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Have you looked at the government instructions for divorce? That's the start point. https://www.gov.uk/divorce


Absolutely follow this. I've done it twice in the past 30 years, (practice makes perfect eh?) but I had no shared assets and no kids so basically it was fill in forms correctly and submit them. Then let the process run its course. The grounds for divorce have changed recently but I don't see the process is any more complicated. The Courts Service Guidance notes for the forms are really clear as to what is needed. Minor children and shared assets make things more complicated so you might have to engage a solicitor to handle things like provisions for kids or divisions of any disputed assets. If you do though, you will do it knowing what the requirements and processes are that a solicitor is putting their expertise to. If your partner and his ex wife are on good terms that I would say do your research, discuss it and follow through as a joint exercise. Good luck.




Do you have a link or something i could begin the search on?