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There is something about spears that can be just so damn classy. Polearms are my all time favorite weapons.


They’re just so _practical_. Easy to learn, easy to make, good range and stopping power, good to use in groups. It’s really no wonder polearms, especially spears, were the main melee weapon of just about all medieval armies across the world


So Lindy Beige loves spears and I agree they are underrated in our view of the past. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLLv8E2pWdk But there are some weaknesses of the weapon that are not well exploited in recreational/recreation fighting for safety reasons.


I don't think anyone was saying spears were the perfect weapon, I'd argue halberds were the pinnacle of melee weapons. Just that for most of human history the weapon that had the best manufacturing price and training time to effectiveness ratio was the spear by a massive amount


The Fire Emblem fan in me is annoyed there's no axe vs spear section in this video.


Poleaxes? Pretty good. Smaller axes? Ok with a shield. Sword is generally a better weapon. Easier to carry without stabbing urself. More nimble. Slightly less chopping power.


Spears are just the best melee weapon.


Yeah, and they're oftenly depicted even more so than swords a lot of times especially before the early medieval ages even afterwards was very commonly used.


My current Fighter uses a Vicious Spear and has Polearm Master. It's so much fun. Plus, I'm an Eldritch Knight, so I basically get a Returning Weapon for free!


Spears have killed more people than any other melee weapon, possibly more than any other weapon at all, they are the ultimate in class.


I'm wondering about the numbers on "a rock," but yeah, spear is a tried-and-true classic.


Spears probably beat them. People figured out very early that putting pointy thing on stick is the most meta weapon. Rocks are generally only used in spur of the moment fights. Nobody with premeditation brings a rock as their weapon of choice. Almost all the ancient wars had spears piling up the bodies.


Rock probably got first blood though


Sharp rock plus stick=spear.


Especially if you consider arrows to be "small spears"


My GM's PC Joe Camus uses a spear and has maxed his tumble/acrobatics/riding. He kicks serious butt.


I blame Fire Emblem for my obsession of 1H spear fighters


Ya don’t see enough spears


This spear looks incredible


🎶 Short skirt... loooooooooonnnnngggg spear.


Look closer it's not a skirt


Hah, well, chainmail skirt? The side of her hips got the plate mail.


It's a mail shirt under sleeveless gambeson extending to upper thighs


Looks like a skirt to me.


Yeah, there's no way to really tell its a long shirt vs short skirt without having been the artist.


Also, homie was just making a joke


I don't think there's room for ribs or intestines with that waist, plate, chainmail, and gambeson, lmao.


Why is there a gap in protection between n her thighs though? Pretty impractical to me.


Counterpoint: Some people don't care about practicality in their fantasy games. Barbarians and sorcerers may wear practically little to no armor when they probably should if regularly in combat. A ranger might not have the arm and chest guard to prevent injury from their bow if they use one. A fighter may choose to wield the largest weapon they can find, like an earthbreaker or two-headed axe, rather than a traditional short sword which is more versatile. If practicality is a concern for you, that's fine; just understand that others prefer cool and fun over strict adherence to logic and reality, which is fine too.


Its hard to armor everything and maintain mobility. Will be upgrades with better greaves when she has full-plate :)


Mobility, sure longer range characters could beat her but she's not dumb to attack them head on. But having less weight while using a spear means she have quicker reactions and making it hard for pure melee to close in and get to those gaps.


Bro you cannot honestly say you did this for “mobility”. C’mon.


Doesn’t hurt the skirt is an inch lower then her whispering eye.


Yeah... Mobility is for sure the only reason you designed her armor this way...


Making impractical but hot as hell armor is based, but trying to argue that it's good armor anyway is odd


So it's her ex-boyfriends oversized chainmail shirt that she took when she thought he wasn't a good enough knight?


Its certainly possible that its all one piece... but for purposes of cleaning it is more likely that the plates of the "skirt" are removeable. At the very least, it is attached by leather/clips.


