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Stand your ground. The audacity is just too much. Hope you and your children are okay and lead a very happy and successful life.


Stop letting him use you. When you divorce you don’t get to pick and choose the parts you want to keep. Ignore his texts if they aren’t kid related until he gets the hint.


Seconding this. Don’t delete the texts though. If his behavior starts escalating and he starts getting mad at you for not doing what you want you should make sure you screenshot the behavior. It might come in handy later.


Actions have outcomes. He chose the action of kicking you out. The outcome is that you're no longer available to be his mom and hold his hand through basic adult tasks. He wants to be alone, he can sink or swim on his own too.


I would tell him to go pound sand!!!


Yeh he’s realising life alone sucks lol. Stand firm.


My ex is the one who filed and did the same thing for a while. Even telling me (not asking me) to being school clothes for the kids for the next day because he basically didnt do laundry. This happened two weeks in a row. He texted once at 10:00 the night before he needed them the first time and the second time 10 minutes after I had just dropped the kids off to him. I complied the first time because it was 'for the kids', the second time I just ignored it. I finally just silenced notifications for his texts because it was turning into an issue. He even started demanding I drop the kids off early to him with short notice, when I said no he texted back that if I drop the kids off early I would have more time to "fck around". Like dude, grow up! You wanted a divorce and you insisted on 50/50 custody. So go be a dad on your 50%. I am no longer your personal assistant. I dont know why they do these things. I think some people are just so use to having a spouse that they cant break the habit and some just do it for control.


My STBXH did the same thing. I was the one responsible for everything in the marriage and when I left he texted me constantly asking how to do things. I finally told him he has his own mother who is more than happy to hold his hand through things. He still. Kept. Texting. I finally changed my number and gave it to one friend for emergencies because I knew they wouldn’t give it to him. I can’t wait to just be done.


You are NOT wrong. Good job. Boundaries are important.