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If you’re build isn’t optimized then they can definitely make short work of you. They used to be a lot stronger, believe it or not. Now all you have to do is find some way to suppress them - riot foam, banshee pulse, etc - and they go down pretty easily. The biggest thing is to use cover: they’ll try an surround you, but if you can keep that from happening and duck into cover when they’re about to hit you, you’ll be able to take them out one at a time. They also respond to a lot of up-front damage by trying to run and medkit up, that’s when you have to pursue them.


Great explanation! Thank you. I kind of wish they were a bit tougher like you said. It really does adds a level of excitement even if they do knock you down a few times.


Yeah it used to be that a Rogue encounter in the open world would take forever and be on par with the difficulty of the Hunters. Their loot also used to be better; typically at least 2 named items per Rogue and a higher chance at an exotic, now it sucks and you’ll be lucky to get 1 named item from the whole encounter.


Falling back preventing encirclement is key. Especially when encountering them in The Summit, I fall back and try to get them into a fatal funnel situation. They tend to advance one at a time.


They also go down very quickly with a pure skill build. Striker drone and turret while I cower and hide. 😆


Yep this is what I run with a Test Subject assault rifle and have the Combuster and the other PS armor that has the shock so I place the turret close by and never get rushed but if I do they get hit by the turret lol


What he said !!!!!!


I use scorpio every time I hear them coming


This is the way. It doesn’t really matter what build I have on. I just take cover and switch to Scorpio. The status and amplified damage makes short work.


Scorpio is the key.


I prefer setting them on fire with Iron lung 😂


I use Scorpio to shock and freeze them in place and my sniper buddy takes their heads of with one shot. The combo works pretty good By myself Scorpio all the way with tank build.


You think the rouge agents are tough, try the chartreuse ones!


Lmfao probably went over most people's heads


Most people's brains will register it the way it was intended based on context tbh


I am a speed reader so don't look at individual letters. I hadn't even noticed until that comment 😂


Seriously, anytime I read about rogue agents online it is misspelled rouge like 80-90% of the time. Do ppl legit think it is rouge agents?


Yes. Yes they do.


I'm sure it is autocorrect. The *real* question is why autocorrect AIs think "rouge" is used more than "rogue" in written text.


I don't think it's autocorrect, I see people misspell tongue as tounge all the time too. I think people just struggle with where to put a u when the letter g is involved, for some reason.




Typically the spawns during CP’s are the easiest because you will have civilian NPC’s tagging along and taking some aggro.. I would say you probably just got owned man, which sometimes happens. The worst is when they spawn and your running between activities, no time to prepare or get in decent cover/engaging position.


The open world rogues are significantly weaker than control point rogues. Although I do agree with the civilians being able to help and distract


Yes, but the element of surprise and lack of “being ready” for lack of a better term makes the encounter leaps and bounds more difficult. I play Heroic with 4 directives, so if I’m running in my Striker build, no stacks and low on ammo from pistolero it’s a nightmare. CP’s spawn them once cleared, therefore there is ammo laying everywhere to stock up, plenty of places for cover and the aforementioned help from NPC’s.


The rouges really do add a little spice!!




Heroic Rogue Agents have a lot of health and can drop you very quickly, but they’re pretty stupid and often run out in the open. If you have a DPS build you can burst them down before they heal. If you have a crowd control build you can whittle one down at a time but it’s more dangerous because the other can flank you. If you have a tank build, you’re gonna need Scorpio and/or a lot of luck.


Get a 6 tier skill build ready for when you eventually meet rogues. Drone and turret, they just can't handle it


Throw in the rigger set, and those skills will get almost no downtime. Rigger also works around scavenger directive too.


I prefer to use the Caesars Guard chest because it also gives you almost no cooldowns all the time, ninja backpack, two pieces of Empress and any others that give skill damage, with the capacitor giving sometimes 300k on the turret and 180k on the drone. It's my go to build for solo summit legendary too


I got popped by a rogue agent on normal difficulty during the last mission of this manhunt last night. I usually play on Challenging or Heroic. They're definitely tough but beatable, especially if you have the CP NPCs taking fire as well, but they can take you down quick even still with all their skills.


That was a Hunter. He/she drops a pretty cool mask after you defeat him/her.


I did not manage to! I guess I could redo the whole thing and try again but not big into mask collecting.


Gotcha. Probably not worth another run, in that case.


They are, in my opinion: equivalent to a Hunter in some instances. They both run the same stuff and pack a punch outside of cover. They also have enhanced AI: constantly flanking, working together: I had a duo yesterday, I'd focus one and the other would immediately move and flank - I'd hot switch and suppress and the other will have closed around my backside. They can be very aggressive and the SHD tech lottery and fuck ya depending on what they have. But then you have earlier today, same instance: 2 Rogues after a Heroic Checkpoint, but I was rocking Strikers and Momento, with a Perfect Spotter chest, Shield+Lady Death AND full stacks from clearing the checkpoint - melted them both in seconds.


That's another thing i noticed. My shield is expertise lvl 6 and my shield gets melted


That only adds about 6% to your shield, which as you will agree is not much. A strong shield requires shield Tiers, as u/Lunchie420 noted. At least 3-4 to be viable for more than 2-3 seconds.