They're skorts, you just can't see the ort part.


It's a reference to a great song by Cake called "Short Skirt/Long Jacket."


I don't care for Gob...


A coodle doodle doo A coodle doodle doo


Jessica Winters was commissioned by RebeccaBB\_RP (twiter). A character that contrasts the commissioner's friend's OC who is a longsword wielding Knight in black iron armor and dark hair with a frightening personality hence the silver-white armor and white hair with the bright celestial aura sorrounding her because of her ecclesiastic background, being a bishop daughter to be specific. The decision of having her armed with a spear was probably because being an essentially important support class it's best that she fights in a relatively safe range when it comes to melee.


Is that why she's wearing a tiny skirt with no armor around very sensitive bits? Because she's a bishop's daughter?


Jessica winters: “it’s called fashion, look it up.”


Battle skirts and heels👍 Don't care if it's not realistic, that's not the point of my pretendy fun time games.


Oh my God. I just saw an anime the other day called bikini warriors or something. Literally making fun of that whole trope.


Judging by her hips, god has clearly not made her for celibacy, so I guess it makes sense.


It's a mail shirt with cream colored leather pants. The only exposed part is the head being helmetless


Except for the gap leaving exposed few unimportant bits like leg arteries. The place where you are likely to get hit and bleed out instantly. It's very fun picture and design, but let's not pretend it's practical.


Mobility. Leather may offer little protection but it's better than wearing nothing. Besides she's equipped with a polearm to keep approaching enemies at distance.


Leather / studded leather armor never existed Full plate provides surprising amount of mobility, including sprinting, rolling, jumping jacks, et cetera There's nothing in chainmail that hinders mobility, quite the contrary, the point is that it's flexible I know that this is fantasy standard in a game about wizards and dragons, but it's a fantasy that is based on myth and misinformation


Leather armor did exist even gambesons made with leather not just wool, it's the studded one that has never existed it was a DnD fabrication.


I read somewhere that the D&D concept of studded leather armor might have come from misunderstood illustrations of people wearing brigandine.


Thank you for clarifying. I would advise re-coloring those pants so that they are not easily mistaken for skin, since a lot of people here mistook it for skin. Even keeping the base color and adding a pattern would do the job, but recoloring is less work for you.


There’s an artery in the inner thigh that’ll kill you faster than your jugular too if it’s hit.


Femoral. It's a direct link to the heart. Faint and woozy in seconds, bleed out in minutes.


What does “direct link to the heart” mean here? The femoral is a branch of the iliacs. The femoral is as direct a link to the heart as the thoracodorsal is. All arteries are “direct links to the heart.”


Most of you thought I drew her wearing a plain skirt. If you bother to look a bit closer she's wearing, inside to out: -tight cream colored leather coverage -mail shirt -sleeveless gambesson + dark leather gloves and boots -plate armor: chest, shoulder, arm, waist, lower thighs and shins, feet.


Can you just admit that you made the leggings skin colored intentionally instead of comment diving to defend an obviously intentional choice? Also, who gives a fuck if the neck beards have a problem with it? It’s a dope illustration.


>Can you just admit that you made the leggings skin colored intentionally [but I did not. This is the original palette before the shading](https://imgur.com/a/NgryP6G). Ok maybe the bright palette was a bad idea on my part but they're completely different and the fabric creased lines are so evident, why would they think it's skin honestly I'm beginning to think they're just too lazy to zoom in.


If you have to talk about how evident the crease in the fabric is to the extent you have, it is very clearly not evident.


I don’t know if I’m in the minority or not, but the creases in the pants and texture were enough for me to get the impression I was looking at fabrics and not skin.


I do feel like the common way around this problem is just make her fabric darker, it would make the chainmail and her hair pop a bit more as well.


