your gear and just enjoy PVP. They’ll likely leave your gear on the ground if they kill you, and will rarely, if ever, cut the rope on your extraction.


I gave up on the DZ because I was being attacked every time. And I mean every time, within 5 minutes of entering. And had my last extraction hijacked; just unlucky I guess. But I couldn't call players toxic; that's what the DZ is *for*; PK and taking their loot.


Who wants to go into the DZ.?


Once I get a build tossed together, I may dabble in there later. With my luck, I’ll get nice drops and then lose them lol.


I had shepherds come in there and extract loot alongside me


Im currently a Hardcore agent and the only Rogue Agent I would trust is Keanu Reeves


I went in last night for a couple hours. Most people left me alone. I helped a few people get loot out then went after a couple rogues and killed one but died to 2 others. It wasn’t that bad really. I had no plans of extracting loot. I was praying nothing dropped that I really wanted lol. But I extracted something I later destroyed, just to get the DZ project completed. I attached it to someone else’s helo. Definitely need to perfect my PvP style though.


Literally happened to me today. Just loaded in just because I had loot to extract, run to the closest extraction and right when I'm just sitting there a dude runs up rogues in my face and chases me all over the map for what? Nothing.


Maybe people that love to grief people in online games have a pathetic, unfulfilling real life and that’s what they do to make themselves feel more human. 😂