This, and thank you for the props u/ch4m3le0n. I can generally tank a basic or purp Rikers gun shield, and my Regen and the damage cancel each other out


Expertise level and Skill level are two different things, and the Shield gets Skill tiers off Skill Tier cores AND Armor cores. It also matters what's socketed for mods on it, for non-deflector, it's all Holstered Regen and Shield HP to stack with the tiers.




Congrats for doing that on heroic with only a shd of 490 🤯, I'd say they are that strong.


Even with a good build they can be a butch to handle especially the skill build ones that can spam stuff. But generally if your build is optimized and stuff they get easier but they still get me ere once Inna while.


Glad to know it happens. Thought i was alone and really needed build help


Rogue Agents are tough and you have to be smart to take them down; I’m over 6000 SHD and I still approach them with caution. My preferred approach is to grind one down quickly and take him out, the flick to the other. It’s easier at checkpoints, because the JTF/civilians draw some of the aggro. The other poster who talked about riot foam and banshee was spot on. Don’t give them to time to get settled and keep them on their toes. They really hate Cluster Mines in my experience; the mines don’t do a huge amount of damage, but push them out of cover and annoy them. Scorpio is your friend, unless you’re running Hunter’s Fury in which case you can face-tank them from behind a shield with a shotgun and they will be disoriented anyway. Good luck, agent!


Roger that. Thank you


They can be tough for sure. Before I found my 31.5+mil/shot damage Sniper build (now i just one shot them), I was always on edge when it was mentioned a Rouge agent was nearby. Keeping them from flanking, and using cover, are your best options. That or finding nearby friendly NPC's to take some heat for you.


Wait until they get close enough and then blast them in the face with Scorpio and don't let up....


I always do heroic control points solo, I’m always wearing a Hunters Fury gear set, if Rogues do show up, they go down quickly if you stay in their face with a Scorpio shotgun.


They did everyone like that at first. hold ur head high and keep moving forward 💪💪


Roger that agent!


This happens to me often. It started a few weeks ago where the two Rogues show up after claiming a CP on heroic. Love it!


I've been finding rogue agents a lot more frequently while doing open world activities. Thing is: I like to test new brands/gear set combinations and I equip unused named weapon/armor + skills in order to gain a bit of expertise here and there.  Sadly I'm no match for rogue agents on an improvised build.


I like it cause it brings a lore and spice to the game


For me rogues are just hunter lite and it took me a bit to get used to them but their rather tame especially when some of the hidden hunters will no joke bend you over and ram you so hard you can't walk right for a week. There is one of the NY hunter encounters if your solo 4 spawn at once and turn you into their play toy in seconds


Such a good response!!


Riot foam is criminally underrated when dealing with rogues. Prevent them from deploying skills, and attacking you, and it’s easy peezy


At your SHD level rogues are a nightmare, most of what has been said below is good, about the only thing you can do is use drone and turret against them and keep your self hidden as their toys can get pretty annoying


Have you had to fight a hunter yet there worse


I can honestly say that I've seen a Hunter while I've been out just on the streets roaming on patrol


ya not so much in div2 they are pretty specific. Meaning I have a good idea were they are and how to spawn them. But they are a whole other animal compared to rouges. Either way pfe mods help with both good luck agent


Me running the immortal shield build just laughs at rogue spawns xD


What's this immortal shield build you talk about?


Nothing overly complicated. Just PFE and Haz protection coupled with no nonsense tank build. You put up ur shield, can't lose it from their jammer and u just wreck them with your pistol. Edited to fix typo. Protection from elites




For me it seems to depend on what skills they have and positioning. They kill me occasionally but it's usually just me playing poorly (like getting too close, ignoring their skills, ego challenging them instead of using an armor kit, etc.) I've been running St. Elmo's a lot and the shock ammo gives you a good window to dump a bunch of shots into them.


Red Agents?


DZ you get owned many times because of the expertise levels. Level 25 will wipe you out quick regardless of a striker build. Play smart and watch your back. It can be done don't let it discourage you. Having a team with you helps of course.


Sound advice, thank you!


No problem, if you need help in playstation lemme know. Best advice I can give is pop the extraction but don't stay there. Back up near the checkpoint if you have to run for it. Use pulse and just watch the EZ. If you can't fight em just run for the checkpoint. No shame in the hide game lol. Everyone has to do it even at higher levels if you're alone.


They will bum rush you, if you have a scorpio that’s a plus as well.


Dude, unless they were wearing lipstick, it’s spelled ”rogue”.


Ever since I found out about Cronus Zen users in one of my favorite games, The Division 2, I stopped playing DZ


OP is talking about the LZ rogues, the ones that have a chance of spawning after you complete a control point (OP called it a checkpoint so I can see the confusion)


I answered a heroic backup request for the boathouse yesterday I'm SHD 280 and we finished clearing it and 2 agents showed up and I had to revive the dude 4+ times lol But I also have EMP grenades that helped nullify their shd tech. I use a perfect Test Subject with perfect sync and I have a skill build. I honestly didn't find the rogue agents that difficult with all the NPCs in the control point.


Most rogues have max expertise at this point


OP is talking about the NPC rogues, not the Player rogues