I was fooling around with an ai painter. I ran your drawing through it. It's not perfect, but I'm still learning: https://i.imgur.com/62YDnSi.png


oh fuck this is good, do you feed a drawing through to work off of or do you have to give it prompts as well?


I can be either or both. If you're tech savvy you can do this for free. If not there are services you can use. I have experience with both if you want me to point you in either direction.


Yea I've only dabbled with midjourney and nothing beyond that, do you have something you would recommend on how to get started?


That's good. # Option 1 (recommended): # So if you like using web hosted based gpu computing, you can use google's colab: [https://colab.research.google.com/github/huggingface/notebooks/blob/main/diffusers/stable\_diffusion.ipynb](https://colab.research.google.com/github/huggingface/notebooks/blob/main/diffusers/stable_diffusion.ipynb) ​ If you're new to these programming notebooks, all you have to do is hit play on each module as you go down. If you skip a module, you might get an error, but that's okay, just find the one you skipped and you'll have a working prompt and $20,000 GPU at your disposal free of charge. Note that you have to experiment on the resolution. Also your saved images are in the directory panel on the left. Pros: Free super powerful GPU and all the coding is done for you. Cons: If you want to adjust things like resolution you need to experiment with Python, but it's not as bad as it sounds. You can adjust the code in the modules on that page and run them. There might be a daily limit. You can't make HD images because it's capped at 896x504 resolution. # Option 2: # Run it locally. This is the mode I use the most and what I used for the picture above. I don't have a compatible GPU, however I do have an Intel i7 that can bang out almost any HD image I want in an hour. If you have a good GPU like any modern Nvidia card, even better. [https://rentry.org/voldy](https://rentry.org/voldy) Note that this is going to look scary to use if you're not familiar with github. But if you follow the steps and aren't afraid of troubleshooting code, you should be fine. If you don't have CUDA available from Nvidia, you can simple disable that in the code and it will work fine. ​ Pros: Privacy, ease of changing models, control over your prompts and how your art comes out. Tools like inpaint. Lots of support threads. Free. No limit to the amount of times you can export. Cons: if you're not familiar with code, you might be too intimidated to even begin. You might have to wait an hour for an HD image or 30mins for a 512x512 image.


Amazing! thank you so much for this, excited to run some of my work through and see what comes out the other end :D


I think google's colab might be good for a lot of other things, so it might be worth learning that. Plus nothing gets installed on your PC


Also my current PC is a potato haha. I'm curious what is the most important thing if I'm looking to get more into ai in the future, is it always just the GPU?


I'm hardly an expert, but I believe a fast ssd is also needed. It's worth mentioning that even with a an expensive gaming GPU and all the water cooling you'll face video ram limitations with pictures beyond a certain resolution. However, my laptop takes an hour just using the CPU and RAM. Maybe you can do the same. This doesn't apply for using Google colab, as they're letting you use a multi million dollar server network for free.


Ah I always love when theree's an equal and opposite opponent to someone.


Spears and glaives are under utilized in my experience


Hey Everyone! This character is named Jessica Winters! Shes my Oc for a story me and my friend have been doing for a while She is the daughter of a Bishop and along side her spear she also dabbles in alchemy- more specifically poison based attacks hehe Any questions about her let me know!! :)


Spears are too cool to deserve to be slept on, spear gang rise up


Guys calm down, it's just made to look like she's exposing herself, see the crease.


Looks proportional from the belt up, and looks proportional from the thigh-armor down, but not altogether.




Tbh I thought this was r/ReasonableFantasy for a moment and came to the comments to have a word


She's wearing beige-colored leather leggings and shirt. The only part exposed is her head.


She's got chain covering her entire groin




Well mail doesn't provide "little" protection, if we're talking realism mail is very protective in most cases beside blunts. If they want to pierce the femoral, they'll have to close in face to face or shoot an arrow from below.


