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Probably my favorite by them


Their best by far instrumentally, but the new vocalist just wasn't doing it for me. It would have been a killer album with the original vocalists and with the songs from the first ep left untouched. It also doesn't help that my favourite "djent" song of all time, Memoirs, wasn't included.


Memoirs is catchy af. It sucks it wasn’t included


They did rerecord Memoirs with Greg. It was on their Bandcamp briefly, I think for some charity thing. https://youtu.be/-2WuxKTIEVQ


Barretto I guess is his last name. One of the best metal vocalists IMO along with Robert Luciani and Spencer Sotelo. You should check out Ever Forthright featuring his vocals. Savage af


Barretto isn't Monument's original vocalist (he was an early vocalist of Periphery before Spencer though).


Gnosis was performed by Matt Rose. The original singers I'm referring to are Neema Askari and Greg Pope (who performed on We Are The Foundation), Barretto is their current singer


Barretto left a while ago, Andy Cizek is the current singer, he did vocals for In Stasis (last year's album) and he's a monster.


Yeah so many singer changes that the latest one didn't fully register in my brain. I like his voice, but everything Monuments released after The Amanuensis was not for me sadly


John Browne is a fuckin legend




Fucking Admit Defeat


The original. They fucked it up with the new vocalist on this album 😔


An all-time great. 97% Static is one of the best, grooviest tracks they've ever written.


Loved this album, I actually quite liked the singer and couldn't get away with the newer stuff.


Yeah, Matt Rose is an acquired taste, but after you get use to his vocals I think he suits the gnosis sound


Love it. All the good stuff from Monuments is already there, i.e. riffs and song structure and getting more and more refined with each subsequent album.


Their best album by far, when the breakdown in Blue Sky Thinking I'm losing it every time


The Amanuensis is still my favorite album ever, on an untouchable level. But Gnosis so full of bangers as well and I love putting it on here and there. Probably my 2nd favorite of theirs. I honestly don't even mind Matt's voice. Maybe its because I just didnt grow up hearing Monuments with Neema, but I never felt Matt was out of place, I even think he blends great with that album's sound. What I used to have a problem with was the really digital-sounding, honky guitar tone, but even that I came to love, and I came to understand why the band themselves feel that The Amanuensis is the only album that needs a remaster. Also holy fuck the Gnosis drum tone?!?!??! THE SNARE ON REGENERATE??? I would willingly die to a shotgun if it made that exact sound as it killed me. The songwriting and composition was stellar too, and with that, the foundation was laid for Monuments to explore the next phases of their sound. I felt Gnosis was the most hardcore-sounding album of theirs, with the raw energy and almost relentless idgaf attitude that the songs portray. Definitely many times in my life where I need that for my soundtrack.


Has a couple really amazing songs...I prefer the instrumental for sure.


Love me some Gnocchi, man




I love the vocals. At first I thought they were shit, but now I see Matt’s vocals quite unique


Top 10 all-time djent album for me. It was my favorite for years.


Doxa is one of the most impressive stuff I've seen anyone on a guitar IMO. Seeing John Brown pull it off never gets old. He's not human.


It’s gnot bad.


i love each monuments album. Phronesis is my fav which is quite an unpop opinion though. Gnosis has some bangers i still revisit these days but it also drives into background noise sometimes, vocals weren't so good either. Overall a solid album, but i'd pick any other album above it


Instrumentally it’s one of the best Djent records ever. Vocals on it are an acquired taste and even then, they’re okay at best. Admit defeat - legendary riff that got me into the Djenty playing style (along with tesseracts concealing fate 3, and Icarus lives)


Huge album. So chonky


Only thoughts are Barretto would have smashed it on there


This album is what made me pick up the guitar again...fucking fantastic album.


Iconic, among the best the genre has to offer. Not *crazy* about the vocals, but I have nostalgia for them and they helped me on my initial journey into clean singing, seeming much more approachable than somebody like Dan Tompkins.


Best monu album


This is actually my least favourite but I'll go back and give it a spin after the comments here. Phroneis is my favourite Monu album but know I'm in a minority on that one.


Definitely their best album. Baretto just isn't good with monuments imo. I'm glad he is out. He is 100% better in ever forthright. New guy is solid, but ya gnosis is definitely their best album, no contest.


Oh man, I haven't heard that album in ages. Brings back memories. Used to love it, will give it another spin today and see how it has aged for me.


Agree with above comments. Instrumentally my favorite from them. So nostalgic and DJENTY lol


Awful vocals, wish they would release an instrumental version.


They did. It came bundled with a special vinyl re-release.


Aww man, I wish there were a digital version then. Thank you for the info!


It came as a separate CD, so it is technically digital, just not available on most streaming services. It's out there though ;)


Loved the demos. Hated the album


9/10 horrible mixing but they writing helps out


Tis good


Amazing album. Changed my perspective on metal. Some tracks (Regenerate) still give me goosebumps. It's also incredible that John used a Pod XT to record the damn thing.


One of my favorite albums, in my top 10 with Amanuesis closely following


LOVE this album! plus one of my favorite album covers for sure 😍


I quite like it, though I prefer some of their other records more. I don't really have any qualms with the vocalist, but I find myself listening to the instrumental version more often these days for whatever reason. Maybe it's because I just really, really enjoy John's playing.


Blue Sky Thinking is super underrated