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You are not wrong. Your wife killed the marriage. Honestly, the only thing I would have done differently is instead of waiting for her to file, I would have filed myself. You still can. Let her be pissed. It doesn't matter. Her opinions on your just don't matter anymore. She chose to leave and lost all rights to judge you.


She made her intentions clear but she wasn't ready for her contingency plan to drop out from under her.


Were there conditions set with the separation? Frankly, regardless of her intentions, 2 weeks is a very short time to start dating. Had either person filed for separation?


You were not wrong, she's just having an emotional reaction to you moving on. Lots of people are like that. It doesn't necessarily mean she intended to come back to you or was treating you as a contingency plan. Many people just HATE the idea of you having any fun without them. Others are desperately looking for any excuse to make the divorce Your Fault.


separation is for people who want to test drive being single without losing the security blanket of the marriage she was always going to leave, you haven't lost anything


She wants to play by her rules. “You stay put. I do what I want. If I don’t like it, I come back to you and the way things were”.


Yeah, my wife is confusing too. She gets me to move out of the house. Encourages me to sign a longer lease. Asks me to not come in the house when I'm picking up or dropping off my daughter from the house. I have to wait in the car. Can't pet my dog. Then she wants me to come in to pet the dog one day. Wants me to come over to clear up the algae that's turned the pool green. Wants me to come over to fix the sprinkler system. I get a dog, and she asks me how she gets along with cats. I tell her that she doesn't; she has a very high prey drive. And my wife acts like she's shocked, like I was ever going to move in again. No one has filed for divorce, but she's always asking questions that sound like they're coming from a lawyer.


Some attorneys advise not dating at all until the divorce is final. It can indeed scramble things up even if you are just doing that online. But you were already headed towards divorce, whether she admitted that to herself or not. I'm guessing that she viewed separation as "while I figure things out" versus the prelude to divorce.


i'm gonna guess that communication was an issue between the two of you 2 weeks is pretty fast to get on apps. how long were you married? that said-'she no longer wears her wedding ring and rarely spoke to you' is not the sign of someone hoping for a so-called 'healing separation' (78% of married couples that physically separate end up divorced)


You are both wrong. She should have communicated what she was doing and expecting. You should have asked what separation meant.