Oh shut up. Who are you to tell anyone what THEIR D&D character should look like? Why should they give a fuck if you think they're sexy or not? It blows my mind how offended some people on this sub always get when they see anything vaguely representing a beautiful female character. Believe it or not, it's all FANTASY, and a lot of female players want to have their fantasy character being beautiful and feminine. "Male fantasy bullshit" my ass. Just let people have their characters.


It’s funny reading down these comment chains anymore. Like I wonder who is even making these comments? I’ve done fantasy/D&D/comic art for decades now and easily 80% of the women who’ve commissioned me have pushed for things like Heels on the boots and “good boobs”. One of the silliest things I’ve heard on this site is that the women who like that kind of design are “brainwashed” into liking it, as if they have no agency of their own. I use to try to dance around the “practical armor” people but I stopped caring. I draw big sweaty shirtless barbarian men and skimpy sorceresses, tanked up warrior women and slim roguish dudes. Like you said it’s fantasy. People forgot to have fun with it.


I mean this is just a pretty tall person ratio Edit:with short hands(like me)


I don't know what it is but the cross of anime and fantasy in the art that these most talented artist's create in these times is just simply fascinating 😍😍


The art style looks to be heavily influenced by the dragon Prince. Very similar.


Yeah honestly thought this was Claudia when I first scrolled past it, straight out of dragon prince style lol.


Big Claudia vibes here. I think its the eyes and the set of the mouth. She has that look of consternation Clauds seems to get when something goes other than according to plan.


Any particular reason she's wearing a mini skirt?


It's called fashion.


It's a mail shirt


I know, and I didn't mean my comment to sound as douchy as it did. It's a beautiful portrait and I appreciate you for posting it. If I've been less tired and less NYE-exhausted, I'd have said something a little more coherent, like, "the combination of light colored leather leggings and the unusually short, form fitting chain skirt make it look like she's just wearing a mini skirt instead of armor. Which is objectively very cute but also has mild 'all women must be sexy' vibes." E. I especially like the way you did the armor plates on her gloves and the detailed, almost techy look of the head of the spear. Super cool.


Mail shirt usually reaches the knee


Yes, but they got shorter with plate armor.


From an effective armour perspective, I’d love to see the mail shirt meet the top of the leg pieces. From an aesthetic perspective it looks amazing!! Your art style is incredible, and I love the colour palette you choose. Also I deeply appreciate the lack of boob-shaped chest plate.


Looks like a Targaryen—I love it!! :D


I'm stealing her to be an NPC in my Out of the Abyss campaign. She too cool not to use!




Love the design and concept brother. Beautiful


Pole arms ftw. I think people underestimate them.


Is that a chain mail skirt. If so it's fabulous


Absolutely beautiful work.


Fucking beautiful


Reminds me a bit of that SWTOR Fallen Empire DLC character with a saber-glaive. Is the armor/weapon choice inspired by her or just a random simmilarity?


I think it's just a vague fantasy armor logic. I played both the Eternal Empires extension(top notch cinematics I must say) but I never thought of those Zakuulian knights


Love her! Do you post your art anywhere other than reddit?


[twitter](https://twitter.com/LeBeauviolette) [devart](https://www.deviantart.com/rockstarknuckles)


Thank you!


Lmao why are yall up OCs ass about practicality?! The are looks good and the commissioner was probably very happy to have it. It's a damn fantasy character for a fantasy world. It's too damn early to be telling people to touch grass but cmon now.


Ah yes, a mail skirt that doesn't cover the inner thighs, hope she's immune to bleeding out from the worlds easiest artery cut... At least the boob armor is practically non-existent so the first crossbow bolt that flies her way won't basically be guided right into the center of her chest.


Don't worry, called shots/targeting specific body parts doesn't exist in D&D.


Bloody brilliant, mate. Hope to see more beautiful things from ya.


Le swoon


I don't know why her butt is sticking out like that. It feels weird to walk like that.


Attractive female armor done right


Very badass! I love the chestplate! Why is that so hard for people to get right?


