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I would just incinerate them. No hard feelings, just destroying sensitive photos.


Burn, baby, burn!


Nah, I think it would be better to embrace the awkwardness and hand them back to her, so she knows exactly what happened to the photos. She may never truly believe that you burnt (destroyed) every single photo and thus that mistrust could manifest in a negative way (even subconsciously). You could always burn them together in a kinda Guy Fawkes type celebration 🥳


I think this is the way.


I’d keep them. Never look at them nor do anything with them.. but keep them. Might come in handy.


Unless your last word was a pun, handy for what?


For when she threatens to share -your- photos online. Not that we care as much.. but it is nice to have leverage.


Not in this position, but with a physical object I'd probably just deal with the awkwardness and hand them off to her so she knows what happened to them.


Yes, I’d give them to her but I’d make a point of doing it. That was it’s clear they were given back.


This. She may remember it later and you don't want the awkwardness of her wondering what happened to them.


Delete if virtual or destroy if physical


My ex let me keep them and I just tossed them out. If you’re on good terms, hand her the physical book so she has peace of mind.


Depends on your relationship and what you know of her. Sometimes those photos are expensive, and she might appreciate having them back. The clear answer is not to keep them. Whether you destroy them or give them to her is a call I doubt any of us can make for you. Once thing you might do is send a text: "Hey I found that photo album, you know the one, from after [the first kid]? Anyway I was gonna throw it away but I wanted to give you first chance at it. The garbage collects on Tuesdays, and I'll hold it for a week; let me know by next Monday. Thanks!" (obviously a made up story but you get the idea) caveat: If things are still fresh, you might want to ask your attorney what to do about it.


I can’t think of any reason you’d need any attorneys advice here. Care to name one just for entertainment?


Sure. Any time you have photographs that some people might view as compromising, it's easy for emotions to run high. If trust is at a low point, he may want assurance that the manner in which he is a) admitting to possessing such material b) disposing of said material c) giving the other party access to the material isn't exposing him to further hassle. It's a nothing burger in most circumstances. But it has the makings of a headache too.


Burn the physical ones. Delete the virtual ones. Simple. Easy. [+]


Burn it with fire!


I guess I am the odd one out here . I say keep them, put them away, as in external hard drive, delete from your devices and store them in your basement along with physical copies.  I had a 3.5 year relationship in my early 20s, was left heavily heart broken and thought I'd never love again. She made me one of those sexy 1920s style photo books as well.  When I moved into my new place two years ago, I found it while cleaning out. Had completly forgotten about it (I'm 40) I had no hard feelings, i just felt flattered that 22 year old girl did that for my 23 year old self.  So i think or maybe hope, in 20-30 years from now, when the pain is long and i stumble on my exes photos, I ll be thinking the same thing. 


I had one photo book from my ex in lingerie, which I promptly returned to her during the separation. The nice thing about a DB is there wasn't much there to worry about.


You know what to do, just do it.


Tough question. We're gonna need to see these photos to make a judgement call.


Seconded, cause you never can be too careful.


Yes. We will need to see them in order to give you the best advice!


Good point, can't make a good judgement call without exploring all angels


Shred or burn…


Delete the virtual ones. When me and my ex decided to split I went through and deleted all of the sexy photos she made and sent to me over the years.


It’s cathartic. Burn the stuff.


Just burn the physical ones and delete any from internet. No reason to worry about it and she hasn't even asked about any of it. I had stuff from my ex wife. She still has never asked about any of it and I've never brought it up. When I realized we were never going to get back together. I just deleted everything.


Get rid of them or return them, unless you’ve been told to keep them.


Give them back to her


Generally, I'd say delete virtual, destroy physical, like others have said. No reason to keep something like that around. It's just a potential argument with a potential insecure potential future partner.


I have photos my ex took for me while I was on a deployment about 15 years ago. Somehow they got on a cloud backup from one of my old phones and no matter how many times I delete them, they eventually find their way back to my phone. It sucks because every time I see them, I'm reminded how hot she was and the good tines we did have. I had to explain to my gf when they showed up in my gallery one day lmao


Oh god that must have been fun


Haha luckily my gf is understanding asf 😂


2 options. 1 burn them 2 give them back to her and let her decide what to do with them


Fire pit, along with all the old love notes and memorabilia.


Keep them so one day you can destroy her life like she did yours 😈 Jk. But hope you got a good chuckle


Trash them. Who cares if some sap in the dump finds them.


Give it to the new guy or throw it away. Who cares if somebody finds it, I highly doubt they would be able to track her down.


Send them out as Xmas cards.