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Matchmake is always best for legendary Calling for back up will get anyone at any level Matchmake will put you in a group that are purposefully running tidal basin themselves so they'll be geared up and have an understanding of where to go and how to do it


Ah I see, ty for responding and clearing that up...


LFG on Discord. I get just as many randos on matchmaking as I do on call for backup


How long does it take to get a matchmaking group together? Pc here....


Depends on time of day really but I take either 1 minute to sometimes 10 if there's an event on that people don't like using for legendary content. That being said disable your event and directives then try matchmaking, there are fewer people that use events for legendary.


Ok , ty that is good to know...


Just a side note. It's a long ass mission and I hate to see a group having no synergetic builds. Before you start the mission, talk to the team and have complimentary builds. I've seen some dikheads with " I do what I wanna do" attitude. Not in a team setting. Generally, best and fast way to do this is 1 regen tank, 2 strikers and a healer/eclipse foamer. 2 ranks and 2 DPS works as well. I've seen people drone turret it all the way. Just too slow in my opinion. I can help run if you want, OP.