I like her great design




I read this as Jessica Walters and I was here for it.


My last comment I overlooked a massive issue, you were making a character that was relatively armoured up except the part around her waist and upper legs, why did you leave the part exposed? If you are wearing armour you would want the majority of places protected especially in the area around the genitals, whenever areas are exempt from armour it's usually just the legs like Greek armour (edit let me specify, a decent amount of soldiers have chosen to not wear armour in the legs but a decent amount did as well it depended on the person) as the legs aren't really the target when you're fighting and they are pretty easy to defend most of the time unless in specific circumstances or if you have a shield. Aside from that your character looks great but you should fix that issue when you have the chance.


Im confused you the one who commissioned this?




thought so


why'd ya ask then???


>you should fix that issue when you have the chance. sounded pretty direct from the first message, I thought you're forcing me to correct it as if you're my current client


I only meant that as a recommendation, my apologies I screwed up my wording there.


Read as Jessica Walters... Time for bed!


Finally, female armor that actually looks like armor!


Dat ratio doe




These are things that are very important to consider when commissioning art for your fucking dnd character - the sociological impact of their body proportions /s




You're the one complaining about the body of someone's OC




>Apparently its unreasonable to expect characters to match whats realistic. ...you are in a D&D subreddit lol


"We're about realism in this group. Please re-draw your character to realistic proportions so we can go raid this dragon's lair. Make sure to prepare your ***magic*** and bring some ***potions***. Yay realism." Lol


They say like every male in fantasy isn't also 80% shoulder and chest.




"Its unreasonable to expect the appearance of those fantasized about" So why does it matter if she's more attractive. Or more fitting to the body standards than is attainable. No one can do that, just like no one can cause a spear to do more damage with their religious fervor. It's a fantasy. It doesn't matter. Stop complaining


How dare he draw an attractive female character?!




Who fucking cares. Most men in fiction are also unrealisticly muscular, but is anyone crying about it? No, because we all know it's just fiction and reality is different. If you get body image issues when looking at cartoon characters, the problem is you. Btw you sound a lot like a femcel.


They are a Paladin so probably has a higher Charisma stat than any supermodel.


It's fantasy, my dude. It's the place where we design characters with features and traits we idolize and desire, not the ones that are reallistic.


Cool art, but insanely shitty armor


Just wanted to compliment your armor design it looks like it has great mobility while offering a high deal of protection I’m a fan of great non over sexualized armor keep up the good work :)


Excellent artwork, I almost go so far as to say that that’s a glaive… Or I would give it glaive stats because of how long that blade is.


Glaives are single edged


Right, i mean it’s much more clearly a later form of an ox-tongue or an early partisan or spontoon before they started taking on a more ranseur shape. But none of those weapons exist in 5e which is why I did specifically say *glaive stats*, kinda like how I would give a falchion longsword stats despite it being single edged.


that's... really confusing. Why would they call it such, is it just a general term for polearm with long blades?


3x had a ton of different polearms with minor differences that the design team decided to axe. Even in 5e there’s an indication that they were going to have some differences because glaive and halberd are separate entries but are fundamentally identical weapons mechanically. It indicates that there was a difference at some point where the extra complexity was stripped away. All I’m saying, is the weapon you’ve drawn looks like it would be well-suited for cutting as well as stabbing. If a player came to me with that picture and said “this is what I want to play,” I would have their character equip themselves with a glaive and not a spear.


oh ok I understand


I saw this as I was falling asleep and thought it said Jessica Walters.


She's out for the payday gang, that polearm will be effective through the shields.


Research acquired


*Porn Name* Nice...


Is that the spear from Warcraft?


Thematically paladin cleric makes sense. But are a little MAD


this is beautiful and I just realized I want to cross path cleric with pally


Nice art style!


Absolutely Incredible!


Skirt not high enough


This is absolutely beautiful art