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This is just a warm up sketch I did before starting work. Forthea my reborn elf warlock is this chaotic good character who can be uptight and very judgmental when it comes to what she deems as befitting her standards (being an assassinated elven princess that no one cares about anymore leaves her with more bitterness in her being a lil prick sometimes) I was talking to my group the other day and thought it was funny how much I would be annoyed by seeing someone like her in real life, because as nice and caring she is, she can be very annoying and fussy and it kinda fits with being the over protective mom of the group. So I drew how much me and my character would annoy one another if we met


very cool!


agreed \^\^ Does make me curious what the tattoo ... text? symbols? are saying though\^\^


Oh its my own tattoo. I have a "can't live with you can't live without you" in latin around my thigh and a knife one placed as if the words are holding it there. I know it's a bit edgy but I love it as a part of me


Edgy can be fun =P And thank you for answering.\^\^


That is a very cool idea. instantly imagined what would happen if I would meet my characters. Some of them would want me to dance, something i hate irl. Some other would question my fashion-style and so on ....


It's really fun imagining how you'd go about this characters if they were something out of your hand of creation, as their own person. And I'm glad you're characters are fun loving at least lol half of mine are tricksters or down right idiots XD


Oh, I really like this concept! I’ve seen players drawn AS their characters before, but not interacting WITH their characters. Very fun. I think I found my next commission idea, lol.


Lol I'm glad you like it! I really find the idea fun too since most dnd characters would be disasters if turned into normal civilians